On Friday, September 23, the LA County Sheriffs Civilian Oversight Commission held the sixth of its special public hearings on the issue of deputy gangs.
The event, which was held both in person and virtually, was set to begin at 9 a.m. But before the hearing’s special counsel, Bert Deixler, began to call witnesses, the COC commissioners acknowledged the 7 a.m. search of the home of fellow commissioner Patty Giggins by the LASD that occurred earlier this month.
Loyola law professor Sean Kennedy, who is the chair of the Sheriffs Oversight Commission, expressed the COC’s unwavering support for Giggins in the face of what he described as “this attempt to intimidate you,” and “this outrageous example of abuse of power.”
COC Executive Director Brian Williams, a former prosecutor, followed up by reading a public resolution from the commission, which expressed “grave concern” regarding the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.
“There are means of carrying out warrants on public figures that are not invasive,” the resolution read in part, “however, this conduct appears to be designed to harass, embarrass, and/or smear the reputation of Commissioner Giggans and Supervisor Kuehl. This latest stunt by the LASD and the sheriff should be called out for what it is: a brazen abuse of power.”
Interestingly, completely apart from the resolution regarding the search warrants, one of the main themes of last Friday’s hearing was the pattern of attempted intimidation and harassment by Sheriff Alex Villanueva and those around him that continues to be aimed at witnesses and whistleblowers
Undercover cruisers
With the above point in mind, before special counsel Deixler announced the witnesses who would appear that day, he opened the hearing with two accounts of witness intimidation, both of which included the use of LASD cruisers and/or undercover cars as weapons of harassment.
The first anecdote Deixler described was an incident that WitnessLA reported last month, which was aimed at LASD Sergeant Jefferson Chow, who was a significant witness at a recent COC hearing, and also his wife, LASD Sergeant Vanessa Chow, who has become a whistleblower.
On the day of Jefferson Chow’s testimony, after the couple returned from Loyola Law School, where the COC hearings have been held, they found that an LASD undercover car had followed them home, then parked directly in front of their house, as if openly surveiling them.
The unit finally vanished when Vanessa Chow came out of the couple’s front door and began making a video recording of the car and its occupant or occupants.
Unfortunately, that one lurking LASD vehicle wasn’t the end of it.
On Wednesday, September 7, two additional patrol cars reportedly showed up at the Chow’s house. The cars arrived separately, and each reportedly stayed for around for about a quarter hour. Again, Vanessa Chow videoed the uninvited patrol cars, eventually causing each to leave.
But the Chows weren’t the only witnesses harassed by lurking LASD cars.
According to Deixler, the night before the most recent hearing, Captain Angela Walton told him that she ‘d recently experienced something similar.
“This car,” Deixler said, referring to a photo of a dark sedan the COC projected on a screen as the attorney spoke, “was parked directly across from Walton’s house,” on Tuesday of that same week.
Captain Walton, if you remember, testified at length at a previous COC hearing about her experiences with deputy gangs and deputy gang members at multiple department stations. Earlier this year, Walton also filed a very detailed whistleblower lawsuit, via civil rights attorney Alan Romero, which did not reflect well on the sheriff.
Like Vanessa Chow, Walton began documenting the presence of the stalker vehicle, as demonstrated in the photo above.
She also took a shot of the vehicle’s license plate.
In relating her experience, Walton told Deixler that she’d worked undercover for five years earlier in her career, and she recognized the vehicle as an LASD undercover car. She also told Deixler that she felt confident that if one ran the plate, it would come back “unregistered,” which she said was common for undercover cars.
Finally, according to Deixler, Walton told him she wanted the COC to know that she “would not be intimidated.”
Defying attempts at intimidation, however, feels impossible to some LASD members, as seemed to be the case when it came to the two department witnesses who were scheduled to testify on Friday.
One witness, a sergeant who is a 25-year veteran of the department, was scheduled to testify “about reforms that he believed the LASD could institute to eliminate deputy cliques or gangs,” said Deixler.
It was part of the deal that the sergeant would testify anonymously with his voice distorted to protect his identity. But, in the end, the anonymity the COC offered to provide was not enough.
After talking to his spouse, said Deixler, the sergeant backed out. He was eligible for a promotion, he said, and worried that, even with the elaborate precautions, someone would find out who he was anyway, retaliation would kick in, and any chance for promotion would vanish.
There was also a second sergeant scheduled to testify on Friday. Sergeant number two had been scheduled to testify two Fridays ago, but requested that his/her appearance be delayed until this past Friday, Sept. 23.
Wishing to accommodate the second sergeant, the COC agreed to move the hearing. But the accommodation did not prove fruitful.
Like the first sergeant, sergeant number two got spooked by the looming possibility of career smashing retaliation, and bailed.
Meanwhile, outside the LASD intimidation circle
The meeting’s two vanishing sergeants still left the commission with two expert witnesses from outside the department, who each spoke at length at the hearing about what kind of changes might help reform and heal the LASD in such arenas as deputy gangs.
The first of the two expert witnesses was Sandy Jo MacArthur, who worked as Assistant Chief of the Los Angeles Police Department under former New York City Police Commissioner William Bratton. Bratton, as readers may remember, was brought in as a reformer during the period that the LAPD was operating within the constraints of an aggressive federal consent decree, an agreement it entered into in 2001 as a result of the department’s infamous Rampart scandal.

Some years after Bill Bratton’s exit, MacArthur was also among the final three shortlisted for LAPD chief to replace Chief Charlie Beck in 2018. (Chief Michel Moore was ultimately selected.)
Now retired from the LAPD, MacArthur consults with law enforcement agencies and related organizations around the U.S., assisting with such topics as “training reform, early warning systems, officer wellness,” and more. Based on her experience, she had a lot to say about methods and strategies she has witnessed that can help transform a less than ideal culture infecting elements of a law enforcement agency.
She described, for example, how when Bratton took over the leadership of the LAPD in 2002, he said that the LAPD’s new “mission is that we are going to get into full compliance with the consent decree,” which MacArthur said was mainly to engage in constitutional policing.
Bratton’s first step was to set up the department’s structure in order to do just that, said MacArthur.
The other major challenge Bratton and his command staff faced was to determine the depth and breadth of the problem inside the LAPD, which she suggested was what the LASD faces in solving the issue of deputy gangs.
Prior to Bratton’s arrival, she said, meeting the terms of the consent decree “did not have a lot of support from management and leadership inside the org.” This was despite the fact, she said, that “most of the LAPD rank and file were trying to do their jobs and trying to do them in a constitutional manner.”
With this in mind, said MacArthur, it’s critical to find a way for officers to feel they can safely come forward “because some of the best ideas for how to shift the culture come from within.”
The second of the outside specialists was Michael Gennaco, an expert on “law enforcement reform and accountability systems,” and founding principle of the OIR Group, which consults with police, sheriffs, and related organizations around the nation.

Gennaco was also the chief attorney of the Office of Independent Review (OIR) for LA County from 2001 to 2014. During that time, he and his group were under contract to provide oversight of most everything that the LASD did, he said, which included how they responded to allegations of misconduct, questionable uses of deadly force, and more. His group evaluated the various issues, and the department’s response, then made detailed recommendations released in the form of public reports.
Under the dual regime of former Sheriff Lee Baca and former Undersheriff Paul Tanaka, however, both of whom would eventually be federally indicted, Gennaco and his group saw up close how oversight and much needed recommendations for change, could be ignored.
Nevertheless, unlike the COC and the county’s present Office of the Inspector General, said Gennaco, he and his group had complete access to information, and internal documents.
As to what would best address the LASD’s deputy gang problem, Gennaco talked about, among other things, an array of training strategies, such as instructive videos made by deputies who’d been through the deputy gang experience, for use for both new recruits and existing department members.
These and a variety of additional methods have allowed other agencies he works with “to flip that switch,” on their own flaws, Gennaco said.
Yet, despite MacArthur and Gennaco’s suggestions, the difficult nature of the challenges facing ethical department members, along with those presently attempting to engage in oversight and reform of the LASD, was once again demonstrated by two whistleblower lawsuits that have been released in the last two weeks.
More tales of harassment, retaliation, and defamation
First, on September 13, former LASD Chief LaJuana Haselrig filed a civil rights complaint against Sheriff Alex Villanueva, et al, which pointed to, among other things, a new round defamation and slander against Haselrig by the sheriff, and those who surround him.
