Wednesday, civil rights attorney, Alan Romero presented closing arguments in the whistleblower lawsuit brought by LASD Captain Angela Walton, against the County of Los Angeles, and former LA County sheriff Alex Villanueva.

In May of 2022, WitnessLA reported in detail about how Walton was retaliated against for her unwillingness to go along with the provably false story that then Sheriff Villanueva told regarding a notorious case involving a sheriff’s deputy who knelt for an extended period of time on the neck and head of a handcuffed man who was in jail awaiting trial.
Here, in brief, is what happened:
On August 16, 2021, Captain Walton first learned of the existence of the video of the potentially deadly incident that would become national news.
August 16, was Walton’s first day on the job after being transferred to the department’s Court Services Division, which meant that the deputy doing the kneeling was under her command.
Prior to her transfer to Court Services, Captain Walton had been the commanding officer of LA County’s trouble-haunted women’s jail, Century Regional Detention Center (CRDF), where she had been praised for cleaning up some of the jail’s most chronic problems, and installing new programs that benefited both residents and employees.
(In 2021 she won the Innovator’s Award from the American Jail Association for her innovative COVID protections at CRDF.)
Why Villanueva transferred Walton to Court Services from CRDF is its own whistleblower story for another day. Suffice it to say that one of Walton’s first tasks at her new Court Services position, was to sit down with her operations lieutenant to review all “open and outstanding cases.”
One of those cases was the case of Deputy Douglass Johnson, who knelt for more than three minutes on the head and neck of jail resident Enzo Escalante, when Escalante was handcuffed and no longer resisting.
And so it was that, in the course of getting up to speed, Walton encountered hard-and-fast evidence that was diametrically opposed to the story that Villanueva was telling the press about when he learned about the head kneeling incident, which was captured on video, and whether or not he tried to cover it up.
You can read more about Walton’s case here in WLA’s previous story.
In short, when Walton declined to back up Villanueva’s provably false statements about the rapidly expanding scandal, retaliation followed.
And Walton filed a whistleblower lawsuit, which she elected to take to trial.
Now we wait to hear what the jury decides.
Ex-sheriff Villanueva and present sheriff Robert Luna both interact with the issue of deputy gangs
In other recent LASD news, Alex Villanueva did, in fact, finally testify under oath last Friday morning, Jan 12, about the issue of the deputy gangs that still infect the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.
At last Friday’s special hearing on deputy gangs organized by the LA County Sheriff Civilian Oversight Commission (COC), which had repeatedly subpoenaed the former sheriff, much of what Villanueva said in answer to the questions sent his way by the commission’s special counsel, Bert Deixler, amounted to the former sheriff’s long held position that there were, in fact, no deputy gangs.
And just to make sure no one missed the point, Villanueva tweeted the following message on the social media outlet X at 8:45 p.m. on the day of his testimony:
“The @LACountyCOC can’t resist engaging in electioneering. 4 HOURS testifying under oath about a massive hoax pushed by people suing the @LASDHQ. Shout out to @BLMLA and @PplsCityCouncil for their priceless vulgarity! @latimes.”
By “electioneering,” presumably Villanueva is referring to the fact that he is running for a seat on the LA County Board of Supervisors, in the hope of defeating Supervisor Janice Hahn, who is up for reelection this year.
Meanwhile, when it comes to the matter of deputy gangs and the present sheriff, despite much prodding by the members of the Sheriff’s Civilian Oversight Commission, Sheriff Robert Luna has yet to create an official department policy regarding the issue of deputy clicks, a policy that is required by law in the state of California.
When asked about the subject at a recent meeting of the COC, Luna said that the department has been very busy doing “an extensive review of all our policies, which includes the gang policy and the use of force policy.”
Yet, amid all this policy reviewing, the sheriff has not found the time to deal with the state law-required policy on the topic of deputy gangs, a corrosive problem with which the nation’s largest sheriff’s department has been struggling for approximate half a century.
The commission members did not appear to warm to the sheriff’s excuse.
The powerful deputies union, the Association for Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs—or ALADS—is going to argue about this issue, noted COC Commissioner Rob Bonner, a former federal judge who has himself headed several national law enforcement agencies.
But the sheriff can’t ignore the issue of deputy gangs, Bonner said, “because it’s enshrined in the state statute.”
