COVID-19 is spiking in California’s youth prisons. And the upward climb has yet to stop. As...
LA County Supes Poised to Ask Voters to Lock-in County Funds for Community Investments and Alternatives to Incarceration
Last week, on July 21, LA County’s Board of Supervisors voted 4-1 in favor of moving forward...
Dispatch From San Quentin: Proximity Hurts
I just found out my friend died. He contracted COVID-19 in San Quentin State Prison after a botched...
Crime Rates Did Not Rise Under Coronavirus-Propelled Decarceration, Says Report
In a report released Monday, the ACLU’s analytics team examined 29 large cities in counties...
The Executioners: Does a Violent Deputy Gang Rule LA County’s Compton Station?
In a new legal claim, a Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputy describes how the Compton Sheriff’s...
OIG Report Reveals How Administrative Failures Allowed Coronavirus to Explode Inside a Federal Prison Complex in Lompoc
A new report from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Inspector General has identified a series...
More COVID Heartbreak: First Sworn LAPD Officer Dies of COVID-19
On Friday morning, July 24, Los Angeles Police Department Chief Michel Moore announced that the...
Two Newly Passed Board Motions Hope to Reimagine Los Angeles Forever – Including Turning LA Into An Antiracist County
"These two big things happening in our lives," said the supervisor, "the moment of George Floyd and...
Op-Ed: People are dying in US prisons, and not just from COVID-19
Randall Jordan-Aparo, Darren Rainey and Latandra Ellington are not household names. But like...
Op-Ed: When Reimagining Justice in Our Communities, Probation Must Be Part of the Conversation
We recognize this is a time of change, and we believe that challenging preconceptions is healthy...
R.I.P. Congressman John Lewis: February 21, 1940 — July 17, 2020. Thank You for the “Good Trouble.”
“We’re going to have generations for years to come that will be prepared to get in trouble...
Op-Ed: Prisons Are Overwhelmed With COVID-19. Why Aren’t Governors Doing More?
How governors respond to this pandemic will define their legacy. They all face a choice: save lives...
CA Attorney General Blocks Law Enforcement Access to Quarter of State Gang Database Entries Amid Investigation Into LAPD Misconduct
After a CA DOJ investigation into allegations that LAPD officers falsely labeled people as gang...
Most Americans Support Ending Qualified Immunity for Police, But Support for Defunding the Police Is a Different Story, According to New Survey
Two-thirds (66 percent) of Americans say civilians should have the power to sue police officers for...
CA’s Lethal Prisons: Yes, Gov. Gavin Newsom Plans to Release 8000 COVID-Threatened People From the State’s Prisons, But For Many That Will Be Too Little & Too Late
"It feels like the Governor’s office and CDCR officials are trying to navigate the tricky terrain...
COVID-19 Numbers Spiking in Youth Lockups, as Juvenile Incarceration Rates Creep Back Up
An April survey of juvenile justice agencies in 30 states showed a 24 percent decrease in the local...
Native Americans Left Out of Public Discourse About Race and Justice, Despite Criminal Justice’s Deep Impact on Native People, Says Report
America’s indigenous people are “consistently affected,” by the criminal justice system...
WitnessLA Is a Finalist for Two Southern California Journalism Awards
While no one is exactly sure how, where, and when the physical awards will be presented this year...