Immigration & Justice

Court Challenges Gearing Up for AZ Immigration Law

One of the topics that repeatedly came up on various nonfiction panels at the LA Times Festival of Books,
and in casual conversation among the authors as they sat around talking between panels in the festival’s “green room,” was the news that Arizona’s draconian new immigration bill had been signed into law on Friday by the state’s governor, Jan Brewer. Much of the talk centered around the court fights that the law was going to trigger. [The full text of the bill is here.]

Over the weekend, the Arizona Republic addressed the issue of the court challenges that are readying for launch,

Here’s the opening:

With Arizona’s controversial immigration-enforcement bill now law, the battle will quickly shift from the state Capitol to the courts, where opponents plan to challenge it as an unconstitutional intrusion on federal authority and a violation of civil rights.

Proponents defend the legislation signed Friday by Gov. Jan Brewer as legally sound. But critics say the U.S. Constitution makes it clear that the federal government alone has the responsibility to enact and enforce immigration laws. Some fear other constitutional rights will be trampled through racial profiling and that vital federal money will be diverted from other national priorities.

Read the rest.


  • What do you care what people in Arizona think is best for their state? They didn’t harrass the people of California when your state was doing things detrimental to taxpayers, like letting the unions take over government jobs and bankrupting the state or the state failing to contol illegals from invading and using up limited resouces.

    It drives me crazy that liberals (I’m pretty sure that it’s all of them) think that people in every state have to go by the same rules that they want. Wake up and realize that each state has its unique issues and solutions and that what works for you (or more appropriately, didn’t work) isn’t what people in other states want. Also, it’s better for states to handle their own problems, as Washington is too big and too removed from the people and doesn’t do its job anyway.

    If illegals don’t like immigration laws being enforced, let them move to California.

  • When the federal government doesn’t do it’s job and it affects a states ability to best provide for its citizens the states have a duty to take care of the problem. There are an estimated 12-20 million illegal’s in the country and that number alone is a testament to the feds failure to control our borders.

    I don’t expect a left leaning site such as this to tell the truth about the many problems illegal immigration brings to us but how bad must Arizonans consider the problem with 70% of them supporting the bill?

    I wonder how many times the “R” word will be used on this thread?

  • What is wrong with Sure Fire and Woody, uou guys sound like nativists, minutemen, tea-party sympathizers.

    The more immigrants we have the stronger our economy becomes. We need to bring another 300 milion immigrants over from China, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, Nigeria, Ethiopia, The Congo, Somalia. It is draconian to enforce any immigration laws.

    The people of East Los Angeles would welcome 10 million poor people of Africa with open arms, they live by the words “mi-casa es tu-casa”. Just look at how many blacks are moving into East Los Angeles because the people of East Los Angeles are not racist xenophobes like the people of Arizona. There would never be any race riots in places like Los Angeles, they are not like the tea-party racists. Never would a latino in Los Angeles kill or harm a black person like the dangerous Arizona tea-party gang members.

  • Rob Thomas says:

    “Republicans have given the world yet another reason to hate white people today.”

    “Hating white people isn’t the same as hating minorities.”

    No wonder Rob cannot understand that it’s possible that people can disagree on policy without race being a factor.
    He simply believes that other people think like he does. That’s a common trait amongst the homo sapien.
    The fact that an African American received a record number of votes (a fact that Rob likes to point out when it supports his arguments)means nothing to him when his hate takes over and he tries to make everyone else see the same bogeyman he sees.
    Simple logic tells us that since Obama’s numbers have gone down, it’s his policies and/or strategies in implementing them that people have a problem with.
    If it was race he would never have been elected in the first place. That’s an inconvenient truth that anyone who has the ability to apply logic can’t ignore.

