FBI Gangs LASD Los Angeles County Paul Tanaka Sheriff Lee Baca

Merrick Bobb’s Final Report is Candidly Scathing About Paul Tanaka…Among Other Topics

For 22 years, Merrick Bobb has been the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors’ special counsel
when it comes to oversight of the sheriff’s department.

Bobb issued his last report on the department on Thursday. Now all oversight of the LASD will be left up to Inspector General Max Huntsman, who has yet to completely gear up.

Bobb’s work provided the very first long-term civilian oversight of law enforcement in the nation’s history. There were many areas in which Bobb and the 1992 Kolts commission were able to achieve important change, as this final report points out.

Under Lee Baca, however, the cooperation that Bobb and his command staff had enjoyed under Sherman Block, began to wither.

“While relationships remained cordial with Baca,” in the jails, Bobb writes, “an anti-reform counter movement took over as certain recent Undersheriffs rose to the forefront and Sheriff Baca’s and the Supervisors’ attention seemed to be focused elsewhere.”

The report continues: “…brutality seems to have festered in the jails. Across the Department, deputies were affirmatively encouraged to ‘work in the gray zone’—an apparent green light for unconstitutional or near-unconstitutional misconduct.”

Work the gray was, of course, one of former undersheriff Paul Tanaka’s signature phrases, a phrase that he has repeatedly maintained had nothing to do with suggesting that deputies cross the line into illegality, although multiple independent sources suggest otherwise.

Under Baca, Bobb writes, “accountability for discovering and dealing with actual or potential misconduct was not very high on the list of priorities….”

This disregard by Baca and Tanaka for holding deputies accountable for their misconduct, Bobb writes, all but called for the involvement of the FBI to discover “….what was going on in front of their eyes.”

Bobb takes Baca to task for allowing his underling, Tanaka, too much power. Yet he reserved the bulk of his criticism regarding the problems with the department, for the former undersheriff himself.

“To say that Sheriff Baca over-delegated to Paul Tanaka understates the matter. Paul Tanaka has been considered by some to be bright, good with numbers and budgets, and skilled at handling fiscal crises. Nevertheless, with regard to police accountability, reform, rewarding constitutional policing, and engendering the active support and trust of the ever-diversifying community, the man seemed to avoid evolving substantially from his days as a Lynwood Viking.” [WLA’s ital.]

“Lee Baca placed great importance on loyalty to subordinates and the duty to mentor future leaders. Paul Tanaka managed to repay Baca’s loyalty, quick promotions, and sustained mentoring by undercutting the Department’s moral authority and mocking the values that Lee Baca so often professed to be central to his vision.”

And during all this time, the board of supervisors, by and large, Bobb suggests, did nothing.

The creation and selection of an inspector general—Max Huntsman- is meant to signal a new kind of oversight of the sheriff’s department. It has also meant the elimination of Bobb’s role as special counsel and the similar elimination of Michael Gennaco’s Office of Independent Review, (OIR).

Yet, it remains unclear how successful Huntsman will be able to be considering the fact that Bobb’s reports of problems and wrongdoing were so cheerfully ignored year after year, with no consequence whatsoever for the sheriff and those to whom he delegated.

In November, of course, we will have a new sheriff, and that sheriff will likely be Jim McDonnell, a man who has repeatedly made clear that he welcomes aggressive oversight. McDonnell was even strongly in favor of a civilian commission, in addition to an IG, an option that the board of supervisors voted down this week.

Yet, it was also this week that Paul Tanaka announced in a tweet that he was still running for sheriff, providing a potent reminder that we cannot have a system of departmental oversight that is dependant on the goodwill of the sheriff for its effectiveness or lack thereof, as has been the case in the past.

Such an arrangement—as this and other reports from Merrick Bobb vividly attest— can easily lead to catastrophe.

Under Lee Baca and Paul Tanaka, catastrophe arrived.

There is much more to Bobb’s report, including an analysis of litigation against the department, a look at employee discipline, an update on the canine units, and a critique of the LASD’s strategy of gang enforcement.

The section on gang enforcement, in particular, is well-informed and thoughtful in its analysis, and should be scrutinized carefully by the next sheriff for its usefulness, as the points that it makes are remarkably consistent with what we have heard over the past decade from community members who live and work in the Los Angeles neighborhoods that are the most adversely affected by gang violence.

A large thank you to Merrick Bobb for his 22 years of commitment to improving the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department for the people of LA and for the men and women who protect and serve at the LASD.


