LASD Los Angeles County Sheriff

Citing Allegations of Misconduct, Retaliation, and Excessive Force, CA Attorney General Announces Civil Rights Investigation Into LASD

Sheriff Alex Villanueva at COVID-19 press conference, 3-16-2020
Taylor Walker
Written by Taylor Walker

On Friday, the California Attorney General’s Office announced an investigation into whether the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department has engaged in unconstitutional policing. Attorney General Xavier Becerra’s announcement comes, his office said, “on the heels of allegations of excessive force, retaliation, and other misconduct” involving members of the department.

AG Becerra also launched the civil investigation of the sheriff’s department’s patterns and practices in response to a lack of “sustained and comprehensive oversight of LASD’s operations.”

Sheriff Alex Villanueva — a controversial leader who has spent much of his time in office fighting against the oversight efforts of Inspector General Max Huntsman and the Civilian Oversight Commission (COC), as well as the LA County Board of Supervisors — said his department was “eager” for the “non-criminal ‘pattern and practice'” investigation to begin, “in the interest of transparency and accountability.”

“Our Department may finally have an impartial, objective assessment of our operations, and recommendations on any areas we can improve our service to the community,” the sheriff said. “During my administration, we have routinely requested the State Office of the Attorney General to monitor our investigations, and we will provide immediate access to all information in our possession.”

The sheriff has a history of blocking IG Huntsman and the COC from accessing department information, according to the civilian overseers, even after Huntsman and the commissioners gained subpoena power.

On October 15, a fed-up civilian commission approved a resolution expressing “no confidence” in the sheriff and calling on Villanueva to resign. A month later, in a 3-2 vote, the county supervisors passed a motion triggering an investigation into the question of how the board could best go about removing an elected sheriff — including via changing the county charter or county code.

In response to the new civil rights investigation, the commissioners issued a statement saying they welcomed “this important inquiry as a step toward realizing our collective goal of a department that is transparent, accountable and one which operates in a manner consistent with our constitution.”

Throughout the investigation, the AG’s Office says it will consider information from community members and local organizations, officials, the oversight bodies, sheriff’s officials and members of the department, and others.

Last month, a report from Inspector General Max Huntsman addressed the issue of “unlawful conduct” within the sheriff’s department. The report focused predominantly on the sheriff, and pointed to a number of instances in which Villanueva did appear to have acted unlawfully.

Huntsman pointed to several rulings by judges who took issue with the department’s view that it is not beholden to laws that limit its power. In one of those rulings, a judge found unlawful Villanueva’s attempt to reinstate former deputy Caren Carl Mandoyan, who had been justly fired based on allegations of domestic abuse, stalking, and spying on his ex-girlfriend, who was, at the time, also a deputy also working at the department.

Also explored at length in the report was the sheriff’s general disregard for the COC and OIG’s subpoena power, granted first by the LA County Board of Supervisors, then affirmed via voter-approved Measure R, before being triply guaranteed when CA Governor Gavin Newsom signed AB 1185.

“There are serious concerns and reports that accountability and adherence to legitimate policing practices have lapsed at the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department,” said Becerra, whom President Joe Biden recently nominated to serve as U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services.  “We are undertaking this investigation to determine if LASD has violated the law or the rights of the people of Los Angeles County.”

“Those of us in positions of public trust,” Becerra said, “know that the job comes with the solemn obligation to be accountable to the people we serve.”



  • Today was another “Awesome Allie Day” for the LASD. Mr. Magoorakami is going to cost another $8 plus Million dollar payout behind his ignorance and incompetence. If an Industry Station line deputy can score an $8 Million jury award because they did not believe the testimony of the Undersheriff, how much will two lieutenants walk away with?

    9 Stars worth of $#!+ ruining this once respected and professional law enforcement agency.

  • @Another Cop,

    That would be a “Rank” that Alejandro finally earned.


  • Surely ALADS will spend more money defending those who are part of this round up, but that’s what unions are for, or not.

  • Another self inflicted gunshot wound courtesy of Allie & Bibi. I was wondering how that investment by Station Detective Ron looks right now. This is the direct result of Allie clown monopolizing the reapers, bandidos, and yes Bibi’s favorite boys at CPT the executioners. Together they have degraded and interjected dysfunction at LASD through intimidations ( yes Bibi I’m talking about you ).

  • Awright, everybody.

    Go over to the left & down two stories to the one headed “Bill Watch.”


    ‘Cause the bill’s author is Ash Kalra.

    Looks like he’ll be the next Calif. Attorney-General, after Xavier leaves for Washington.

    He’ll be taking over the Investigation.

  • Nothing new.
    This is Democrat politics at their best.
    Incompetent leadership with brain dead followers.
    Welcome to the lasd….Los Angeles, La County, and California….all models of the cesspool of Dem political leadership.

  • Sad, that the bad overshadows the good in LASD. Reform & rejuvenation will come only after the truth of iniquities are met head on.

    This has to be the most debilitating and drama filled LASD administration in all of it’s history, which is unacceptable or excusable.

  • AV is GH- And you will be back posting on FB about oh those haters and Timmy’s wife will be saying you are the best thing since Jesus Christ. Oh and then she will end with… oh I’m praying for you and Allie.

  • @Retired,

    Alex and his Skippers have truly embarrassed and tarnished the LASD image and reputation like none before. I would wager to say even worse than the Baca/Tanaka scandal as Allie/BiBi and cast have managed to carry out their destruction in only 2 years. Who knows what will be left after their final two years are over?

  • It occurs to me all these haters wishing for the sheriffs downfall were strangely silent as McBuckles systematically destroyed the department. Perhaps their eyes and lips were too fixated on the asses they were kissing to notice the damage.

  • Right on que, here comes lil dreamer. Alex’s #1 or “Numero Uno” social media monitor and arse kisser. Keep telling your emperor, Alejandro, don’t worry Boss, “The CA AG and the USDOJ aint got nutin on you!”

  • Didn’t LT Villanueva promise to Reform, Rebuild, and Restore LASD after McDonnell or was that another 2018 candidate?

  • @lil dreamer,

    For once you have made a credible post. Good guess! But you should make sure Allie & BiBi are aware that there are many many many others who are also looking forward to assisting with their future eviction.

    My numerous CRI’s state that along with Max, you can add the following names to the informant list:

    *L.A. ACLU
    *Diana Teran,
    *Sheila Kuehl
    *Hilda Solis,
    *Mary Wickam,
    *Sachi Hamai,
    *Vanessa Bryant’s dream team attys
    *Ray Leyva
    *Bob Olmsted,
    *LACO Coroner,
    *L.A. Press & Media Attys
    *Brian Williams on behalf of the entire COC,
    *Several recently retired and numerous soon to be retired LASD Brass
    *Atty’s representing numerous employees who have been retaliated against
    *Numerous plaintiff’s attys

    The list could go on and on…. But I think you get the point by now.

    Numerous others have been blowing up this email address: ever since this video was posted:

    Yes indeed, like you stated above, this should be fun!


  • Let’s see body worn cameras, ICE out, balanced budget, record local recruitment, yeah he did reform, rebuild, and restore. And this all happened while enduring a coordinated campaign to discredit and delegitimize by the BOS and their lackeys on the OIG, COC, and the Times. Remarkable.