    I support Rob’s 1st Amendment priviledge. Let him exercise it. The more he expresses himself the more obvious it is that hate drives him to believe and voice the insane things he does.
    Don’t delete his hate speech, the world needs to know that there are people out there like him that veil themselves in the cloak of “liberal” or “progressive”. He is no more liberal than any other fascist who believes that people who do not think like him should be silenced.
    Celeste, will you denounce and repudiate Rob’s hate speech like you did Woody’s?
    Will you demand a retraction from Rob like you did from Woody?
    This is your chance to show us all that you do not advocate hate speech in ANY form.

    I know I said I would refrain from commenting for a couple of days, but I saw this as a teachable moment. We have the chance to learn that you advocate tolerance and renounce hate.

  • Woody and WTF, you are simply making a better and better case for comments being shut down.

    ATQ, about the white people thing. It was SO entirely off the wall and preposterous that I assumed he was kidding.

    If not, then it is pure and vile hate speech. (For the record, I’ve been deleting rob probably more than anyone—for his anti-cop rants.)

    But here’s the thing: I’ve not been monitoring the comments this weekend because I was busy. However, frankly I’m done calling people out. It’s all gone too far.

    I’ll give it this to the end of the day. If things don’t turn around in some fundamental way, I’m just going to shut it all down.

    Sorry to do it. It means the site will lose the worthwhile commenting along with the crap.

    But on a cost/benefit basis, it’s no longer worth it.

    I’ll bring in community voices another way.

  • Woody
    “It drives me crazy that liberals (I’m pretty sure that it’s all of them) think that people in every state have to go by the same rules that they want. Wake up and realize that each state has its unique issues and solutions and that what works for you (or more appropriately, didn’t work) isn’t what people in other states want. Also, it’s better for states to handle their own problems, as Washington is too big and too removed from the people and doesn’t do its job anyway.

    If illegals don’t like immigration laws being enforced, let them move to California.”

    You gotta be kidding! Were you tea baggers in a cave the past 10 years!

    Texas single handedly nearly destroyed California and OUR country with Enron alone and add to that Bush, Foreclosure Phil and the whole deregulation gang.

    Maybe if your master corporations and their conservative lackeys respected humanitarian and international law we wouldn’t have so many “undocumented” and we might have a decent economy i.e JOBS to boot.

    Quit wrapping yourselves in the flag and crying the victim.

  • Celete, don’t be insulting, especially because we don’t agree with you. Your comment is as reasonable as me saying that your posts make a better case to completely shut down this site.

    Why are you so afraid of opposing views, unless it’s because there are no better liberal come-backs than “go away” or the stupid one that HereWeGoAgain provided above.

  • Woody and Rob, just stop. Celeste has repeatedly asked both of you by name to stop so just stop. You’re adults. You can do it. You don’t need to blame anybody else or respond to all attacks. Just stop.

  • As to the the actual post, one thing that struck me as notable is that the right so unwilling to fund its policy proposals. I mean this is a big new mandate for the Arizona police and justice system and should OBVIOUSLY be supported with some kind of increased funding. But as far as I can tell – nothing. Isn’t that kind of crazy?

  • 60% of all voters want TOUGH LAWS
    60% of all voters favor a law that authorizes local police to stop and verify the immigration status of anyone they suspect of being an illegal immigrant.

    68% of voters nationwide control illegal immigration.
    Only 25% believe we should legalize the status of undocumented workers.

    58% favor welcoming LEGAL immigration
    Only 19% of Republicans opposed welcoming LEGAL immigration
    While 28% of Democrats OPPOSED welcoming LEGAL immigration

  • WTF, actually, a lot of black people are moving to East Los Angeles. Highland Park and Lincoln Heights, as well. And they’re doing so because nearly ALL of East LA’s Latino residents are NOT racist. I know crack pots like Tony Rafael tried as hard as they could to make a couple of shootings from over a decade ago look like the declaration of an all out race war, but it just never happened. I talked to someone a few weeks ago who lives near the Maravila projects, and he said a lot of black people are moving into the neighborhood just north of the projects, and there haven’t been any problems. Black and Latino children are playing together in East Los Angeles. Don’t worry, some day you guys might get that race war you’re obviously salivating for, but it won’t be blacks vs. Latinos.

