The Trial of Paul Tanaka: GUILTY!!!

There is much to say. The jurors’ comments were most telling. Back soon.


  • Sleep, Celeste. Soon it will be over, and the flower of law enforcement will take their self righteous myopia elsewhere. God help us all.

  • Back shortly? Does she mean the jury will be “back shortly?” I expect so. Why spend any more time than the OJ jury did. They are both guilty. Perhaps this jury will check the right box!

  • Well that didn’t take long. What do you call 100 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean….a good start….same here…Mr. Fox.. since Sheriff McDonnell is refusing to clean house…how about you step up and finish the job. Start with the Chiefs and work your way down through Commanders and Captains. Your conspiracy could not have happened without their knowledge and acquiesce.


  • Celeste,

    Thanks for the great coverage of the LASD scandals.

    Reading the comments of the LASD members is better than any soap opera or any drama among junior high school girls. LOL

  • Let’s make this interesting. Those of you having a negative contact with Tall Paul, post a narrative, one paragraph or less.

  • Finally the Little Emporer gets what he deserved. All his fans finally see the true colors of the man who thought he could be king. His lies under oath, his blaming others for their actions when hey we’re following his order, allowing others to go punished instead of being the leader he claimed he was and take the blame for this scandal. For him to sit on the stand and say he didn’t know, what a joke. Or he never used the “F bomb” in any administrative meeting. Lol. I was at many he used it, There was nothing in th Dept he didn’t know about. His people were placed in every key area, bureau, command and he wants to know everything. The tattoo was a sports team. Are you kidding me? No vote, no requirements to get in. Too funny.

    Paul, you have successfully destroyed the finest law enforcement agency by your lying, evil manipulative ways in order To claim power and a kingdom to call your own. Turn your guns in, your retird credentials and get ready to go to prison you convicted felon.

  • Note to all: I’m glad he’s convicted, but ABSOLUTELY NOTHING will change. There is not one person at the Hall of Justice with the leadership to right our sinking ship. Deputies will continue to get drafted at unprecedented levels, morale will deteriorate even further, people will continue to pull the plug earlier than they anticipated and the so called leaders in EPC will continue to scratch their heads and ask each other, “Why does this keep happening?”

  • You piece of shit. You fired me for some made up policy bs. Yet, you saved your boys from termination after they committed criminal acts. What goes around comes around. [WLA edit.]

  • #9 Baca was somewhere gazing into the sunset while Tanaka was driving LASD right into the ocean.
    #11 Do you think they are actually asking why it keeps happening? You’re optimistic. I hope you’re right.
    #3. Exactly!

  • So they found him guilty. It’s over. Move on! So tired of listening to all of you complain about this department. If you don’t like it leave. There are a lot of good Captains, Commanders and Chiefs that do an exceptional job, work long hours and care about the department. Maybe you should look at yourselves and wonder why you didn’t get the job you wanted or got promoted. All you people do is complain. Stop grouping a few bad apples with the rest of the good and hard working people who are trying to make a change. I appreciate the jobs they are doing and putting their life on the line. Like I said if you don’t like it leave!

  • Has the court confiscated Mr.Tanaka’s U.S. Passport and placed him under electronic monitoring pending his scheduled appearance for sentencing?

  • Smedley: Really…go ahead and name a few…let’s start the debate….in the meantime……go fetch your Chief’s coffee and dry cleaning and leave the comments for people that work for a living!

  • #14: What do you mean if you don’t like it leave? The hell with that, this is and was our department, period. As retired and current employees we have the duty and right to complain about executives or lack of good department policy. There are some good captains and commanders on the department despite Baca and Tanaka. However, you name one chief on the department who has not been too long at the trouth. Why retire when you get full pay, rarely work hard, get a county vehicle with gas, a uniform allowance known as “bonus” pay at Christmas time and have aides at your beck and call to do work for you. I’ll bet every one of them has at least 30 years or more except for Hellmold and we know how and why he got there. The executives who knew exactly what was going on did nothing, they had no backbone and were afraid to speak up. According to court testimony, it took a “clerk” at IRC to tell sworn personnel “no” when told to doctor Brown’s release. It is ironic that it was a civilian employee who constantly have to prove
    themselves to sworn personnel who had the principals and ethics to do the right thing. #14, this is our department, and even though we are shamed, there are good people out there and it will change with time.