  • There goes Allie’s favorite keyboard warrior again. Since it rained today, did you wash those BMW’s in Allie & Bibi’s garage.
    SO lets talk about LT Allie and his big lie called “Reform, Rebuild, and Restore”.
    ICE- Every Latino and especially the one’s from ELA know it’s a switch and bait. Bibi & Allie Lied to them.
    Balanced Budget- I heard you say Balanced Budget.. He has put the Department through the worst Budget Deficit ever in the history of LASD. Ask Hamai about it.
    Local recruitment- If you want to call Allie Junior ( who by the way is a natural born f**k up), Timmy’s nephew, Bibi’s ELA Bandidos and of course Carl Mandoyan’s Reapers.
    Now go shine those BMW’s. Get on sweet pea’s good side, if not you will be put in the dog pound.

  • GH, you got quite the list of credible informants, ROFLMAO. In a game of poker you have a horrible hand, and you showed it. I hope you have something better than that. FYI, Gascon is going to be the fastest recall in California history. Four on your list are subjects of criminal investigations. Try harder.

  • Exactly how, pray tell? Your hatred of the sheriff is duly noted, but you seem to lack specifics. Oh wait, every critic of Villanueva is telling the honest truth, so help them God? Didn’t Baca/Tanaka get convicted of federal crimes? Let’s make it easy for you, got a crime you think AV committed? This should be interesting.

  • Dear Department members, there is now a “Non Criminal investigation by the State Attorney General’s office to determine if we broke the law”. Wait, what did he just say? Ok, I guess we’re all idiots who don’t know what this means. Of course he’s going to fully cooperate now. We surely wouldn’t want to obstruct justice would we? People, this is what happens when you ignore subpoenas, and preach transparency but live in a state of paranoia and secrecy. You then arrogantly insist on being the smartest man in the room and surround yourself with bobble- head brass who only know the words “Yes Boss.” Sad part is this only puts the deputies further at risk. “”It’s officially a runaway train, sadly one with an inevitable crash. Bring it on Dreamer. Look forward to ripping you a a new one!!!

  • Anyone want to take bets on this investigation coming up with nothing, besides spending a crap ton of money to complete it. All they’ll find is there are bad apples everywhere, just like any other aspect of life. The majority of department personnel do their job professionally and great. This is politicking at its best. Last oorah before he heads to the senate.

    Let’s just be realistic. I’ve seen body worn camera footage and guess what. Looks like deputies have been on the good side a lot more than the “people” and/or “bias media” think or say!

    Come on down.

  • I know by posting I will get snipped at by at least the two cowards who call themselves “AV Clown Show” and “Juan Carlos.” So be it, I have no fear of cowards.

    What is most disturbing about the many posts, is the fact many of you, blinded by your hate for our current Sheriff, are pulling for an investigation that implies we routinely violate people’s rights.

    Is it possible this has happened? Well, people aren’t perfect and I believe the bad ones are dealt with accordingly.

    Any violation of people’s rights is unacceptable!

    What is truly disheartening is that a coward like “AV Clown Show,” by his own admission, a long time member of this department, soon to be retired, is implying there needs to be an investigation into his long time partners.

    Well, Mr. Clown/Coward, if you know this to be true, on a global level, within the department, how come you haven’t told anyone?

  • “…How come you haven’t told anyone?”


    Remember the Kolts Commission of 1992?

    It was formed basically because LASD misconduct settlements exceeded any other County expenditure.

    Its findings can be Googled, so I won’t go into them here, but they ain’t good.

    Thereafter, a Special Counsel reported twice a year to the BOS on problems within the LASD for the next I forgot how many years; these reports, too, can be Googled for perusal–for example: 10th LASD Semi-Annual Report.

    Likewise another Counsel (Michael Gennaco) reported once a year to the Sheriff; his Reports can likewise be Googled for contemplation.

    That went on for I forget how many decades, and nothing in the LASD changed.

    So the Feds intervened.

    And we saw what happened with THAT: the Sheriff, Undersheriff, and a whole bunch of others are now inmates in a Federal Prison.

    For Unconstitutional Policing.

    Now the State is intervening.

    Because Someone Got Told.

  • Little Ronald,

    Save your half hearted and deflectionary posting for someone who believes your bullshit. My comments have nothing to do with the honorable hardworking line folks doing the Lords Work in a professional, intelligent, brave and honorable fashion.

    This has everything to do with the total ineptitude and incompetence at the very top of our once great and respected organization. Alex, BiBi and his bobble headed Skippers own every part of this investigation as well as the ramifications that will come from it in the future.

    You gleefully accepted the “High Fives” for getting Alejandro into office with over $1 MILLION of campaign support, so YOU are just as RESPONSIBLE for the Clusterf#%k mess that we are in now. Own It Butt Boi!

    I will soon be retired and will be personally able to demonstrate who the true coward is in person, lil Ronald.

  • Save it Clown Show. You are close enough to retirement to make you untouchable, by the department.

    You’ll never admit who you are, because then people will know for a fact who the coward with the grade school insults truly is.

    Sometime in the future you will be lobbing grenades from a different state, in true fashion of your reputation.

    That being said, I look forward to April, and your demonstration.

  • All good Ron.
    These people in SoCal gonna get some “progressive” therapy, good and hard.
    You can’t keep destroying civilization without attacking police and values.
    Let them have it.
    Protect your pension and your life.
    Let the libs eat each other alive.

  • Blind eyes & feigned knowledge of what is actually going on, paints a perfect picture of the problem within LASD.

    Ron, it’s better to say “I don’t know” than to act like you do. Honesty is always the best policy and image also.

  • Lil Ronald, despite your sorry and weak attempts to hijack the the discussion and deflect attention away from your incompetent Jefe, Alejandro will continue to add F’ Ups upon all of his other highly publicized F’ Ups, and you are just as RESPONSIBLE for the fallout that will inevitably ruin the professional work environment and lives of so many dues paying ALADS members, well after your sorry squatty ass is gone and collecting your tarnished retirement checks. But in true “It’s All about Me” Ronald and Alex form, you wont give a crap because you got yours.

    We are all looking forward to the day You and Your Daddy Alejandro are purged from the LASD.

  • I knew Bibi’s favorite fangirl Station Detective would come out of hiding with his mindless rah-rah. Just wondering if Bibi sent you a text to go defend “our Sheriff”. Since you’ve been living under your station desk since Allie took over as the worst Sheriff our Department has ever had, you of all people need to understand this disgrace. You say “people aren’t perfect and believe the bad ones are dealt with accordingly” ..really which world are you living in? The smart ones learn and understand the history of our Department is what will move us forward. The lens is on us because we have had a dark past.
    You know why it matters because it comes back to haunt us, and as of the 20th the USDOJ will put put that camera so far up Allie’s ar*se they will tickle his tongue. It is not the LASD, it is Allie & Bibi’s ELA Bandido clique.
    O wise one so what were you going to do to the Clown show if he was not close to retirement. What was your self-obsessed Narcissus with bowlegs going to do. Just wondering.
    I think it’s time for you to stroll back to Disneyland.

  • @Clown, why don’t you enlighten us with exactly what I got!

    Here’s your chance to expose me.

    Looking forward to you “manning up” in April, but I won’t hold my breath.

    Using clown in your screen name is perfect, seeing as you are the laughing stock of Witness LA.

  • No one cares when you tell RH….the department covers their behinds very well. But of course we all know that.

  • realLOL, last time I checked VILLANueva was a “progressive” DemocRAT. Remember Reform, Rebuild, and Restore. I will give him one thing …. he has rebuilt LASD Bandido style straight out of the ELA barrio.

  • Attn: LASD ALADS Members, this is what your hard earned monthly dues get you. No wonder the ship is sinking with Ronalds purchased sheriff at the helm. Don’t worry though, Lil Ronald has his personal liferaft stashed and prepped to bail just ahead of the rest of you poor souls.

