Bill Bratton LAPD


2 p.m. UPDATE:

Bill Bratton is leaving to be in business with former LAPD Independent Consent Decree Monitor, Michael Cherkasky, who is a close FOB—Friend of Bill. Cherkasky runs a firm called Altegrity Inc., a division of a firm called USIS, out of Virginia.

There is no question that the two will do well. But I suspect there’s some other factor. One thing I know it’s NOT, however—whatever anyone is saying in the rumor mill— Bill Bratton would not be leaving LA because he was running from some kind of fight or challenge. Put that out of your mind. It’s not in his character.

ORIGINAL MORNING POST: Wow. I guess we’ve always expected this
. But I would have bet Bratton would only leave early to take a job in D.C.—or something equally high profile.

But he is to take a position as the head of a private security company. (????)

(The LA Times Joel Rubin broke the story.)

UPDATE & CORRECTION: Eric Leonard at KFI co-broke it. Both reporters had it last night.

Messages are flying all over town expressing surprise.

Let the handicapping begin regarding who will succeed him as chief.

And, trust me, we’ll be heavily into that very activity here.



Janice Hahn, in an interview with the City News Service, ticked off the names of those who will be in the running to succeed Bratton:

“Sharon Papa, Charlie Beck, Jim McDonnell, Earl Paysinger — all of them would be a great chief of police,” she said.

Yes, those would be the four out of the five who would be on my short list—possibly with the addition of Valley Bureau Deputy Chief, Mke Moore, although I think the other four have the inside track—some more than others. (More on that as time goes along.)

The obvious omission is George Gascon, the former LAPD Assistant Chief, strongly Bratton favored, who then took the job as chief of Mesa Arizona, and earlier this summer became Chief of the San Francisco Police Department. Gascon has always wished to be the one to succeed Bratton. In fact he was one of those on the shortest list for Bratton’s job in the first place.

Gascon took the Mesa job specifically with that in mind. But could he walk away from SF this early? It’d be hard, maybe even Palinesque. And there are other reasons why he moves out of the first or second place—namely that I am not sure that the city is prepared to have both a Latino mayor and a Latino chief.

(It would be nice if we were beyond such things, but we’re not.)

On the other hand, Gascon has more than enough talent to do it–-and the best CV of the bunch as he has already run a complicated police department. Mesa is, after all, the 40th largest city in America.

More on all this in a while.

I will say the obvious: Bill Bratton will be a tough act to follow. He’s an enormously talented law enforcement executive. It would be hard to point to one better in the nation. And he is enormously popular in the city. Probably LA’s most popular leader. We like our smart-mouthed, wickedly smart chief.

While Bratton ain’t perfect, it is hard to imagine a better match for Los Angeles at the moment when he assumed the helm of what was then a very troubled department— with a rank and file who had lost faith in it’s leadership, and a city that, in many sectors, particularly post-Rampart, had come to view with suspicion and even loathing the department that was supposed to protect and serve it.

Oh, yeah, and there was a spiking crime rate.

To varying degrees, Bill Bratton turned all three of those boats around.

He began to unleash the very best potential in the LAPD—a department that was loaded with skill and potential—while starting the job of correcting a police culture that had, in many ways, become malign.

Yes, there is further to go—lots further in the arena of regaining confidence in certain communities. But the progress has been enormous. And we don’t like to lose the man who made those strides possible.

BUT here’s the good news. There is assuredly the talent inside this department to take the department to the next step.


  • Have you heard the rumor that Bratton is joining Michael Cherkasky’s Altegrity, based in VA — its website says the USIS division is seeking professionals to help “post-conflict naitons” set up and train indigenous police forces Cherkasky was overseeing the LAPD’s compliance with the Consent Decree and is allegedly a close friend. Have you heard anything about this yet?

    There are also reports that Trutanich is planning to go after Bratton for something to do with the Jackson funeral/ AEG affair, that that’s one of his alleged “criminal or civil aspects” he was talking about while refusing to give details. Frankly I was surprised and appalled that he was so critical of Bratton and LAPD immediately after the funeral for wasting money, when in fact LAPD and others had prevented the anticipated crowds from descending downtown with their constant warnings urging people without tickets to stay away.

    Times reporter Joel Rubin said on a radio program this morning that getting the Consent Decree lifted was a likely factor, but so was the weakening of the Mayor (and loss of Weiss to Trutanich, who may now be after him). Then there’s the budget crisis which has sucked up the trash fee hikes and phone tax which were supposed to go for cops and other public safety expenses. There’s also talk that Bratton wants to leave while crime is down and before all those “non-violent” prisoners are released, but I don’t think he would run from a problem.