(On September 30, 2021, Governor Gavin Newsom signed AB 958, which among other things, requires each of the state’s law enforcement agencies to create and maintain “a policy that prohibits participation in a law enforcement gang.” Specifically, according to the state, the required policy should make a violation of the prohibition “grounds for termination.”
According to COC Chairperson and Loyola law professor Sean Kennedy, meeting productively with ALADS on the deputy gang issue might be made more difficult by the fact that the newest member of the deputies union’s board of directors is himself reportedly a tattooed member of the deputy gang known as the Regulators.
(The Regulators, which is one of the LASD gangs that has a particularly notorious past, operates out of the department’s Century station.)
In any case, whether the new board member, whose name is Jason Zabala, is or isn’t presently active in the group, his membership is arguably not making it any easier for the sheriff to “meet and confer,” with ALADS about the LASD’s deputy gang policy.
We don’t know much about Zabala—who is a gang detective—except that he has two fatal shootings on his record, both of which were found to be in policy.
Despite being found in policy, however, each shooting resulted in a high ticket legal settlement. (The first shooting was settled for $1.5 million, the second for $2.5 million.)
According to Kennedy, during the litigation of these cases, Zabala was deposed at least three times about his gang membership. At one point during a deposition, Kennedy told us, Zabala was ordered to have his Regulators tattoo photographed after he declined to voluntarily show the markings.
During these depositions, Kennedy said, Zabala testified in ways that caused the outside counsel hired by County Counsel to make the unusual move of reporting the detective for possible perjury. The LA DA’s office subsequently investigated the perjury referral but declined to file charges.
(Kennedy also heads the Center for Juvenile Law & Policy (CJLP) at LMU Loyola Law School, which released the definitive report, “Fifty Years of ‘Deputy Gangs’ in the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.)
A new deputy gang?
The need for an official policy on deputy gangs was further reinforced by an excellent story published last week by LA Times reporters Keri Blakinger and Alene Tchekmedyan, who wrote about LASD investigators’ discovery that a new deputy gang appears to have surfaced.
The new group is reportedly known as the Industry Indians and is based out of the City of Industry sheriff’s station. Blakinger and Tchekmedyan wrote that, in an recent interview with Sheriff Luna, they were able to confirm the group’s existence and the fact that two of two tattooed members of the group participated in an unsettling off-duty confrontation two years ago with a bunch of teenagers outside a Montclair bowling alley.
There’s more to this interesting story so we recommend you read the whole thing.
And…we’ll have more soon on the whistleblower trial. So watch this space.
Walton is a prime example as to what still plagues LASD. Ever since the shake up after the FBI investigation, there has been a revolving door in regards to “leadership.” The county BOS and disingenuous oversight keep pushing an agenda, one they don’t have any duty in carrying out. They are making decisions about duties they don’t want to perform themselves… and it’s costing the greatest sheriffs department in America dearly.
Sadly, some executives still cling to days gone by, and allegiances to what they believe is the right thing to do… because those before them told them so. But there are many layers to this onion. Some lasting “traditions” within LASD have been flawed from the start; followed up with “Well, it’s always been done that way.” (Insert eye roll here)
Walton promoted in haste (which is the way of the department nowadays due to the rapidly-changing administration. In my interactions with her, she always had good intentions; but this is a prime example as to the troubled past that needs to be put out to pasture. She faced a narcissistic administration who felt they could do no wrong.
I commend her for standing up for what is right, when others look the other way. Sadly, that’s still fairly common in this industry.
Well, clearly retaliation was all in her head because Walton lost her case.
Walton hiring Alan Romero didn’t help her any. I’m surprised that guy is still working. He’s a lousy attorney and has lost recent ridiculous LASD “cases” he has taken on. How unfortunate it would be if that’s how he makes his living, taking the money of greedy and undeserving LASD folks.
Hey Anonymous- I personally know Captain Walton. I have watched her endure the Departments retaliation. All for speaking the truth. She is a prime example of what all LEO’s should be.
Yes Yes Anonymous, peel that said onion and see what’s inside.
There seems to be a double standard with this current administration. They are quick to hit the line level regarding their clique tattoos (Regulators-Reapers-Indians, etc.) and membership. But they look the other way when it involves their Executive leadership. Luna and Decker, why don’t you bring in all Captains thru the rank of Assistant Sheriff and have them show ankles, calves and shoulder tattoos. I bet you will be surprised.
@ Tradition of Service,
You hit the nail on the head concerning the old regime that evades the truth of Captain Walton.