  • Looks like someone needs the Fleet Management Bureau to see if we’re shipping any old vehicles overseas. Yes Paul, we have room in the trunks  to stuff those “Tanaka for Sheriff” t-shirts. Go  ahead and throw in some cigar coins while you at it. This report looks like the final nail in his campaign.  

  • Now that there’s no more county checks flowing into Merricks pockets does he and his ilk take a look at what has really been the problem all along. His burn the deputy reports made for some entertaining reading over the years but always missed the bigger picture. Adios and hope the door didn’t hit him in the ass.

  • How pathetic of Merrick Bobb, a self-serving class act all the way. Always quick to throw deputies under the bus, never bothered to ask the hard questions of the decision makers, Baca and Tanaka. And MANY a deputy approached him with important issues that were relevant to the direction the department was heading, but he always looked the other way, Gennaco-style. The appearance of oversight was his cash cow, just like the OIR.

    Imagine had he took the pay to play scheme and all those other shenanigans to task with his analytic skills, it would have made for great reading in addition to embarrassing hundreds of coin holders. In the end, his failure to do so sealed his fate righteously.

  • Looks likes the year of the 10-98’ers…..Baca,Tanaka, Bobb, Hayhurst, Boomer. Who would have thought?

  • “At Time To Clean House”…SHB needs to keep a close eye on Fleet Management considering a new supervisor is transferring over there from Detective Division.

  • LATBG, I agree. Merrick Bobb and Gennaco followed the same game plan. Bobb had a bully pulpit and as Gennaco, decided to engage in politics and passive coverup of Baca and Tanaka. He saves his last report to make a semi-critical statement of the two stooges. Too little way to late. One thing Merrick Bobb did do like a boss, hose the taxpayers for 22 years with a nice paycheck, he was laughing all the way to the bank. Anyone have any idea how much money he made all together? Now that is a scandal all in itself. Another fine example of politics as usual.

  • Get your orders in early for Leroy Baca’s Greatest Hits CD’s. This is a one time offer. Three easy payments of $12.99 and it’s yours. Not available in stores.

    CD #1…..”The Early Years”

    Special Reserve Program
    Larry Waldie Assistant Sheriff
    Steve Whitmore
    Getting Cozy With The ACLU
    Rose Parade Float Shakedown
    BC Wife Beaters and the Koi Pond
    More Gifts Than Any Other Sheriff

    CD #2….”I Can Do Anything I Want”

    Bishop Turner, The Package
    Traveling The Globe, Spreading The Message
    Larry Waldie Undersheriff
    Gary Nalbandian, Homeland Security
    Muslim Community Affairs Unit
    Paris Hilton
    Peter King and Washington DC
    Badges and Guns To City Councilman
    Tuscaloosa Ted Sexton
    CDC Terri McDonald
    YOR Health

    CD#3…..”How It All Came Crashing Down”
    Paul Tanaka Undersheriff
    Sleeping At The Switch
    Butt Whoopins At CJ
    Quiet Cannon Christmas Party
    Chumping Off The Feds
    Ain’t Gonna Butt Out
    Pandora’s Box

    Just three easy payments of $12.99 and it’s yours. If you call in the next 10 minutes you will get a Bonus CD……”Progressive, New Age, Warm and Caring”.This bonus CD has the hits that ONLY Lee Baca was capable of doing.

    Bonus CD
    The Thesis, Decriminalizing Incest
    Dust Particles
    I Don’t Lead With My Ego, I Lead With My Intellect
    I’m Going To Live To Be 100
    Wearing Em’ Out At The EPC
    I’m Going Out On My Terms

  • @Cowboy. Denial will get you nowhere. You had six choices of patrol stations. If for some reason beyond your control you wound up at a slug station, after one year you had the opportunity to back-door your way into Region II. You chose not to. Now live with your decision. Boomer 10-8.

  • Amazing! It took his “losing his job” to finally tell it like it is. That has always been the problem, the “Executives” were technically his bosses, so he never really “aired their dirty laundry!” So instead he would throw everyone a bone at the expensive of the “low hanging fruit,” (the Deputies) who are the backbone of the department.

    You want to know why moral is low and Deputies do stuff that get them into trouble! All of our “really” seasoned experienced Deputies, who wouldn’t bow down to PT or kiss ass to get promoted, have been beat down so bad that they’re just waiting for retirement. They’re not passing on their experience, wisdom and in some cases, common sense, because what’s the point? If experience doesn’t do anything for you, what’s the point in mentoring the younger Deputies, who now believe “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know!” “Work hard and stay out of trouble, and you’ll go places,” not on this department!

