Aqeela Sherrills, a former Grape Street Crip, who was one of the primary architects of the famous...
Gov. Brown, the State’s Analyst, & Youth Advocates Argue Over Raising the Age Limit for State Juvie Lock-ups
In January, California Governor Jerry Brown released a budget blueprint that included several...
In a Case of Awful Timing, Trump Administration Seeks Shutdown of New School Safety Research
by Ted Gest After the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre in Connecticut at the end of 2012...
Head of Nation’s Biggest Teachers’ Union Says Arming School Teachers is “Insane”
On Wednesday, President Donald Trump hosted another meeting pertaining to the frightening and...
LA County Looks at Expanding Mental Health Intervention Program That Aims to Prevent School Shootings
On Tuesday, just under two weeks after the shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland...
California Hopes to Place More Probation Youth in Foster Homes Like This
Starcania Ford’s first call came not too long after she had completed two months of background...
California Supremes Say 50+ Years in Prison for Juvenile Non-Murder Crimes Is Unconstitutional
In a 4-3 decision Monday, the California Supreme Court ruled that juvenile sentences of 50 years or...
OP-ED: Colorado Has Its Highly-Praised “Safe2Tell” Program, So What About CA?
by Richard Webb In the days after the tragic shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland...
SCOTUS Shuts Down Trump Appeal in Dreamer Termination Case
In January, the Trump administration asked the U.S. Supreme Court to step into a dispute over...
Fewer cops killed in line of duty in 2017, the second lowest total in 50 years.
by Jose Torres The number of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty for 2017 is the...
Teaching peaceful conflict resolution transforms lives for Both UCLA students & former South LA gang members
by Joanie Harmon The police officer walks across the room and approaches a pair of men having a...
Innocence Project Says DOJ is Turning Dangerously Away From Ensuring that Forensic Testimony is Guided by Science Not Law Enforcement & Prosecutors
Fifty-five-year-old Jimmy Genrich of Grand Junction, Colorado, has been in prison for nearly 25...
“Get Out!” Report Breaks Down Black Male Suspensions During 2016-2017 School Year
A new study of race and school discipline in California counties has revealed that the black male...
Nearly a Quarter of Confined Juveniles Nationwide Held for Noncriminal Infractions
Percentage of youth in residential facilities for truancy, running away, or supervision violations...
Loyola Law School Opens a Social Justice Legal Clinic for Those Who Need Post Conviction “Second Chances”
“The moments when people need us the most are the moments when we have to be found,”...
Happy President’s Day 2018
“If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the...
Can Police Change Their Mindset From Warriors to Guardians?
By Stephen Handelman If cops provided first aid to individuals they shoot, regardless of the reason...
LA County Supes Seek Better Care and Outcomes for Pregnant and Post-Partum Incarcerated Women and Girls and Their Babies
On Tuesday, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted to identify ways to better support...