ALADS newest Director Jason Zabala is another controversial conversation.
Nothing new under the sun including LASD/ALADS and their shenanigans as actions speak louder than words.
Thank you WLA for your investigative spotlight.
Happenings back when AV was Sheriff
Wow! I just finished watching Little Idiot Alex get a multi hours beat down by a much smarter attorney named Bert Deixler. Watching Alex get twisted up into a pretzel as he inarticulably attempt to explain away all of his coverups, lies and incompetence over his brief and embarrassing one term in office before his resounding election loss and being booted out to the curb was definitely entertaining. His lame attempts to protect his beloved Banditos and their Lincoln Hall beatdown party, that he himself attended earlier in the evening, was also hilarious.
We should take a poll.
Poll #1: After Alex’s humiliating performance at this hearing, who believes he will actually show up again for the final ‘Round 2 Knockout’ hearing?
Poll #2: Will we ever see Mr. Magoorakami testi-lie at one of these hearings for all to see?
P.s. Was that “Batman” seen ushering Lil Allie out the emergency exit at the end? Too funny!
COC Beatdown Hearing #1:
For many years, I was closely connected to the Lennox Reapers, a group within the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department, through marriage. This experience exposed me to numerous discussions about departmental affiliations, revealing a surprising truth: many in the upper echelons of the department are linked to various internal gangs. What the public often misses is the generational nature of these affiliations. Now, there’s a growing trend of members avoiding tattoos, not out of disassociation, but as a strategic move for career advancement. Yet, if promotions are denied, claims of gang retaliation within the department will emerge. This ensures that, in one way or another, these gangs maintain their influence over departmental leadership. I have personal knowledge of who the members are with number ‘1’ tattoo’s, and who the shock collars are for so called inking parties.
Concerning is the FBI investigation into the department. It’s intriguing that my ex, despite his involvement and awareness of critical issues like the manipulation of the inmates identity and the movement to different facilities under different names, he was never investigated.
This entire situation is nothing short of a grand facade, the biggest dog and pony show imaginable. It’s a stark display of parasitic corruption that pervades every aspect of the department, casting a dark shadow over its operations and integrity.
Well let us clear a few things up. First off there are no “new deputy gangs” on the department. In fact, there are no deputy gangs on the department. There are a group of individuals from each station and bureaus who choose to get a similar tattoos though. Big Whoop! I could be wrong, but I ask, name one deputy who has been charged with a crime, including a “gang enhancement” because he or she had a station tattoo?
@Anonymous, your hatred towards Alex shows. I will say I believe overall Alex did a decent job, however, sadly, he made the same mistakes his predecessors did by picking “his friends” for jobs they may not have been qualified for OR deserved. Sadly, during his time some good people were let go, forced out, or told to retire. When it came to selecting captains and above, Alex didn’t do anything different than Luna’s doing, McDonnell, Scott, Baca/Tanaka,Block, Pitchess, Biscailuz and Burrill did. Regarding his “beloved Banditos”, Alex left East LA station around the same time the Banditos started. Alex’s time was during the Caveman and he doesn’t have either tattoo as he has testified to. You bring up the “Bandito beatdown party at Lincoln Hall”. First off, what/where is Lincoln Hall? I had to goggle it and came up with a place in Los Angeles called Lincoln Hall Acoustics and another in Chicago. However, I believe you are referring to a fight between several deputies and one sergeant at Kennedy Hall. A few small facts regarding that fight is, boys fight, men fight, cops fight and so do professional athletes. Men are Men, they do that stuff! Is it right? No, but it happens! The only thing different sadly, was a few had a station tattoo. That fight had nothing to do with a station tattoo and I will leave it there. From what I have heard, most said those four individuals should not of had the station tattoo in the first place. It was an off training party, people drink, people get brave, stuff happens. I don’t condone any beat down but remember the only reason anyone knew about it was because one of the deputy’s mom called about her adult cop/son getting beat up.
Also on the subject of station tattoos, I do know several individuals, most retired, that have station tattoos from different stations, meaning two. With that said, I have never met a criminal street gang member who had tattoos of his gang and another gang? I believe Sheriff Luna realizes the whole station tattoo thing now, but wont say it because that wont look good in the public eye.
@Stands with the truth, I am not sure if you are just educating the readers, or trying to throw your ex under the bus. I will say in your comments you refer to deputies with station tattoos as a “group” and “gang”. Well which is it in your opinion? If you know the “1” tattooed deputy at each station, and they still have a voice at that station, I find that to be pretty sad! Move the F on!
