While the votes are still being counted, the recall election was called before 9 p.m. on Tuesday...
Decision time: Three ways the California recall election could go
For nearly 25 years, Gov. Gavin Newsom rose the ranks of California politics without ever losing an...
Long awaited RAND report on deputy gangs says L.A. Sheriff’s Department needs to “curb influence of problematic subgroups,” — but it won’t be easy
The long anticipated report on the deputy gangs inside the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s...
Bill to decertify police for serious misconduct clears Legislature & is headed for Newsom’s desk
The state is poised to join most of the country when it comes to disciplining the worst of the...
For 50th anniversary of Attica uprising, 4 essential reads on prisoners’ rights today
The incident resulted in the deaths of 43 people, many of them inmates, and marked an important...
Why is there an uptick in violence in New York? And how should it affect our thinking in Los Angeles?
While experts don't yet know the precise blend of the causes of the current rise in homicides...
WitnessLA on Vacation (Sort of)…and other news
Editor’s note: WitnessLA is on semi-vacation this week, and part of next. So, while...
Op-Ed: $215 Million Cal Recall Election is a Baseless, Trump-Backed Power Grab
Just as it seemed we as a country were coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic, we find ourselves faced...
New report shows CA’s Republican-voting counties have higher rates of violent crime than the state’s Dem-voting counties
A startling new report released this week by the Center on Juvenile and...
Eric Strong is the newest entry to the growing list of people who hope to unseat LA County Sheriff Alex Villanueva.
For LA County voters determined to see the present sheriff ousted, the main challenge between now...
Prosecutors & other justice leaders say it’s critical for Biden to convene a “Presidential Task Force on 21st Century Prosecution” — NOW
The U.S. needs “a new normal in prosecution and we need federal leadership to get us...
Reporting on Violence: Understanding how journalists can ask better questions, do better stories, and help their communities solve their most intractable problems.
by Jane Ellen Stevenson of Aces Too High News “Gannett launches a network-wide push to rework its...
LA County Office of Education votes to yank the charter of much-needed new boarding school for county’s most vulnerable kids
Last year the Los Angeles County Office of Education Board approved the charter for a brand new...
Op-Ed: 5 issues that could affect the future of campus police, in CA and across the U.S.
By John J Sloan, III Since the May 2020 murder of George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police...
LA County Board of Supes approves $187.7 million spending package to advance the county’s “care first, jails last” vision
At the Tuesday August 10, meeting of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, the board...
Shining a bright light on the powerful “Black Box” of Prosecutorial Discretion
Prosecutors have more discretion than courts, legislators, or any other justice system player. ...
When COVID froze prison visits, it put a spotlight on the unconscionably high cost of phone calls in the nation’s lock-ups
by Lindsey Van Ness of Stateline, an initiative of The Pew Charitable Trusts Before the...
How a private company has become one of the most powerful voices pushing against police reform, especially of use-of-force standards.
There is a great deal of discretion involved with the practice of policing — a fact that has...