The May issue of Los Angeles Magazine contains a profile of Father Greg Boyle, the founder of...
G-Dog Movie Opens in Selected Theaters, April 22
This documentary about Father Greg Boyle and his Homeboy Industries, directed by Academy Award...
Texas AB—a New Look at White Supremacist Prison Gangs….SD’s Deadly Jails, Part 2…& More
NPR LOOKS AT THE AB AND OTHER PRISON GANGS Prison gangs—in particular white prison...
Rebooting Fatherhood in Jordan Downs
REBOOTING FATHERHOOD IN THE PROJECTS As Jordan Downs heads for a massive rebuild, how the men in...
CA Prisons Letting Some Prisoners out of Solitary…..George Will on Solitary as Torture… Denver Schools Attempt to Break “School to Prison Pipeline”….
As more and more civil rights organizations and some lawmakers, push for a reexamination of prison...
Five Months at Harper High School in Chicago—With 29 Kids Shot at & 8 Dead
EDITOR’S NOTE: WitnessLA is taking Monday off. We’ll be back to our regular reporting...