  • # Mavis Beacon Says:
    April 26th, 2010 at 12:21 pm

    Woody and Rob, just stop. Celeste has repeatedly asked both of you by name to stop so just stop. You’re adults. You can do it. You don’t need to blame anybody else or respond to all attacks. Just stop.


    Excuse me? I haven’t even left a comment on this thread at the time you made this comment. You know, part of being an adult is minding your own business, as well. Because when you don’t, you wind up making blurts like this.

  • Solution time, Celeste.

    From here on out, permanently ban anyone who uses personal insults. I’ve always said before that I am FOR this. Notice that Sure Fire and Woody seem to be against it, and accuse you of restricting free speech when you threaten to do it. Doesn’t that clearly prove who the real perps are? Yet I’m for strict moderation and permanent bans, I’m sure Mavis is for it, I’d imagine Gava Joe is for it, at least when he’s posting under that name, and even ATQ seems to be for it. I can handle his sarcastic baiting attempts as long as he doesn’t call me out directly. What you do Celeste is that you let people call other people out, then when the person being called out responds, you jump all over their ass, while the person who called them out just sits there and snickers. It’s really stupid. Then you go on these tangents about how everyone needs to stop with the personal insults, threatening to shut the comments down, basically punishing those who’ve never even been in the mix. There’s an easier solution, Celeste. Just ban the IP addresses, or whatever, of any person who uses personal insults. If you suspect they’ve come back with a different IP address, ban that one too. It seems to me that in some weird way, you enjoy all of the chaos here, and having the soap box to say, “Stop it, children!”. In a way, Celeste, the way you handle this problem in here makes you part of the problem. You’re just another screaming voice in the mix of things. It’s almost like a bunch of kids acting up in the grocery store with the mother yelling at them and telling them to stop, while they continue doing it anyway. Does anyone in the store appreciate the mother at least trying to tell them to stop? Shit no. They’re all just wishing that management would throw them all out. It’s just noise, like what this blog has become under your current methods of moderation, Celeste.

  • Yeah, Rob, you’d like it if Celeste shut down the comments, because you generally agree with what she says and are afraid of challenges that would upset your perfect vision of living in “Magic Rainbow Unicorn Land.”

    I can appreciate Celeste’s concerns about bickering, but not her concerns about having different views. So, unless she likes a forum like the DailyKos, she isn’t going to shut down comments. If you and others keep to the subject rather than attack conservative commenters, we shouldn’t have any major problem.

    From a white guy.

  • Mavis: OBVIOUSLY be supported with some kind of increased funding

    As usual, all liberal “solutions” mean increased taxes.

    What about the cost savings by getting rid of illegals? Try that cost/benefit analysis on this law, and then compare it to the cost/benefit analysis of California giving everything to illegals. What’s funny is that California does need to increase taxes for not doing what Arizona is attempting to do.

  • You are totally missing my point, Woody. This Arizona immigration law is a conservative solution to illegal immigration. One that you folks say will eventually save taxpayer money, reduce crime and have all sorts of other benefits. And yet if you don’t implement your vision well those benefits may not materialize. It seems to me there are upfront costs associated with this project. Increased jail cells, more police, and extra police training and that’s just off the top of my head. Without proper investment, the policy you’ve championed might go down in flames. Doesn’t that concern you?

  • “You’ve made this blog a baiter’s paradise, Celeste.”

    Spoken like a true masterbaiter. I had to say it. Delete at will.

  • Woody, my vision of Magic Rainbow Unicorn Land? I said that the tea party movement is a terrorist movement, remember? That’s hardly a magical, rainbow, unicorny vision of the world today. Make up your mind.

