To really understand the root of gun violence, Dr. Wintemute says, you have to understand that the...
Violence Prevention
Each Murder in Stockton Costs Taxpayers $2.5 Million, Says Report
A new report quantifying the cost of gun violence in Stockton, CA, estimates that each shooting...
$25 Million for Federal Gun Violence Research in Congress’s $1.4 Billion Spending Plan
Last year, Congress clarified that the CDC could conduct research on gun violence, as long as it...
Researchers Probe The Ways That Violence—Whether Experienced Directly Or Indirectly—Profoundly Shapes Public Health
While the increased awareness of the long shadow of violence is a good start, more can be done...
The National Cost of Childhood Exposure to Crime Tops $458 Billion Per Year, Study Says
A growing body of dozens of studies and reports has revealed the far-reaching negative effects of...
Success of Red Flag Laws Might Depend on Mental Health Teams
[Editor’s Note: In California, counties have varied widely in their use of the state’s...