In 2013 and 2015, the Federal Communications Commission placed caps on how much companies can...
Increasing Incarceration for Drug Use Doesn’t Help to Combat the Opioid Crisis, Says Pew Report
Incarcerating individuals for drug-related offenses does not lead to reduced drug use or fewer...
Two Years After End of Indefinite Solitary in CA, CDCR Violating Terms of Settlement, and Inmates Experiencing Lasting Psychological Effects, Says Center for Constitutional Rights
In 2015, California settled Ashker v. Governor, a historic class-action lawsuit brought by the...
LA County Supes Seek to Protect Inmates from Sexual Assault By Staffing New PREA Compliance Units
On Tuesday, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors unanimously voted to explore funding...
CA Could Reduce Its Prison Population by 30,000, Says Report
A new report outlines strategies the state of California could employ that would reduce its prison...
People are Spending More Time Behind Bars, Thanks to “Tough-on-Crime” Policies, Especially for Violent Crimes
An Urban Institute report released this month makes the case for reforming sentencing and parole...