  • Oh please…Diana Teran?? Wasn’t she supposed to have a deposition with the FBI recently but “claimed” she was suffering from stress so she could not testify?

  • Clown show, I’ll be 60 soon with 36 and half years of service. Yup, the perfect portrait of a person who is bailing ahead of others!

    “Attention ALADS members,” as if you have a following.

    Once the coat tails were gone, you soon followed!

  • Editor’s Note:

    Dear “Buddy,”

    I trashed one of your comments because of the wall-to-wall foul language, the attempt to out the identity of someone you were attacking, and your attacks on family members. None of this is okay. Please dial it WAY back.

    Thank you in advance for your cooperation.


  • Unbeknownst to many and as Ron would have it, not many deputies are unaware of multi-million Bylaws Debacle (Case BC540789).

    Still ongoing and costing members nearly 7 years later, you can see ALADS discombobulated priorities. Mind you the defendants and former members in that case are long gone.

    The deflection of Ron’s involvement is bigger than his ego and the only thing to match it is the tab. Ask Ron, only under oath.

  • The progressive liberal Democrat Villanueva has lost the Democratic Party endorsement. His kick ICE out of the County Jails rhetoric is a joke. He still works with ICE on many cases. He gives up the inmates address and the ICE personnel just go pay the released inmate a visit at the pad where everyone then goes. His inaction in terms of transparency has led to this action of a civil rights investigation. How does this help deputies? The Board of Supervisors can’t stand Villanueva. The Civilian Oversight Commission despises him. He’s tucked so deep in bed with ALADS because that’s all he has left. If ALADS wakes up and realizes this sheriff is bad for business then perhaps the membership with have a stronger future. His pathetic advisor from home and him need to call it a day. The experiment failed. He can live with his ego saying you were once sheriff. Never mind the worst one in history. Sheriff Villanueva, for everybody’s sake please just roll yourself up!!! Your Bobblehead staff may tell you you’re great, but trust me, you’re not. You and your advisor from home are incompetent and in way over your heads. Please understand, the professional victim routine has grown old and boring. Time to own it!! The one thing I do know is the AG will hand this over to the Feds when completed. Poland and Puerto Rico are both great places to retire. Be warned, I’m not sure if either extradites.

  • So many people have a long standing, deep hatred for Sheriff Villanueva but easily look over the challenges he has faced, not without stumbles, yet he guided the Department through some stormy weather. The Sheriff and his executives have the support of the line troops unlike the last Sheriff who was more concerned about uniform appearances and the script of the patrol vehicles than the morale of his troos. The BOS opposed the new Sheriff day one and made their dislike of him now day one
    shutting down the new jail, criticizing the budget he inherited from his predecessor who they had no problem with repeatedly being over budget. The last Sheriff was the puppet of the BOS and was used to having a boss directing his ever action. The BOS liked this power. It’s amazing how the BOS believes they have any more right to hold their elected posts over the Sheriff? Put forth a viable recall campaign if he’s so bad Why havn’t the Teran or Hami criminal investigation regarding criminal threats come out?

    I’m sure the average law abiding taxpayer likes the Sheriff and the job his Department has and is done. Most if not all of the areas patrolled by the Sheriff’s office did pretty well last year considering the months of constant civil unrest, fires and politically fuelled fires and media fanned flames.

    Just like the US government wasted money on Russia investigations and hearings over four years that produced nothing but bad publicity in the eyes of certain voters who go through life being fed information so is the BOS and it’s cabal following suite.

    God help us all if the Sheriff is removed and the unholy trinity is complete with the BOS, Gascon and whatever boot-licking reimagined lackey they find to be Sheriff controlling the county government.

  • All…
    These “civil rights investigations” commissions, etc NEVER end with finding no fault. They do not undertake these tedious and time consuming tasks if they’re not sure they will find something. The result is usually a “settlement” between the parties. In the end, that means that many restrictions and changes on how the deputies and Dept. accomplish their mission will be heavily impacted. Maybe a good thing in some cases, maybe not. Nevertheless, someone is responsible for this having to happen. You decide who…

  • Juan Carlos, you are really blowing everyone away with your insightful comments. SB 54 was the starting point for the sheriff, and he took it all the way to a permanent moratorium on ICE transfers. He also rejected SCAAP grant funds, the ones McBuckles and the BOS were accepting as they sold out the inmate population to ICE. Care to explain the “bait and switch”? You seem to be a little math challenged, so let me break it down for you: inheriting a $101.8 M deficit, getting defunded another $145 M, and wind up with a balanced budget, I’d call that amazing.

    People who resort to criticizing family members is more a reflection on their lack of character than anything else. I guess Celeste has a different standard when it comes to the sheriff’s family, she seems to censor all other attacks on family.

  • Ignoring subpoenas? LOL, yeah partner, sure. You may want to look up SB 1185 and the code of civil procedure before you think you’re going to rip anyone anything. There’s a reason the county is fighting tooth and nail to prevent the sheriff from having access to independent legal counsel, and it’s not for the public’s benefit.

    Speaking of transparency, you haven’t heard? The sheriff announced last week the department is in full compliance with SB 1421, and that’s in spite of being denied SIX TIMES the necessary resources to comply with an unfunded mandate! Oh gosh darn, how does he do it? #factsmatter

  • Oh no! LASD works with ICE? How terrible that local law enforcement doesn’t act as a shield after ILLEGAL ALIENS enter the US and continue to commit crimes. Only leftists think it’s a good idea to give these ILLEGAL ALIENS any kind of sanctuary in the US.

    Yes, Poland and the US have an extradition treaty. And Puerto Rico is a US territory, ya big silly.

  • CircleJerk, between you, Clown, and Juan Carlos, maybe we should call you the Three Muskateers. No matter how many times your wild claims get debunked, you just rinse and repeat in the hopes of repetition will make your fake claims reality. You should know by now MRT and Kuehl’s minions tried to get the LACDP to pull their endorsement of the sheriff and it failed. It was reported in the news, by the way. It just shows the level of corruption between the BOS and their surrogates across the county.

    Your entire drivel on ICE is a flat out lie, and you know it. You should pay more attention to the Spanish media, who continue to praise the sheriff for his efforts on behalf of the undocumented. His inaction on transparency netted a 96.45% compliance rate with SB 1421, with zero support from the county for the resources to meet an unfunded state mandate. How dare he!

    Of course the corrupt board of supervisors can’t stand the sheriff. The fact that he’s not corruptible freaks them out and they want back the control they had over the LASD under McBuckles and even Baca. This is the same board that had nothing to say about Baca/Tanaka corruption as it unfolded. This is the same board that appoints county counsel, the OIG, and the COC. The core of county government is rotten with corruption and they have made it their number one priority to get rid of an ethical and competent sheriff they can’t control.

    To borrow a line from cf, you ladies have fun making the same false claims over and over. There’s a reason why this blog is a joke.

  • Dear BiBi,

    Or is this Creepy Carl? Did you really state that the mean BOS shut down Allie’s Jail on Day 1 in you whining VILLANueva legacy recap?

    I guess y’all are still trying convince all of his unknowing underlings to buy into the old and tired cry of “the Supervisors and the CEO are just picking on me” by eliminating our beloved MCJ and some of their jobs in the process. But wait, didn’t the retired lieutenant who was campaigning for the exalted and all powerful Office of the Sheriff say many times on the trail that the Board approved and funded ‘Baca & McDonnell Plan’ to rebuild and replace the old and antiquated MCJ with a brand new and shiny Consolidated Correctional Treatment Facility (CCTF) was a “BAD Idea” as he attempted to garner the loving support of the anti-jails crowd as the “Progressive Democrat” candidate?

