Civil Rights Crime and Punishment Government

Karl, honey, no email is ever really “lost.” You knew that, right?


The main story from this morning’s LA Times is a must read. Looks like the sh-sh-shshshhh-sh-sh-sh…sugar may be about to hit the fan.

The White House said Wednesday that it may have lost what could amount to thousands of messages sent through a private e-mail system used by political guru Karl Rove and at least 50 other top officials, an admission that stirred anger and dismay among congressional investigators.

The e-mails were considered potentially crucial evidence in congressional inquiries launched by Democrats into the role partisan politics may have played in such policy decisions as the firing of eight U.S. attorneys….

Read the rest.

By the way, watching the evolution of this story over the past four weeks is instructive in terms of the way news now travels. The story first appeared in some of the advocacy sites. Then it appeared in one or two reasonably respectable blogs (like….ahem…WitnessLA)…After that it jumped to Talking Points Memo…followed by Raw Story….First MSM moment was a mention on Bill Mahr’s show two Fridays ago. …..then a couple of days ago in the LA Times.. And now this.


  • I have to admit, its pretty entertaining to watch the Bush Admin. take one from the Nixon playbook. And we all know how well that turned out.

  • What are we investigating…that Bush has a legal right to hire and fire any and all U.S. Attorneys? This is an investigation with no legal issue involved, which only proves that politics trumps everything else to Democrats. Let’s investigate that.

  • Woody,

    From the way a right-wing nihilist, like Woody, reacts….the Dems are on to something good.

  • No Woody, we are not investigating what the President has a right to do, we are investigation an inartful coverup. “I did not have sex with that woman” was the crime, not the fact that he HAD sex with that woman. It got that President impeached. The investigation is about contradiction after contradiction about what occurred. If Bush, or Gonzales, just came out and said, “You know what, we get to fire whoever we want to” this would not have legs. It is the dozens of versions of what happened that cause concern, and fuels the investigation.
    Ken Starr was not investigating the legality of sex in the oval office, only the lying about it. Here we are again, and frankly this is way more important than who had sex where.

  • Clinton lied under oath in a court to deny a woman her legal rights in a suit filed by her using a law that Clinton himself signed. This is a squabble between two branches of government controlled by different parties–not a legal issue involving perjury.

    If you asked most people what they said or did months ago, their memories would have errors. If I’m a government official and saw that nothing was achieved by Fitzgerald in the Plame investigation except to punish someone with a bad memory, then I would always take the Fifth and refuse to say anything.

    The Democrats are really desperate on this one, but the press is always so accomodating.

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