Then, less than a week after Haselrig’s filing with civil rights lawyer, Vincent Miller, on Monday September 19, LASD Assistant Director Cynthia Maluto filed a civil rights lawsuit—also with Miller—describing a list of retaliatory experiences that have discomforting similarities to the experiences reported in earlier civil rights filings by Sgt. Vannessa Chow, and Sgt. Rosa Gonzalez, both of whom were reportedly retaliated against by a department member named Yvonne O’Brien, who is a reputed favorite of Vivian Villanueva, the sheriff’s wife, and of the sheriff himself.
According to Chow, Gonzalez, and other whistleblowers, which includes former LASD Assistant Sheriff Robin Limon, O’Brien has engaged in a variety of forms of cronyism and corruption, which have reportedly included rigging promotions for a list of people she, Mrs. Villanueva, and/or the sheriff favor, as reportedly occurred when she reportedly infamously helped several unqualified sergeants cheat on a lieutenents’ exam by giving them the test questions and answers ahead of time.
At the same time, O’Brien reportedly artificially lowered the scores of other sergeants, such as Sergeant Chow, to deny them promotions they had otherwise earned.
Nevertheless, according to WLA’s sheriff’s department sources, Sheriff Villanueva is believed to have plans to promote O’Brien to the position of commander.
The defamation factor
Regarding the new civil rights filing by former Chief Haselrig, WitnessLA reported on her earlier legal filing in May where, in addition to other credible LASD whistleblowers, Haselrig blew holes in Villanueva’s account of his actions relating to the case of Deputy Douglass Johnson, who knelt for more than three minutes on the head and neck of jail resident Enzo Escalante, when Escalante was handcuffed and no longer resisting.
The most striking part of Haselrig’s new and updated civil rights complaint, however, is its description of the ways in which Villanueva has become, if anything, more aggressive in his pattern of retaliation and “defamation,” against anyone who becomes a whistleblower.
For example, on August 31, 2022, according to the new filing, “under direction of Villanueva,” Deputy David Yoo released a statement “defaming” Haselrig, her attorney, Vincent Miller, and some of the other prominent whistleblowers represented by Miller, stating, among other accusations, that they are “criminals trying to avoid prosecution through the filing of their lawsuits.”
It should be noted that defamation and slander are not easy allegations to prove.
Yet, when we asked Miller about the new allegations in Haselrig’s filing, he told WitnessLA that, while “defamation is a high bar to clear,” the sheriff’s actions against Haselrig and others are the real deal.
“He treats the people who work for him like political opponents,” said Miller. “And he has no legal protection for that.”
For those who want to view the COC hearing you can find it here
I’ve been being followed and intimidated for almost a year now..same tactic there using on you there using on normal regular tax paying citizens..I too have been a victim of harassment and scared for my life
The remedy for what ails the LASD is simple: a change in leadership.
Happens in the U.S. military all the time. When the troops don’t perform to standard the commander-in-charge is relieved of command.
This is, fingers-crossed, what will happen November 8.
COC kangaroo court continues, please give us the “whistleblowers “ own discipline/misconduct history while on the department, you will find most of them are suspect/victims ,,,,, not victims
Poor Jimmy :(>
Jim Eddings, tell all your buddies to vote Villanueva out November 8th if you’d like this to stop.
As a matter of fact, check out the Luna website. They might send you on a mission to plaster Pro Luna signs all over Luna’s hometown of East Los Angeles and elsewhere.
Viva Luna!
Jus cuz they are out to get u does not mean ur paranoid
COC please tell us about the history of all of these “witnesses” I know you ll find it very interesting
Fascinating the similarities this has to Pandora’s Box. What a short memory this current crew of “secret” deputy operatives and their executive puppetmasters must have. What promises have been made for their future careers if they just demonstrate blind loyalty by doing their masters’ bidding, no matter how unethical, immoral, or even criminal that order might be. Those that are allegedly utilizing thug intimidation tactics against fellow cops might want to ask those who went to Federal prison how well threatening a FBI agent who was off-duty at her own home worked out for them.
Disturbing is the idea deputy sheriffs are willing to surveil other deputies who are under no suspicion of any crime or misdeed other than potentially exposing department corruption. If these same deputies are willing to use intimidation tactics on other deputies all the way to their homes, with their families, under the same circumstances, then what should the general public think could happen to them if they spoke up about actual or perceived misdeeds of department employees? Talk about a corrosion of the public trust. If the department has nothing to hide, why the tactics of intimidation, civil service test manipulation, demotions and transfers without cause, and defamatory public statements? These are not actions of the innocent defending baseless allegations.
These deliberate actions are demonstrative of a consciousness of guilt. Then when confronted, the tactics are further compounded. Sophomoric efforts from what a more intelligent horde of crooks would shy away from. In a way, I am glad these incidents have occurred and been documented. It will be more nails in the coffins of the corrupt when the juries hear about them. I feel for the thousands of deputy sheriffs and other department employees who swore an oath and keep that oath every day. These mafia-esque tactics are making your jobs much more difficult. This reign of rot and rust will take a decade (or longer if Federal oversight is imposed) to recover the public trust. Law enforcement is already in a difficult situation of recruitment, retention, political prosecutions for lawful duties, and just trying to survive the day. This circus needs to be taken down and shipped out.
If you know the history of the whistleblowers, please enlighten us. Not rumors, but facts.
@all. Its been in past experience that if you are IOD the Department and Workers comp park outside your house take pictures follow you around for the duration you are out. If those are the circumstances then it makes sense. If thats not the case, then we know its intimidation and retaliation. Typical tactics used at all levels of govt. to include the LASD.
Speaking Truth to Power is what AV said a week ago but when the tables turn he sure doesn’t like it. It all comes at a cost. At the end the taxpayers will end up footing the bill. Nov 8th cant come soon enough. With power comes corruption and AV certainly proved that.
@Pull up on me , you are either not on the department or pretending not to know , some of these people the kangaroo COC hearings have brought in to testify have a less than stellar career record
“Speaking truth to power” was AV’s go-to phrase to explain what he saw as the Department not rewarding his talents, i.e., promoting him past lieutenant.
Making the jump to captain can be done in any number of ways, including becoming a city’s favorite ops lieutenant, having specialized knowledge for a particular bureau (and making a good impression at same), or impressing a chief or higher enough to have them go to bat for you.
AV was unable to get his foot into any of those doors, not because he wasn’t intelligent enough, but because he possessed a personality so abrasive it could shave filings off sheet metal. To justify this failure, AV came up with his favorite phrase: my career stagnated because they didn’t like that “I spoke truth to power.” (To be fair, he also tried the old “I’m the wrong race and they hate me”). His career stagnated simply because AV has zero people skills (as the last four years has clearly demonstrated) but as ever, he was incapable of examining his own flaws and correcting course.
The irony, of course, is AV is the LAST person who should extoll the virtues of straight talk to power. While there are some leaders who appreciate that quality (distressingly few), AV is so far removed from that particular virtue that it’s laughable he ever utters the phrase. Ask any of his execs who are currently suing, his original undersheriff, his former chief of staff, and an asst. sheriff who bailed shortly after this regime was revving up, how he handles straight talk. They will, to a person, tell you he is strictly interested in sycophants and assistants who will happily tell the naked emperor that his attire is first rate. If this isn’t a quality you excel at, or can learn quickly, you will not last in AV’s inner circle.
His hypocrisy in this regard is only exceeded by his referring to the prior administration as promoting based on favoritism instead of merit. The man truly has no shame, the things he can say with a straight face are incredible.
Surely Alex has burned many bridges, beginning with ALADS & LASPA.
The newer regime of folks at ALADS had no clue of Alex, nor that he jumped ship from Matt Rodriguez & Scott Mckenzie as cofounders of LASPA after selling his soul for a Sgt’s position.
Can everyone be wrong about Alex? I think not but then again it boils down to loyalty or integrity. Isn’t this scenario similar to D Trump’s adminstration?
I know I’m preaching to the choir but I can hear AMEN! in the distance.
When Alex leaves, the stakeholders will go about their business again, beefing up their PAC Fund and donations for the next guy selling snake oil.
The taxpayers of Los Angeles County will be on the hook as the vicious cycle of dirty politics continue to go in circles.
LASD takes on an appropriate new meaning, “Los Angeles Scandal Department.”
why is this department such crap? i thought cops were gd guys who want to make a difference in their communities. oh the cops are gang members too? how shocking, social conformity at its finest i guess
@futurecop , there are no “gangs” it’s a bunch of exaggerated B S , bad behavior of a very few percentage of the THOUSANDS of other Deputies, like I ve said the COC kangaroo hearings bring some people to testify /exaggerate how out of control the “gangs”are . I wish I could be at the COC kangaroo hearings so I could expose some of these “witnesses “ or “whistleblowers “ what ever you want to call them. Some are good people , but some of them were absolutely horrible employees and leached off the tax payers , and did nearly zero police work in their career spending most of their time off the line . When I’m officially retired I’ll let loose on the names and their REAL department history . Not the fantasy fake department history they have spun. Look at one of the “witnesses” he had to admit he is a “gang” member, so why isn’t sean Kennedy having him arrested ? Huh Sean , ???? Get the FBI and go hook him , Mr gang buster?
