Elections '08 Gangs Literature & Justice Media Presidential Race

Of Primaries and Hoaxes


For those wishing to briefly distract themselves
from the dreary realization that the Democratic primary battles could easily continue until June 3 and June 7 (when Montana and Puerto Rico, respectively have their contests), Fishbowl LA has an entertaining compilation of the various things being written, broadcast, blogged and snarked about Love and Consequences, the white-girl-turned-gangster-turned-NY Times-reviewed-memoirist hoax.

By the way, if we have to live through three more months of Dem primary brickbat throwing, does this mean that we will be treated to those same three months filled with the cast of Saturday Night Live shamelessly stumping for Hillary Clinton each week? Or now that they’ve convinced a sheep-like press corps that it’s been way too mean to Hillary and way too nice to Barack, will they tone it down?

Just curious.


  • I’m thinking this race might be just what Obama needed – experience running against someone who is willing to do or say anything to get to the White House. Hillary had a good week, but she’s liviing in a glass house. If this thing is going to take a rough-and-tumble turn – which I think it needs to on Obama’s part – stuff needs to go on the table like Giustra, Bill’s Dubai windfall, a hard look at Hillary’s alleged “experience” beyond her war vote – with emphasis on the Clinton White House years as “GOP-lite” and Hillary’s aiding and abetting the GOP’s 1994 Congressional sweep and destroying any hope of health care reform for 15 years with her incompetence. I would have been loathe to do this even a month ago – but at this point Obama needs to fight back with both the stuff about the Clintons that makes Democrats queazy as well as the stuff the GOP will throw at her. She’s gotten a pass so far from the press – it’s all been political horserace stuff and snark – but let’s see the cast of characters the Clintons have been involved with who make Tony Rezko look like a nobody. And Obama needs to hit her hard on national security, because if Hillary’s plan to win in ’08 is to out-McCain John McCain or to make the case that of the two folks who voted for the war resolution, she’s the one who’d have done a better job of managing it, we’re screwed. McCain is a disastrous candidate as regards the economy, but if she defines this race in terms of “experience” in DC and phone calls at 3 am, she loses. One of the reasons she loses is because Hillary Clinton will be running the same old Democratic race that Gore and Kerry ran, and she’s running against a more attractive candidate than they faced. Good luck with that, when you add on the high Clinton negatives among the “old” electorate.

  • So now that Saturday Night Live isn’t pulling any punches on the “soft pillow treatment” Obama’s gotten at Hillary’s expense, suddenly you talk about “a sheep-like press corp?” Whenever Woody says the media is biased in favor of liberals, you all jump on his case — guess it’s only biased when it isn’t anti-Hillary. Like this blog has hilariously been for so long, like the latest misogynistic assault on Hillary from resident ranter reg. The only thing he and Woody have agreed on is that the Clintons are the Devil Incarnate, and Hillary a Wicked Witch who must be torn down and destroyed before she destroys the country — reg and his group, because she’s not leftwing enough, Woody because she’s too much so. A truly curious microcosm here, of how the rabid extremes of the left and the conservative right have ganged up on her — trying to deny it is more absurd.

    As for the book deal: yes, it points out the hypocrisies of the New York book publishing world, which is very elitist, but also the public’s gullibility and desire to believe that content as true. What’s also curious is that the author’s sister would rat her out to the publishers — clearly, some deep-seated resentments and hostility/competition issues in that family. There’s another story there about what really was going on between the two sisters, and what kind of family and environment they grew up in.

  • “the latest misogynistic assault on Hillary from resident ranter reg”

    Fuck you – dredge up a quote or stuff a sock in your nasty little mouth.

  • “That’s Funny” picked the wrong guy but it isn’t hard to find misogynistic targets – see Bob Sommerby’s daily howls. Gee Celeste guess you’re not a political junkie. I haven’t enjoyed anything like this in my entire life and look forward to April in Philly and May in Portland and June in San Juan . . .

    Just one thing. Since no one smokes anymore (we’re all on health kicks) what do we call the rooms? “Perrier Filled?” Nope that’s French – ugh! How about “Calistoga?” “Diet Coke?” Let’s have a contest to describe the new dens of iniquity!

  • Sox the Cat needed all of his nine lives while living with the Clintons. Do you know what happened to that public relations prop when they didn’t need him anymore? They dumped him like the people they don’t need anymore. It’s too bad that Buddy the Dog only had one life to give these self-absorbed owners.

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