Must Reads

Friday Wrap-Up & Must Reads


Deeply affected by the recent string of suicides by teenage boys, on Tuesday Fort Worth City Council Member, Joel Burns, told his own personal story about being badly bullied—breaking down as he attempted to talk about his own near suicide at age 13, a story he’d never told anyone, he said. Then, after sharing some of his life’s subsequent joys, the councilman delivered an eloquent plea to kids struggling with their sexual identity.

“”To those who are feeling very alone tonight, please know that I understand how you feel, that things will get easier,” Burns said. “Please stick around to make those happy memories for yourself. It may not seem like it tonight, but they will…..”

FYI: Burns became the first openly gay candidate elected to public office in Tarrant County, Texas, when he won a special election for a seat on the Fort Worth City Council in 2007. He was reelected in 2009


Attorney and CBS News Correspondent Erin Moriarty spent two-years on the Bruce Lisker story that is airing Saturday night on CBS’s 48 Hours. (You remember Lisker. He’s the guy who was released from prison last year after spending 26 years locked-up for the murder of his mother. He was released when a federal judge ruled that the evidence used to convict him was either questionable, cooked, or utterly false. )

From the look of the trailer, she’s got all the pieces—including the fact that Attorney General and gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown may try to put Lisker back into prison on a technicality, however he’s waiting until after the election to decide. (Not good, Jerry. Not good at all.)

Let’s hope this high profile treatment of the Lisker case persuades or embarrasses Brown into doing the right thing, sooner rather than later.


Evidently the 9th Circuit thought some kind of adherence to the….you know….U.S. Constitution (for example, the 8th Amendment) ought to be a part of the Maricopa sheriff’s job description.

Colorlines has the story on the court’s Wednesday decision. Here’s how it opens.

On Wednesday, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a ruling by a lower court that charged Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio with mistreatment of detainees in his jails for serving them spoiled food and neglecting their health.

Arpaio’s cruelty toward his inmates is legendary. Tent cities, physical abuse and hard labor, pink underwear, chain gangs—he’s imposed all of these sadistic measures on his prisoners. In 2008, the ACLU took Arpaio to court, arguing that because of his well-documented abuses, his jails necessitated federal oversight.

U.S. District Court Judge Neil Wake ruled in October 2008 that Arpaio broke the law by failing to meet basic requirements in food quality and housing conditions for inmates. Arpaio appealed the ruling….


LAObserved has that story.


As Arnold Schwarzenegger finishes his last weeks in office,
my pal Joe Domanick looks at how Arnold, more than nearly all of his predecessors, truly wanted to reform the state’s correctional system. But he was roundly defeated by his inability to out maneuver special interests (CCPOA), and/or the mindless “tough on crime” mania that still rules in Sacramento.

Will the next governor do any better?

Meg Whitman recites “tough on crime” as her mantra, and shows zero inclination toward reform.

Brown actually talks about corrections reform, but, with his CCPOA endorsement, will he have the guts to go for it? (One can always hope.)


If you’ve never had a friend or loved-one locked up, this may seem like nothing to you. But for family members of prisoners it’s a big deal. The Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department has long had an excellent inmate locator on its website. But, for years, the California Department of Corrections had nada. Thursday all that changed.

As the CDCR’s Matthew Cate said in Thursday’s press release:

“Inmates who stay connected with loved ones are often more motivated to change their behavior and lead a crime-free life,” said CDCR Secretary Matthew Cate. “This new tool will make it more convenient for the public to locate, write and visit incarcerated family members and friends.”

Here’s the link to the locator itself. I just test drove it. It works well.


In the Daily News, human rights advocate, Lovisa Stannow, writes about how California is finally admitting that they have to—and can—do something about chronic and traumatizing prison rape problem.


When you’re about to be homeless it’s tough to edit a book. (Hell, it’s hard enough even when your rent or mortgage is all paid up.)

But when Rodger Jacobs (whom we’ve been following in the series, The New Homeless) was in the midst of being evicted and wondering if he and his longtime girlfriend would soon be on the street, he did the last bit of editing and wrote the preface on a charming collection of Jack London stories that was just released this week.

Well done, Rodger!


An El Segundo homeowner (who also happens to have a blog) did a little post-Bell scandal digging and learned that, in his own town—which has few criminals or fires and no murders last year—cops earn an average of $175,000, firefighters $210,000. He put this info on his blog—-and then things got ugly.

Paul Teetor LA Weekly’s Paul Teetor has the story— (and the back-up research for the blogger’s claims.)