You are a coward, grow some b@lls if you know something say it. Fact is whistle blowers or anyone on department who speaks out, refuses to bend over or suck up, risks it all and has more b@lls than you.
The department has gotten this bad because of cowards like you.
@Mr Balls your hilarious, what is your real name then “Mr Balls”? I m careful not to mention names because of the litigious nature of these people and I’m still working and the true cowards of this world will sick their lawyers on me , I look forward to seeing your real name or are you another hypocrite?
@Really and SOS, you have an AMEN from this old fella who had one encounter with AV many moons ago in which his selfish, self-serving actions as a boot deputy were so memorable that I recall it, almost word for word, to this day. Everything I heard about him in the years following that incident and have read about him since he has been enthroned as Sheriff, has shown that the guy has not changed one iota in over 30 years.
@Mr Balls , no one is “risking it all” they have lucrative pensions waiting for them , but that’s not enough for them so they are suing . Give me a break
If you know something, please share with us. I do not want to share if I’m on the department or not as I do not think that is important.
What is important is if any of these whistleblowers have a checkered or questionable past, it allows the reader to look at all the information. It sounds like you know more.
Stops, reminds me of a certain fortune teller ( I mean ethical person ) the King of the County looks up to. Distract, lie and divert. Look over here, look at this shiny object. Look away from the God-Emperor without clothes.
You really sound like you are conflicted. Hold allegiance. But calling for attention. This circus show will be over soon. Well, investigations and lawsuits will continue. Vote Luna!
@Wendy Byrne I have no desire to support or defame the Sheriff or his staff. The false “Deputy gangs” running amok narrative by the COC and some of their hypocritical “witnesses “ who had everything handed to them but still aren’t satisfied is what bothers me . The very best Deputy I ever saw or heard about has a station tattoo and is not a gang member , what’s going on at HOJ and the election I don’t really concern myself with. I watched some of the COC kangaroo hearings and if an alien from mars came down to earth and listened to the COC theater , the alien would think most of the patrol Deputies are criminal gang members , and the COC makes money off that narrative.
@ Be Real Stops Mr. Balls et all: at 1 point or another in our LASD careers if you were given FWY Therapy Passed over for Sgt more than once and have found yourself cornered-by the Reapers and Bandidos raise your hand? While I agree in not disclosing real names for various reasons, mainly retaliation then I back everyone who wants to remain anonymous. Again if you have been a victim of the bullshit games, I understand you. For those of you who have served 25 + you know its really bad and the morale is horrible worst than Banaka Era. The same Ol Crap times 100. While we share opinions different experiences at the end we are all waiting for Nov 8th. For those of you who share your real names, I am certain you’re retired or not an LASD employee. It is sad that the fear of retaliation is real and it happens way to often. And I am sure this also happens in Corporate America too. Nobody wants to get fucked with because you speak your point of view but since when can you do this and walk away unscathed if your an LASD employee. Food for thought.
@Really? Well said and I agree 100%. Merit my ass…rigged promotions on favoritism nepotism and favors. Nov 8th cant come soon enough
@Everyone ! Number 1 , I keep this discourse civil , unlike some people on here. Number 2 and 3 , I object to the gang allegations , I don’t deny there has been bad /criminal behavior. However the majority of Patrol Deputies are not engaged in any of that nonsense. I spent decades in Region 2 , my entire time in patrol surrounded by these “gang” members . 98% of them hard working Deputies. Number 3 a high percentage of the people suing the Department had everything handed to them. I’ll say one more time I’m not supporting or defaming the Sheriff and his staff, there s enough of that on here, and yes I believe people were illegally / wrongly promoted.
“Stops”. Cut the bull Shit! When you have the idiots naming themselves “Banditos” or “executioners” how do you defend that? And then hold a stupid moniker as well like “crook” , chupacabras, cepillín, El Chavo Del Ocho etc..
Yes, Alex wanted to shut down LASPA as soon as he promoted and reached a deal with Tanaka.
He is a liar and scumbag and a racist who always used his race as an excuse for not promoting.
I kept LASPA alive, even though it cost me my career and personal health. I am happy that it is still going strong, 24 years later despite what everyone thought would happen.
It would be nice to have a retirement package though
If you have proof enlighten the readers. You know you have none. Just seek to deflect and divert from the impulses of King Alejandro.
You say you’re “careful not to mention names because of the litigious nature of these people”
Do you know who else sued El Jefe Alejandro.
@ From another time, you are on point. AV has not changed one bit. Unfortunately, for the Dept it will take a decade to recover from the damage and destruction he has done to our institution. He has protected the Bandidos, the Reapers and destroyed careers of hard-working men and women on the job.
Carl, Can you explain exactly how the COC makes money as you claim?
You are fired, stay fired and move on.
I hear the COC is issuing a subpoena for Mandoyan, that will be fun.
Hate to still focus on your post, but I’ve noticed a few post you say the whistleblowers were horrible employees or “suspects” and another post you say they had everything handed to them and they still are not satisfied. Just curious if they are horrible employees or had everything handed to them or a little bit of both?
@pull up and everyone else
Yes, some of the “whisteblowers” that you give some much credit to are weak. Like Larry W. He has a station tattoo but yet his is good and the others are bad. And yes, he never did anything and thinks he should be captain. Maybe do more than 30 seconds in patrol….
@Wendy Byrde I have never defended the Sheriff , his staff or the Deputies acting like thugs . Ok I concede I was wrong, all of the “witnesses “ or “whistleblowers “ were outstanding Deputies,with incredible stats , and experience catching bad guys , spent a lot of time on the line , tested well and earned all of their promotions. Sorry I was mistaken thanks for setting me straight I apologize.
Points to ponder:
AB 759 is now awaiting the Governor’s signature. If he signs whoever wins next month’s Sheriff’s election will be elected to a six year, not a four year, term in office.
Full particulars can be Googled: AB 759.
A poster asked why the L.A. County Sheriff Civilian Oversight Commission (COC) didn’t arrest a an alleged deputy gang member who testified pursuant to a subpoena about deputy gang-related misconduct within the deparment. The COC is an oversight body, not a law enforcement organization. The COC has no authority to arrest or prosecute anybody. Our mission is to conduct meaningful oversight of law enforcement. As an oversight body, we hold public hearings and ask difficult questions about how the LASD uses approximately $3.7 billion per year in public funding and what, if anything, the LASD leadership is doing to achieve 21st Cenury Policing values, such as transparency, accountability, and collaboration with communities. The COC does not “make money” off holding special hearings on deputy gangs. All the commissioners are volunteers and Loyola Law School donates the moot courtroom where the hearings occur. The myriad acts of retaliation against anybody who participates in the special hearings is indicative of “gang culture,” which is why the COC continues to press forward in order to develop all the evidence one way or another about whether there are deputy gangs in the LASD.
Governor Newsom signed AB 759 into law on Thursday, September 29, 2022; this means that whoever wins the Sheriff’s election next month will be elected to a six year term instead of the usual four year term.
This will be a one-time event and the purpose of the bill is to align the Sheriff’s election with Presidential primary & general elections.
The COC is a one sided propaganda smear of the department and it’s Deputies. Your “big incident “ is the Kennedy hall fiasco, which none of us condone. These propaganda hearings are orchestrated to give the public a completely false negative view of the thousands of Deputies who serve with honor. To add insult to injury this one sided condemnation of my partners and I ,is posted on youtube . To further your anti police sentiment nation wide , you proud of that ? Sick. There is no one there to cross examine your witnesses . The farce is topped off with anonymous voices making allegations. Whether Alex wins or Luna wins , we are in serious trouble. We have people quitting everyday and young people want nothing to do with this job, in large part due to the same type of anti police rhetoric that spew from the COC hearings . Great job
@Stops#2, if only we could post stats and actual department history.
Ha!!! That’s funny Kennedy. So how about the attorneys? Pro- bono? I’m guessing, not! The longer this kangaroo court drags out, the more $$ they make. Wonder how the attorneys are gonna spend their money. Better yet, how many nice meals and/or vacations are they gonna take the commissioners and/or “volunteers” on?
