The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s subpoena saga continues. Here’s the newest chapter...
Alex Villanueva
She Fought the Law and She Won: WeHo versus the LASD
Over the past month, there have been two competing headlines about West Hollywood’s fight with...
LA Dem’s endorse Luna over Villanueva, while Supes vote 4 to 1 to ask county voters to give the board authority to remove the sheriff
This past Tuesday, July 12, was not the greatest of days for Sheriff Alex Villanueva. First, the...
4th LASD whistleblower talks, & what she & her documents have to say contradicts Sheriff Villanueva’s account of his actions re: the head-kneeling deputy cover-up
As of Wednesday, May 11, a fourth whistleblower from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s...
A new lawsuit brought by an eyewitness whistleblower shoots giant holes in Villanueva’s story about the incident of the head-kneeling deputy—plus lots more in the way of alleged corruption by LA County’s sheriff
This morning, attorney Vincent Miller released the second complaint in a series of civil rights...
LA Sheriff Alex Villanueva & the matter of threatening journalists
As most readers likely know by now, yesterday, Tuesday April 26, the ever more beleaguered (and...