In one case, two correctional officers falsely reported that a man who had been decapitated by his...
LA County to Explore Free Phone Calls and At-Cost Commissary Items for Incarcerated Kids and Adults and Their Families
In 2019, California Governor Gavin Newsom vetoed a bill by then-Senator Holly Mitchell that would...
District Attorney George Gascón is not an outlier say AGs and DAs around the nation. He is the popularly elected wave of the future
Last Friday, May 14, nearly 70 current and former elected prosecutors and Attorneys General filed...
Taking a Stand: How Teens Are Working to End Relationship Violence
By Claudia Boyd-Barrett Relationship violence is a public health crisis. An estimated 15.5...
Can Racial Bias Be Corrected in the Child Welfare System?
EDITOR’S NOTE: This is Part Two of a two-part series in the “Our Kids” reporting project. Our...
CA Bill Could Bring Freedom to Cross the Street Without Fear of Criminalization for “Jaywalking”
Black Californians are up to 4.5 times more likely to be stopped for jaywalking than their white...
Op-Ed: How qualified immunity protects police officers accused of wrongdoing
Qualified immunity is a federal law construct; however, some states are already moving to do away...
In the Child Welfare System, Black Families Should Matter
Reimagining a foster care system that errs on the side of protecting children, but...
System-Impacted Youth Leaders Push for LA County to Fund “Youth Justice Reimagined”
A coalition of youth leaders impacted by Los Angeles County’s criminal legal system is...
#SafetyIssues: A fatal staff heart attack amid reports of dangerous choices at LA County’s juvenile halls & one of its youth camps
As most readers know, in early January, 2021, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors...
9th Circuit rules it’s mostly okay for LAPD Detectives to have “psychologically tortured” a 13-year-old to get him to confess to a murder he didn’t commit
Did three Los Angeles police detectives violate the law, along with the Fourteenth Amendment of the...
LA County Supervisors’ Motion Addresses LASD’s “Continued Harassment and Retaliation” Against Families of Those Killed By Deputies
In response to reports of harassment and intimidation from members of the Los Angeles County...
New sexual assault case– this time at LA County Sheriff’s Lancaster jail — to cost taxpayers $950,000
On Tuesday, May 4, 2021, the LA County Supervisors will vote on a $950,000 settlement for Michelle...
Op-Ed: DA George Gascón, Survivors of Violent Crime, and the Meaning of Justice
I am a father, brother, husband, and a man of deep faith. I am also a survivor of a violent crime.
LAUSD Student Organizers Say Former School Police Should Not Serve in New Student Advocate Role
As the Los Angeles Unified School District’s Board of Education is working out the finer details...
Op-Ed: Fatal Police Violence May Be Linked to Preterm Births in Nearby Neighborhoods & Communities
Californians who were pregnant when fatal police violence occurred in their neighborhoods saw...
Guilty of All Charges: Thoughts on the Minneapolis jury’s historic vote to find Derek Chauvin Guilty of Murdering George Floyd
There is no one voice that can encompass the many meanings of the verdict handed down in...
Journalist & author E. Jean Carroll fights back — again — against former president Trump, with the issue of DNA at stake
The rape of a woman is a violent crime; compounding that crime with acts of malicious libel is...