    What? Some of you don’t recall that? Really? Well let’s refresh your collective memories:

    How Sheriff Villanueva’s Election May Have Doomed LA’s New Women’s Jail

    As they say many times in court proceedings;
    Q – Atty: Lil Allie, after reviewing your report, have you refreshed your recollection now?
    A – Lil Allie: “But, but, but, that was before I knew what I was talking about. Now I see we need a new jail but since I released over Five Thousand (5ooo) inmates to appease the ‘No Jails’ activists and ACLU crowd, they are all taking advantage of my ignorance. That’s not fair!” And furthermore, morale has never been higher than under my sage and narcissistic leadership! My Executive Command staff tell me that every day.

  • Let Villanueva do his time as he was voted in, when the next election comes around, make another choice.

    His decisions, good & bad, will determine if he remains as Sheriff for a second go round.

  • Back in early June (06/02/20) I shared the following on a WLA post. Let’s read again in light of the CA AG’s announcement of initiating a Pattern & Practice Investigation against Alex Villanueva’s Clown Show Circus:

    “Well, now the LASD is going to suffer big time as part of the murder fallout of George Floyd at the hands of disgraced Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin, coupled with the FAILED leadership of Sheriff Alex Villanueva. I know some of you are saying, “you’re just an Alex hater using this tragedy to take a cheap shot.” But hear me out, as all along I have been pointing out the long term damage that Lt. Villanueva would be causing to the LASD with his ill-advised decisions made solely to boost his fragile ego with the support of ALADS and ELA Station Bandidos.

    Connect the dots:

    – The Creepy Carl Mandoyan reinstatement and rehire fiasco and subsequent lawsuits,
    – Stated intent and promises to review and rehire all previously lawfully fired personnel for egregious misconduct,
    – Shutting down the efforts to investigate unprofessional and destructive unit cliques,
    – The opening of a criminal investigation against the LASD Inspector General, Max Huntsman,
    – His outward disdain and disrespect of the Civilian Oversight Commission
    – The on-going attempts to publicly embarrass and fight with the Board of Supervisors over everything,
    – The attempts to challenge the CEO over his complete mismanagement of the LASD’s budget,
    – His failure to institute and deploy body worn cameras as he promised he would do in the 1st Qtr of 2019.
    – and the continued behind the scenes efforts to curry favor and support from certain prominent & shady community figures who have very questionable ties and backgrounds, to name a few.

    This will all come crashing down on Alex in the coming months. That resulting cascade of $%^& soup will forever change the LASD and the ability of the hard working deputies to do their already difficult job; making it a thousand times harder.

    All one has to do is recall how policing in America was changed following the ‘92 riots. Several of us know the meaning of Pre-Rodney vs. Post-Rodney policing. In the coming months, once order is restored across America, the new demands and movements for police oversight will be on steroids. Every agency will need an “INTELLIGENT” leader who will be strong and wise enough to forge respectful, meaningful and trustworthy relationships with the oversight leaders in their respective counties and cities.

    Now, how many of you believe Lt. Alex and his narcissistic ego will allow him to publicly backtrack and eat some of that bitter crow and humble pie that will be forced down his throat by the Board, the OIG, the COC and the newly empowered police reform activist groups?

    He has destroyed all of the previously hard earned working relationships that had been forged over the years and now, “Policing Accountability Oversight” proponents will have the overwhelming community support (LA County Voters) to neuter the once professionally powerful Office of the Sheriff.

    Nice grasp of the “Big Picture” Lt. Alex Villanueva.”

    And now here we are. So to all of the Allie cheerleaders and Kool-Aid drinkers, I hate to say “I told you so.” But I did……

  • @KeepDreamin. Thank you for the tutorship on Villanueva 101. I see now. He’s just “draining the swamp’. The Let’s see how that works out when he sets out on his next campaign of “accomplishments”. I’m sure Hilda and Co. will stay out of it.

  • @Shad-49/Armando, I was content staying out once my name was no longer mentioned amongst the BS.

    If your intent of the dollar signs and “Where-O-Where” is to try to lead people to believe there is something scandalous going on with ALADS/Members funds then say it, and point them (members) in the right direction.

    Any member can make arrangements to view the finances and ask questions.

    I assure you the days of you, I mean a director, intimidating a staff member into giving them a check for their personal use are long gone!

  • Ron,

    I’ll bet the number of anonymous loudmouth accusers who actually have taken you up on that offer of reviewing the books is pretty close to zero. Don’t dignify their anonymous shots in the dark. There are only a few of us active and retired guys here, along with the usual leftist windbags, and a few department execs trying to guess who’s posting.

  • who cares who’s posting on here. And if you want to guess or know who it is, what are you going to do about it?

  • For those who believe very few even bother to read WLA articles and/or the comments section, let me provide some very basic and totally unscientific analytics for you to weigh. When I first posted the comment below:

    The AV Clown Show
    January 22, 2021 at 10:55 pm
    In the immortal words of Gomer Pyle, “Surprise Surprise Surprise!”

    All I can say is: SHAZAAM!

    #Adios Alejandro

    This several year old YouTube linked video only had 73,265 “Views” at that moment in time. Since posting this link, this fairly dormant video has garnered over 200 additional “Views” in only 2 1/2 days.

    Like I said, it’s totally unscientific, but it doesn’t take a math whiz rocket scientist to figure out that news and comments highlighting the ineptitude of ‘Alejandro The Not-so-Great’ definitely moves the engagement activity needle on WLA.

    I’m willing to go out on a limb and offer up that WLA’s Villanueva focused pots/comments generate more social media activity than Allie’s Facebook Live comedy skits and his Twittering announcements.

    Celeste can possibly verify or debunk this hypothesis if she feels so inclined?

    Now, read on Chaps!

  • Funny “Dose,” in the four and a half years that I have been at ALADS full time, we had one guy who requested, and came to look.

    He quickly got bored of the details, as he was explained what to look for.

    There’s a big difference in insinuating money is being inappropriately used, and not agreeing on how it is being used.

    We have explained this several times and offered the opportunity to come and look, at many of our Rep meetings.

    You know as well as I do, the goal of these haters is to use the social media tact of creating distrust.

    Why any deputy would want their union to be viewed as untrustworthy is beyond me.

    Good thing there is only a handful of those haters.

  • The AV Clown Show,

    Dude, did AV deny you a day off when he was your scheduling sergeant, or what? You are a butt hurt mofo.

    And for God’s sake, please knock off the hashtag crap. It’s goofy as can be.

  • @Dose
    No he is mad cause when he was at ALADS he hosted parties and had McDonnell over at his house. Yes, the McDonnell that was horrible to his personnel yet the union was in bed with. Ain’t that right AV Clown, or should I say GH.

  • Lil Dreamer aka J.B … and you’re still on this blog being that loyal keyboard warrior for LIE-tenant Bowlegs!!!

  • Clown,

    I wasn’t making a comeback to defend AV. I’ve been critical of his decisions here, but I don’t breathlessly attack him in every post like you do. The hashtags really do undermine your credibility (less than zero is possible?). Your reaction is akin to a small child when told not to do something – they immediately do it ten-fold just to be a brat. You did exactly as I expected. LOL

  • Jefe,

    No idea what you’re talking about. I retired well before AV was elected, and I never knew him on the job. I just want my alma mater to succeed, regardless of who runs it. How about you?

  • @D.O.R.