  • Smedley, you must be one of the new guys hand picked by one of the Tanaka left overs. I can almost guess what seat on the 8th floor you sit in. Yes, you will soon be a Captain…and a Chief in a few years, and yes we will be retired. However when we get up we will be able to look in the mirror and like who we see, people that did not sell their souls with the old regime and with the new, well not so new regime.

  • Not quite sure why Tanaka’s attorneys are smiling leaving the court house after a guilty verdict. HMMMMM!!! Glad at least 1 jury got it right. NOw the court of appeals need to make it right for Sexton. The Feds (liars and cheaters) need to go after ALADS NOW!!! Celeste, I wish someone would do a story on them. Start to expose them all.

  • Even the Air Force is not immune from the issues that plague our Department. “Why do you think people are leaving (the Air Force) in droves?” Sila wrote. “Because the guys in the trenches are subjected to nonstop stupidity from commanders who don’t deserve the rank, respect, or support of the people ther’re in charge of.” Enough said…..right Smedley!

  • Smedley, for someone who says “Move on”, you seem to be in tune with what’s going on with Witnessla. Maybe you should move on….

  • An Open Letter to Paul Tanaka

    Dear Paul,

    You have now or soon will taste the Proverbist caution, “pride goes before the fall (or destruction) (Prov. 16:18). I realize that it is not easy for a fella like you to recognize it, but you have reached a pivotal point in your life. Fortunately, you have an opportunity to yet do some good. As you and your counsel prepare arguments for sentencing, you will be tempted to continue to argue for your innocence, essentially to continue the charade. It is your right to do so. Yet this is a serious mistake, and someone near you – if you lack the strength of character or willpower – needs to have that ‘come to Jesus’ conversation with you. I mean this mostly in a secular sense, a realization that the gig is up on the many on-going distortions of reality.

    You have chosen for one reason or another to ruin a lot of lives, Paul; a lot of careers have been trashed, and a once proud law enforcement organization has been tainted by your and Leroy’s (and some others) avarice for corruption. There is no excusing it. (And for Leroy to wear that LASD pin on the lapel of his suit during pleading was evidence of the deep-seated delusions at issue.)

    Yet every walk within reality starts with a first step. Here is how you can begin to try to make amends to the law enforcement community and to the citizens of Los Angeles County for your many years of corruption. Work with your attorneys to develop an agreement with government attorneys (federal, state, county) to formally and truthfully report every instance of corruption you were aware of and involved in during periods occupying command positions. Develop a thorough document for the federal judge prior to sentencing. Specify events, names, organizations (for one hypothetical example, whether unions were involved), produce corroborating documents (CPAs almost always keep documents), agree to cooperate and testify in legal proceedings of whatever nature: criminal and civil court, administrative and civil service hearings, and the various local and state citizens commissions. Later on, when you are doing time, work with POST instructors to develop a course in how to prevent management corruption in large-scale departments (other people, not you, will teach it—a kind of Catch Me if You Can post-sentencing assignment). Share with the judge your deep, deep regret. Inform him that you are and rightfully should be a broken man. Speak to the judge from your heart, not that calculating CPA-mind of yours. Let the judge know you must make right the corruption you know about and were involved in. Then begin to make restitution as best you can to the individual people you have harmed.

    Paul, I mentioned your mind. You have made numerous mistakes in thinking that you are smarter than everyone else. Let me share with you a sentiment from C.S. Lewis, a professor with Oxford University at the time. In his book, The Abolition of Man (a book I think you do well to read immediately), Lewis wrote about a class of people like yourself: Men Without Chests: “Their heads are no bigger than the ordinary: it is the atrophy of the chest beneath that makes them [seem] so.” Paul, on your best days, your intellect is unremarkable. But your primary deficit is that you have no heart, which is the seat of the virtues (the things by which we do good).

    Paul, I disagree with the view of ALADS president (today’s LA Times). The only way LASD really puts this matter behind it is to dig a little deeper and run your years of command through the full and unfettered truth. There is no better person to kick this effort off than you. Reportedly, there remains a lot of management debris that requires cleanup (other people without the virtues). You can do an invaluable public service by informing the judge, the FBI, the county DA’s office, the LA County Board of Sups, Sheriff Jim McDonnell, etc., and all the men and women of the LASD of precisely what happened during your reign of terror. Let your command experience be a case study for what not to do. Is it humiliating? Yes. By itself, this will not wash you of your sins. You’ll need that real, genuine ‘come to Jesus’ moment for that. But it would be a start, and provide you with a sense of purpose much more satisfying than that revolting (losing) game theory you have been playing.

