In the aftermath of George Floyd’s death in Minnesota at police hands, California stepped up with...
Law Enforcement
State Audit Examines Bias Within the LASD, Other CA Police Agencies
A new state-level audit of five police agencies in California, including the Los Angeles County...
LAUSD’s $25 Million Cut to School Police Will Fund Black Student Achievement Plan
In June 2020, the Los Angeles Unified School District board voted to cut $25 million from the $70...
Examination of 4 Million CA Police Stops From 2019: Black Civilians Searched at 2.5 Times the Rate of White People
The latest annual report on racial and identity profiling based on stop and search data submitted...
LA County Supes Approve $3.9 Million Settlement for the Family of Ryan Twyman, After Deputies Shot 34 Bullets Into His Car
On June 6, 2019, two Los Angeles County deputies fired nearly three dozen rounds into a white Kia...
Most Americans Support Ending Qualified Immunity for Police, But Support for Defunding the Police Is a Different Story, According to New Survey
Two-thirds (66 percent) of Americans say civilians should have the power to sue police officers for...