  • Bobb was a Baca puppet his entire career with OIR. I saw reports of exec and mgt misconduct swept under the rug after reporting to OIR. Now he’s taking a parting shot to make himself look less slimy. Sorry Merrick; once a slimeball lawyer, always a slimeball lawyer. Why didn’t you say this for the last 20 years? You should be indicted along with your close, personal friends, Leroy and Paul.

  • I’m sorry guys. I was on vacation. I promise I’m a legit contender in the upcoming election.

    This is all just a bunch of disgruntled employees I expected to work hard.

  • #10 Cry, cry, cry. Where is my violin? “Why deputies do things that get them into trouble?”
    Because they are bad inwardly to begin with! They should never have become deputies in the first place. Cuz there are too many people that are dysfunctional that are sworn in this department. Especially from sergeants on up. I do agree with you, it’s not what you know it’s who you know, but that’s not going to keep me from staying professional and doing my job the best that I can just because others are screwed up around me. Doesn’t mean I’m going to have that screwed up attitude and not do my job to the best of my

  • @Intheknow: I don’t get your “cry, cry, cry, Where’s my violin,” comment. As if I’m whining! Why do some of you guys feel the need to attack each other, when it isn’t warranted. This is a perfect example of dysfunctional behavior. Take out the personal attack and we would see eye to eye!

    I simply stated my observations as they relate to low moral, and it appears we agree that our brass/executives are our biggest problem. And, if you knew me, you would also know that I too agree with doing the job to the best of my ability, despite the low moral, in fact I have often chimed in to keep others from making stupid mistakes or cutting corners. So, yes, I continue to work hard, despite my observations.

  • Let’s put Bobb, OIR and the so called executives of the Internal Affairs Division in their place. (I wasn’t sure if I should have laughed or barfed when Bobb thanked two of them by name in his last report.)

    Certain individuals within the IAD actively and knowingly participated in numerous incidents of Obstruction of Justice (turning a blind eye is a crime which you will soon discover) ordering cover ups and willingly took orders from the little man. OIR leadership was paid large sums of taxpayer money to provide oversight which was virtually nonexistent involving the rank of captain and above. Merrick Bobb provided fluff oversight reports none of which exposed the real problems, Baca and Tanaka. Yet he knew and failed miserably to expose to the tax paying public but boy did he collect a nice paycheck over the years. Folks, this is all typical bullshit politics of “Go along to get along,” while the master manipulator, Lee Baca, played his harp. Nothing of substance was exposed by any of the above.

    Like it or not (and I for one am quite appreciative) this is what forced change and the political downfall of Paul Tanaka and Lee Baca:

    1. Witness LA
    2. Bob Olmsted
    3. LA Times
    4. FBI

    So much for oversight. Those paid to do their did not, they failed us with their eyes wide open and their hand out for a paycheck.

  • LA Times article: LAPD officials say “the Department does not in any way encourage manipulating crime reports or falsifying data”. What a crock! It is common knowledge in law enforcement LAPD has been cooking the books since the Bratton administration. Don’t let this one go Celeste!

  • Sach,
    In my humble opinion the biggest factor that brought down Lee Baca and Paul Tanaka is the ACLU.
    The media, the LA TIimes and WLA didn’t give a flying fuck through a rolling donut for years that Baca, Waldie etc. were dirty as hell. They loved Baca. He was Progressive, New Age, warm and caring. He told them just what they wanted to hear. They heard it, liked it, embraced him and turned a blind eye. The writing was on the wall early on. Very early on. Nobody cared.
    The ACLU was inside CJ doing what the ACLU does. It wasn’t until they started making noise that the LA Times and WLA jumped off the Lee Baca bandwagon. I would bet money that Celeste is a donor to the ACLU. I would bet money that the owners of the LA Times are donors to the ACLU.
    When the ACLU started raising hell, it became time for the Times and WLA to make a choice. Support the ACLU or support Lee Baca. They made their choice, and they made it fervently.
    That’s when their epihany and about face took place.

