Over the past decade, California has been making incremental progress toward reducing suspensions...
Zero Tolerance and School Discipline
Op-Ed: School Suspensions Don’t Just Unfairly Penalize Black Students – They Lead to Lower Grades and ‘Black Flight’
By Charles Bell, The Conversation School suspensions are intended to deter violence and punish...
“Disgraceful” Disparities in School Discipline Funnel Kids into Justice System
Research and the national conversation around racial disparities in school discipline have largely...
LAUSD Plans to Expand List of Offenses Eligible for Diversion to Reduce Racially Disparate School Arrests
The district's goal is to reduce student arrests on school grounds by as much as 80 percent.
Report Reveals Millions of Kids Go to School With Campus Police, But No Counselors, Nurses, or Social Workers
According to the School Social Work Association of America, schools should have a counselor-student...
Even as California’s Student Suspensions Fell 46% Over the Past 6 Years, the ‘Discipline Gap’ for Black Children Remained as Wide as Ever
Suspensions in California fell by 46 percent since 2011. But disparities between black students and...