    You completely missed the point of the “#Hashtag” references in my postings but since you mentioned you have been retired for a few years, I’ll take a little time to bring you up to speed.

    It’s a new social medial generation thang, mostly for the Woke Folk. My list of #Hashtagging the current failure of a sheriff is a knock on the fact that as The self proclaimed “Progressive” candidate, Allie exploited the #Hashtag generation by coming up with his self titled #SheriffV hash so that he could look cool to the young and hip progressives as he sends out his daily tweets.

    Like you, I’m not a part of that #Gen group, thus my listing of #tags WLA comment sign-offs is simply to F*#& with Allie, BiBi and his highly paid on-duty Social Media monitors.

    Why do I keep doing it you might ask? Because I received very credible feedback that it has worked exactly as intended.

    As for my credibility? Not a concern as I’m not the Sheriff who has lost any and all credibility. I’m simply an anonymous commenter on a WLA blog, much like yourself. I just happen to have credible sources in high places. So basically, we are all equals here.

    Keep Calm & Blog On!


  • Blind loyalty leads to insurrections with sideline instigators adding fuel to the fire, sound familiar?

  • What can you do if a LASD IAB agent lies on a deputies discharge case and you have proof he lied under oath so 3304(d) would not be violated. It seems the hearing officer, Civil Service commission, county lawyers and Board of Supervisors just seem to overlook lots of evidence if it’s not in their favor. The system is broken and unless they get a super laywer to take their case there is no hope for some of these deputies to get their jobs back, which is really sad. They drag these cases out for years to bleed the duties into quitting because the deputies run out of money and can’t afford to keep fighting for their job. There should be a time limit on all LASD discipline cases with the LASD department. There should be someone looking over ICIB and IAB shoulders making sure they are not taking advantage of the deputies rights.

  • Google “Labor Lawyers, Los Angeles, Calif.” & you’ll find lawyers that’ll take your case on a contingency basis, meaning you only pay the lawyer contingent on winning the case.

    These cases do take a long time–you’re right: LASD is doing it on purpose for the reasons you stated–so you’ll probably have to work at Home Depot while your case is being worked.

    Good luck!!!

  • Dose, our Department is like a rudderless ship led by an inept Lieutenant Villanueva It is taking in water and he is the sole reason for it Period!! I see your blind loyalty to him at all costs. I care about my Department, and it is painful to see it’s decline. The man thinks he is the smartest guy in the room and he knows best.

  • Jefe Madness,

    Not sure what you think I said in support of AV. As a retiree, my only blind loyalty is to LACERA. LOL

  • @ Rakkasam,

    James Sexton and Sheriff’s Union ALADS, is the pinnacle of deceit, back stabbing, lies & exposure leading to prison sentences. Sexton was set up by ALADS and paid dearly.

    Many times, the enemy is within the ranks, as everyone found out. Witnessla chronicles the whole story and definitely nails it.

    The last three Sheriff’s administrations including the current one has had ties with ALADS, one way or another.

    Witnessla chronicles the whole story and definitely nails it.

  • I am retired and I worked for the department for 35 years. I worked some interesting assignments and dealt with sworn personnel from deputies, supervisors, managers, and executives during those years. You may have guessed, I am what has been called professional staff. I have been reading Witnessla for a long time now, and I always read the Comment Section. Once in awhile, someone writes a comment that is very thought provoking, measured, insightful, and informing. Most of the time, I am disappointed. Many individuals who comment on an article behave as if they were children in kindergarten, calling each other names, challenging each other to physical confrontations, and generally just behaving in a rude and sometimes vitriolic manner. For the most part, the department had a reputation for behaving in a very professional manner on the job, and in public. Witnessla, is a public forum, and I’m afraid that many of you have forgotten the good manners that your mothers taught you, how sad.

  • Dose,
    Then put your blind loyalty to LACERA and let us current LASD deal with this dipshit Lieutenant.

  • Well, bless your heart. You go right on thinking you’re “dealing with” anything by ranting on this liberal blog.

  • “Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva has authorized his deputies to conceal their names while policing protests and other civil disturbances.

    Villanueva said Wednesday that the change to the department’s long-standing practice of requiring deputies to wear tags engraved with their last names on their uniform shirts was in response to recent incidents in which deputies were harassed and had personal information revealed by protesters”

    The above is letting you know “steady hands” is all about cover ups. examples: Deletion of images taken on personal phones, On and off duty accidents (D.U.I’s ) some wreckless driving causing death, SHOOTINGS, USE OF FORCE ( where to begin on this one) and perjuring yourself on the stand.. So much more. But covering up for the rat throwing club “Bandidos” will have you belly up #33. And include those you had attempting to clean up your predictable DISASTER!

    The practice of having your peeps show up on scene to assist on covering up the f#%k ups is nothing new. And who you have show up is another headline!! #33, you must have thought you would have total control having your threat monitored by E.L.A station. Have the Wifey’s fam/buds keep a close eye.. And this towards somebody who knows exactly what your’e doing because of having worked for L.A.S.D.

    Yours truly, #33 (what a coincidence!)

  • Most lessons are learned in many Law
    Enforcement Organizations/Administrations through the pockets and reforms.

    The biggest Departments get hit the hardest.

  • ALADS set up!! Mmmm.. where to begin on this one!!!!

    I would absolutely agree on this below as posted by “FYI”

    “Sheriff’s Union ALADS, is the pinnacle of deceit, back stabbing, lies & exposure leading to prison sentences. Sexton was set up by ALADS and paid dearly”

    And at the end of the day it all comes down to the SHIT BAG STATION DETECTIVE presiding over ALADS amd assisting in the disaster of a shit show!!

  • “As Sheriff of LA County, I firmly believe we are not safer by putting the interests of offenders over the needs of victims of crime”

    Steady Hands, you should worry about your self interest wouldn’t you agree?

    yours truly, #33

  • @S 1 of 1, Coward!

    I wasn’t even on the board then.

    If you want to attack me, do it with current events.

    It scary that a coward like you may actually be a deputy on our department, but I find comfort in realizing that you most likely don’t work patrol, where you would have to barricade yourself in a black and white or show yourself as “busy” everytime you received hot call.

    It’s comical that you guys think referring to me as a “Station Detective” is an insult.

  • Your biggest blunder and ALADS biggest financial loss is you spearheading BC540789.

    Of course Ron, you’ll never admit your involvement nor the co$t.

  • As a courtesy Ron,
    with all due respect for members through transparency, kindly let it be known when that “Money Train” BC540789 stops.

  • You’re one of those i see Ronnie Boy!

    I’be been on these many years, i have many war stories, I’ve worked here and there. Take your fake self and throw it in the trash Ronnie!!

  • Sorry Champ, he seemed to be on point. OIG and the crooks and attorneys (but I repeat myself) on the Citizen’s Commission are just attack dogs for the BoS, and you know it. I loved his stats on inmates in the jails being 1/2 as likely to get covid as those out of custody. How was that for a … Dose of Reality? LOL

  • Remember your prior comments, retired before LT Villanueva became sheriff and never met LT Villanueva while on duty.

    Aside from believing he’s the smartest man in the room, he also believes he’s never wrong. Nor will he admit he was wrong. It’s why he’s been “nicknamed” King of the County throughout county buildings.

    Case in point: Mandoyan. He mentions the Mandoyan county lawsuit again here, still, after it’s a settled legal issue. Whenever Mandoyan is brought up by him, it’s always a witch hunt lawsuit and not the topic at hand, illegally hiring Mandoyan as a political payback.