Thanks for the clarification regarding bringing charges or prosecuting anyone. Villanueva doesn’t have anything to worry about then huh??
Get some “wits” with credibility and maybe no folks with a vendetta, insecurities, suing or active without fear of retribution. Maybe then you will get straight answers and responsible, well informed information brought to the forefront!!!
Editor’s note:
Dear Anonymous,
In answer to your question, yes all the attorneys working on the COC’s deputy gang investigation and conducting the hearings are doing so pro bono.
Have a good Sunday evening.
All of this is absolutely laughable . Majority of upper echelon‘s in the LASD are apart of a hand full of gangs within the department . What the department should do is a little investigating on their own past / present employees finding out who started the gangs or maybe lift up their pant leg : Lennox Reapers is one of them .
There is cronyism , nepotism and favoritism to those children that now work within the department like Pdale LT. How do you think he moved up the ranks so fast ?? Oh wait , the new up and coming start is his new baby momma Pdale IG sheriff . She will be the new ladder climber , she climb her married LT really well . Keep your eyes out for favoritism there folks ……… The inner workings of our department makes me ashamed to be apart of .
The department needs to look within and rid itself of bad seeds / lying on the stand to get people fired.
You are peddling deliberate disinformation and the question is–at whose behest?
The COC is conducting a Deputy gang investigation–sear THAT into your psyche–not a “kangaroo court” and there is indeed much to investigate
The tragedy here is that this article is coming from New York, not Los Angeles.
Dare we wonder why?
A better URL
@Rakkasan oh it’s in a news article it must be true . Is that Deputy mentioned now suing the department? The COC is made up of bias people who hate the Sheriff and hate cops . A much needed investigation? You have no idea what your talking about I spent decades in region 2 , never left, way over blown and ridiculous like a Hollywood fantasy .
@ Stops,
You have a great job. One, to drive a certain celebrity around ELA.
“When they’re retaliating against you, you become like the plague. You’re untouchable.” Superiors determined that her life was in danger and transferred her to another station.
SUPERVISORS determined her life was in danger and transferred her out IN DANGER BECAUSE OF HER PARTNERS gangsters with badges. These aren’t her claims, that is the reason department executives gave for transferring her out of the station.
If this isn’t a problem then I don’t know what is!
Wait one second here! Alex, you can sell your snake oil in the house of God, but when one of God’s true missionaries speaks up about your questionable actions, affecting the parishioners, your minion is dispatched to stop it???
Very desperate indeed.
Take your elixirs and get out of town. A real Mexican is comin ta town!
Could you imagine another 6 yrs. With AV in power? the Dept functions on “who you know” Fast tracking, promotions, special assignments has been going on for years. Common knowledge. Deputies, Sergeants, Lieutenant’s are handpicked for admin jobs their whole career. Seen it and I don’t agree with it but thats how it is, the system is broken. And AV emboldened those outcomes at the beginning of his term. This strikes a nerve at the core of those with ethics and integrity. Life ain’t fair its a dog eat dog world. The gang issue, the Dept. did it to itself. Its systemic failure at all levels of leadership. Before Rodney King policing was a complete different animal the shit COPS did back in the day is history. Yet some deputies or Sheriff cant seem to get it through their knuckle dragging thick skulled way of thinking. The LASD is polarized. And it needs as much oversight as it can get to fix it.
“Cant we all get along”
If Alex had nothing to worry about or hide he’d take any question.
Secondly, even if he had the cajones to show up, To be a good liar you have to have a good memory.
It seems like the bumbling Alex only remembers skewed stats and how to avoid the accountability of his office. Things that only serve his interests.
His poor memory has burned him in court (Kobe), at debates, and to the media.
Farewell Alejandro.
@Be Real your 100% correct about that minion. He kinda gives me the creeps or maybe it’s his lisp. Idk he always pops up all over the place during work functions. Lmao rotfl
Sleepy Tim
Lying Blanchard
Creepy Carl
Creepy guy from Instagram
Christmas can’t come soon enough 🙂
So did anyone else catch the utterly pathetic farewell tour clown show video of Inept Alex today?
All I can say is Nov 8th can’t come soon enough. What an F#$%ing embarrasment to all who work for the LASD, both sworn and professional staff alike. As for those Facebook LASD Past & Present cheerleaders and ELA bowed legged humpers, you guys have been mighty quiet lately. I don’t blame you as it has become plain to see for all, what an absolute moronic failure Alex & Sweatpee turned out to be for the LASD and the LA County as a whole.
Hey Danny Batman, please find your backup driving partner, Creepy Carl, and drive this illiterate Mofo and his Troll off into the sunset once and for all. Also, thanks again Ronald. You should be so proud.
Adios “1 Term” Alex & Sweatpee,
And Magoorakami & the Secret Hit Squad,
and the few remaining Skippers,
and Bigglesworth Burcher,
and Baghdad Bob Satterfield,
and the current SIB AV Propaganda Team
And so many more trying to slither away into the shadows
@Adios, Bro, at least take me out to dinner since you can’t get me off your mind!
We could get back to back booths, and I’ll arrive 10 minutes early and let you leave first, so as to protect your identity.
@ Be real God will not be mocked and AV is as bad as Newsom with his blasphemy. Jesus would never cast pearls before the swine…
IM VOTING FOR LUNA and so are my friends and family. Amen to that.
Again Ronald Hernandez, you failed miserably.
Pathetic & Inept Alex’s Legacy:
“LASD has held itself out as above the law and immune to accountability, with leadership operating with the lack of transparency and audacity of a third world dictatorship and evading any oversight,”
“While past sheriffs have retaliated against whistleblowers, Villanueva has taken vindictiveness, revenge, and retaliation to a whole other level and Villanueva’s misconduct has led to approximately two dozen ongoing whistleblower lawsuits against the County.”
Thanks again, Ronald McDonald. I hope you are enjoying your little Chicken McNuggets in retirement.
Adios “1 Term” Alex & Sweatpee,
And Magoorakami & the Secret Hit Squad,
and the few remaining Skippers,
and Bigglesworth Burcher,
and Baghdad Bob Satterfield,
and the current SIB AV Propaganda Team
And so many more trying to slither away into the shadows
Yesterday’s press conference- did the Villian really say that he created the Truth and Reconciliation unit to investigate the Matrice Richards case? How can he get away with lying!!! First of all, he refused to reopen the case and secondly he said the Truth and Reconciliation Unit was to bring back the deputies McDonnell fired “unjustly.” I really can’t believe the lies. AV is a disgrace!!!!!
Why so quiet now? Ronnie Boy!
Of course you can give 2 F*CKS since the 1 plus million didn’t come out of your pockets. SMH
@Reality Check and Adios. I met guys like you throughout my career.
Always afraid to make decisions, but always available to criticize (Monday morning QB) those willing to make decisions.
My decisions aren’t half as scary as the fact you guys may be sworn/active Peace Officers.
You do realize that most people could care less about me. I didn’t control the LA County election then or now.
In the meantime, keep acking and coordinating with an extended ETA, so that the real Cops can make the scene safe before you arrive.
You are correct. See for yourself in Episode 2.
More on AV’s Press Conference (the L.A. Times)
Alex, your statement behind Allen’s lawsuit is pathetic. You are a proven liar. You are on the spectrum dude, and a narcissistic idiot. All your hand picked Executives are cowards because they are afraid of the Emperor. What you don’t realize, is behind your back, they all say you are done, and all know Allen, Limon and Hasselrig are all telling the truth. Captain R. Jones, you are a sellout and will have no future career progression once Luna takes office, and yes, you are on the do not promote list. Way to back up the people who went to bat for you. And Chief Williams, your services will no longer be needed come 11/8.
Chief Williams, you are UNCLE TOM for the Villan. So how was it upstairs on Primary night leg humpin the boss!!
@ anonymous be real rakkasan: The one folks dont talk about but fast tracked on Del meses coat tails and AV to IRC Cpt. Is the Napoleon’s complex 5 foot tall snake in the grass is Roel Garcia… dont forget that prick. All the Lennox Reapers are up in those ranks thanks to Delmese. While the skippers allegedly did their jobs in reporting they sure didn’t hesitate to take those Stars and screw over the folks that were more deserving. Carron Jacob Should have been the AS not lemon. And Allen should have been Chief not La Juana. Favortism was all good then. Look at them now…What a dauum shame, embarrassment, for the LASD. WAY TO GO ALEX! you are a shinning STAR.
No good deed goes unpunished.
@ Anonymous, here I am, and for the record I paid dues for 36 years and 4 months, including while I was Prez. How long have you paid.