Here’s a clip from the heart of Daum’s amusing and dead on essay:

From ambulance-chasing lawyers to corporate shills to just about anyone who’s ever tried to forge a career in advertising, public relations or the entertainment industry, the concept of whoredom is now less about selling your body than about selling your soul. Heidi Fleiss’ ring of old-fashioned whores might have made her a “Million Dollar Madam,” but Enron’s empire of modern-day whores — most of them men — was a far bigger, and arguably sleazier, operation than that.

Happy Friday.


  • Please keep it civil from here on out or I’ll just shut down comments for a few days. This is directed at everyone.

    Or better yet, I’ll temporarily ban the three of you who just can’t manage to do anything but fight, and who serial post. It would be a pity, but asking nicely has not worked this week.

    Up to y’all. Last warning.

  • “Arpaio’s cruelty toward his inmates is legendary. Tent cities, physical abuse and hard labor, pink underwear, chain gangs—he’s imposed all of these sadistic measures on his prisoners.”


    I’ve seen the Legendary Abusive Pink Underwear being sold at Victoria’s Secret, when are they going to be prosecuted !!!!! When is Jerry Brown taking action !!!!

  • Arpaio pointed out the original lawsuit was filed in 1977, long before he was sheriff and said the jails already are in compliance with the original order, but his agency appealed because it didn’t believe Wake had a basis for imposing those mandates.

  • Baca only finally “found” the money to send out the rape kits for testing (note: send OUT: unlike LAPD before Bratton left, and as I recall with current Chief Beck in charge and Weiss overseeing it from city end, the Sheriff’s dept. does not have procedures in place to take on the testing in-house even though in the long run, it would be cheaper) because Zev Yaroslavsky was reported to have sat him down and MADE HIM ‘find the money.” After the Human Rights Watch in HuffPo, by Toffe. Who had pleaded with Baca time and again, as she had with LAPD before it took on the task and somehow the city was persuaded to fund it. (I’m not sure if that commitment is ongoing, in the face of the budget crisis – ?)

    And as for Lisker, Nikki/Misfire will be pleased that I am indeed dragging Cooley’s name into this mess: even the pro-Cooley Times had an editorial slamming him and the whole DA’s dept. for “kicking him to the curb on his way out the door” instead of apologizing to him for all those years of wrongful imprisonment. He was an embarrassment to Cooley’s record and hence his run for AG, better to have kept him locked up from a cynical standpoint of ambition.

    I sure hope Jerry Brown proves to be bigger than that – and not pander to the “see I’m so tough on crime” crowd, or falling for the fallacy that a legal technicality is more important than ethics and doing the right thing when it comes to a man’s life. Lisker’s statute of limitations to file his appeal may have been up but if so, it’s because of the nearly insurmountable odds of fighting the DA from inside prison with no money – wasn’t it some pro bono legal team that finally came to his rescue? (Like Deborah Peagler, another victim of his “circle the wagons” justice dept. you profiled. WHAT EVER HAPPENED to her, BTW? You’d written that by the time she was freed she had only months to live with terminal cancer.)

  • We cannot end the week without a “xxx-gate.” We’ve had HousekeeperGate and WhoreGate, and now there’s TraitorGate – aimed squarely at Barbara Boxer and Henry Waxman and based on Buzz Patterson’s new book ‘Conduct Unbecoming,’ the latest ‘Gate’ shows just how far Boxer and Waxman were prepared to go to ensure that anti-war activists would be able to deliver $600,000 in cash to enemy insurgents in Fallujah in 2005. Read all about it at:

    Suddenly Carly Fiorina is looking electable…

  • Sure Fire/Nikki Says:
    October 15th, 2010 at 5:26 pm

    Are you claiming Whitman is a racist? Can you posts facts to support your claim?


    I don’t need facts to claim that Whitman is a racist. She gets the support of just about every racist I know in both real life and here in blog world. Birds of a feather.

  • Jack, if you think that Code Pink aided the enemy in a time of war? Prove it.

    This accusation by Buzz Patterson is preposterous. He has no “smoking gun” letter, as he claims. He has a letter that’s in the public record.

    Code Pink, which is the group for whom Waxman facilitated entry into Iraq (which is a completely ordinary thing for a Congressman to do, by the way), is a liberal feminist anti-war group. They are not pro-insurgency, nor are they anti-American in any way shape or form—except in the eyes of people who simply don’t like them because they are very noisy, publicity-savvy liberals.

    The Code Pink women are activists and known for stunts (demonstrating in Congress, and that sort of thing), and they are anti-war pretty much across the board. But they are no more radical than Tea Partiers are on the right.

    In brief, Code Pink provided—and still provides—aid to widows and impoverished mothers in war torn areas of Iraq. Women have been very badly hit by the conflict there.

