In an era of dire city and state budget slashing, LA City Controller Laura Chick released a report...
Archive - March 2008
Sara Jane Olson….and Michael Duc Ta
As the perplexing tale of Sara Jane Olson’s release and rearrest continues, I am still unable...
Happy Easter
Although my own kid is 22, I still force, wheedle, cajole him into an Easter hunt every year in...
Two Cases, Two Kinds of Justice: PART 2 -UPDATED
6 PM UPDATE: Sara Jane Olson has just been taken back to prison. It seems that the CDCR counted...
Two Cases, Two Kinds of Justice
Six years ago, Kathleen Soliah AKA Sara Jane Olson, a former member of Symbionese Liberation Army...
Homeboy: The Biz of Reclaiming Lives
Nothing is simple. I hear that one of our poets from the Homeboy Stories Project has been...
One Murder in Particular – UPDATED
Kevin Roderick at LA Observed posted a link to this Op Ed that ran in the Long Beach Press Telegram...
Race and Murder in LA
The R word is the word of the week. At very different ends of the racial spectrum there was...
“…it is where we start. It is where our union grows stronger”
Whatever candidate you want to see become President, whatever your party or political leaning...
Tibet Watching
For those of you who want to take your minds off Baer Stearns and the fact that 2 million Americans...