    It was always headed this way, Paul—the principle of sewing and reaping. You now have a choice. Do you want to fill what remains of your life with a noble purpose moving forward? Or do you want to further the destruction of Paul Tanaka? Make the right choice, Paul. Redeem a portion of your life while you have that opportunity.

  • By the way Smedley, when was the last time a Captain, Commander, or Chief put “their life on the line” I guess it gets pretty hairy in those admin meetings you attend.

  • Brizz, thank you for your eloquent analysis and recommendation for the would-be emperor. Imagine the horrors if the current crop of supervisors, managers, and executives has the current pulled away and they are outted in all their unethical, unqualified, and overcompensated glory.

    Tall Paul could start from the beginning of his empire building, his first run at Gardena city council. How many COPS deputies walked precincts on duty? He could then follow up with the 2003 lieutenant exam, which he altered to serve his purpose, and the subsequent ones where the answer keys were widely traded among the “special” people.

    He could then move on to the pay to play transfer program, also known as Homicide, EOB, MCB, OSS, and Personnel. Let’s not forget the very special Custody Management Task Force, that bastion of leadership! He may want to divulge all the names on the Do Not Promote List, as they may have some legal action pending.

    From there he could move on to department hiring and anything goes standards (Waldie can help out here). Then he could finish out with all the misconduct that was swept under the rug and NOT investigated, all the bogus contracts that were illegally awarded, capping the whole affair with the fake cases he created to retaliate against his perceived rivals and enemies.

    Tanaka could be a very busy man. McDonnell, are you taking notes?

  • Like #26 Frank says, “dont leave us hanging”……

    F- Tanaka…I told a former LASD Deputy NOT to lateral back because we are internally and managerially, the bottom of Andy Gump porta-potty…..

  • @18 it was not a clerk who said “no” to Tanaka’s crew who ordered his release. It was a deputy. Ultimately it was a civilian clerk who processed the release & handed over Anthony Brown’s jacket.

  • Please, This man was a corrupt tyrant who ruled with an iron fist. He ruined hundreds of careers on ethical law abiding deputies. I never bought into the crap, I was offered several times to join the the club, I am coin free & not on a donor list. All I can say is tall Paul Justice Prevails !

  • A sad-medley, just disgusted with your ignorance and tone deafness. Folks have been ripped away from this organization for reasons that Mr. Tanaka et al. deemed prudent. Meanwhile, the band gets to keep playing their tune and McDonnell looks the other way cause hey,,,,, these dogmatic bastards follow orders well. Like all dogs, they are self serving and will work for the master that feeds them.

    We heard shit like that coming from the tanakites years ago when this first started and here we get to hear it again from you. Nobody needs to leave cause you don’t like what they have to say. If most the organization is grieving and you don’t want to hear it, then you should leave. Can’t wait to see the next email blast about turning a new leaf and change.

  • Brizz: Great book and an accurate definition of LASD as Men Without Chest. I agree that Paul needs to save his soul and just tell all he knows and show he maybe salvageable. But, I don’t think his ego and pride will let him.

    As far as Baca the judge should deny the deal unless Baca helps the FBI with the crap Baca knows. Baca too needs to “Come to Jesus” moment. But, alas their ambitious history has clouded their minds. Why should we offer a deal when the FBI got nothing in return?

  • Celeste,
    As a former sworn LASD Department member, THANK YOU for the outstanding work you have done over the past decade exposing the corruption of Lee Baca and Paul Tanaka.
    As someone who came forward and exposed corruption at all levels of the Sheriff’s Department and its employee organizations, it is an end to one chapter of a Department full of hard working men and women who have sacrificed more than most could ever imagine to do a very thankless job. Unfortunately, the administration of the Department has always been tarnished by those who have lead it due to personal ambitions, thirst for power and greed. The good ole boy system has been the foundation for corruption in the Department for generations. However, Paul Tanaka took this to a new level.

    Mr. Tanaka through his arrogance, planned his ascent for years. He backed Baca when no one else would, brought Baca the Asian community, their money and political endorsements for Baca. Rumor is that Tanaka even arranged for a new wife for helpless Lee. As luck would have it, Sheriff Block died the week before the election and Tanaka’s plan had a green light with nothing to stop him.

    Tanaka methodically built his empire with the full blessing of Baca and the rest of the initial command staff. Baca and those between him and Tanaka were too busy enjoying their refreshed careers and left the day to day operations of the Department to Tanaka.