    You can read about their outreach to Iraqi women right here on their website. It’s not a secret.

    They bring money into the country so that they can buy aide materials—like sheep and sewing machines—in the region rather than shipping it in. Duh!

    One may agree or disagree with Code Pink’s politics, but to call it treasonous is vile, mendacious and inexcusable.

    Thanks to Buzz Patterson’s crap allegations there are websites (like the one below) demanding Boxer’s execution, with commenters saying they will pay for the bullet.

    That, my dear, is un-American—not Code Pink.

  • You hate women, you hate labor, you hate Mexicans. That is well documented in here, WTF. It’s starting to appear that you hate everything except for white males.

  • The Code Pink women are activists and known for stunts (demonstrating in Congress, and that sort of thing), and they are anti-war pretty much across the board. But they are no more radical than Tea Partiers are on the right.

    No more radical than Tea Partiers, total bullshit Celeste, these women are a disgrace to feminists everywhere. Go ahead and defend their words on this video I linked you to. These crazy women are what being un-American is all about.

    I can’t speak on what Jack posted but I’ll sure look into it. Their words on this video are vile as one can get.

  • “I don’t need facts to claim that Whitman is a racist. She gets the support of just about every racist I know in both real life and here in blog world. Birds of a feather”.

    Rob’s a real brain. Lot’s of talent.

  • For the record, Script, while I disagree totally and vehemently with many of Whitman’s stands on immigration policy, and really don’t like the woman for a whole hose of reasons—I’ve seen no statement from her that suggests she is in any way a racist.

    These kinds of slurs are thrown about way too easily by both the right and the left and they tend to fog up the discussion because they require no specifics.

    There are those in government to whom that term does, I believe, apply, but Whitman—in my opinion—is not one of them.

    The term dismisses the whole person in the same way that “thug” does, when tossed at Obama.

  • Celeste, to want a strong border between US and Mexico is racist in and of itself. The Mexican-American war was racist. Period. If it wasn’t, I await your explanation of the war which suggests otherwise. Meg Whitman doesn’t have to call out Mexicans specifically to be a racist. Her support of the border is enough.

    Also, blacks and Latinos serve much more time in California prisons for the very same crimes that whites commit. Not only has Whitman not addressed this issue, she wants to give more power to prisons and our criminal justice system. So, does she have to throw around the n word to be a racist? If you support the American criminal justice system as is, you have to be a racist. Period. Anyone who knows of our prison sentence disparities amongst races and doesn’t wish to do anything about it is a racist.

    Now, on to Sure Fire’s use of the word thug. You said that me calling Whitman a racist is no different than Sure Fire using that term to describe Obama. Wow. I dont’ even know where to start.

    I gave you a clear historical reference to demonstrate my case as to whitman being racist. Now tell me what Sure fire’s historical reference is to demonstrate that Obama’s a thug. What has Obama ever done in his life to be tagged with the label “thug”? Watch his mother die of cancer? Organize citizens to be politically active in Chicago? Attended Harvard? Studied? Ran for senator? Ran for president? Nada. Nothing thug about him. Nothing thug about his history, his upbringing, his integrity, his constitution, his family, his heritage…NOTHING. Yet Sure Fire still calls him a thug.

    I have a historical reference to link to my accusations of Whitman being a racist.

    Sure Fire has nothing to link Obama to thugism other than the fact that he just likes to call black people thugs.

    So, no, Celeste, it’s not the same.

  • Celeste, I wonder if you would defend Whitman against a racism accusation like that if you were in Boyle Heights with Father Boyle or whoever, walking around and speaking to people in that community.

  • I could just imagine you saying this to a crowd of Chicanos and Mexicans in ‘the flats’, Celeste:

    “I’ve seen no statement from Whitman that suggests she is in any way a racist.”

    You would need an LAPD escort out of there. And it would be your last trip there.

  • SureFire, there are idiots within the ranks of Code Pink, just like there are idiots within the ranks of the Tea Partiers, who have said ghastly things. Loudly and repeatedly.

    There’s no defending ignorant, hurtful crap like that which those women are spouting.

    However, it does NOT reflect the POV of Code Pink, which is anti-war, but not anti-soldier. In fact, there are mothers of service men and women among Code Pink’s ranks.

    This group is loaded with mothers and grandmothers, the majority of whom would never dream of dissing the young man and women who serve in the US military.

    Here’s their statement of purpose, which is very much reflective of what they do and espouse:

    (I’ve known Code Pink co-founder Jodie Evans for many years and the above statements in the link, are completely reflective of all I know of her. That video isn’t. She has met frequently with the mothers of service people all of the country.)