  • And LASD does the same manipulating and falsefying. Sworn get that training when the are in the academy., then when nessarry their superiors encourage it

  • Sachamoe #17 – couldn’t agree with you more about Bobb’s love fest with Mannis and Abner (they both “deserve praise for maintaining the dignity and competence of IA throughout these difficult years.”). For starters, investigators worked diligently to do comprehensive, thorough investigations, even though many times, under conditions where limited resources and unreasonable deadlines were, out of political motivations, set by brass and/or where interference from SHQ’s 4th floor delayed and unnecessarily corrupted the case.

    Bobb and Mannis’ professional relationship spanned from her time as a lieutenant in the A/S’s office in January 1997 where she provided information and statistics to “Special Counsel” Bobb, on through the first decade of this century as a lieutenant and captain at Internal Affairs. She was a good little bureaucrat, going along with whatever the sheriff or undersheriff’s office wanted done, or, not done. Did Bobb know that Sheriff Baca or his office commander, or U/S Stonich/Waldie/ or Tanaka would call the IA captain and communicate what the sheriff’s “concerns” were about a case? Or that on high profile cases, they called the shots on which people should be named subjects of a case, or interviewed in a case, or that a certain individual was not to be interviewed, thus narrowing the breadth and depth of the investigation? IA investigators were from time to time, ordered to do such highly irregular things should a witness or complainant be a campaign contributor or if a potential subject be a fair-haired protégé of Baca’s. I can’t speak for Roberta, but I KNOW Karyn was a compliant soldier for her bosses, even if what they directed, and she ensured was done or ignored, subtly or blatantly violated fundamental investigative integrity. If Bobb researched the definition of dignity, he would find it means “the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect.” Regardless of how difficult the Baca years were on Internal Affairs personnel, she should have spent less time on her anal reviewing of I-dots and T-crosses and spent more focus on fighting her tendency of being too acquiescent to challenge authority, especially corrupt authority.

  • #5 – SHB is in no position to be monitoring anyone. Britta Steinbrenner has been a backseat passenger in Tanaka’s car for yeeears. Just because Paul is gone and she doesn’t have her husband to protect her, doesn’t mean she’s not still willing to be her shady self. She skins and grins in Sheriff Scott’s face and she thinks she’s escaped the negative wrath that Tanaka’s camp is having to bare. People don’t forget.

  • So, our Department went through their biggest scandals ever under the watch of OIR and Merrick Bobb. Imagine how much worse it would have been if they weren’t there to watch and report our Department’s actions?

  • #20 Intheknow
    Recruits get training in the academy on how to manipulate crime statistics? They receive training on how to falsify reports in order to cook the books for crime statistics?
    The sound of the axe head against the grinding wheel is deafening. Lol.

  • Celeste I remember having a conversation with my supervisor over the classification of crimes. The question was posed as to whether or not reports were being reclassified to show a reduction in actual crimes statistics? As a Detective Sergeant I assured the Lt that was not the case and I had never heard of anyone in our department doing this. The Lt said it had been brought up and they wanted to make sure we were not involved in such a farse. I am glad to say we weren’t.
    As to Silly Rabbit your assessment of Britta is very much off base. Having worked with and for her when she was a Sgt and Lt, I can tell you many people did not like her. She was curt, not very personable, and came off as unfriendly. While she was married to a “car” carrying Tanaka person, Mr. T was not overly fond of her as she only cares about a few things in her life. One is her children and the other is the department. If the manual says to write everything in green ink, then it will be so. She loves the Sheriffs Department almost as life itself. If people took the time to know her she has a sense of humor and can be a great friend. But she has no tolerance for incompetence or slackers. And no I don’t currently work for her, never had any romantic inkling, nor do I seek favors from her, I just don’t like it when people paint someone with a broad brush. I can assure you she is not a Tanaka fan, but she did socialize with him and his family when she was married. But she was not complacent in how he ran the department.

  • @Silly Rabbit-FYI Steinbrenner was never in Tanaka’s car. It’s a boys club. And her husband is her EX-HUSBAND. Reason for the name change. Going on 2 years now. He’s self serving always has been. As for your observation of her grinning at Sheriff Scott. I know for a fact she respects the man. She’s a hard worker (no gray area there). As for escaping the negative wrath. Her hands are clean. So, if your going to talk shit about someone back it with facts.

  • As far as Britta goes, I worked with her also. #25 Leftattheball is right.

    As far as manipulating crime stats, anything is possible with the LASD. What about cooking the books??? I’ve seen it first hand supervisors ordering deputies to manipulate contract city minutes. (Cities who contract with the sheriff’s department are charged by the minute for police services). I’m sure it came from tanaka’s accounting philosophy. Sergeants ordered to log on as deputies, injured deputies logging on as though they were going in the field. Those supervisors are still around….