Today was a good day! (Ice -cube) yea it was! I wish everyone could have seen all of the long faces and uncomfortable looks on Alejandro’s peeps. You would have sworn they were wearing soiled diapers under their green pants. Lmao rotfl. I think it’s finally settling in that their days are numbered.
Sleepy Tim
Lying Blanchard
Creepy Carl
Creepy guy from Instagram
Ronald McDonald
Your all pathetic chumps
Ron H.
You are spot on knowing that most people, especially deputies could care less about you. Also correct is your statement re: controlling Los Angeles County Elections.
You as ALADS figure head at that time, had a hefty hand with monetary influence and much verbal jaw jackin in endorsing Villanueva as Sheriff.
Many discussions differ now that Villanueva is a bust. Everyone knows including yourself, that Villanueva is totally unfit based upon his performance, lies & attempted cover-ups to remain Sheriff for Los Angeles County.
Deputies and this department have not been in so much turmoil since its founding.
The big question, you might ask is what does Villanueva and his fiefdom has to do with you? Simply put, you are a part of it, even though you lurked in the shadows like a sneaky cat burglar.
ALADS during your leadership will always be known and queried as WTF in the annals of ALADS & LASD History.
Our “Mail In Ballots” arrived today. We didn’t waste any time and immediately bubbled in our votes for The NEW Sheriff of LA County, Robert Luna!
Hey Alex, it’s okay to slip & fall, ass up, in the shower before Nov 8th. That might be the only way you can save any face before your impending historic incumbent general election loss.
Hey Mike Beltran, could you do us the honors and count out Alex and Sweatpee, in grand UFC fashion, followed by you raising the winning arm of Sheriff Luna in victory? Maybe lil Ronald can be in Alex’s corner waving a towel, reminiscent of his CEN & Altadena-stone DB days.
Adios “1 Term” Alex & Sweatpee,
And Magoorakami & the Secret Hit Squad,
and the few remaining Skippers,
and Bigglesworth Burcher,
and Baghdad Bob Satterfield,
and the current SIB AV Propaganda Team
And so many more trying to slither away into the shadows
@Alejandro’s Excellent ..
I haven’t had such a good chuckle and grin for some time. Creepy Guy from the Gram!!!
so freakin hilarious! Needed that.
Thank you.
You people can’t possibly want Luna !!!
You can’t believe all the smear/hit pieces on Sheriff Villanueva. Read between the lines of all this nonsense.
Mr. Burcher, you have been so quiet around HOJ, or are you desperately looking for more Pakastani, Indian, etc. groups to parade AV around in hopes of scraping votes together? Hey fake Captain Blanchard, don’t get too comfortable at AOT once your puppet master assigns you there. Get ready to actually perform some line work at Wayside after Luna is sworn in. Don’t worry, Burcher will be joining you since you will need a mentor commander, even though he hasn’t done commander line time either. I think all the AV minions, Satterfield included, need some line time in Custody Division pending retirement.
The law firm the attorney’s for COC belong to ARE PAID. The County is paying for them. There is no cross examination of witnesses. The only evidence introduced is against the Dept. without rebuttal. Del Mese was prepped by COC attorneys then they threw their own witness under the bus. The only thing they didn’t ask him was who else is inked? Because he knew the answer to that question. I wouldn’t testify in that kangaroo court either. As for the Kuehl issue. Warrant was reviewed by a 2nd judge who ruled it was legally obtained and there was no judge shopping. Celeste – you wanna start looking at Austin Dove, Patricia Giggans attorney? His wife is CA State Senator 30th District Sydney Kamlager. At one time she was Mark Ridley Thomas and Holly Mithcell’s Chief of Staff. Sen. Kamlager donated about $8,800.00 to Mia Bonta wife of CA AG Rob Bonta, after the 1st search warrant was served in 2021. Onto Luna. 1st female Black promoted in LBPD 134 year history? Only 4 female Black officers in the PD? How many Black officers have come out about racism? When asked about how he is with Black people, Luna said, “I have friends who are Black”. Most offensive response you could give. What about he riots in 2020? He was sending emails from LBFD Station 1. He had a retired LBPD officer who was brought back as a civilian in a helicopter trying to run things from the air. He let the city burn. Take the word of the business owners who were there.
@ Wheels9330
Stop with this whole race thing. You want to talk about Racism. AV is the biggest racist. Why is it when he was a drill instructor he would only help the Hispanic recruits study for tests? Why is it Undersheriff Murakami can call black people the N***er, have found investigation and never get disciplined-against what the oversight panel recommended? AV doesn’t like white people…unless of course the bow to him or he can use them to his advantage. Let me guess…. Everyone is lying but AV?????? AV is a racist- just read his dissertation….everything is about race !
He is the worst sheriff, he is a racist, and covers for men who sexually harass women and beat women……. I still can’t believe he promoted Don Rubio to Captain who was under investigation for Rape. The promoter Badali to Captain even though he’s had multiple recent founded investigations for sexual harassment!!! Surprise, once again Badali strikes again. Av doesn’t care about black people or women who don’t bow down to him!
@Wheels9330 AKA One of the few Kool Aid Kids hanging around the punch bowl…
You just regurgitated everything our inept Sheriff Alex repeats on the reg. And bless your heart, you added a few conspiratorial theories on why it’s every one else at fault but Alex.
I hope you realize how hopeless and desperate you sound. I’ll be on the lookout for you and the other Dom “Woogie” Woganowski’s of the LASD.
Alex has essentially barricaded the LASD (like a suspect in a location) by cutting off the IG, Max Huntsman. How incompetent or destructive can one be? Like someone mentioned before, we’ll hear rounds coming from inside, before a fire breaks out. This will be a very sad final 4 weeks for the LASD.
Your illiterate post is visual proof that the wheels on the AV Clown Car have official fallen off as his campaign has lost all hope and effectively driven off the proverbial cliff.
Only question is, who was actually behind the wheel? Was it Inept Alex, Sweatpee, Magoorakami, Bigglesworth Burcher, Baghdad Bob Satterfield, or were all of the aforementioned clowns desperately pulling at the wheel at the same time? No room left for manos pequeñas Ronald McDonald to grab that wheel this time.
Adios “1 Term” Alex & Sweatpee,
And Magoorakami & the Secret Hit Squad,
and the few remaining Skippers,
and Bigglesworth Burcher,
and Baghdad Bob Satterfield,
and the current SIB AV Propaganda Team
And so many more trying to slither away into the shadows
@J.Anderson and the rest of you anonymous smack talkers, what you fail to realize is every time you play key-board warrior you show anybody watching and judging that we have cowards amongst us.
J. Anderson, really? You should have used R. Smith or J. Doe it would have given you the same credibility. Why hide? I can’t hurt your career anymore than you already have.
The real reason many of you use anonymous names is to be able to sign on and act like you are different people in attempt to fool people, and yourself, into thinking you’re in tune and a deep thinker with a lot of support.
I can see why some people who make statements that are mature and provoke thought (very few on here) might want to remain anonymous, but if you’re slinging insults, the real reason is because you have a personal ax to grind.
You don’t care about the dept, the communities we serve, ALADS or fellow deputies.
YOUR idea of my legacy doesn’t concern me. The only opinions that matter to me are the opinions of the people I respect. I can guarantee you are not in that group.
Contrary to popular belief, I do not sit around waiting to respond on WitLA. In fact many friends ask me to ignore you knuckleheads, but then someone throws my name out trying to punk me.
I have won some fights and lost some fights, but I have NEVER been afraid to defend myself or others.
So, have at it. LACERA pays me well to respond.
@Anonymous, besides Satterfield, Blanchard, and Burcher, there are other folks riding AVs curtail without any merit:
Murakami (zzzzzz), A/S Chase, A/S Francisco, All the Chiefs (except for 2), Lt. O’Donnell (Doing all the dirty work for the Sheriff’s Ofc. and folks are aware about your other half as acting captain at AAB, she also needs to go back and do line time), Danny Batanero (You are pathetic), Natalie García (Don’t worry, you will still max out on overtime, CRDF has plenty. Oh, and stop trying to recruit LASD personnel to join AVs failed campaign, that’s against policy), Ben Seno (It’s ok to speak up when you see something wrong), OA Karen Rodríguez (Are you taking your county car to Training Bureau?) Lt. Mike Shaw (blind loyalty never prevails), Lt. Deedrick (there is no turning back, buddy), Lt. Auner (just take your unearned spot and shut up), Mounted Patrol Sgt. Domínguez (Social media is proof), Lt Kusianagi (stop denying it), Cmdr. Skeen (Just do the right thing and document, document, document), The fake CCW Unit, SIB propaganda folks, The dirty CPA’s, and let’s not forget about the drivers, especially the wannabe patrol Sergeant who still needs to do his line time at Century. There are many more…..TBA
@ Anonymous damm! Harsh but nothing new. I’m sure the people named will try and change their appearances once Sheriff Luna takes over the helm.