Everyone on the department knew the “Reapers” had a say and took care of their own. Who cares, everyone takes care of their friends! Each station’s personnel had the opportunity for jobs, and even more with stupid coveted testing. Deputies with or without station tattoos are part of SEB, Homicide, Narco and other great jobs!
Lastly, you ended your comments with a lot of big words, but did you mean to use the words “shock collars”? I believed those are used on dogs not people, but not sure if you believe they were used on deputies. Maybe you meant “Shot callers” and if so, so be it.
Station ink is that, station ink. Sadly some people get big heads when they get it and become people they are not. If you are reading this and from the public and think the department is full of gang members, you are wrong! The deputies at these stations with ink are the ones going into back alleys and night and taking people to jail, they are the ones trying to take criminals off the streets. They are go getters and most of the time do more than what’s expected of them. Sadly not everyone is cut out to do this job, some of the deputies drive around and do nothing expect others at the station to respect them and then whine about everything, but still collect their 200k-300k paychecks.
The LASD is one of the finest police agencies in the world. It was, respected around the USA and its sad of how things are getting! God bless them all!
I’ll make this quick because it’s pretty obvious that you’re peddling Bullshit; I’ll be quick by continuing
my link from up above
You do see the continuance, don’t you?
Two LASD Homicide detectives assigned to investigate a homicide pleading the Fifth rather than testify
at the Coroner’s Inquest. Ditto the two Deputies who committed the homicide–the same two deputies in my link up above.
When you plead the Fifth that means you think that you are going to say something that will criminally incriminate yourself.
Two LASD homicide detectives did that at a Coroner’s Inquest in a Homicide they were assigned to investigate.
@Rebuttal or is it Captain – Thank you for the correction. Writing late at night and utilizing speech-to-text can indeed lead to numerous errors – Say Hi to your dad for me.
@Rakkasan, Please educate me, what does that shooting have to do with what I said? This case says nothing about station tattoos, the deputies saying they were gang members OR as far as I know, any gang enhancements placed on any of them. Are you “assuming” they shot someone over a station tattoo? I’m just asking?
@Stands, not sure who you think I am, but not a captain and my dad has been dead for decades. I was not trying to come at you, just trying to clarify some important facts. I can just hear it now, “Deputies using shock collars or their own.” Also, since you said you were in the know, I was asking if you were calling personnel with station tattoos gang members or a group?
“Please educate me….’
Google “Andres Guardado shooting an LASD gang initiation rite?”
See no Evil, hear no Evil.
Once again @Rakkasan, the article you wanted me to google has NOTHING to do with ANY correlation of a station tattoo and a shooting. The article is written by someone who “thinks” they know what is going on, plus some information given by a disgruntled deputy. The only time I have heard the words “prospects” for a station tattoo is by media outlets and one other “disgruntled” deputy, who rode a harley and thought it was a catchy phrase.
Below is a paragraph from that article you wanted me to read:
“Speaking from his office at Loyola, Kennedy says the first gang identified by him and his students, who contributed to the report, was the Little Red Devils, which operated from the department’s East Los Angeles station. He says that station is an ‘incubator” that has seen the creation of more gangs than any other. He says it is currently hone to a gang called The Banditos, made up mainly of Latino deputies, operating in a predominantly Black and Latino neighbourhood.”
“It is also the station where the current Sheriff Alex Villanueva spent much of his career.”
First off, the so called Banditos are made up of Latino, White and Asian deputies, and yes, blacks have been asked. Secondly, I will give you something to goggle. Google the demographics of East Los Angeles, or I can save you the trouble. 95.5% Hispanic, 2.0% White, and 1.4% Asian. That leaves a grand total of 1.4% left to cover all the other races. I would not call East LA “predominantly” a black community.
Regarding the second line. Alex worked at East LA, It WAS NOT where he “spent” most of his career!
My point is, there are numerous mistakes in that article. I could go on!
I would feel very confident to say over 95% of deputies who have a station tattoo were NEVER involved in a shooting PRIOR to them getting a station tattoo and I would bet only 10% percent have EVER been in a shooting. This correlation you and the media (maybe the same) are trying to prove is wrong! There are deputies on this department who never got a station tattoo and have been in several shootings and there are also numerous deputies with a station tattoo who have NEVER been in a shooting.