    A huge loss to L A. One of the tv news shows mentioned Asst Chiefs Earl Paysinger (who’s African-American), Charlie Beck of the detectives div., and Sharon Papas are top contenders to replace him.

  • All good thoughts.

    I too don’t think for a minute, by the way, that Bratton would run from a problem.

    It isn’t in his character.

    And in any conflict between Trutanich and Bratton, I’d put my money on Bill in a hot second. (That’s not a dis to Trutanich, by the way, whom I mostly like. It’s just an assessment of strengths. I’ve yet to be in a room where Bratton wasn’t the clear Alpha—and the grown-up.)

  • On July 9, Bratton listed his Los Feliz home for $1,875,000. And back in June, Queen Elizabeth announced that Bratton would receive the honorary title of Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. That honor, for promoting cooperation between U.S. and United Kingdom police forces, will be bestowed in September. I had speculated that Bratton would one day become the head of Scotland Yard.

  • And in recent interviews, Bratton has said that he believed the department was prepared for his departure and that the changes he wrought would continue “if I left tomorrow.”

  • As I remember, Bratton got fired in New York City by then Mayor Giuliani for having the nerve for being on the cover of a magazine for claiming what great job he had done as chief.

  • Woody, you have noticed that Sheriff Joe’s idiotic antics have had no discernible effect on the crime rate in his jurisdiction, right? And that he’s far more concerned about publicizing himself than actually doing the work of a sheriff? But I guess he treats brown people badly and that’s really what it’s all about, right?

  • Someone should mention Paul Walters, Chief of Police in Santa Ana, as a successor to Bratton. I just did.

    That’s terribly ingenious Woody. You have amply shown your ignorance to be unsatiable here. There is nothing inherently noble about you, and are terribly cutting when you like to be. You’re a major hiccup, but nothing more than that.

  • If he’s done as much for the culture as it seems from the outside then it makes sense to hire from within. A shame to see him go. Hopefully the new chief won’t get swamped by the budget problems and an increase of crime potentially brought by the high unemployment and cuts in services.

  • That self-arrest form is precious, Woody. I can imagine scores of deluded meth heads sitting in their living rooms temporarily planning life changing events, waiting for the Blue Meanies to knock politely on the door for the “hook up”. Until of course they need another hit, then they mentally tear up the self-arrest form that they forgot to print out and continue haplessly to self-destruct. Good Luck to Bill Bratton wherever he lands. Also as usual Celeste is correct Guiliani is, was, and most probably will remain an “ass”.

  • I love the Self Arrest form too. Brilliant.

    About the house for sale….Yeah. I think a lot of us were just in massive denial and so bought the obviously silly explanation. I’m sad for myself and my fellow deniers.

    (The lipstick mark on your shirt collar is really just a smidge of raspberry jam that got there when you were in the midst of a friendly English muffin fight at the office? Oh, sure, honey. I knew there had to be a logical reason for that stain.)

  • I hate to see Bratton,so lets for another “Hard Noise” I’ll vote for Maricopa Joe!

  • I hate to see Bratton go….but if it’s so lets vote for another”Hard Noise”.My vote’s is for Maricopa Joe!

  • Here’s an idea, Chief George Gascon of SFPD, but who has always shown an interest being LA’s top cop, and formerly chief of the Mesa Arizona PD, and who by the way, despises the fat, loudmouth, publicity hound, Sheriff Joe Arpaio ever since Arpaio and his “posse”(in civilian clothing), invaded the Mesa Arizona City Hall one night without notifying the Mesa PD. The “raid” was supposedly because Arpaio had a tip there might be “illegal aliens” working as janitors cleaning up the bldg on the graveyard shift.
    Well Gascon was supposedly so pissed off he wanted to grab the fat punk Arpaio by the neck and rip his tongue out.
    Here’s my idea, no written test, no oral exam, no gloves, no posse, no TV news. Just Chief Gascon and fat sloppy Araio in a locked room until only one comes out the door.
    I’d put my money on Gascon.
    If only.

  • Gascon would just pull fat Joe’s lower lip over his head like a cabagge leaf!!!! Aside from acting like a demented monkey, Sheriff Joe is a tired cliché emblematic of folk like Sure Fire and Woody.

  • The “Self-Arrest Form” is provided by the same police department that recovered my stolen car. We anticipate, any day now, that the thief will find a computer and arrest himself.