Shiny shoes, dyed hair, trimmed mustaches, braces, new flat-tops, derma brasion, lipo suction, lip injections eye lifts and on and on…..pathetic but that’s what we hired the last 15 years…
Lying Blanchard
Sleepy Magoo
Creepy guy Carl
Creepy old man from Instagram
Adios and good riddance
@Thumper, Nice Try!
At the very bottom of that slanderous hit piece website link you provided says everything anyone needs to know: Paid for by VILLANUEVA FOR LOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFF 2022, FPPC ID #1397275
So typical of the Failing & Lying Sheriff Alejandro Villanueva and his slimy campaign manager Javier Gonzalez
Alex’s campaign his circling the bowl and we all can’t wait to flush this POS into the sewer where he and his “historically tarnished legacy” belong.
Alex is the Racist, Be Real, Adios Alex and Sweetpea
For being a racist he’s sure managed to promote a few non-Hispanics and women. As for people you say have committed crimes, I’d like to read the reports, case filings maybe? How many people I’ve known who allegedly committed crimes then we find out they weren’t. Hopefully people like you never go to I.A.. While you may want to believe what I said is conspiratorial, read the warrants. Look up the campaign donations. Watch Steve Gregory from KFI ask Bonta at Friday’s press conference about the Kuehl investigation. He’s in possession of documents that show a timeline and connections between BOS and the AG. The material that could come out of this investigation couldn’t be made up. If Alex isn’t elected it’ll all disappear and the BOS will go on business as usual. So you go on and continue to wish Alex ill. If Luna wins, we’ll end being the next Chicago.
@Anonymous, LOL!!
I saw that too. Seems like his fans are hard at work.
This site has many that didn’t get their promotion and hold a grudge. How selfish are you to all the men and women of this department who endured McDonell and Baca but now have a Sheriff that has their back.
Really disgusting some of you could care less about the department and all this backstabbing is really about what you didn’t get and what you didn’t deserve. Everybody knows who you are. You’re fighting for Luna to come in and destroy moral and jobs out of spite and envy. You’re all an embarrassment to the profession.
All I see is bitterness and anger. Be pissed at yourself for not having the character, work ethic and morals to earn your promotions.
To attempt to drag the department back to the Baca and McDonell days is a disgrace. You all have misconduct and baggage. Blame yourselves and accept responsibility for your actions instead of defaming others.
@Anonymous, was it me or did I see the Villan along with Natalie Garcia, Danny Batanero & Aja A in Lynwood campaigning for the Villan earlier today.
What a pathetic crowd!!
Deflection, Denial and Desperation defines the last of those in Villanueva’s administration who lack the fortitude to address or embrace the truth.
Several of Villanueva backers have escaped to safery in retirement while those who remain are nervous about the forthcoming weeks.
No remorse, no redirection and no responsibility to those and things that matter.
They are ALL named in this thread, “Deputy Gangs Hearing” #6
No axes to grind, only truth and exposure.
Melvin McGuire
I am sure Chief Luna, should he win the election to Sheriff, will do better than he did in his twenty years as a Command Staff member of the Long Beach Police Department as it relates to promoting black women.
How could he not? There is no way to do worse. In his seven years as Chief, he fired or accepted the resignation of more black female officers than he hired. There were less black female officers when he retired than when he started as Chief, or Deputy Chief.
His commitment to “meet their expectations” means what exactly? Didn’t the black community, and its leaders in Long Beach have similar if not identical expectations?
Under his leadership, the Long Beach Police Department remained a difficult and often hostile work environment for women, and especially women of color. Don’t believe me? Ask them. He knows. They told him. I was there when they told him. What did he do?
He asked for an investigation that did not lead to any changes in personnel, philosophy, or punishment.
There are horror stories of how they were treated in the Field Training Program (FTO), and those stories were not isolated or unique. After surviving accusations of having “bad attitudes”, being lazy, not “fitting in” and other stereoptypical labels…they have to listen to their supervisors recommend they not wear natural hairstyles, braids, or twists so as to not make their non-black coworkers “uncomfortable”.
They were denied job opportunities once they got off of probation, denied spots as FTOs, labeled as “ghetto” or “militant”, and basically treated as less than their counterparts.
But they were all expected to help recruit, exploited every February for Black History Month, and put on every flyer, poster, or photo op that would present an image of diversity.
With respect to the FTO program, the officers and supervisors who were responsible for the program, have all been promoted.
This endorsement is laughable at best and an insult to the women this organization allegedly represents. Chief Luna, and the LBPD, and the City of Long Beach have been failing black women police officers for as long as they have been on the Department.
I can only hope the 30 x 30 initiative will make some difference because at least they will have a chance to be treated as a woman and not a black woman.
Did Chief Luna congratulate Sergeant Wells-Alexander on her historic promotion? And WHY has the Department still not acknowledged the historic nature of her accomplishment?
Melvin McGuire #5729
LBPD Commander (Retired)
“Thumper” I find your post very “Creepy.” I think most would support my theory.
AV is a LIAR, AV is a RACIST, and AV is the worst Sheriff ever. AV fights for the rights of men who beat women, rape women, and sexually harass women… AV allows his US to call black people the N-word. He never cared about us black people until election time.
AV parades Danny Batanero (the leader and creator of the Banditos) around, that says it all.
@ Thumper and/or Melvin Mc,
Nice Try! VILLANueva’s campaign is in full panic mode so they are trying to “Flip the Script” again away from Alex and his current #2 in command, Undersheriff Murakami’s well documented, in legal proceedings no less, about their racists remarks against their own LASD personnel, using terms like the N-word and Knuckle-draggers.
Actually documented under oath, not unsupported high school like made up gossip like the junk you are spewing above.
So,,,,,,word on the yard is Alex, in an effort to save his homies, Kevin de Leon, 1-Bill Gil Cedillo , Vivian’s BFF Nury Martinez and also curry favor and campaign dollars from Union Jefe (no not Lil Retired Ron Hernandez) FOL President Ron Herrera, has frantically tried calling Undersheriff Magoorakami to 10-33 activate his secret “Political Corruption” Hit Squad. Unfortunately, Old Man Magoorakami could not be awakened from his all day Sunday Slumber Session. So Alex had to call Det. Lillienfeld with his secret “Recusal Burner Phone” to order all hands on deck.
Mark L.: Hey Idiot, oops, I mean Boss, what’s the mission? Alex: Quick, find out who “illegally” recorded the above mentioned personal and close politicians honest feelings and thoughts about arch enemy Mike Bonin’s African American child, and voting Los Angeles area Blacks in general, during their open and relaxed private meeting last year.
Alex: 2nd – Find out who “illegally leaked” those “illegally obtained honest recordings” to the dreaded LA Times. Mark L.: Really? Let me delegate this to the boots on my squad. We’ll see what we can dig up from our “Wire Room” and I’ll let you know. Click!
Next call was to Baghdad Bob Satterfield to start crafting some messaging for Alex to consider posting so he can get the media spotlight back on him during this crucial October election period.
Next he detailed Bigglesworth Burcher to reach out to all of the above mentioned politicians’ Chief’s Of Staff to educate them how to navigate and run out the news media cycle clock when caught publicly expressing ones true derogatory feelings about others.
No way Alex can let such an opportunity pass without getting his name and face in front of this media frenzy. Heck, Alex might even call Gustavo Arellano directly to offer a Part – 2 interview.
LA Times Column: Nury Martinez’s rant reveals the worst enemy of Latino political power: ourselves
Adios “1 Term” Alex & Sweatpee,
And Magoorakami & the Secret Hit Squad,
and the few remaining Skippers,
and Bigglesworth Burcher,
and Baghdad Bob Satterfield,
and the current SIB AV Propaganda Team
And so many more trying to slither away into the shadows
@ Wendy Byrde: yes, the individuals you mentioned were in Lynwood. Aja A, who is IOD can work the campaign, but can’t work light duty. Never left ELA because she’s too afraid to work anywhere else.
@ Thumper: Sounds like you are LBPD, don’t meddle with LASD. NOBODY can f*up LASD like Villanueva has.
