Civil Rights Immigration & Justice

DOJ Sues Sheriff Joe Arpaio for Claiming He’s the King of the World

Okay. You’re right. That’s not exactly how the unprecedented lawsuit filed on Thursday really reads.

The legal action stems from the fact that Maricopa Sheriff Joe Arpaio metaphorically gave the US Justice Department the finger for 15 months in a row when his office was the subject of a civil rights probe for racial profiling after he and his officers loped around the state randomly rousting, searching and detaining people to find out if they were in the US illegally. The DOJ asked for the sheriff’s department to turn over certain documents pertaining to the probe.

Joe said, in effect, Make me!

After 15 months of DOJ requests were met with stonewalling and nose thumbing, Justice took Arpaio up on his dare.

The Christian Science Monitor reports on the story here.

The LA Times reports here.

By the way, this is the first time in 30 years that a police or sheriff’s department has not cooperated with a civil-rights investigation.


  • Actually, MCSO HAS cooperated with civil rights investigation. Also, ICE investigated MCSO and reported that it was in compliance with ICE enforcement.

    What we have here is two lawless forces fighting each other: the hopelessly politicized justice department fighting our somewhat dangerous, but very effective Sheriff Joe.

    Of course, the whole concept of “racial profiling” as something to be avoided is an absurd idea dreamed up by lefties. Racial profiling is a legitimate and effective tool of law enforcement and counter-terrorism – when there is in fact a significant correlation between race and the issue profiled for – say, between being Hispanic with no ID and being an illegal, in many neighborhoods in Maricopa County, where I live.

    Joe is a blowhard. He is dangerous because he thinks he’s above the law. He and the Obama/Holder team are well matched in that regard.

    Remember, this is the justice department that dropped an already won case against black panther thugs who blatantly, on camera, violated election laws designed primarily to protect minorities. Communications within Holder’s justice department make it clear that they believe that minorities cannot be guilty of prejudice or racial intolerance or hate crimes, and they plan to act on that.

    As for Joe, he runs a quite effective operation in Maricopa County, which is why he gets re-elected by landslide margins. His initiative in creating large civilian posses, the tent city, chain gans, etc are all very good things. More reason for the left to hate him.

    But, he goes too far.

    So, contrary to the blog posting, both sides in this are in the wrong, although in the particulars of this particular case, it is the DOJ that is off the rails, and Arpaio who has ICE certified officers who arrest illegals, fully in compliance (per ICE) with US Government policies.

    They said if we voted for McCain we would continue to have political influence in the DOJ. I voted for McCain, and sure enough, we have the most politicized DOJ since Nixon.

  • “Communications within Holder’s justice department make it clear that they believe that minorities cannot be guilty of prejudice or racial intolerance or hate crimes, and they plan to act on that.”

    It’s about time a race other than whites were afforded that kind of privilege.

  • “It’s about time a race other than whites were afforded that kind of privilege.”

    Advocating breaking the law, intolerance and racial prejudice. How enlightened and forward looking.

  • “Off the Wall typifies the double standard and racism common in the modern left.”

    And you typify the racism common in the 1950’s.

  • “And you typify the racism common in the 1950’s.”

    Since I remember the ’50s, and saw the racism first hand, I can say with confidence that you are full of it. You wouldn’t know racism if it bit you on the butt. Today’s PC world has redefined racism to mean whatever is convenient to the left’s victim creation crowd.

  • John,
    It would seem that Sonny thinks that accusing someone else of bigotry is a defense for his own bigotry. His thought process is not encumbered by an advanced intellect or logic.

    Stupid is as stupid does…or in this case, says.
    That was truly an ignorant statement on Sonny’s part.

  • Today’s “PC World” is all that’s in the way of you and people of your ideology bringing America back to the racism of the ’50s, John.

  • Answering The Question, if you’re going to try to sound all smart you might want to consider addressing people who are actually here.

  • “Answering The Question, if you’re going to try to sound all smart you might want to consider addressing people who are actually here.”

    ATW, If you’re going to use multiple identities, it’s bad form to then lie about it.

  • Celeste,
    It’s too much trouble for Rob/Rocky G/Sonny/Off The Wall to change his modem/routing every day. Every week or so seems to be his limit. That is still quite a bit of hassle to go thru just to antagonize and slander other people with whom he disagrees. He’s not here for intelligent discussion. He’s proven that time and again. He has no tolerance for differing opinions in his interactions with others.
    When someone disagrees with him he immediately and without fail attempts to slanders that person with accusations of
    racism/sexism/homophobia etc.

    I’ll use his words to put it succinctly:
    “It’s the lowest form of political discussion”.

    Of course, that’s how he responded after he was called out for making a racially insensitive statement. Yet he continues to do it to others. Now he is doing it to John.
    It’s no wonder the back and forth takes place. To let his slanderous accusations go unanswered is to concede to his juvenile attempts at controlling the discussion with his “lowest form of political discussion”.

  • Celeste, where did that accusation come from? For being a blog moderator who supposedly condemns personal insults, you sure do thrive on the drama that leads up to it. You basically supply the boxing ring and toss everyone a pair of gloves, THEN tell them not to fight. I know you’re busy and all with the teaching, but is it really necessary for you to jump in the mud and chime in every time there’s a heated exchange? Try this food for thought, Celeste. Maybe your commenters will avoid sinking down to the level of baiters and arguers when YOU do.

  • And Celeste, could you please throw a sheet on ATQ’s cage? He’s fun to listen to for a few minutes, but he’s kind of shrill. Thanks.

  • ATQ, when I said something to OTW about the identity issue, you do not help matters by leaping in and continuing with the back and forth bickering and personal attacks. I don’t know who starts it between you two, as I only come in toward the end, but please engage differently.

    OTW, You’re right in the matter that I do step in only very occasionally, thus when I do, it probably does not appear to be even handed.

    Nonetheless, I would hope at those times you (or whomever else) would step stop, take a break, and dial things back a little.

    I hope your labor day is a good one.

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