  • Apparently Dulce’s life is so busy, action packed and fulfilling that she doesn’t have time to read the comments on WLA, much less comment on them.
    Oh wait, there she is again in #27, telling us we need to get a life.
    You can’t make that shit up.
    Her hypocrisy knows no bounds.

  • @Dulce. You were already “OUTED” as the alter-ego of Boomer. Read #4, then take a hike. Your posts are losing points as we count down to November. You will survive, but how will you live when McDonnell is sheriff?

  • Well “agria” it seems your the one who needs a life. What is wrong sweetness? Still upset your loser went by the wayside? Looking at possible indictment, and prison time? Why dont you try to keep with the topic at hand, or just more “uvas agria’s”?

  • Thank You number 28 for proving me right as usual! Again, as always someone on this board proving it.

  • Too bad Merrick Bobb was not around long enough to audit Baca’s dysfunctional Master FTO program which promotes and supports institutionalized hazing and favoritism. Just another legacy program wherein the Master FTO’s who are suppose to be the stop blocks are instead gaining from the pay to play (or at least get off training) programs they run at their stations. Of course, John Scott does not even see what is going on? He has his own agenda.

  • #29’Oh Well, you are correct everytime Dulce is confronted with facts, she goes underground. She has been here the whole time though, trolling until she thinks there is something she can comment on in a “Hit and Run” post. I feel sorry for her.

  • #33 and #35- Interesting you drop a post with a hint of problem, and no direction. I had the opportunity to work with some of the original Master FTO’s and I truly supported the program. But if there is a issue with the training program, then I would say there is also a problem with station deputies. When Tanaka blessed certain stations he gave them a sense of being the all star varsity team, then the deputies at those stations charged (or still charge) a fee for people to train there and claim that station as theirs.
    If the deputies would address the issue it would go away. But it is the supervisors who are charged with that, and they should handle it.My point is everyone of us can make a change, and should. Now is a good time to handle this.
    Here is a thought for those who sit upstairs and read these posts, interview every station roll up trainee for the past two years from every station. Either validate or refute the allegations of trainees being checked for wires prior to ten8, or being taxed to buy their FTO’s meals for six months, or other such allegations. If they are true, then handle the issue swiftly and sternly. Then we start true reform down the line.

  • Finally someone brings out the MFTO and FTO shenanigans. Yes, there is smoke.

    It is interesting, ELA requires trainees to pay dues, of course, the Captain this program started under was made a commander.

    SLA and many other stations require mandatory civilian uniforms, off-duty rides and attendance at off-duty training.

    The Master FTO’s also require patrol trainees to purchase hundreds and, in at least one Master FTO’s case, they expect them to spend into the thousands on excess gear that the Master FTO deems necessary.

    Apparently, the Master FTOs and the FTOs forget the meaning of training. They expect the deputies to come to patrol trained as opposed to them actually embracing them as a new partner in the field and training/teaching them the basics as well as how to be the best patrol deputy they can be.

    It is funny that these Deputies are able to dictate policy as they personally interpret it.

    Why does ALADS not out this dysfunctional program for what it is?

    Thank You ALADS for not spending my money fighting to correct this problem that affects your members?

    The Master FTOs have been used as “look at me” tools by Baca, Tanaka, Hellmold, Buddy Goldman and now the current administration to do their little projects, but when are they going to actually be a part of the training process? When are they going to be held accountable for the actual jobs?

  • Unfortunately for anyone who worked under Tanaka’s “leadership,” they will carry the taint of association because of what he did and how he did it. I don’t care about all the testimonials about how nice people are, if they were in a supervisory or managerial role in one of Tanaka’s bureaus of interest, which includes Personnel, then they need to come clean with what they did and what they saw. Otherwise, their silence condemns them and confirms why Tanaka put them in those particular positions in the first place. Debriefings are in order, preferably under penalty of perjury…

  • #36, I’ve said this here before. Everyone is quick to say “You shoud do something about it, beef them!” Evryone wants someone else to stand up for them. They don’t want to face retaliation and ridicule. The person that beefs the system is labeled incompetent, rat, POS….. If a trainee beefs a TO for ordering him/her to “Work the grey”, instant rat jacket.

    There are some great master FTO’s. There are afew that are not. There is little oversight.