@Thumper, do not be fooled by the VILLAN. He is using you to get Black votes. Nothing more. He is desperate and cornered. Both AV, Creepy CM, John Burcher and his wanna be celebrity Mrs have a dislike for black folks. They have calculated promoting black folks so that the VILLAN can do pressers’ and say.. look I promoted a Black person (Chief Williams) I am talking about you.
Chief Williams have you ever wonder why you were the only person left from the Office of the Sheriff under McDonnell. Hmmmm?
@ Thumper, look at all the BLACK folks Villanueva has used and thrown to the streets (skipper Haselrig) I’m talking about you. Don’t be fooled.
@Anonymous, I believe the County needs to look onto Aja A’s IOD. I hear she is on full time campaign duty working directly for Mrs Sheriff.
Alex, you stated, “public corruption robs us of the resources for homelessness and violent crime.
It’s pretty laughable the new excuse for your failure to address violent crime is due to your time spent investigating BOS Kuehl and POV Giggans?
Well buddy, if that’s where the money is being wasted, um going, you should start by divvying these critical public corruption funds, and start looking into the Czar of Public Corruption himself, Tim Murakami.
Yes, the guy who selected a company to install security cameras at his station. This company later employed his son. They received a no bid contract no less.
I think public safety will definitely benefit from his ousting.
Alex, you can’t ignore this. Murakami’s actions mirror the ‘no bid’ contract corruption you claim Kuehl and Giggans were involved in…when you retaliated..um, valiantly turned the wheels of justice, by “wheeling” Giggans’ Toyota Prius onto a flatbed tow truck.
Have you started an inquiry, pray tell?
Knowing you, and that fact that you only managed a shift at a small station before being elected Sheriff, here’s a lifeline on where to begin:
Hola it’s me again lol
Scroll down a bit photo of Kevin and Alex like they say “like minds think alike”.
Sleepy Tim
Lying Blanchard
Creepy Carl
Creepy guy from Instagram (get a life)…
Wendy Byrde,
Yo make this stuff up before or after your meds? I’ve spoken to about 7 LBPD officers/command staff. Various colors. Luna’s a train looking for a derailment. He’s treated his Black personnel like it was the 1930’s. By the way, these LBPD personnel weren’t contacted they came forward looking to talk about their experiences. A few business owners that were affected by the riots in 2020 also came forward. That’s how it was discovered Cambodia Town was left unprotected. That’s how it was known Luna was in LBFD Station 1 sending emails. That’s how it was known about he civilian in the helicopter trying to run things.
Adios Alex,
What yard and what was your informant shooting when they laid this info on you? Try making up things closer to the truth.
One day you’ll fact check some of these, I don’t know, lies? Been waiting about 10 years for that to happen. Guess I still believe in Santa.
@ Adios,
What is it with Lil Ron H & Big Ron H ?
Two controversial Primos, no doubt with similarities and connections to Villanueva. Wow!
You’re spewing propaganda. Everyone knows Alex is racist. He knows he’s racist.
1. These are his recorded comments.
2. He denied these comments at a black forum, knowing he is racist and lacking any conscience nor ability to hold hold himself accountable.
3. Wheels 9930, you are a liar just as Villanueva is.
It’s true. Long Beach Officers are now aware of this site and will be chiming in as November 8 closes in. I worked for Luna for 28 years and I can tell you, he is not a good leader or manager. Long Beach officers and many in our community dislike him and his failure in our community. Don’t take my word for it, take a look at it yourself.
BTW, it’s amazing how Bob has been able to escape the wrath of the LA Times. Villanueva is weak, but Luna is weaker and event more corrupt. Pretty funny if you as me. I guess that’s politics.
Would love to know your name to verify these claims. You can’t blame me for feeling your post is a lil sus considering Luna is gone and you’re out of his grasp.
What’s there to fear? And why so interested in Luna being elected? An axe to grind?
I’ve found most who can’t take their lumps and move on with a second chance, just ain’t appreciative of what they have; smearing the very person who tried to set them on the right course (unlike AV) Not very introspective folks if you ask me.
Either way, I’m thinking, until you post your name, there’s no way to know whether you’re another AV cheerleader disguised as a LBC employee, or an employee who can verify these claims.
Lastly, Luna left LBC PD intact the way I see it. Unless you can elaborate. The Sheriff’s Dept has been gutted and dismembered by AV. Can’t get any worse than that. Fact.
I think the voters agree with me, as the primary results showed. Pretty damning considering not many know who Luna is.
Lastly, I’ve heard from multiple sources AV’s top 5 are intimating they think it’s over. That’s not based on the internal opinions from this site. It’s based on what they see and feel. The man is decompensating. I’d feel sad if he wasn’t so vindictive, retaliatory and just plain dumb.
Be Real,
Quoting the L.A.Times? Wow.
@Be Real
Your comments to @LBC1 are right on – it is almost eerie.
I can’t confirm but I heard that Villanueva has recruited some former LBPD to help with his “smear” campaign. The one that showed up at the Asian Community Conversation to represent Villanueva was an absolute embarrassment. I can also tell you that at least two who are showing up at Villanueva events were terminated for cause by LBPD – so yes, they probably do have an ax to grind. I assume they appealed or are appealing their terminations with the Civil Service Commission which is their right. A couple of the others filed a lawsuit against LBPD for wrongful termination and/or discrimination and they were not successful.
I can also confirm that the LB community supported Luna and that includes everybody from clergy to community groups. He also promoted many people of color and women to command positions. I guess these same people got their big fat pensions, never said a word while they were employed, and now want to do some trash talking.
I’m not afraid to say I was employed at LBPD but I am not willing to give my name because I still live in LB and .. you know .. heaven forbid, I might need their services at some time in the future.
Yep, not buying it! Put your real name. Just another AV crony!
The Times is quoting AV. Your point?
Alex, stop trying to get people back to work. Things haven’t changed, people didn’t want to work with you then and they don’t want to work under your idiotic command now! The board knows this and they aren’t going to give you a dime.
“Yep, not buying it” Put your real name.”
Says the guy or gal who comes on talking trash constantly. Same to you, guess you are poser as well.
lol… @ anonymous.
Enjoy Luna! Our POA won’t even endorse him. Why? because the know!
Luna does not promote black women
I, and I’m sure others, appreciate you chiming in with another perspective, shedding light on these frivolous comments.
I understand re: your reason for remaining anonymous.
@ LBC1
The only reason why the Executive Union (PPOA) endorsed Villanueva (this time) because Luna is an outsider.
ALADS was bamboozled both times with endorsement of Villanueva to the dismay of many deputies, go figure.
Your puppet master is immersed in bad press and, does not have the mental fortitude to bifurcate his dysfunctional shit show (one he created) over the last 4 years and, plain reality that he is losing badly to Luna.
Villanueva is so desperate, that he is willing to throw anything against Luna and see what sticks. Does the VILLAN really think Blacks are receptive to his “Oh I have promoted Black people”. This is just SNAKE OIL he is trying to sell to Black folks. Fortunately, Black folks are not going to fall to the Villan’s carny tricks.
So flash news here.. skipper Haselrig was BLACK. The VILLAN FIRED a BLACK WOMAN… a woman and, on top of that a BLACK WOMAN because she would not put up with LIES. He calls BLACK people KNUCLE DRAGGERS. Now mind you this is the Sheriff of Los Angeles County calling BLACKS knuckle draggers. And his U/S thinks MEXICANS are not smart (or in his infinite wisdom they are D**B). The only reason Magoooorakami thinks his kids are smart is because they are of half Japanese decent.
I only wonder what he really thinks about Mrs Sheriff in this case 🙂
@LASD Insider
We traditionally call what ALADS is doing: “Doubling Down On Stoopid!”
Failed leadership all around, even with Lil Ron being retired.
At least the LA Dem Party learned their lesson this time around so the Landslide Luna Victory is a lock.
Adios “1 Term” Alex & Sweatpee,
And Magoorakami & the Secret Hit Squad,
and the few remaining Skippers,
and Bigglesworth Burcher,
and Baghdad Bob Satterfield,
and the current SIB AV Propaganda Team
And so many more trying to slither away into the shadows
@Interesting, thanks for the mention. I was feeling left out.
What IS INTERESTING is the time of your post (11:28 PM).
That is a new level of cowardly!
Probably have to have a few drinks to get on a blog and talk smack, ANONYMOUSLY!
Don’t worry brother, as long as your Mommy keeps bringing you beers in the basement no one will ever know who you are!
@LASD insider
If what you say is true, why did your union endorse Jim McDonnell 4 years ago? He was not an insider, but still responsible for elevating Luna in our department. Good luck with that.