If you want to argue the facts whether the Andres Guardado shooting was a good or bad shooting I could understand, but I personally do not believe Mr. Vega shot Andres for a station tattoo! But, just my opinion.
@ Rebuttal,
I don’t know when you hired in at LASO, but trust and believe that any Sheriff prior to Alex would not tolerate the physical Deputy beat-down by fellow deputies at Lincoln Hall, period.
The lack of prosecutions of deputies for “gang enhancements” (Cal. Pen. Code sec. 186.22) is not a good indicator that there are no deputy gangs in LASD. Section 186.22 provides additional penalties for commiting certain crimes for the benefit of a “criminal street gang.” This gang enhancement was enacted more than 30 years ago. Section 13670 of the Penal Code prohibits all law enforcement officers from joining a “law enforcement gang.” The definition of a “law enforcement gang” is different and broader than the definiton of a “criminal street gang.” Section 13670 became effective Jan. 2, 2022, so it is much newer than the section 186.22 criminal gang enhancement. Moreover, section 1367o authorizes agencies to fire officers and deputies for joining a law enforcement gang, but it does not authorize the imposition of any criminal penalties. Therefore, prosecutors cannot file criminal charges against law enforcement officers for joining a law enforcement gang. Prosecutors can–and have–prosecuted alleged deputy gang members for commiting crimes that directly relate to the gang culture within the LASD. For example, Miguel Vega and Christopher Hernandez –two alleged Executioner prospects from the Compton station–were recently sentenced to serve time in federal prison for deprivation of rights under color of law and conspiracy to violate civil rights, respectively. Their plea agreements and change-of-plea colloquies in federal court recount all kinds of unethical and gang-like criminal behaviors: kidnapping, assault with a deadly weapon, criminal threats, filing false statements, etc. The L.A. Sheriff Civilian Oversight Commission (COC) has held nine evidentiary hearings in which many witnesses from within and outside the LASD have testified under oath about other alleged deputy gang members committing similar gang-like criminal behaviors. The videos and transcripts of those hearings are posted on the COC’s website for interested community members to independently assess the evidence of deptuy gangs in LASD for themselves.
“…The article you wanted me to google….”
I didn’t want you to read a specific article but multiple articles under the heading “Andres Guardado shooting an LASD initiation rite?”
I did that because I think it a worthwhile question to ponder.
If I wanted you to read a specific article I would’ve provided a link, like here
@Rebuttal, your words about the Bandidos “Regarding his beloved Banditos, Alex left East LA station around the same time the Banditos started”. So were they a group of guys who just decided to get inked one day and take over operations at patrol stations. You say these “inked” Deputies are hard working, by that did you mean they get new ink when they are involved in Deputy involved shootings.
This is exactly what is wrong within the Department. We have had our challenges, however Villanueva took it to the next level of ” I will protect you guys and turn a blind eye” mentality. He communicated an ” us versus them” culture within the Department. It is still prevalent today within the Department and, hence Sheriff Luna is going to his hands full trying to straightening this ship. Both Villanueva, and especially his wife ( a vengeful one ) destroyed the Department. They wanted tax payers to shut up and pay out millions of dollars in lawsuits.
Update ***
I am happy to report that since posting Lil Allie’s pathetic COC performance video link last week, which had achieved 1376 views at that time, is now showing a viewed count of 1573. This means it has garnered a nearly 200 additional views to date. Outstanding job WLA viewers! This is probably the first OUTSTANDING evaluation rating Alex has ever achieved.
Adios Alex!
COC Beatdown Hearing #1:
@In the beginning: Myself and numerous family members have been associated with the department since the 60’s, so I do know whats going on. No one did, including myself, is/was condoning the “beat-down” at “Lincoln Hall”. I have my idea why Alex did the things he did regarding the incident, but those things have never came up, so I wont bring it up. Also, I don’t know if i’m missing the joke, but not sure why you and the another person, keep calling it “Lincoln Hall”! The place is called “Kennedy Hall”.