    If multiple brass that LT Villanueva respects, Leyva, Olmsted, among others, tell him Mandoyan can’t be re-hired, County Counsel advises him Mandoyan can’t be re-hired, and multiple judges rule against LT Villanueva efforts to re-hire Mandoyan, who’s in the wrong?

  • As to Mandoyan, AV is in the wrong. I wrote a detailed explanation of how and why he was wrong quite some time ago.

  • Although he obviously isn’t right about everything, I like his moxy. He also seems to have his finger on the pulse of what’s going on. Or did you prefer our old sheriff, Baca, who would drone on about space aliens and act as though he was sheriff to the world while the little man ran shit into the ground? Or how about McBuckles, who was an interloping outsider who didn’t know the first thing about the department?

  • Dose of Reality:

    Leadership, character, values, integrity is what Sheriff Villanueva is lacking. It it only took moxie and a feel for the pulse of what is going on in any situation, we could all through our hats in the ring to be sheriff.

  • Funny how an allegedly retired guy tries to rag on those who post on WLA (a liberal blog in his words) and dare to highlight Alex Villanueva’s ineptitude and failures as he runs our once great organization into the rocks, will still read through 100 comments and then take the time to post his defensive excuses and support on behalf of such failed leadership.

    “Dose of Reality
    January 27, 2021 at 7:47 am
    Well, bless your heart. You go right on thinking you’re “dealing with” anything by ranting on this liberal blog.”

    Hey D.O.R., a little hypocritical are ye?

    Enjoy the Hashtags!


  • You guys are something – AV Derangement Syndrome (AVDS). I still love my alma mater and want AV to be successful. Go ahead and keep rooting against him. You do you.

  • I just listened to the Facebook post. A few takeaways. First off it’s interesting to see .00005 percent of the citizens of LA County tuning in to listen to 25 minutes of defensive blather. The best part of the discussion was him complaining about not getting to be heard at the Board meeting. Something to the effect of they don’t want to hear from the Sheriff’s Department and I don’t know why? Really? Please take a look in the mirror. Does this guy really think the collective voices of the Board of Supervisors, OIG, and COC, will go unheard by LA County voters? And believe me when I say Dose of Reality doesn’t collect from LACERA. He used to sit very close to the Sheriff until he stepped on it. Lastly, I suggest someone due their homework on the Democratic endorsement vote. The majority voted to pull the endorsement. And that number would have been much higher had many of them not voted to save Villanueva simply because they don’t believe the board should have the right to remove a Sheriff. A concept which I happen to agree with, regardless of how inept he is. Let the voters handle that in 2022.

  • Fact Check- At a recent General Membership Meeting the LA County Democratic Party voted 74-60 in favor of formally demanding the Sheriff step down from his position. The motion didn’t pass because it required 60% to pass. The same doesn’t go for the future endorsement. That will be a simple 50% which means that ship has already sailed. Hope that settles it for Dose and the others in denial.

  • Dose…Dose ….Dose… the old Villanueva partner… the one who drives a County car courtesy of the lib-TURD Villanueva. Now that the Gov has opened restaurants up.. here’s a little riddle. You gonna visit that Italian restaurant with Villanueva and Bib. Off course you will deny all of this O B**M*N

  • Does anyone know why Maria Gutierrez LASD resigned in June 2019 after her 6 month promotion to Assistant Sheriff to take a much lower paying job as a commissioner at Board of Parole Hearing.

  • Fact check: Gascon hires his campaign advisors to his management team. McDonnell hired his campaign advisor Miriam Krinsky to run his transition team. Every single supervisor has campaign staff on their management teams, and Sheila has a former partner in an executive position on her staff. Villanueva hired Mandoyan to be a drum roll please…..deputy sheriff like 8000 others.

    I know you haters are getting more shrill by the minute, but you will be disappointed if you think AV will be found dirty. His social media audience dwarfs that of your beloved BOS and COC combined. Ouch. One last note for you fact checkers, only one judge has ruled, and the signed order was just turned in a few days ago. The order was watered down and will be at the appellate level now. Apparently a PPOA case in another courtroom came to the exact opposite opinion of Beckloff on a virtually identical matter. Oops.

  • So why was Smurphy nudged out as COS. Lets hear your wisdom. Are you going to donate $2500 this time around for el jefe.

  • Fact Checking the Lil Dreramer B.S. AV facts:

    Alejandro tried to “Reinstate” his campaign driver and Armenian Bagman from his due-ly processed “Terminated” final state of former Grim Reaper deputy, with a $200,000.00 “back-pay” taxpayer giveaway for his campaign loyalty and efforts after the Bob Lindsey campaign efforts failed. Alejandro also went so far as to have a phony illegitimate settlement agreement crafted and processed before he even slid into his office so he could try to cover his scandalous actions. But as usual, the Smartest Man in the Room’s plan fell apart and was blown up by the Board of Supervisors and the Court.

    And That’s a Fact, Jack!

  • Your ignorance of fact is amusing. No wonder the board hired Anthony Pellicano’s bottom feeder lawyer.

  • Maria Gutierrez is collecting a county pension, most likely, close her working salary and now a State salary. Sweet deal. Good for her. I doubt she will be running for Sheriff if that is your question, want to know.

  • @KeepDreamin. I highly recommend this new Netflix series called “Creepy Carl”. It’s about this guy who harasses and intimidates women in broad daylight by breaking through their slider doors with a screwdriver. The main subject thumbs his nose at the political establishment because he has shopped multiple sheriffs candidates and bags the winning sheriff after driving him around for a year during his campaign. The main character is a little greasy and it’s spills onto the sheriff a bit. I won’t spoil the ending. Highly recommended!

  • I recall a “TST” Deputy transporting inmates to court (Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center) with same last name, as the person defeated in the primary in this clip below from article. I won’t mention his partner.

    Mandoyan first donated to rival Bob Lindsey’s campaign for sheriff. After Lindsey was defeated in the primary, two of them also donated to Villanueva’s campaign.

  • UPDATE of the view counts related to the below post made on Monday:

    The Gomer Pile “Surprise & SHAZAAM!” YouTube’s views are officially outpacing The AV Clown Show’s Facebook Live weekly comedy skits.

    Today’s YouTube view counts are UP over 400 since posting on WLA. You can’t make this shit up! LMAO

    The AV Clown Show
    January 25, 2021 at 4:18 pm
    For those who believe very few even bother to read WLA articles and/or the comments section, let me provide some very basic and totally unscientific analytics for you to weigh. When I first posted the comment below:

    The AV Clown Show
    January 22, 2021 at 10:55 pm
    In the immortal words of Gomer Pyle, “Surprise Surprise Surprise!”

    All I can say is: SHAZAAM!

    #Adios Alejandro

    This several year old YouTube linked video only had 73,265 “Views” at that moment in time. Since posting this link, this fairly dormant video has garnered over 200 additional “Views” in only 2 1/2 days.

    Like I said, it’s totally unscientific, but it doesn’t take a math whiz rocket scientist to figure out that news and comments highlighting the ineptitude of ‘Alejandro The Not-so-Great’ definitely moves the engagement activity needle on WLA.

    I’m willing to go out on a limb and offer up that WLA’s Villanueva focused pots/comments generate more social media activity than Allie’s Facebook Live comedy skits and his Twittering announcements.

    Celeste can possibly verify or debunk this hypothesis if she feels so inclined?

    Now, read on Chaps!

  • The name tag wasn’t covered. Therefore his partners last name was Rod%#gu$z.. And they were transporting me! Oh Boy

    yours truly, #33

  • And then there was Netflix!

    i wonder if they’ll make a movie or series about this fella!

