Fifty-five-year-old Jimmy Genrich of Grand Junction, Colorado, has been in prison for nearly 25...
New Bill Aims to Stop Wrongful Convictions by Improving the Way Law Enforcement Administers Lineups
On Wednesday, California lawmakers introduced a bill that seeks to reform the state’s...
Promoting Integrity In Conviction Integrity Review
By Miriam Aroni Krinsky “If it happened to me, it can happen to anyone.” That’s what Ray...
LA Supervisors Honor Loyola Project for the Innocent
During Tuesday’s board meeting, LA County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas presented a scroll to...
After Decades Behind Bars on a Wrongful Conviction, Man to Be Set Free
Marco Contreras, a man wrongfully convicted of attempted murder and robbery, is expected to be...
CA Senators Introduce Bill Package to Reform Juvenile and Criminal Justice Systems
On Monday, California Senators Holly Mitchell (D-Los Angeles) and Ricardo Lara (D-Bell Gardens)...