    As far as your purpose for being here, someone coming to a blog and expressing different views can become disruptive if the person is being repetitive, or expressing differing views for the sake of doing it. You’re not protected by the 1st amendment on a private blog’s comment section, no more than you are protected by the 1st amendment in someone’s home. The 1st amendment only protects you on public property. Frankly, I think your purpose here has little to do with expressing a differing point of view. I think you and Sure Fire are here to attack Celeste and any of her fans, and you use the notion of being here to express counterarguments as an excuse.

  • Leave GJ’s comment up, actually, Celeste, as an example for other middle aged, confused men who might think saying something that disgusting his going to help them score points.

  • Rob, you can think and make up reasons why you think that I’m here all you want, but it doesn’t matter. I consider Celeste a friend and wouldn’t never attack her, although I may disagree with her and point out flaws in her positions. You may be confused because attacking individuals is what liberals do to conservatives. Note that I discuss issues rather than people. And, where is this First Amendment stuff coming up? Have I said anything about that?

    If I had not put up a video of people on your side hitting police with thrown bottles, would you have known about that? Not from here…not from the liberal media. You didn’t even mention it, as though hitting police with bottles is a proper response against the act.

    If I hadn’t brought up the rights of states to defend its citizens and its interests, would you have brought it up?

    If I hadn’t mentioned that the failure of California is costing it BILLIONS more than Arizona’s modest law, would you have thought about it? Arizona isn’t funding a massive sweep of the state, but just asking police to make another check when legally confronting people with whom they have cause and for the purpose of enforcing another law, which is illegal entry into our county. Do you think that laws are there to be picked and chosen by people like you to obey?

    Honestly, Rob, I’ve been giving you more credit for brains than you apparently deserve.

  • I’m sure your faux pas and my clever response will elicit more than mild chuckles from anyone (any age) that follows your escapades. You also might proof read before you submit your comment.

  • Woody, as far as you considering Celeste a “friend”? I’ve seen no indication of that, ever. Both you and Sure Fire are just brutal to Celeste. Just brutal. I’ve been reading this blog for about a year now, and have seen you leave comment after comment demeaning blacks, homosexuals, and women. So many that people can just click on any thread to see them. You’re here because you HATE blacks. You HATE Mexicans. You HATE women. You HATE homosexuals. You HATE liberals. And, you most certainly HATE Celeste.

    As far as your other delusional reason for being here, providing people with information they may not get elsewhere? Thanks but no thanks, Woody. If a meteor was heading toward earth, and you were the only person who knew about it, I’d rather die from that meteor blast that have to listen to your foul mouth and your hate speech while getting the news. And, chances are, you wouldn’t be the only person with the information, anyway, just like you’re not the only person that we’re in contact with who has that video of police being attacked.

    Woody, you are disconnected from reality and full of hatred. I just don’t know what else to say.

  • Celeste, why aren’t you deleting the attackers? Why are you only deleting the comments of those who are defending themselves? Please explain this policy to me. I don’t understand it. Why not delete the original attacks along with the responses?

  • Celeste, you thrive on chaos. I feel sorry for you. You appease your abusers. It is not the commenters who are driving some of your fans away, as you’ve stated. It’s the fact that YOU won’t do anything about it. Do you honestly think that the people who’ve told you about your blog and why they won’t comment here say anything different behind your back that I’m saying right now? They have to be puzzled that you just allow this place to be as chaotic as it is, while only punishing commenters who defend themselves when being called out. It’s just weird. Celeste, would I get more access to this blog if I were abusive toward you? That seems to be the case. I won’t do it, because for one it’s not in my nature, and secondly I like you as a person. But I just think it’s sad that that’s the way it works with you. The people most abusive to you and/or your blog have the run of this place.

  • Rob, I debate ideas, not people. If you would put forth logical arguments as to why you believe a certain policy is better than another, rather than attack people with different ideas, then we could have a reasonable conversation.

    And, I do consider Celeste a friend…someone whom I respect and whose insights, particular on human emotions, are valued. And, you couldn’t know how we are to each other, as you don’t see or hear all conversations that she and I have.