Speaking of “Kennedy”, @Sean, as we all know you are/were a criminal defense attorney and your job is to “make an argument.” I have read your response and respect it and arguing law with you would be pointless. I will conceded to the fact you know the law better than I do. I will say the section seems like a possible catch all. If a deputy without a station tattoo illegal detains someone, he is not guilty of this section, however if you have a station tattoo and illegal detain someone you are now in a Law Enforcement Gang? My point through these comments is: Just because someone has a station tattoo DOES NOT make them part of a gang. I just have one basic simple question for you. If a deputy has a station tattoo, do you say they are in a Law Enforcement gang? Lastly in your comments, refer to my other comments about “prospects” not sure where you, or anyone else is getting the term. I have spoke to and heard others testimony regarding “prospects” from MC gangs members and UC cops and it isn’t even close to ANYTHING a deputy would endure from another deputy. In regards to the COC hearings, remember at least one, if not more who testified, had a station tattoo. Funny how when they got the tattoo things were different. Once again, I am NOT condoning criminal activity, I am simply saying people with station tattoos are not ALL criminals and gang members as you think.
Hey Jack, so if a “Bandito” gets in a shooting after he has the Bandito, what does he get? Just curious, I assuming you know? Enlighten the viewers! What do the Reapers get? The Indians?
Taking over station operations? Not sure what station or group you are talking about. I’ll wait for your response before I answer if I know. I not going to agree or disagree with your last paragraph, however I will say EVERY Sheriff has had a “wife”, whether they were married to her, or they were the undersheriff, or some other rank, they have all made some good choices and bad ones and I think Alex would agree. I mean he appointed people who turned around and sued him.
Just one last thought, remember the Kennedy Hall incident happened on McDonnell’s watch months before Villanueva took office. So were station tattoos and station “gangs”an issue before Villanueva or his fault they continued? I know of people getting station ink in the 80’s, which was 5 Sheriffs ago, so the four before Villanueva didn’t stop it either, or maybe they didn’t see it as the problem most of you guys are trying to make it. A few idiots throughout the county messed it up for everyone!
@Anonymous, congratulations on your “influencer” status, you must be proud!
Stop it with the “innocent” questions already. Yes, we all know the 2018 ELA Banditos Beat Down occurred at “Kennedy Hall” and Lincoln Hall was a simple slip. You get an “Atta-Boy” for that awesome “Obs” of yours. Don’t forget the idiots caused the “Seasons Beatings” 2000 Boys vs. 3000 Boys Quiet Cannon rumble that sparked the downfall of the Baca regime via the Feds: Operation Pandora’s Box.
Nice try with the numerous inquisitive questions on the “Station Tattoo” vs. Station Gang or Clique tattoos. We all know the difference between any station member (sworn or non sworn) getting a LNX or SLA tattoo vs. a select few being “invited & allowed” to get a numbered “Grim Reapers” tat. Same with a Lynwood “Vikings”, or Century XXI tat vs. a select few being “invited & allowed” to get a sequentially numbered and assigned “Regulators” or a “Spartans” tat. Let’s not act like you don’t know the difference between obtaining a Compton Station 28 logo tattoo vs. a select few being “invited & allowed” to get an assigned numbered, German helmet wearing, rifle toting skeleton “Executioners” tat. I could go on and on, but I have to assume you get the point by now. There is an easily identifiable difference and those sporting their exclusive and sequentially numbered “clique” tats proudly know it. Especially those who are now retired and have nothing to worry about, now.
As for those deputies (prospects) who are dying for an invite to a secret inking party, we all know some who are willing to do almost anything to get one, so drop the naivety act.
We also all know the difference between some who want to get a Station Logo tattoo because they are truly proud of their unit of assignment, and those for whom a simple station tat just ain’t enough. They need that super secret, wink and a nod, badass invite only clique tat. And some, just some, act no different than the little gangster thugs we would “Hook & Book” off the streets. It’s a different time and folks need to wise the F*@# Up!
Lastly, yes I was proud that I worked some of our favorite “Fast” stations and was smart and secure enough to not chase that silly ink.
Adios Banditos & Alex & Viv!
@anonymous, It is news to me if people actually had the letters “LNX”,”SLA”, CEN, CPT, MDR or whatever tattooed to their body. You sound like a guy who was chasing, but was never asked and hurt! You need to realize some people just went to a station, worked at that station, and were asked and said yes, to that “so called” secret ink, which wasn’t secret to anyone since the 70s! No games, no shootings, no ass kissing, and no chasing. That’s MY point, and you don’t seem to understand that. Maybe it was different at the “fast” station(s) you worked.
So I’m just going to assume anyone with the station tattoo’s as you pointed out in your second paragraph, is a gang member? Having a station tattoo isn’t a sign of insecurity as you say, nor is a label of a gang member.
