“Female officers have to use force, but we have a different perspective and a different way of...
21st Century Policing
LA County Sheriffs Must Improve Treatment Of Families Who Lose Loved Ones in Deputy-Involved Shootings & Other LASD-Related Deaths, Says New Report
In the last five years, 207 people have died while in the custody of the Los Angeles County...
The LA Sheriff’s Department Needs Body Cams! So, Let’s Get On With It!
On Tuesday, August 7 the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors will consider a motion to hire an...
OP-ED: Los Angeles Hunts For Police Chief With the “Right Stuff”
When Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck retires in June, he’ll leave to his successor the best...
Can Police Change Their Mindset From Warriors to Guardians?
By Stephen Handelman If cops provided first aid to individuals they shoot, regardless of the reason...
Anaheim PD Has “Shocking” Pattern of Fatal Police Shootings Says New ACLU Report
Over the past three years, the Anaheim Police Department’s rate of officer-involved deaths...