On Wednesday, Governor Jerry Brown released a proposed $131.7 billion general fund budget for...
Keeping “Vigilant” About Racial Disparities in Youth Prosecution After Prop. 57 Abolished “Direct File”
With the 2016 passage of Proposition 57, which took the power to send kids to adult criminal court...
Study Shows “Significant” Racial Disparities in Plea Deals
White defendants generally get better plea deals than their black counterparts, and are more likely...
LA Supes Select Georgia Child Welfare Director Bobby Cagle to Take Over DCFS
On Tuesday, the LA County Board of Supervisors selected Bobby Cagle for the position of Director of...
California Threatens to Take Control of Troubled San Joaquin County Child Welfare System
Last month an ongoing San Francisco Chronicle investigation found that a troubled foster care...
LA County’s Newest Blue Ribbon Commission to Focus on Effects of Criminal Justice Reforms
On Tuesday, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted to form a Blue Ribbon Commission on...