On Tuesday, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously in favor of a policy that...
LA County Jail
LASD Non-Compliant on 10 Key Mental Health Reforms in the Jails
The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department “made substantial progress” into compliance...
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Sergeant Criminally Investigated for Allegedly Demanding Sex for Coveted Days Off
Did An LA County Sheriff’s Department Sergeant Trade Hard to Get Days Off Work for Coerced...
LA County’s Newest Blue Ribbon Commission to Focus on Effects of Criminal Justice Reforms
On Tuesday, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted to form a Blue Ribbon Commission on...
Report: Inconsistencies in LASD Data Reporting on Jail Violence
The Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department has a data-tracking (and reporting) problem, according...
Supervisors Vote to Indemnify LASD Members Involved in Jail Beating
Supes vote to pay punitive damages owed by deputies and a captain involved in a jail abuse case...