  • @ 36 it is a “”TRADITION” for trainees to ” hush and eat mush” The higher ups will never back the past 2 years of trainees even if they came forward.

    The MFTO program was designed to teach, and to be impartial with interactions between the T.O. and the Trainee, thus weeding out hazing and typical “I’m your father and you are my child” Bull Shit, incorporated by a lot of T.O.’s over the years. Unfortunately it took a turn sideways for some (not all

    If all involved faced the truth when asked…….Some MFTO ‘ and FED’S along with SD one Trainee’s would “ROLL IT UP”. I outrank the FTO that was unfit to train me and others, but being “BFF” with the “MFTO”……..you already know the story.

  • Here is an “I heard.” I heard some of the MFTOs are maxing out on overtime (96 hours) at their patrol stations. Please say it isn’t so. How can they perform their duties when they are maxing out on overtime. Don’t they get paid enough already? They must be super studs. When I trained my partners we didn’t have MFTOs. I don’t understand the need for them. Perhaps the station Captains should be held responsible for Training Officers that can’t do their job and feel the need for an MFTO program. Or perhaps the training Sergeants are incompetent. What the hell happened to patrol? What the hell happened to the training program. Why do trainees have to pony up $1000 to $2000 dollars for an off training party? Total bullshit. Our off training parties were pizza and drinks behind the station. No glossy flyers or DJs. What the hell are we? We are police. Start acting like police and knock this shit off. Take criminals to jail and don’t show off. Keep your mouth shut you braggarts. You will be recognized by your evidence log entries, not your bragging. Help others, no matter what station they are from. Are we not brothers and sisters? I can’t believe this west or south rivalry bullshit. Anybody down south can drive out the back gate of the station and a felony will jump in your backseat. I trained “down South”. I always told my partners the north and east stations had it harder and were more dangerous. Those of you who worked the south end know what I’m talking about. Stop talking shit about each other and do your job. There will be workers and there will be Admin Pogues. We all know who we are. We all know there is a need for both. Accept it and get on. Time to get back to basics. PT is gone. It’s time to get back to work, wherever you work, whatever you do on this Department. Love it or leave it. This Department is what you make of it. I love it. If you don’t, leave. Otherwise I’ll back you where ever you ask me to roll.

  • @ Elephant in the Room. …….Alads has NEVER stepped in to correct wrongs by FTO and legitimately back up trainee’s on righteous beefs. Same old “good ol’ boy” network. Always was and still is.

    So much for paying $90.00 per month per deputy. You add that up and what do you get?…………..Raging Waters (once a year) plus a beer & bullshit session at Baker 2 Vegas once a year. Put you thinking cap, then add it up.

    Don’t get me started.

  • all of this talk about FTO’s and master FTO’s and out-of-pocket fees charged to deputies is beginning to sound a lot like the basic operational structure of an organization known as the Church of Scientology.

  • can anybody confirm that under the reign of Sheriff Lee Baca an unwritten prerequisite to qualify for joining the detective ranks was completion of coursework at the Church of Scientology?

  • Attention ALADS: It is a little too late ( 43 years) to play the “Diversity Game” on your latest lineup for the Board of Directors.

    Why now? Obviously (Don Steck) you were “called on it”.

  • @DayShiftSLA: I like to chime in when I get confused reading a post. So what’s your point? I too heard about the recent “diversity,” but my thought was “at least they’re trying.” And had they not, would you then be saying they’re a mess because there is “no diversity!”

    What do you think needs to be done to help fix ALADS?

  • Hayhurst and the old board are out. Give the new board a shot. If they don’t perform, vote them out. It is too early to be pointing fingers at them.

  • Hopefully, ALADS can hire a new law firm to represent Deputies. GREEN AND SHITNAE is a weak law firm.

  • @47, 48 & 49.The whole old board is not out. Hoffstetter is still there from the Hayhurst regime. Even though Steck and Hayhurst had a blowout, Floyd will not go away that easy. Being the swing vote in the election last November (electing Macias), it went to Stecks head and pissed Floyd

    Watch this……Come November this year, Hayhurst will get the 4th (vote) man to bring him back as executive director. Steck is opposed to it, however the newest Board members (boyfriend/girlfriend duo) are two of Floyd’s sheep. Trust me on this one. If not. ….you will see. As far as the diversity is concerned, Alads is trying to offset racial discrimination allegations in upcoming court case.

  • Hoffstetter was a short timer in CPT. Always worked day shift. Afraid to work nights,,,scared.

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