" LASD is the only agency in the state of California to deny the ACLU’s request" for public...
Moving From Punishment to Hope and Healing for Kids in the Juvenile Justice System
By Stephanie Miceli The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Every year in the...
Because Most Locked-up Women Are in Jail, Not Prison, State Reforms Often Fail to Reach Them
PPI's yearly "big-picture view of incarcerated women helps us see why many recent criminal justice...
When George Gascón Finally Announced He Would Challenge Jackie Lacey for LA District Attorney, He Triggered the Most Watched DA’s Race in the Nation
At around 10 a.m. on Monday morning, George Gascón announced that he had officially thrown his hat...
How We Are Failing Domestic Violence Victims & What the County Wants to Do About It
“Domestic violence is like no other crime,” writes author/journalist Rachel Louise...
A Police Department’s Difficult Assignment: Atonement
In Stockton, California, city and law enforcement leaders are attempting to build trust between...
LA County to Investigate Organ Harvesting Companies’ Nearly Unrestrained Access to the Morgue
In more than two dozen cases in LA and San Diego counties, organ and tissue harvesting companies...
Facing the Inferno, Part 3: 11 Months Later, Another Youth Facility, Another Fire, Another Trauma-Filled Disaster
One boy was in a holding cell on one of the LASD buses with 15 other boys, who reportedly taunted...
Concealed Carry Murders: Permit-Holders Killed More Than 1,300 People in Last Decade
Individuals with approved concealed carry permits have killed at least 1,335 people — not in...
Report Shows “Coercive” Court-Ordered Community Service Sits “at the Intersection of Mass Incarceration and Economic Inequality”
"There is a lot of fear. Even people with traffic violations are anxious about being jailed for not...
Dispatches From San Quentin: Is San Quentin State Prison the Future of Prison Reform?
One thing prisons can’t address are the socioeconomic factors that make crime more likely in...
Taking the Police Out of Mental Health-Related 911 Rescues
Editor’s Note: Eugene, Oregon’s Crisis Assistance Helping Out On The Streets (CAHOOTS)...
The National Cost of Childhood Exposure to Crime Tops $458 Billion Per Year, Study Says
A growing body of dozens of studies and reports has revealed the far-reaching negative effects of...
Why the Board of Supervisors are Determined to Get Subpoena Power for the LASD Civilian Oversight Commission
If the LASD says no, everyone goes to court, Huntsman said. Litigation "is a fine process," he...
Wave of Bill Decisions — Including a Vetoed Safe Jail Release Reform — Signals Official End to CA Legislative Session
Newsom rejects late-night jail release reform and bill to keep kids out of state lockups, but bans...
Los Angeles Foster Youth About to Get Free, Pre-Paid Smartphones Complete With Mobile Hotspots for Unlimited Online Access
Los Angeles foster youth between the ages of 13 and 26, which includes vulnerable...
Op-Ed: L.A. District Attorney Jackie Lacey Failed the Victims of Ed Buck
"Because of her inactions, Timothy Dean died and multiple other young Black gay men continued to be...
Op-Ed: California Gang Laws Are Normalized Racism
"CalGang gives police increased authority to approach and harass people for virtually no reason at...