    Maybe we could pick him out of a line-up if the police used the same system for line-ups as in Spain.

    A Nigerian convicted of assault in Spain was acquitted when he was found to have been the only black man in (a police line-up) used as key evidence in his conviction….

  • Bratton did a great job in restoring the damaged reputation of the LAPD after Willie Williams and Bernard Parks proved utterly incapable of doing anything. Bratton’s only flaw was his willingness to become involved in City Politics by endorsing the Mayor and Jack Weiss. The margin Mayor’s victory was hardly stellar, while Jack’s defeat was monumental and truly upset Bratton – it was as much of a defeat for Bratton as it was for Weiss.

    Given that Bratton has done all he possibly could to improve LAPD to the point where the consent decree was lifted, and has moulded his Assistant Chief and Captains to follow his standards, LA would seem to have little reason to look outside the department for a new Chief. I hope Bratton puts in an extra special word for Jim McDonald; he’s precisely what LAPD needs.

  • Sheriff Joe would be a great addition to L.A. law enforcement, the cholos would enjoy wearing pink at the county jails.

    If Sheriff Joe would enforce the immigration laws and chase all the illegal aliens out of the Eastside and back across the border, the city and state would save billions. How many billions is on schools for illegal aliens kids? How many illegal alien babies are paid for by our tax dollars.

    Over 25% of jail inmates in L.A. county jails are illegal aliens, we need Sheriff Joe !!!

    The U.S. and California can no longer afford to support so may poor uneducated illegal aliens from Mexico.

  • Kelvin, your assessment of Bratton is generally correct except he did not err in endorsing the Mayor and Weiss: it took guts for him to do it, to speak his mind based on what he knew to be the facts. Especially after the County DA Steve Cooley not only endorsed but recruited, lobbied, fundaised and twisted arms for his guy Trutanich to get in. What they and Zine did and said in their campaign was truly disgusting, beyond low-class and tasteless it was lies, and should have disqualified him as City Attorney altogether. Political observers often comment they’ve never seen anything as low and crass in L A politics. (Chick was right-on nailing him as someone who “said anything to anyone to get elected,” that he’s a liar and a fraud, and uttered “soundbites and fancy speeches that were not just empty words, but lies.” That cuts to the lack of character and “ethics” he’s always gassing on about) This is even more appalling than the fact that every time he opens his mouth he shows his lack of class and poor education.

    You don’t really know the real Trutanich Team unless you hear them all in person on shows like Kevin James’ and you realize they’re all to the right of Woody except a whole lot meaner and more vengeful. The guy’s otherwise a clever shapeshifter who can con the likes of Celeste here, and in general IS as Chick also says, a “demagogue,” someone who got in based almost on capitalizing on the public’s inherent distrust of any government in power. So I think tht knowing the vengeful nature of his sponsor Cooley, Bratton was very courageous in doing the decent thing and speaking up for an ally and apparent friend who was being unfairly maligned and railroaded by a Rovian X10 campaign.

    It was ONLY someone with this kind of “ego” and confidence in his “having earned the right” to speak his mind, that could and would do what he felt was right here. He’s lately had to deal with Smith openly wanting to tear down his ego (as he told the Daily News) over the movie cop uniform thing, with “Bitter Bernie” Parks who still thinks he’s Chief, and above all, Trutanich’s wingman Zine, who’s had a personal vendetta against the Chief. As does Trutanich from what I’m hearing, and his having to bash Bratton over LAPD’s efficient handling of the Jackson events was petty, and downright brutish. Like his “high five” photo op bungle. (As a result of which, his hack Kevin James cried on his show, “We can’t trust the L A Times anymore! It’s time to end this ‘transparency’ when it comes to them!” “Transparency” is only for those who kissed upto Team Trtuanich as the “other” and bought their spin, but censorship for those who don’t write PR pieces for them. Now what they say about Chick and anyone who’s wise up is unprintable.) I’m reading Trutanich was trying to frame Bratton with some sort of “extortion” trumped up charge which, while it wouldn’t stand up, would be just the kind of thing he would threaten to “get even.” He and his righthand man David Berger (who ran with really rightwing Minuteman-type Walter Moore), who’s blogged here, are most interested in their agenda of vendettas against anyone who’s ever been associated with the Antonio (all “cockroaches under the carpet” they tell radio fans) than anything else. Listen to them in their own words sometime.

    With Bratton leaving, the Mayor weakened by the election margin and the cowards left on the Council, circling each other as they angle for their own next elections, who will be keeping the Nooch on his leash?

