On Wednesday, the Laura and John Arnold Foundation, through its Arnold Ventures company, announced...
Prison Policy
Impact Justice Launches First-Ever Comprehensive Study on U.S. Prison Food
Researchers at Impact Justice have launched a first-of-its-kind study on prison food in the U.S...
Cutting in-Person Jail Visits Doesn’t Keep Contraband Out, Says the Prison Policy Initiative
On Monday, December 3, at San Quentin State Prison, 53-year-old Herminio Serna, a death row inmate...
CA Correctional Officers at High Risk for Depression, PTSD & Suicide, New Survey Finds
Correctional officers are, by definition, on the front lines of any prison system. If the prison...
State-by-State Analysis Shows Confusing & Problematic Rules and Delays Make Compassionate Release a Rarity
While 49 states and D.C. have laws and programs in place that allow for the “compassionate...
Why Aren’t We Spending More on Prisoner Education?
By Stephen Steurer Education reduces crime, plain and simple. The RAND Corporation underscored the...