    And, I don’t hate blacks, Mexicans, women, homos, and liberals. I just like seeing them kept in their places – basketball courts, landscaping, the kitchen, in closets, and away from the White House.

    Okay, that was a joke. I hope you got this far to read that. And, I don’t hate Celeste. She has a heart of gold.

    Calm down and come back to discuss the topic reasonably.

    For instance, explain to me why the people of California should care what laws the overwhelming people of Arizona favor for their state or why the people of Arizona should care what Californians think. I know that I don’t.

    You folks want to dictate what everyone else does, even down to how fast we can drive on our highways or how much water my toilet uses. Can’t you just leave other people alone to let them do what is right for themselves? I don’t go to your state and protest your stupid policies.

  • Woody, these are the first comments of yours, ever, where I’ve seen you even feign feelings of friendship toward Celeste. Only when called on for your hate do you suddenly pretend to not be hateful.

    Oh, and of course, another hateful comment toward minorities, with the usual lame disclaimer of “I was joking”. You can do this all day. Just attack, attack, attack, attack, and when called out for the inappropriate comments, just say, “come on, I’m kidding”. You’re the banality of cowardice.

  • Woody Says:
    April 26th, 2010 at 6:50 pm

    I don’t hate blacks, Mexicans, women, homos, and liberals. I just like seeing them kept in their places – basketball courts, landscaping, the kitchen, in closets, and away from the White House.


    ^^^ Think this has anything to do with your fans avoiding this blog, Celeste? Oh, no, of course not. It’s those of us who stand up for ourselves, when we’re attacked by the likes of him and Sure Fire, who’ve driven them away. Our “bickering”. Yes. Uh huh. Sure.

  • Rob, my mind has come up with dozens of fun comebacks, but I’m not going to do it. Let’s get this site back on a good track.

  • Translation: You’re practicing a rare form of restraint because you know your last hate filled comment was over the top and just might be the one that finally gets your IP address banned. My opinion is that the only way this blog gets back on a “good track” is when the people who are here to disrupt it are permanently banned. And that includes you.

  • CELESTE HERSELF has stated that she and Woody are friends. Some people don’t have an ounce of reading retention capability.
    I haven’t seen a post as insulting as #29 in quite a while. He very obviously got angry when Celeste said:

    “It was SO entirely off the wall and preposterous that I assumed he was kidding.
    If not, then it is pure and vile hate speech.”

    Rob’s angry because he wasn’t kidding, and Celeste called his hate speech what it is. Now here comes the insults
    “I feel sorry for you” and “Celeste, would I get more access to this blog if I were abusive toward you? That seems to be the case.”

    How insulting. He can’t even keep from hurling personal insults at people who agree with him on most topics.
    Sad. Very sad.

  • Woody – no one on this blog has ever tossed as vile personal insults as you have. You’ve also engaged in the most extreme racism and bigotry – with the “too bad the Crusdaders didn’t finish the job” comment the most recent and egregious. You’re a filthy creature, really, steeped in hypocrisy and dishonesty. For you to claim that you “debate ideas not people” is a sour joke – the ultimate creepy “Eddie Haskell” moment. If anyone deserves to be banned from this blog, it’s you. I’m not spending any time making comments here while your acute pathologies tend to dominate threads.

    Just saying…not my call and I really don’t give a fuck beyond noting that Woody has gone farther beyond the pale than anyone else here, serially, and is the worst sort of liar, feigning his “innocence” as someone who “debates” ideas. Laughable at best.

    Aside from that, Woody is a poster child for epistemic closure, which is why comments threads that get tangled in his web of aggressive nonsense are destined to lead nowhere. I’ve been terribly guilty of letting his pathologies become the subject, rather than the issue posted. Waste of time – better to let Woody run rampant because engaging anyone that shameless and dishonest is a fool’s errand. You’ve got your sandbox to piss in, Woodster. Enjoy.