  • It’s funny but I can’t remember ever arresting any suspect because I didn’t like the color of their skin. The nuts on this board show how weak they are and their own racist feelings by using that type of scenario instead of looking at simple facts and having a discussion on how to reverse disturbing crime trends.

    Here are actual facts about Maricopa County, which by the way have gone through increases and decreases in crime levels over the past 10 years. I’d say simply look itup but zealots and loons don’t have the time for that.

    In October of 2008 Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas released statistics concerning the effect on crime that was due to illegal immigration. An analysis of all defendants sentenced for felony crimes in 2007 in Maricopa County Superior Court shows 18.7% to be in the United States illegally. Factoring in a random sample of those whose immigration status was initially unknown and later determined to be illegal, the study finds that number rises to 21.8%. By comparison illegal immigrants constitute an estimated 9% of the population.

    Illegal immigrants were the suspects in the following crimes.

    16.5% of those sentenced for violent crimes
    18.5% of those sentenced for property crimes
    33.5% of those sentenced for the manufacture, sales or transport of drugs
    50% of those sentenced for crimes related to chop shops
    35.8% of those sentenced for kidnapping
    20.3% of those sentenced for D.U.I.

    Likewise for crimes more closely associated with illegal immigration, illegal immigrants accounted for:

    44.4% of those sentenced for forgery and fraud
    85.3% of those convicted of criminal impersonation or false I.D.
    96% of those convicted of human smuggling

    It is estimated that each violent crime cost citizens about $20,000, and each property crime cost citizens $4,363 per offense.

    About the same time this story came out a story in the Arizona Star News quoted Pima County’s Presiding Superior Court Judge as saying only 11% of illegal immigrants were suspects in pending criminal cases. The difference is the judge was talking about suspects who “admitted” to being illegal immigrants, not legal findings as in the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office cited statistics.

    This is how liberals attempt to do business or make a point, with statistics easily refuted with a little investigation.

    Sheriff Joe would not be a good fit in Los Angeles where fairy tales rule the day.

  • Pretty sad commentary on ethnic relations and reality’s in LA Celeste

    “Gascon took the Mesa job specifically with that in mind. But could he walk away from SF this early? It’d be hard, maybe even Palinesque. And there are other reasons why he moves out of the first or second place—namely that I am not sure that the city is prepared to have both a Latino mayor and a Latino chief.”

    What’s the problem? Fat mouth blowhards like Ron Kaye, Lou Dobbs, Walter Moore, and nervous white people of the reactionary blogosphere?

    I would seem that a tough SOB like Gascon who shares a lot of the same philosophy as the successful Chief Bratton would be ideal for LA. And SF in it’s present state doesn’t need a real police chief, the beautiful Baghdad by the Bay is no longer a real city with real working people and working class neighborhoods anymore, it is like a giant yuppie theme park. Frisco could cut Gascon loose and lease the whole city to the Disney Corp, charge admission to enter, say $100 bucks a day, the provincial San Franciscans could hire Steve Wynn away from his failing Vegas digs to let him run Frisco like the one of his Vegas NY/NY or Paris or Venetian Resorts.

  • Sure Fire, I can’t help but notice that you produce absolutely no statistics showing that crime has gone down under Sheriff Joe. The only sure thing is that his media profile has gone up. The man is a blustering clown who has done nothing for anyone but himself. I strongly recommend reading the article about him that Celeste highlighted here:

    You and I have different views about immigration, but even if I had your views, I’d be against Arpaio. His “methods” simply don’t work to stop crime or to halt illegal immigration.

  • Sure fire, I have no reason to believe you policed with an eye toward skin color and I wouldn’t accuse you of it. I’m not sure anyone did, though perhaps I missed something.

    As to Sherrif Joe, I’m not sure what all your immigration stats are supposed to demonstrate. I do know that it isn’t just the left who is unimpressed with Sherrif Joe. The Goldwater Institute isn’t a fan either. Check it out – it’s scathing:

  • Sheriff Joe does need to produce more in the reduction of crime. I’ve read the Goldwater article and where the sheriff has shortcomings, the turn your back on the problem many city leaders, naming just two in our state Antonio and Gavin, bring to the issue is worse.

    Last I looked Arizona didn’t have a 3 Strikes Law and as this article I’m posting shows they’ve been the unfortunate recipient of some of our idiots. There’s room for improvement in all big time police departments and Maricopa County is no different.