@ Rebuttal, if your argument to having a station tattoo or any other ink is a big nothing to see here. Then in that same argument we should not take pictures of tattoo’s of inmates since there is nothing to see there either. Most may be members of groups or subgroups just like we have at the Department as stated by the mumbling buffoon at COC.
I find this absolutely hilarious…..LMAO
LAT: Villanueva’s campaign for supervisor is low on funds in final weeks
“According to his most recent fundraising report, Villanueva owes $17,000 to the firm running his campaign, TAB Communications. He’s loaned himself $7,500. As of Jan. 20, he had a little less than $7,800 cash on hand, the report said.”
Adios Alex & Viv
Hey Jack and Anonymous, I will never be able to relate to being the last pick, or never picked, on the school yard for PE. It must have been horrible for you guys! I’m starting to understand, but you guys will never understand my point, because you refuse to accept it! Its just easier to come on here, talk bad about the previous Sheriffs, and the deputies who have station tattoos! Fill the agenda! I could give a rats a$$ if you have a station tattoo or not, if you’re a good guy or gal, i’ll work with you!
You has some points but not nearly enough to counter the existence of deputy thugs & gangsters. They are there and were widely ignored by Villanueva.
You’re looking in the rear view mirror of days long gone.
It’s totally out of control now as you speak from the five dollar seats in the stadium. You may say five dollar seats? and laugh, now you see the point.
You has some points but not nearly enough to counter the existence of deputy thugs & gangsters. They are there and were widely ignored by Villanueva.
You’re looking in the rear view mirror of days long gone.
It’s totally out of control now as you speak from the five dollar seats in the stadium. You may say five dollar seats? and laugh, now you see the point.
@ Villanueva, the County of LA County spent $1 Billion that is with a B over your failure of leadership. You were unfit to lead. You protected every Deputy Gang or like you would like to call it ” Sub Group ” withing the Department. The Tax Payers of LA County should not foot the bill because a buffoon was Sheriff.
Villanueva is the ringleader of the fiscal nightmare.
@Jack, looking at the “payouts” I did not see ANY for anything involving “sub groups”. Deputy involved shootings occur, sorry this is LA and bad stuff happens and EVERY victim’s family sue in deputy involved shootings and major force. Not one of the payouts was because of any sub groups that I could see. The department pays a lot of these without fighting because its just cheaper. Chasing bad guys involves pursuits, which sometimes causes traffic accidents and people sue the “county” and Sheriff’s department just because they will pay. The CRDF settlement was from a 2010 lawsuit!
The Bryant case, a big one, was paid under Fire and Sheriff because both were liable, just remember, Villanueva put in a policy so this would not happen again. Deputies and Firemen have been taking photos at scenes since the camera was invented. Not many have sued until Vanessa did because it was Kobe.
@LA County Taxpayer, Did you look at the cases and the dates? Most of these big cases happened BEFORE Villanueva was Sheriff.
Suing the department is a huge payday for the attorneys, they know it, and will continue to sue. The numbers will climb and continue through Luna’s time too!
One of the big things missing is the lawsuits filed by department members where zero was paid!
There’s a reason the LASD executives of the past never promoted the former performance challenged lieutenant to the rank of captain during his 30 year career. They knew all along what the LA Progressive Dems later came to learn. This severely character flawed individual was never fit, both intellectually nor psychologically, for a leadership or command position within the LASD.
Now we all pay, pay, and pay some more, outrageously so, for this disastrous 2018 election of former failed Sheriff Villanueva.
Congratulations Mr. “Zero Accountability” Alejandro VILLANueva. You continue to set new infamous records even after your Historic 1 Failed Term incumbent election loss of 2022.
Alejandro no body likes you. The voters have spoken loud and clear. Now you can go back to your mindless rumblings. Thank you LA for not voting for this bow legged baffoon.
Stupid to say the least. Glad Im gone… nothing has changed other than real police work. Lazy Deps and Sgts hiding behind admin jobs fast tracking up the chain. Cliques Gangs whatever you wanna call them will exist with or without tattoos. All about who you know not what you know. The LASD ALADS PPOA they can ALL go F themselves. Walton needs to retire if she hasnt already. Thank God Villanueva got a kick in the ass out the door. Bafoon! April Tardy is running the Show now and Luna is her lap dog! Inked Temple
The former Pico Rivera station Watch Commander embarrassed he says