    The cover ups and scandals began immediately. Many you have reported on, but many more have not seen the light of day… so far. Tanaka grew his network to every unit on the Department and always knew everything that was happening anywhere, by everyone. If anyone spoke up against him, at best they were transferred, but usually their career was ended. As you reported, promotions were all controlled personally by Tanaka. You reported on the coincidence of the promotional list matching the list of political contributors to his campaigns for Mayor of Gardena.

    Tanaka had no concern for right or wrong, his only desire was to ensure that he would be the next Sheriff. He ruled through fear, intimidation and yes, frequent outbursts with the F word. His temper and outbursts are common knowledge and most anyone who had any contact with him was well aware of his temper being much higher than his physical stature.

    It is sad that so many individuals lives and careers were destroyed by this insecure little man. Some of those have been convicted along with him, but hundreds took early retirement, were terminated with bogus internal investigations and others like myself resigned when it was clear that doing the right thing was no longer relevant in the Department.

    I would hope that the Department would start a new chapter, but the truth is that it is still a mess.

    Your work is not done, and now you can look into other problems within that have yet to be exposed.

    Karma is a bitch and sometimes it takes a little patience and time. Today was the day Karma caught up with Paul Tanaka.

    S. Diamond (McKenzie)

  • It would be poetic justice to read about PT getting his ass kicked by his future jailers some day….

  • #24 Brizz,
    If Paul Tanaka decides to spill it all, it won’t be because he’s trying to do the right thing. There’s a much more practical and self serving reason than that for him to give it all up. The same reason that every other person in his shoes who cooperates is motivated by. Shaving some time off his sentence. However, the feds may be satisfied with the number of scalps on their belt already and may not offer him any deal. That is yet to be determined.
    You can bet that IF he gets a stiff sentence and they offer him a deal he will take it. He knows that once he’s locked up, 98% of “His people” will forget about him. They are already on somebody else’s leg. That’s what they do. He knows that. He may be a lot of things, but stupid is not one of them. He is fully aware that there isn’t going to be a long line of “His people” on the LASD standing in line to visit him. It’s kinda like the guy that hooks up with a married chick and she leaves her husband for him and they get married. In the back of his mind he knows that if the grass is ever greener, she’ll jump the fence. He would be a damn fool to think she wouldn’t ever do it him.
    There’s another factor to consider in this saga. Baca is looking at six months max. If Tanaka gets multiple years, how do you think that will sit with him? After all those years Tanaka was “loyal” to Moonbeam and didn’t run against him, after all those years of Tanaka keeping the secrets, Baca betrayed his ass the minute Tanaka became a political liability. He fired his ass in a NY minute. Now the little guy is in position for payback. Even if the feds don’t offer him a deal, think of the satisfaction it would bring the little guy to lay Moonbeam wide open. What has he got to lose? Pick any one of a number of the scandals that Moonbeam could be exposed for. Take the Bishop Turner caper for example.
    We can all rest assured that there will be plenty of people who will be spending some sleepless nights over the secrets that Paul Tanaka knows. As well they should be.

  • @ #15 & #21. Trust me, the truth is coming out very soon. Ironic that Alads President George Hoffstetter calls the kettle black with the Tanaka conviction, when he aided and abetted Floyd Hayhurst in blocking legal assistance for Sexton. Amazing! Hypocrisy at its best.

  • Now ALADS opens their mouth. They’ve been silent the entire time as good people took their lumps from this regime and during this whole court process. Whew…thank God we have ALADS there to talk their typical shit when it’s all over and they don’t have to hang their necks out for the line swine. I wouldn’t know what to do! ALADS needs to just sit down and shut up.

  • A few years ago when all this pandora box none sense broke out I thought Tanaka had it coming. I did not like what was going on the department, specially the sergeant exam cheating. I missed on promotion because of that, and therefore i am still a patrol deputy. But now i miss Tanaka handling of the department. Now you have Deputy haters, Deputies who promoted to higher ranks screwing other deputies for none sense. There are stations in need of leadership, commanders empowered to get rid of mediocre captains, Captains empowered to get rid of Lieutenants, and sergeants who are deputy heaters. Industry station has a Lieutenant, Day shift watch commander to be exact, who needs to be demoted to a Deputy, and be ordered to handle SCAR reports….by the way Tanaka hated this specific lieutenant….and yet, he is still manages to make IDT personnel miserable on a daily basis…he is fighting a current IAB investigation for POE violations, yet he is still there, go figure….