    And this, by the way, is the low crap people resort to in order to try to trash Code Pink:

    One more thing: as much as I dislike what the women in the video said, it is no more unAmerican than it is for the Tea Partiers to call Obama a list of creepy names.

    Both those examples are, unfortunately, what much of politics looks like in this country, right now—in which one side demonizes the other. And it’s not very constructive, that’s for damn sure.

    Speaking of Marines, the idiotic side of the anti-war movement and videos (and Code Pink), this is one of my all time favorites:

  • Celeste, I don’t think Waxman/Boxer’s support for Code Pink is going to play very well for her, regardless of whether you believe that the money she delivered did not end up supporting the insurgency.

    The point made at the “What Would Regan Do?” blog is that it was part of an anti-Bush strategy that wanted to succeed at all costs, even if that meant helping the enemy directly or indirectly.

    Furthermore, you don’t see Code Pink pulling stunts like that anymore, even though with Obama in the White House, US Servicemen are still dying needlessly.

    If Buzz Patterson doesn’t have the proof, then I’m surprised that Boxer or Waxman haven’t challenged him to put up or shut up. I also find it very telling that the Islam Online report of Boxer/Waxman’s support, suddenly disappeared the day after the story broke.

    IMHO, I think Boxer/Waxman’s judgment was skewed by their desire to attack Bush, and they made a serious error of judgment in supporting something they are now trying to bury. I don’t think that what they did makes them traitors, but I do think it was a very poor decision.

  • Jack, we can certainly argue honorably about whether or not we agree with the decision. (And Code Pink is still bringing help to women in Iraq, by the way, Look at their website. AND they’ve been very critical of Obama’s war policies—but admittedly they’ve not used anything resembling the same tone that they used with Bush.)

    Happy Saturday.

  • You are so wrong Celeste in defending Code Pink and Jodie Evans. They have demonstrated again and again that they are anti-soldier regardless of the personal losses some of them have suffered. Anytime you’d like to debate where Jodie came from, her activities over the years and the truth behind this contemptible woman you let me know.

    I don’t care that they are anti-war and demonstrate in that manner but their just this side of the Phelps people with some of the tactics they’ve employed. That can’t be defended, not ever. Your standard for conduct of those on the left as compared to the right is very different. The Tea Party is nothing like Code Pink, nothing.

    I could load up your board with what Code Pink has their hands in and the complicity of your friend Jodie.

    Just give me the OK.

  • Script,

    BTW, I also hate whining white males who think they understand the plight of the mexican, simply because they read a blog. comprendes?

  • “ Meg Whitman’s Son, Will Harsh – Class Act
    Will Harsh, Meg Whitman’s son, has had some press before:

    Sounds like Meg Whitman’s son is a real winner, a jerky rich kid racist, and self described “billionaire” who thinks he can get away with anything he wants, and his name tells some kind of story doesn’t it? “Griffith Rutherford Harsh the fifth” The kid is such a little lord fauntleroy that even Meg Whitman donating 30 million bucks to Princeton couldn’t keep the bratty kid in school.
    Sounds like the old “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” scenario could be in play here. Creepy!

    Hey Celeste, knowing you are a movie fan I’ve got to recommend a movie I just saw yesterday that might be one of the best movies I have ever seen. It is called “Bronson” (2008), and the actor who plays the role of Bronson “Tom Hardy” is stunning as Bronson, who is Great Britain’s most famous and violent prisoner. The film was directed by the young but brilliant director “Nicolas Winding Refn” and was the Sundance Film Festivals winner and most talked about film of 2008. Unfortunately it was never picked up by a major studio and didn’t get the chance to be seen by many people.
    I give it ten stars out of ten, a shockingly great film.

  • DQ, thanks for the movie recommendation. I’d meant to see “Bronson” when it was released but then somehow never did. Time to fire up the Netflix queue. It looks excellent.

    Hmmmm, the Whitman/Harsh offspring do not seem terribly pleasant.

    On one hand, perfectly decent people can raise kids who go through awful periods, for one reason or another.

    On the other hand, based on the Gawker article at least, these boys’ outsized sense of entitlement does not suggest good things about the atmosphere in the house.

  • Saw Bronson when it first came out, the guy was nuts, decent movie but not as good as some other prison flicks. Who cares what Whitman’s kids are like, it has no bearing on the race.

    Yeah Celeste, kids always act the same at home as they do when out.

  • “I don’t need facts to claim that Whitman is a racist. She gets the support of just about every racist I know in both real life”

    How is it that Rob knows a lot of racists?

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