    Oh, and last I heard the Mayor of Phoenix wanted to make it a sanctuary city, to me that’s always an invite to more crime.

    Who Pays for California’s 3-Strikes Sentencing Rule? Arizona and Nevada.

    There is no question that criminal activity dropped appreciably after California adopted a “three-strikes” mandatory sentencing rule in 1994. A report issued by the state a decade later found crime rates had fallen dramatically across the board.

    Similar rules which force judges to hand down longer prison terms once a criminal has committed three or more offenses have been adopted in over 20 states, but California’s version is by far the most stringent.

    Yet two unintended consequences of the three-strikes law call into question its ultimate effectiveness, says Harvard economist Radha Iyengar.

    In a new study looking at criminal activity in California during the 1990’s, Iyengar finds that criminals who already had two strikes against them were 10 percent more likely to make the third strike a violent one. That translates into 21,000 additional violent crimes per year, Iyengar estimates.

    The reason? It’s about bang-for-the-buck.

    Three-strikes laws raise the cost of criminal activity, so if you’re a criminal with a prior rap sheet, why use your last opportunity on a small-time job like a burglary or theft when you can extract the most “benefit” by committing a more damaging crime like rape and robbery?

    More surprisingly, but not illogically, criminals shifted future offenses to other, more lenient states. Iyengar estimates that 50,000 additional crimes were committed outside of California because of its three-strikes rule. Hardest hit by this extra criminal activity were Arizona and Nevada.

  • Sure Fire, I’m not sure where you cut and pasted that information from, but did you notice that the very article you’ve just cited for us also says that the 3 Strikes law CAUSES an estimated 21,000 additional violent crimes per year in California? That doesn’t speak very highly of its utility, does it?

  • I did, don’t know that I agree with that because it says 10% more likely, there’s no data that I saw to back it up. I think what 3 Strikes does now is maybe (kind of like “more likely”) make second strikers think twice before that third strike takes place which would reduce that number, I have no idea by how much but it has to.

    I’ll acknowledge though, since it’s what I believe, that a percentage of the criminal population will commit more crimes regardless of 3 Strikes and many will be very violent.

    I also know that 3 Strikes is keeping the community safer, the reduced crime rates over the past 15 years can’t be argued and neither can the fact most people get away with numerous crimes before finally getting caught and at some point that cycle is stopped thanks to tougher sentencing.

  • Wow, I’ve never heard that particular argument against 3-strikes. I looked it up though and it’s a legit study. Very surprising. Glad to see that you’re some one who can acknowledge the negative effects of 3-strikes.

    As to Sheriff Joe, the Goldwater Institute compares Maricopa county to other nearby counties the failings seems specific to his jurisdiction. That’s certainly the charge of the Goldwater Institute.

  • Quoted in the report is a proponent to illegal immigration, Alessandra Soler Meetze, the executive director of the Arizona ACLU. She says, “These numbers don’t represent a pattern of crime, they reflect a pattern of enforcement.”

    The Arizona Republic reporters need to look at these numbers and begin to tell the accurate story of illegal immigration and crime.

  • What’s the problem? Fat mouth blowhards like Ron Kaye, Lou Dobbs, Walter Moore, and nervous white people of the reactionary blogosphere?

    Let’s not forget about the Robber Baron gavachos, Mary Cummins and of course AnonyMousa

  • In 2007, illegal immigrants accounted for:
    35.8% of those sentenced for kidnapping

    Bringing some of the Mexican culture to the U.S., you gotta love it.

  • Fat mouth blowhards like Ron Kaye, Lou Dobbs, Walter Moore, and nervous white people of the reactionary blogosphere?


    Let’s not forget about fat mouth blowhards like Don Culero and the whining brown people of the reactionary L.A. Eastside who are sooooo scared of the White people moving into their neighborhood. You know when those white people move in the streets are cleaned and the cholo’s grafitti is erased, ooooh the horror.


    Both men allegedly took part in the Nov. 14, 2008, incident, in which police said Ramirez grabbed the woman from behind and slit her throat in order to steal her taxi.
    In Pomona Superior Court Thursday, Siguenza testified through a Spanish interpreter that he was drinking with Ramirez when Ramirez called for a taxi.

    Siguenza and Ramirez are both illegal immigrants who worked together at a La Puente car was at the time of the carjacking and stabbing, Batres said.
    The trial will continue Friday.

  • Bratton knew how to change or reclassify the names of crimes to drive down the numbers of violent crimes. He suckered all of you. just ask the cops on the street!!!!

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