  • It’s not – it’s about the fact that you come here from a site that keeps a picture of President Obama dressed as a Soviet General on the sidebar and pretend you’re not engaged in a travesty of “debate” and aren’t a fringe ideologue (compare President Obama’s approval ratings in the Northeast, Midwest, West and South for insight into the regional pathologies that drive the most virulent of his “opposition.” Since the numbers vary by something like 20 points between the rest of the country and the South – and the south has a strong minority that is overwhelmingly approving of the President, it’s no secret what this shit is about.)

    You’re an exemplar of a fringe that are incapable of “debate” precisely because you exist in a hermetically-sealed far-right echo chamber. You clearly always have and no doubt you always will. You’re worthless in any fray of intelligent comment where evidence is valued, except as an exhibit in the discussion of “epistemic closure” among the phony ideologues and moonbats who constitute the current stream of “conservatism.” My impulse in dealing with you is simply to tell you to fuck off because you’re an idiot. You are an idiot and any space you foul would be better off without your absurdist, narcissistic interventions on behalf of racism, bigotry and economic illiteracy, but calling you out doesn’t add anything – merely expresses what most people who read your inane drivel feel but don’t bother to say. Since you’re shameless – almost to the point of sociopathy, it’s a waste of time. Have fun.

  • Reg, much as I delight in your presence, this is the sort of thing that will get you—or anyone else—banned come Monday.

    We’re starting over, at year zero, as Pol Pot would say.

    Please cooperate. I’d be miserable to lose you, especially since you were one of the people who first suggested, months and months ago, that I get a handle on the comments.

    I intend to do so. So there will be no personal attacks. No matter what. Period. Not Woody’s, not yours.

  • reg, there are several authors at GM’s site and I don’t control what is put up beyond my own posts, for which you can see samples here and which don’t appear to be offensive to reasonable people. But, it’s nice that you show enough interest to visit our site, even though your commenting there was banned a long time ago because of your profanity and abusive language.

    I hope you don’t get banned by Celeste. It’s interesting to hear input from the far, far, far left as well as from moderates like myself.

  • Why are personal attacks seen as beyond the pale, yet what are clearly genocidal hate driven remarks towards entire societies (“too bad the Crusdaders didn’t finish the job”) not. I appreciated that you didn’t ignore what Woody said and spoke with an admirable sense of outrage, I really do. But at the end of the day, Woody didn’t apologize nor did your interjection have any effect on him. Why should I, as someone who comes from a part of the world where Islam is a complicated part of peoples identity, feel like I want to comment on a website which bemoans the fact that people from regions of the world where I hail from, who a specific cultural lineage should have been killed off? I have no interest in participating here as long as the person who made that comment is not among those banned. And why do we start from year zero when this was said the other day. I like you Celeste but as long as this is your policy towards Woody, I will no longer participate in discussions here

  • Ahmed, you clearly have a misguided understanding of the Crusades. The Crusades were defensive in nature and genocide was never an objective, although it clearly was on the other side for a while. Check your history a little better. But, forgive and forget I always say, even if you don’t. I don’t suppose that has anything to do with our separate beliefs, does it? Gonna’ miss you!


    Reg…compare President Obama’s approval ratings in the Northeast, Midwest, West and South for insight into the regional pathologies that drive the most virulent of his “opposition.” Since the numbers vary by something like 20 points between the rest of the country and the South – and the south has a strong minority that is overwhelmingly approving of the President, it’s no secret what this shit is about.)

    It’s no secret what this shit is all about? WTF does that mean, oh wait that’s not to hard to figure out what Reg means is it now?

    What’s harder to figure out is where Reg came up with those numbers. A 20% difference in the rest of the country and the South, in what poll? There is no 20% difference in the rest of the country, and his approval rating in California has slipped 14% from it’s high. I looked at quite a few polls and most states see his performance to this point as sub-par, not just the South. Someone is playing racial politics and it stinks.

