In 2011, the Los Angeles Unified School District established a policy requiring schools to subject...
The Avis and Mark Ridley-Thomas Life Learning Center Will Offer Critical Services to Help Youth Successfully Navigate Adulthood
On Wednesday, a much-needed drop-in center opened in Los Angeles that aims to help transition-age...
Motion Would Boost Investment in LA County’s My Brother’s Keeper Initiative to $1 Million
Next Tuesday, December 11, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors will consider a motion to...
Obama Foundation Announces Local Winners of My Brother’s Keeper Challenge Competition
On Thursday, the Obama Foundation announced the winners of the My Brother’s Keeper Challenge...
LA County Supes Seek Better Care and Outcomes for Pregnant and Post-Partum Incarcerated Women and Girls and Their Babies
On Tuesday, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted to identify ways to better support...
LA’s Marijuana Revenue Should Go Toward New Youth Development Department, Says Report
The City of Los Angeles is expected to bring in $50 million from marijuana sales in 2018, and $250...