  • ALADS is embarrassing Police Officer Associations throughout Law Enforcement.

    You have the nerve to speak on something you chose to ignore. Pathetic!


  • Los Angeles Deputy Sheriff’s, that chance came and went when LASPA was formed. Too many deputies bought into the BS fed by the department and Roy Burns, and the opportunity vanished. Now in hindsight, how many of you wished you had dumped ALADS when it was on the chopping block?

  • @ 42. Moving forward…….any suggestions. Many of us were “cornered” in the Academy with NO options but to accept Alads.

    Most deputies assigned to custody facilities are looked upon as non sworn, while continuing to pay the same fees for membership.

    Newer deputies don’t want to make waves. We need viable options.

  • @latbg, the issue isn’t to drop ALADS, the real issue is to restructure it. It needs to be imploded. New board has to come in that’s not being controlled by Dick Shinee. Alads has failed many deputies over the years mearly on the recommendation of Dick Shinee. He is the puppet master. Our current president and vice president need to wake up and stop being scared of him. We also need real line working deputies to run. We have motorcycle riders and custody bonus running our organization. All the reps have been screaming to get rid of these 4.its OK though, November is right around the corner. It’s sad to see that everything has evolved over the years except our union. It also doesn’t help the fact that they orcastrated to significantly limit close to 99% of the deputies from running for office. Talk about stacking the deck for the future.

  • New to the Zoo, there is a SCOTUS case still in the works that will dictate the future of agency shop. Right now it’s suspended, I believe, because of the political drama involving the current nominee. Status quo leaves agency shop in place, but in order to put pressure on ALADS don’t bother trying to recall a corrupt organization. They are dirty, period, and will do anything, legal or not, to retain control.

    I don’t know what’s going on with LASPA these days, but if they are still around I would encourage everyone to sign up for a minimum fee and keep the ethical alternative to ALADS up and running, with sufficient numbers to decertify ALADS if they refuse to reform. It’s just a numbers game at this point, and as long as the bulk of deputies are being lazy, ignorant, or apathetic, Dick Shinee and his puppets will laugh all the way to the bank. If LASPA winds up with thousands of new members overnight, it may get interesting.

    I agree with Reality, ALADS needs to be imploded and built back up from the ground with new people, and honest lawyers. Fat chance that will happen without being forced to, hence my recommendation on LASPA.

  • If you are in the academy or brand new to the jail don’t get forced to join ALADS. Yes they strong arm you in the academy. I didn’t sign up for ALADS in the academy. I reviewed my option and later made the choice to join. I also was a member of LASPA. Paid extra to have both unions behind me. Union dues are a write off. Get LASPA up to the numbers needed to get in the academy classroom or push for equal time in the academy. You also get reimbursed by ALADS when you withdraw. Better legal representation. I received much more from LASPA then ALADS. LASPA defends multiple ranks not just deputies. Look into the union you want a educate yourself before making a choice.

  • Ex president Floyd Hayhurst made Alads worse as he made numerous changes (backed by clones) to suit himself along with a few others to the antiquated Bylaws.
    The voting process at Alads violates California Corporations Code. The truth is that ANY member is able to run for office WITHOUT having to attend a (house rules) percentage to be elected. Exposure will come in October this year. Cheers!

  • So one of Leroy’s aides, Bishop Turner, who wore $700.00 shoes, and thousand dollar suits, drove a county car, on a lieutenant’s salary, rarely showed his face at work, received a box with hundreds of thousands of dollars at his church, intercepted by Narco, and claimed to know nothing about it. Just like he knew nothing about the marijuana dispensary across the street from his church who he was renting to. And the investigation went away under Waldie and Leroy. That was standard protocol under Leroy. You guys still happy he skates while everyone else goes to the big house? I’m not.
    LATBG- We’re code 4. Your explanation was good enough.

  • #46, you are very true. I only had ALADS when I was targeted by Tanaka and his cronies. I was appointed Green & Shit Bag to represent me….weak ass bitches.

  • @ 49) Many cases were manipulated by the sneaky coin holder himself, Floyd Hayhurst who blocked any deputy for going against Tanaka. Prime example was Sexton. One would think someone could go back and review any deputy who was directly or indirectly fired under the Tanaka regime. Hayhurst is not out of the woods. Trust & believe, that his name will be brought up in upcoming court hearings. Stay tuned.

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