A bigger issue is what’s going in LA City Hall. Nury Martinez, Gil Cedillo and Mr. Deleon got caught slipping. The amazing thing is, Luna has escaped being called out for his racist ways and fostering negative working environments for African American employees. Don’t take my word for it….
Bob Luna will be a bigger mistake for LA County and he will be involved in the next major scandal. Trust history.
The L.A. Times is so reputable for their factual reporting self respecting birds wont allow it in their cages.
I hear WitnessLA got hacked by the same crew that did LAUSD. They’ve got a lot of ISP addresses and identities.
Anonymous, I mean Eli, I mean Anonymous
Copy that?
LBPD had a black chief from 2002-2009, why didn’t he promote any black females? And aren’t officers required to pass test in order to be promoted ? Are you suggesting Luna should have promoted black females “just because” they were black. I read the link you provided, and I see a teo females were on the list a long time ago and weren’t promoted. Was Luna the chief at that time? I’m just curious as to why you think it’s a Luna problem and not an agency problem? If you could provide some insight it might help the readers. It sounds as if LBPD does not recruit a diverse group of officers for the academy.
It sounds more systematic from the onset than an individual chief,,
The only people who benefited were the Deputies who identified with the whole Chicano low rider/ Cesar Chavez ELA culture. That in itself spoke volumes of who AV really is. Those fools drank the orchata!
All the skippers newly promoted Sgts LTs who never worked a day in the field, I know who you are and you have zero respect from me. Cowards!
If Luna is anything like McDonald then he will clean house from top to bottom. There will be a day of reckoning and it’s on NOV 8th.
I could care less who gets promoted, the system is on a curve so even a jackass will get a promotion. But one thing is for certain if you are a black female then you are 100% guaranteed stripes and maybe bars.
“I hear WitnessLA got hacked by the same crew that did LAUSD. They’ve got a lot of ISP addresses and identities.”
I’m shaking in my custom baby seal leather boots!
@ LBC1
The Sheriff Unions did not endorse Tanaka because of his heavy hand and selective cronies & underlings.
Outsiders are needed when insiders of LASD can’t handle their own affairs.
Oh Creepy Cee, Im so scared!!!! Someone got my ISP address? Lawdy lawdy!!!! What an idiot. Typical from a wannabe Detective I guess. Creepy Cee, keep selling ur weed with ur boy. Don’t worry tho, im sure “mommy” will save u. And BTW, ur big mouth is ur downfall. Creepy Cee, wannabe, idiot. Keep posting though, mommy loves it………………
Editor’s note:
No. WitnessLA has not been hacked. Small non-profit news sites aren’t generally considered to be profitable hacking targets.
Have a good evening, everyone.
I can totally see that lame smoking a blunt right now! Lmao rotfl.. nothing more nothing less now go make me a cheeseburger special!….
Sleepy Tim
Lying Blanchard
Creepy Carl
Creep guy from Instagram
The very best deputy you ever saw had a tattoo? Does the tattoo change a persons work habits and stop them from being lazy? Your statement alone killed any credibility you had.
A tattoo doesn’t make a deputy great or cause him to work hard or take care of his partners. I have seen some great deputies through the years, some had a tattoo and some did not, but the majority of those with a tattoo were followers and not leaders. I’ve seen some very lazy deputies with a tattoo talk the talk but NEVER walk the walk.
Furthermore wearing a station tattoo back in the day was a thing you desired to earn, the achievement made you feel station pride, something you earned because of hard work and respect of your fellow Deputies, then it slowly changed into a thing NOT based on hard work, it became something they gave away to their friends, the popular crowd or those morons they could manipulate.
The very best deputy I ever saw was a hard working deputy, who never complained, handled his shit, backed up his partners and got the job done!
I know plenty of Deputies, Sergeants and Lieutenants who spent time or “decades” in Region 2 and that means nothing to the people who actually worked Region 2. The first thing you have to ask someone who was assigned to Region 2 is what did you do! The people who not only talked the talk but also walked the walk are the ones who WORKED Region 2…The rest of you showed up to get you cool t-shirt or station jacket and work the desk, admin jobs, YAL, cops teams, etc! Just look at the stats, the stats don’t lie. These type people are not cops and listening to them talk about their “days in the field” is nauseating at best! [WLA edit.]
@ LASD VETERAN spoken like a true gentleman. Region II was exactly how you described it. You earned your keep and we’re proud of your station. Yes folks worked at least 10 yrs in the field meaning the streets in a hooptie. Those days you talk about are long gone and that style of policing is gone too. Deputies loved wearing the badge and doing the lords work. The jackasses ruined it by going overboard. Now all we have are a bunch of wussies and lazy Deps. I know of at least 6 deputies who fit that bill. Not even going 10-15 or Obs hooks yet there they are wearing bonus stripes/Sgt stripes. Times have changed for the worst. Like you said walk the walk talk the talk is gone.
Maybe Creepy Cee can shed some light on this? Considering he is Alex’s trusted confidant. Both he and “Mommy” (Vivian) tell Alex what t0 do (weird, I know, like Alex doesn’t know he is treated like he has no balls.) Anyways, several Deputies at SLA (like me) know Creepy Cee made a lot of “promises” from Alex. A lot of us have text messages. He said some weird things. Really weird language, almost unprintable things. Creepy Cee, it’s too bad a lot of us really despise you, your a clown, a weirdo, a creep…
A.V. out campaigning
Be sure to peruse the reader commentary
@ Rakkasan
Sounds like Mic drop is talking about you .
It is very sad to see the end of the good old days or the end of pro active police work, because those were days when you came to work proud to put on your class A uniform, excited to go 10-8, motivated and ready to get your hands dirty. Those were the days when you loaded your radio car and logged on 30 minutes early hoping for a reason to roll out of the station for something emergent.
Those were the days when briefing was only a thing of annoyance because you wanted get out of the gate and find a hook, so you could get into the booking cage. Those were the days when you were humble but you booked your body with pride and “scratched” your PCD with a pencil on the booking line.
Those were the days when you handled the calls assigned to you, NEVER asking for tags to be reassigned, even if that meant while you were 10-15. Those were the days when the idea of hitting the UTH button was unacceptable and you took pride in handling your calls completion.
Those were the days when going 10-8 and “hunting” criminals was actually exciting and it made the blood pump through your veins. Those were the days when you dropped everything to back up a partner, jump into a fight because we were all brothers who wore the same badge and uniform.
Those were the days when working the streets and protecting those who couldnt protect themselves was respected not looked down upon. Those were the days when you were not labeled a heavy or deputy gang member for dragging an ex con out of his car window and executing a small taste of street justice.
Those were the days when the criminals knew deputies were hunting them and they feared when the tan and green rolled up on them. Those were the days when criminals knew and accepted the consequences of running from a deputy or running their mouths.
Those were the days when you hunted the criminals until after the end of shift looking for one last hook to drop in the cage before going home. Those were the days when you didn’t hit the pumps until the end of shift and you didn’t change out of your class A right away in case one of your brothers needed help. Those were the days when rolling out of the station to hunt was respected and “station hanging” was unacceptable and lazy.
Those were the days when real deputies worked patrol, hunted criminals and protected the streets and it was not used as a stepping stone to an admin spot, coveted position or a promotion.
Those were the days when walking the walk was more important then talking the talk. Those were the days when real hard working deputies out numbered the ones who showed up for a pay check.
What I wouldn’t give to go back to those days!
@LASD VETERAN: Yes Sir those were the days…I had the opportunity to work for some of the BEST Sgt’s and LT’s on the Department. They are long gone retired. Those were the days indeed. The LASD was respected.
Deputies knew the LAW the RC/PC and went 10-15 all the time. I can’t tell you how many lazy deps have been hired and promoted over the years…taking a dumpster dive’s into band 4 maybe 5. Like a stated previously, even a jackass can get a promotion.
It only took 12yrs to bring the Department to its knees. It’s just a job now, I can’t wait to set my uniform ablaze and ride off with the LASD in my rear-view mirror.
Yes those were the days working Homicide arriving a a scene Deps coming up to us and asking if they could assist us in any way no matter if it was overtime or not, Thank you troops it made our o a lot easier, we had very few Officer Involved shootings when we did we hd the whole Dept wanting to help, the Brass wold show and tell us I’ll be standing over here if you need anything I’ll get it for you, Thank you Brass.
working ELA as a supervisor we DIDN”t HAVE ANY SO CALLED GANGS we had good solid officers who did a great job
what happened to my comments
Editor’s note:
Dear Alert,
I don’t know what comments you’re missing. Feel free to resubmit.