After much searching, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors has reportedly just hired a brand...
Alternatives to Calling the Police for Domestic Violence Survivors
The first time Cat Brooks sought help from the police to deal with her violent husband was also the...
WitnessLA’s Taylor Walker Awarded Los Angeles Press Club’s First Grant for Reporting on Systemic Racism!
The Los Angeles Press Club just announced the three winners of their first-ever grant for...
LA Sheriff’s Dept., Accused of Harassing Grieving Families, Needs New Policy, Better Complaint Process, and to Stop Fighting Oversight
In November 2019, community members grieving the loved ones killed during encounters with members...
Has LA Sheriff Alex Villanueva Acted Unlawfully? A New Report Says, Yes. He Has. A Bunch of Times, Actually
Among the many examples the report cites are three recent rulings by three different judges who...
Stricter Requirements for Becoming a Police Officer & Other New CA Justice Bills
As California’s 2021 legislative session kicks off this month, lawmakers are beginning to...
Child Abuse and the Death Penalty: The Cruel Connection
In the past decade, the U.S. has executed more juvenile offenders than every other nation in the...
10 Women Detained by ICE File Grievances Against “Uterus Collector” They Say Performed Forced Sterilizations
On Thursday, ten women filed medical grievances against a gynecologist at a U.S. Immigration and...
States Halt Jury Trials Again, Leaving Many Defendants in Jail
By: Jenni Bergal, Stateline With the latest wave of COVID-19 sweeping through the country, many...
More Than 58 Percent of Kids in LA County’s Juvenile Halls Quarantined for COVID-19 Exposure, as High Numbers of Staff Continue to Test Positive
For most of December, the number of youth in quarantine due to their exposure to someone with...
California Prisons Still Slammed by Coronavirus, Report 1,445 New Cases in Three Days, Hitting Record High
More than eight months into the coronavirus crisis, California’s prison system is full of...
As Trump & Barr Rush To Execute People, More Than 90 Prosecutors & Law Enforcement Leaders Across the U.S. Say STOP!
"When we choose death, it is irreversible: we can never go back and overturn a wrongful conviction...
Should 14-and-15-Year-old Kids be tried as Adults? New LA DA Gascón says No, as a Case That Could Permanently Decide the Question Goes to CA Supremes
On Tuesday, December 1, the California Supreme Court heard a much-watched case having to do with...
Today Is #GivingNewsDay & WitnessLA Needs Your Help!
Today is #GivingTuesday — or #GivingNewsDay as nonprofit newsrooms across America are now...
Community Supervision Is Overused, Overly Punitive, and Fuels Mass Incarceration, Justice Leaders Say
Approximately 4.4 million (or 1 out of every 58) adults were on probation or parole in the United...
Testing Negative in San Quentin
“I’m required to take the test every week or be disciplined with a 115 (a rules violation) for...
Op-Ed: School Suspensions Don’t Just Unfairly Penalize Black Students – They Lead to Lower Grades and ‘Black Flight’
By Charles Bell, The Conversation School suspensions are intended to deter violence and punish...
Op-Ed: In Big city child welfare Philadelphia gets a little better, Los Angeles gets worse, & the “professional kidnappers” are hard at work in Phoenix
In addition to tracking the propensity of states to take children from their families, the National...