    “Every vote he made on the school board was not in the interests of students or parents of LAUSD,” UTLA President Alex Caputo-Pearl said. “He carried out the wishes of the wealthy elite, including the CEO of Netflix and the billionaire-backed California Charter Schools Association.”

  • i forgot to mention that i bank with them over on Corporate Center Drive in Monterey Park. They are literally minutes from where i stay and a hop skip and away from East Los Angeles Sheriff’s station and “steady hands” headquarters.

  • “Costing Taxpayers Millions”…..

    Truly ironic, as the same rings true for dues paying members of ALADS – Superior Court Case BC540789.

    Ask Ron Hernandez for details and he’ll tell you, maybe not.

  • CircleJerk,

    You are wrong about me. I was a nobody, and now I’m retired. Look back a few articles and you’ll see I have been critical of decisions AV made in the past, to include the Mandoyan saga. You are taking my small amount of criticism of posters here to lead you to believe I sit in AV’s outer office and am running interference for him. Not happening.

  • CJ,

    The only think that settles for me is that if democrats want something, I oppose it – abortion (murder by another name), anti-death penalty, higher taxes, open borders, court packing with libtard judges, more states to ensure more democrats sucking on the American (you know what).

  • Want to know,

    What was her service time and age? Ever heard of double-dipping? It’s nice for retirees to get another job outside of the LACERA system. I would do that myself if I weren’t so damn lazy.

  • I read these articles from time to time and I read these posts even less. I never intended to get involved in this monotonous gibberish, but Ive reached my threshold.

    AV Clown It’s a far stretch to refer to this as analytics. You have no baseline. You have no idea of the viewership dynamics of that youtube video before you posted your propaganda. From what I’ve read if your posts on this site, your claims are baseless, your facts are confused, and your writing is atrocious. Readers get more facts from the opinion section of a public high school newspaper.

    Juan Carlos your comments are even more atrocious and less educated than even AV Clown’s.

    Give your hateful selves a break and do something productive.

  • @Anonymous, care to share what our “problems” are, or is this just another unsubstantiated claim.

    We have member meetings every first Wednesday. That’s a perfect time to point out a problem that needs to be fixed.

    Or, you can come on here and try to mislead people.

    We’re not perfect, but we can’t fix problems we don’t know about.

  • Can you fix the problem called Alejandro Villanueva? That’s the guy who is slowly, or quickly based on historical standards, destroying the department. You know, are significantly responsible for this mess!

    Now that’s a problem that YOU and everyone else knows about. Yet you keep ducking that one. Here’s your chance to lay out your strategic plan for preventing the complete AV inflicted implosion and saving ALADS “members” jobs, assignments, future pay raises and benefits, etc. etc. etc.

    Readers are eagerly awaiting your cogent response.

  • Why didn’t Maria wait another 3-4 more months in August 2019 before she resigned or maybe it was not her choice. She would of gotten her Assistant Sheriff pension but she didn’t because she needed 1 year with new promotion. Article below said she abruptly resigned.
    I think it’s great that a lot of the LASD executives got to walk off into the sunset with their pensions or new jobs when a lot of deputies and sergeants got cases put on them and fired.
    2016 deputies discharged 48 cases
    2017 deputies discharged 24 cases
    2016 sergeant discharged 6 cases (3 of these cases were woman)
    2017 sergeant discharged 3 cases
    2016 sergeant discipline 7 cases
    2017 sergeant discipline 3 cases
    The only discipline done to executives above sergeants was done by the FBI.
    It’s all public record.
    If you feel you were discharged unfairly you must speak up the system is broken and needs to be changed.

    Click link and read the very last paragraph.

  • @Clown, I think you’ve made two things very clear. Your cowardice and your hatred for our current Sheriff.

    I’m not going to get into a childish debate with you (especially not here) about what you call a mistake, or any strategic plan.

    What I find very interesting, is how you drone on and on, like a spoiled child who didn’t get his way. Grow up!

    Our Sheriff is an adult, take your issues up with him, if you can figure how to do that while still hiding.

    I’ve got an idea. Get a burner phone and text him!

    Sadly, we have a an ex-Sheriff and Undersheriff who went to prison and yet you think our current Sheriff is the “worst thing that ever happened.” Shows allot about your morals.

    Gee, I wonder where your loyalty was?

    Actually, I don’t. I know where it was and that is the true reason for your incessant responses.

    I’ll check back later for your response about how I ducked your question.

    I just had another brilliant idea.

    Hold your breath! I’ll answer you soon.

  • Well, as we all expected, true to form lil Ronald continues to duck and dodge any and all responsibility or accountability when it comes to his $1.3 million investment which has saddled the LASD with a disaster of an incompetent sheriff.

    Instead, he seeks the path as a revisionists historian to the Baca/Tanaka mess while skipping the two educated and competent Sheriff’s who were brought in to fix said mess; John Scott and Jim McDonnell. Now we have Alex dragging the department back into the world of “Pattern & Practice investigations with sure to follow Consent Decrees, fiscal mismanagement, and crippling staffing shortages.

    And all lil Ronald will say under simple inquiry is: “These Ain’t My Pants!”

  • Villanueva said when he was coming up in the department, cliques were benign.

    “I never had a tattoo. I was never treated any differently,” Villanueva said. “This is something that’s more of a newer phenomenon …What happened today is an absolute failure of leadership.”

    Asked what he’d done to change the current culture, Villanueva said he made the East Los Angeles Station a priority.

    “The day I was sworn in, Dec. 3 … that was the very first act we did … was to change the leadership of East L.A. Station … because I no longer had faith in their leadership,” Villanueva said. “And it didn’t stop there.”

    The new East Los Angeles unit commander has changed station management and is holding people accountable, according to Villanueva.

    What Change? from E.L.A Captain to a promotion to Commander!!

  • Commander Ernie Chavez (former E.L.A) Captain at end of video. The one he removed l!!! He may have deserved a promotion, but don’t blow smoke up peoplee as#%es!

  • Was a month in custody and raising bail enough time for gathering and cleaning up a HUGE MESS? And would you think it was accomplished? Cover up and feeding bullsh%t seems to be the name of your play STEADY HANDS!!

    yours truly, #33

  • Back in the day when i did a few bookings, i asked the individual if they sported any tattoos other than those i observed. I also noted obvious scars and asked the individual if they had scars i could not see. My booking slip was not filled out properly by the self proclaimed bad ass East Los Angeles Deputies. Because i was sporting a tattoo with the #33 on my left ankle. And it wasn’t noted on my booking slip. But i was asked when released a month later. And i did tell the deputy i had a tattoo on my left ankle and described it. I was even asked a few questions about it. But i’m not that kind of fella who lets tattoos or the hardware on their person define their manhood or use it to make me a bit more attractive to the opposite sex.

  • You would think that when i was hog tied (T.A.R.P) for no reason at ALL they would have noticed my ink. I was wearing slip ons fellas!! come on now…

    We can get into department policy on using “T.A.R.P” and documentation. But just this for now..

  • No faith in leadership you say. Then why do you promote them?

    Get rid of those guiding you STEADY HANDS. Because you are looking like a straight up fool!! Roll it up!! remember those words from back in the day at the academy STEADY HANDS? You should !!

    class #303 “#33”

  • @AV Clown
    Competent Sheriff’s John Scott and Jim McDonnell. I guess you forgot that one of McDonnell’s assistant sheriff’s got caught making racists statements and the other got caught in a stolen car he bought through is abuse of power with tow yards.

