City Government Elections '08 LGBTQ Propositions

Proposition 8: Too Close to Call

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Proposition 8 is running very, very close right now

Talk to people you know. Walk up talk to strangers, if need be. Ask them very kindly to do the right thing.

Do not allow the lies and fear—spread by commercials bought with millions of dollars in out-of-state money—to talk our fellow Californians into taking away the right to marry the person one loves from our sons, our daughters, our brothers, our sisters, our friends. Please.


  • California’s Education Code (Sections 51890 and 51933) requires that teachers instruct children as young as kindergarteners about marriage.

    Courts have decided schools are not required to inform parents in advance of teaching about same-sex relationships even in kindergarten.

    Will teachers be required to give EQUAL time to GAY stories? If not, Why not?

  • Anyone here remember the Rumford Fair Housing act in California? If so, do you remember how the “enlightened” electorate overwhelmingly passed Prop 14 (or was it 13?? Celeste, help me here) which repealed the Rumford Fair Housing act.

    I have kept my mouth shut about Prop 8, but the whole “Yes on 8” smacks of the old “Yes on 14” campaign from 1964. I still feel shame for Calfornia for passing Prop 14 in 1964 (although it was tossed out by the courts several years later) and I feel the same shame bubbling into outright rage when I hear the bigots and nutjobs pushing for Prop 8.

    Bottom line: what business is it of the Govt (state, local, Fed) to tell consenting adults who they can and can not marry?

  • I have no problem with two gay people getting together and exhanging vows. Create a new word, call it a Garriage.

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