Civil Liberties Propositions

Prop 8 Demonstrations Go Nationwide- UPDATED


This Saturday, November 15, the Prop 8 Protests
are scheduled to go nationwide.

The largest of the protests is expected to be the Los Angeles march, which begins at 10:30 a.m. at City Hall.


This time, word of the march seems to be spreading rapidly. Notices are speeding around Facebook and other venues. (I’m already hearing from actor and writer friends who are going.)

For more LA info, go here.

UPDATE: Taking at least one step in the direction of answering the question, What will elections-centric Blogs Like FiveThirtyEight do now that Obama has won? FiveThirtyEight’s Nate Silver does an excellent analysis (best one I’ve seen to date), of who voted for an against Prop 8, so that we can stop with this Who’s the Most to Blame? business and get back to solving the problem.


  • The sign says “Love is love,” but men having anal sex is not exactly the kind of love that I think of with the word–thank goodness. BTW, your classification of this post under “civil liberties” might be better if changed to “mental health.”

  • Anyone reading the comment above should probably also read this piece from the New York Times (although I admit to a few quibbles with their numbers). There are days when I think Lincoln should have allowed the south to successfully secede. And, then I realize it was probably an astounding act of generosity that he didn’t.

  • Actually, it would appear that the resident asshole DOES think of men having anal sex when he sees the word “Love.” Why else would he bring that particular act up in the context of a “love is love” sign and move the discussion to his judgement on the spectrum of sexual practices and positions as opposed to what the sign is obviously about – the emotional bonds which are at the heart of people’s desire for long-term committed relationships.

    Kind of sick…

  • Listener, that NY Times writer still wouldn’t know anything about the South if we stuffed his mouth with grits and took him to a college football game. His so-called conclusions are phony and are written to justify a prejudice that he already had.

    One thing that he wrote is: Those states have experienced an influx of better educated and more prosperous voters in recent years…. You should know that I’m far more educated than the people in his “influx,” and educated people don’t vote for handouts. If anything, the NY Times writer means that a bunch of Yankees moved into some areas, and one shouldn’t assume that they are smart–except that they left the snow.

  • reg, once again, sucks up to gays.

    Here’s gay decency expressed in the national protests:

    Pro-gay protest disrupts Lansing-area church’s services

    Members of the group inside the church shouted pro-gay slogans, threw leaflets, unfurled a banner and pulled a fire alarm….

    Naturally, there were no arrests. I wonder what would happen if one went to a gay club, disrupted them, and pulled a fire alarm. No, I really don’t.

  • Celeste: we can stop with this Who’s the Most to Blame? business and get back to solving the problem.

    What problem?

  • They’re tying up traffic again today in front of the Mormon Church, the heart of Westwood in the heart of one of the busiest commuting corridors in the County. They’re making at least as many people angry as sympathetic — getting stuck for literally hours in gridlock, being unable to get home to your kids or attend the evening program of whatever you planned to do because they didn’t like the results of the ballot box, is just childish and petty. Yes, go back and fight the issue, but not like this.

    These protesters sound naive and childishly hurt especially at the blacks (who supported the measure by 70%) and Latinos (who supported it by 60%), vs. the CD5 district where they’re focusing their demonstrations, a wealthier, largely liberal white area (25% support only). So picketing this area is targeting the very people who were their allies and while they’re more tolerant about this kind of childish disruption to other people’s lives than would be the whites of the OC or even Palos Verdes area (where 8 was supported), I’ve heard some people saying they’re seeing the protesters in a very unflattering light.

  • “Listener, that NY Times writer still wouldn’t know anything about the South if we stuffed his mouth with grits and took him to a college football game. His so-called conclusions are phony and are written to justify a prejudice that he already had.”

    Here’s Adam Nossiter’s bio: lived in New Orleans since 1991, has also worked in Atlanta, St. Petersburg, and Anniston, AL.

    And Woody has proved, as have so many homophobes, Dan Savage’s point that homophobes are obsessed with gay sex. When you hear or read about a man and a woman getting married, does you mind immediately race to imagining them having sex? Probably not. Yet so many homophobes immediately think about men having sex with men when the issue of gay marriage comes up.

  • Evan, yeah, try to put the focus on me, but homosexuality, when you look past the entertaining flamboyance, is pretty sickening. I’m not the issue nor are any other normal people. Gays have been given a message and they are acting like a bunch of hysterical women in their responses.

  • “Yet so many homophobes immediately think about men having sex with men when the issue of gay marriage comes up.”

    Woody would have fainted on the spot, a la Don Knotts’s – Mr. Furley role, should he have heared this old pick up line being directed at him – Mind if I push in your stool for you??

  • You’re right, Woody.

    Separate but equal was good enough for Selma, it should be good enough for West Hollywood.

  • I saw that post by Nate Silver, Celeste. And, he’s correct, at the very least – sooner or later – legislation like California’s Prop H8 will be in the dustbin. Andrew Sullivan has been tracking the stories, anecdotal and otherwise. Seems the RC church and LDS had been planning this for 12 years. I’ve no doubt it will take less than that – maybe much less than that – to unravel.

    As for spandex… I must be missing a cultural reference. It makes for great road cycling gear. And, great running gear. I wear it all the time. The more colorful the better.

    Thank The Flying Spaghetti Monster for Google. I think I get it. But, I had to laugh when I found this on a message board:

    Spandex Cycling Shorts – Yay, Nay, or Gay?

    Uhhhh….. certainly not gay. No self-respecting homosexual would *ever* wear that shit.


  • Woody would have fainted on the spot, a la Don Knotts’s – Mr. Furley role.

    The don’s analogies are always so dated. tell me old dust bunny, who even remembers Three’s Company? Also you might work on better disguises. Your latest are worn and transparent. You’re bleeding “Quixotically” all over the Web.

  • Diary of a Gay, Traffic-Snarling Sore Loser, by Dave White in LA Weekly. A sort of tongue-in-cheek, self-mocking essay on the absurdity of someone who knows how ass-backwards it is to blocks traffic and make life even more miserable on the most gridlocked streets in the areas that most supported gay rights to marry (West Hollywood, Westwood) and in Silverlake — much less fun since it was a Saturday and no one’s lives got disrupted much) but doing it anyway, because what the hell. And it’s a fun time out. Except for the sore feet.

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