    But then again, you are the guy who had McDonnell at your house for Christmas parties, the same McDonnell that your members (yes we all know you were on the ALADS board) wanted gone. Way to not listen to your members…..

  • Hey Vivian Lopez Villanueva ( aka bibi, La Bibi etc) you know my Ex? the one who sued Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department claiming they were protecting me (covering for me)? Where County counsel at the time refused to provide me with an attorney, but at the end covered the private attorney(Pasadena attorney) fees. The private attorney and baggage to be continued!

    The EX who did some forum shopping. She took the case to Orange County stating she was in fear for her life. The one who had a four hour long interview with my superiors at my station and no recorded or written documentaion was done. But the piece of sh$t Captain at the time handed her a $ Benjamin and told her he would take care of it. And this was after having dinner together along with the oprations Lt. who promoted to Norwalk station. And her buddy… where to begin!! Homocide detective taking selfies in his car amd wearing his “OSS” jacket!! or at the station gym with his cute workout gloves so he doesn’t get blisters on his pretty hands. Sooo cute…. not to mention these pics are all on my ex’s “Sam’s Club digital disc”.. What a Playa!!

    The Ex who was represented by an attorney notorious for taking lawsuits with no merit. And who was also disbarred!!!!!

    yours truly, #33

  • i forgot to mentiom that i was transported while tarped to East Los Angeles Doctors Hospital. And nothing noted on policy was implemented. But there was a video recording. The video was made via personal cell phone and according to the local and questionable “Bandido” shot caller “OSS” detective. The video was recorded without the consent of the A.L.A.D.S employee. what a mess…..

  • Dear
    residents, my 2nd newsletter is now out!

    LMAO.. stop it already and make sure it’s your last!


  • Seeking, I think Sweet Pea aka Bibi is also collecting a County Pension right. Heard MG is running against LIE tenant Bowlegs!!! SHE WILL WIN

  • Oh Monotonous, Bless your heart!!! Now go kiss that ring on your Kings finger. While at it do not forget to tell sweet pea she is the best thing since Jesus Christ.

  • ” Contrary to department critics, i have seen no evidence of three or more deputies engaging in criminal activity with a unified symbol”

    “Claims of criminal conduct from trial or defense attorneys must be viewed in their proper context”

    You can’t see what you don’t want to see “steady hands”

    your bullsh$t video wreaks of defending your self proclaimed bad boys. You are a fu%#ing disaster!!!

  • Now that you claim to know who i am. Come and call me a coward!!

    Your post speaks volumes Ronnie Boy!

  • Drinking? Not so sure about that.

    A couple of you guys sneak up and tackle him. I’ll get the 5150 report filled out…

  • You know what they call them fellas who sneak up on people. Dept 95 right!! seal them records per the defense attorney!! crazy !! the trend now is to claim mental illness to justify the bullsh$t.

    Hey, lets gather up the anonymous calls for service and then we’ll dive into who it was!

    Here’s one, How about I.C.I .B Sgt. sets up your interview at East Los Angeles Court House. And last minute with your ALADS appointed attorney.

    Sgt. Maxwel$ the one you ask who his supervisor is and responds “i am” stating he is the acting Lt and so on. nice!!

  • FYI, I don’t do social media. But it appears the twitter feed reaponses were not favorable to “steady hands” on his reactive video

  • Thanks for the quick response; the “” link is a strong statement from the Sheriff on the issue, and one which we all can support.

    If enforced the video, in other words, is not “bullsh$t.”

    Again, thanks for your quick response.

  • If any of you have a problem identifying yourselves, need a hug or simply need a cup check. Please do not feel pressured into to belonging to a clique or subgroup! It’s not for everyone!

    just call 1800-SteadyHands#33
    And he will happily guide you in the right direction.

  • I agree that it’s a strong statement. But the timing is horrible.. i’m not one to dabble in peoples business, until they dabble in mine.. The most difficult thing to do is to keep pushing..

  • I will say that the majority of individuals who sport a tattoo, is for comraderie. I’ve worked along many who may have been inked and many that were not. I wouldn’t know the difference. In my experience the deputies who had no ink were some of the hardest working deputies i worked with (female and male).

  • S 1 of 1,

    The Div 95 comment was a nice touch. You are obviously experienced. If only your narratives were a little less fragmented and less cryptic.

  • How is playing “tug of war” any f#%king fun, when the rope is tied to the end of a tree? this is getting old!!

  • Lie Tenant steady hands does not know his own Departments policy, or he was willfully lying. This guy is a lying, bowlegged clown!!!

    Clown Show you are right this guy and his closest what does he call him tweedy birds.

  • “1/2 The new LA County DA’s directives no longer allow prosecutors to attend or join the victims of crime during “LIFER PAROLE HEARINGS.” Leaving victims and their family members to advocate against the release of the suspect on their own”

    What about the cases you put on Deputies, don’t provide them counsel and hold their pay. they have to fight alone!! GTFO!!

  • Surveillance is a touchy subject. I recall a Lt from Temple a few years back getting his feelings all hurt because some gal he liked more than she liked him didn’t want him anymore. So this fella took it upon himself to force the woman to walk into Whittier P.D and push a D.V case on the new innocent Lad. And the Lt using his status pushed the issue etc. And one can imagine the unwaranted moves from a vindictive department member using department resources over a woman who strayed to greener pastures.

    My point is the history of the Department is exactly that. It’s been talked about before. The pinching of people to cover your ass is nothing new. And all because in this case the department member lost his swag. You enforce laws so that means you play by them. Bending the rules and claiming to be a bad ass is weak sauce!!

  • Alex is all about the cronyism. Has little minions throughout the department snitching for him. Alex talks about requirements for specialized gigs and promotions, but surround ho

  • The most significant result of Alejandro VILLANueva’s leadership failures will ultimately be to the detriment of every elected sheriff in the state, and quite possibly, the nation.

    “Editorial: Alex Villanueva isn’t L.A. County’s only sheriff problem. Let’s rethink the job entirely”

    His one term in office is as bad as that one season of the failed TV disaster of a series called the “Deputy”.

  • Didn’t get to finish my comment. Surround himself with unqualified people. Del Real pico Alumni who didn’t much actual patrol work and his married to now parole Gonzalez formerly sgt. Female deputy who killed two kids cost us about 30 million plus and somehow ELA Alumni. You make policy on cliques and tattoos. But isn’t one of your drivers inked and possibly ELA alumni.

    Also the sgt that got to promote and remain at ELA pleaseeeee.

    Oh and the sgt that promoted and remained at personnel. What experience coukk on d she possibly offer!

  • “The AV Clown Show” or as you’re well known around the county, Viper. It’s time to hit the road and cruise on up to Idaho. You can barely walk looking like a washed up Al Bundy. Walk or limp away respectfully and stop trying to keep a grip on the bureau. No one likes you “KW” and you’ve got nothing coming as they say. The sheriff has a ton of issues but in two years we will have a voice to send him packing and your voice is getting real old, old man!

  • Nice personal attack on a public blog here!!
    Who the hell are you to state who someone who types on here anonymously, as you do, that you have an issue with him.
    Try being a man (or grown woman) and telling KW, whoever that is, how you “feel.”
    Go vent to your Mommy or anyone else who might listen to you instead of here.
    Spineless keyboard warrior!! Sure as hell can’t be a respected deputy sheriff!!

  • @Lee Tanaka, wait a second…. I thought I was supposed to be GH who writes speeding tickets and hosts parties for Mc Donnell?

    Now I’m supposed to be Viper? Or is it KW?

    I’m as confused as Alejandro VILLANueva in his weekly listen to me EPC meetings:

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