  • LOL, yeah I’ll take the word of a Daily Kos poll. It should be your last word Reg, doubt it will be though you’ve only said it about 10 times.

    The Daily Kos, figures.

  • Who are you going to believe? Rasmussen Poll shows 52% don’t aprove of the job Obama is doing while 47% approve.

    The Daily Kos says 54% approve and 41% don’t approve. Which poll is more trustworthy?

    Reg, a Daily Kos boy and using their polling, how pathetic.

  • Okay – you want one more, you stupid motherfucker. You asked about regional breakdowns. First of all Research 2000 is a reputable polling organization – actually more reputable than Rasmussen, which is a Republican polling organization – and it’s contracted by Daily Kos. Daily Kos really has nothing to do with this. Gallup consistently shows significantly different results than Rasmussen, with Obama’s approval steady at around 50% for months, and is the poll that’s most generally relied on. But the point I was making – and that you can’t refute except to spout your usual nasty nothings – is that the polling breaks down very differently by regions. Research 2000 shows clearly that the differences are in the approx. 20% range between the South and the rest of the country. If you can come back with something other than nonsensical whining – more of your know-nothing shit, really, dissing Research 2000 in favor of Rasmussen, which is known to have a GOP bias in their sampling – which shows contrary regional breakdowns and Obama’s disapproval in the South (and that’s obviously the white South, given what we know about blacks and Dems) being sky-high, get back to me. You are one stupid motherfucker and you proved it with your weak, little-girl response to the data.

  • Why Rasmussen is a “junk poll” if you are measuring public opinion as regards Obama – (A- a “likely voter” model, B – an internal bias, which is not surprising since Scott Rasmussen comes out of consulting for the GOP):

    It’s the necessity to educate you about your own ignorance and deal mostly with shitty attitude rather than an informed contrary opinion which is why dealing with you and your sorry, whiny. resentment-driven, know-nothing bullshit is a total waste of time. “Epistemic closure” defines creeps like you and Woody, and it’s why certain elements of “conservatism” are nothing but re-active clowns and a waste of time. Enjoy your little sandbox – educating assholes is not my responsibility. I’ve stuck it out when calling me a child molester was tolerated. Which was my bad. Glad Celeste is cleaning up the comments, but I don’t want to be part of any environment where a vulgar, racist piece of shit like Woody is a “friend.” And SureFire is way past being part of any useful discussion among adults, as he’s proved once again. It’s your playground boys.

  • Just to put this “dismissal” nonsense in even more context, here’s the bias of Research 2000 vs. Rasmussen in current polling. Both have a bias but Rasmussen appears to have more. (Rasmussen actually had pretty good numbers in the election, but their generic polling and issue polling since then have shown a clear modeling bias.)

    Of course, none of this speaks to the point I made – which is WHATEVER your sampling model, what are the regional differences in Obama’s approval rating ? And what do they obviously imply ? Since SureFire’s got “nuthin” he still sees fit to run his mouth with the usual horseshit. Waste of time to school a fool.

  • So much for that being your last word, you’re too easy. You have nothing Reg, you’ve proven you’re a filthy little coward about a zillion times now and I could care less about any opinion of yours, how you arrived at it and won’t visit any link you put up.

    That Celeste has left this post up is sad. I never run off at the mouth and in person you wouldn’t get past “mother…” Reg. Be happy you have the internet bitch.

  • So much for that being your last word, you’re too easy. You have nothing Reg, you’ve proven you’re a filthy little coward about a zillion times now and I could care less about any opinion of yours, how you arrived at it and won’t visit any link you put up.

    That Celeste has left this post up is sad. I never run off at the mouth and in person you wouldn’t get past “mother…” Reg. Be happy you have the internet.

  • WTF is up with this Celeste? I put one obscenity in my response to this idiot and it won’t take and Reg throws up his usuals and it does?


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