Education Elections '08 Presidential Race Writers and Writing

Sunday’s Must Reads



Okay this is a sorta Must Read: If you only do it for the sake of eye-rolling,
it’s worth reading Maureen Dowd’s Sunday NY Times column comparing Barack Obama to Mr. Darcy in Jane Austin’s Pride and Prejudice.

The odd thing,” writes Dowd, “ is that Obama bears a distinct resemblance to the most cherished hero in chick-lit history. The senator is a modern incarnation of the clever, haughty, reserved and fastidious Mr. Darcy.”

Hey, Some might take umbrage, not just at Dowd’s comparison of Obama to the initially haughty Darcy, but to dismissing Jane Austin as “chic-lit. Not me, actually. I frankly think Dowd—who usually gets on my nerves—is on to something else.

If Obama is Mr. Darcy, with “his pride, his abominable pride,” then America is Elizabeth Bennet, spirited, playful, democratic, financially strained, and caught up in certain prejudices. (McCain must be cast as Wickham, the rival for Elizabeth’s affections, the engaging military scamp who casts false aspersions on Darcy’s character.)

Okay, well that’s just silly.

But just to remind us that she isn’t always all bitchiness and light, and that, when she wants to, she can see more deeply than she often pretends, Dowd has this ‘graph near the bottom of the column.

Can America overcome its prejudice to elect the first black president? And can it move past its biases to figure out if Obama’s supposed conceit is really just the protective shield and defense mechanism of someone who grew up half white and half black, a perpetual outsider whose father deserted him and whose mother, while loving, sometimes did so as well?

Glad somebody finally said it. Thank you Maureen.

Anyway, read it.



Both the cluster of opinion pieces and the cluster of book
reviews were depressingly small on Sunday’s LA Times. But Opinion featured this nice, little jewel about a TV writer who decided to follow her heart and make a career change in order to make a difference in the lives of kids in LA’s public schools—or so she had hoped.

Here are a couple of snips:

After nearly 20 years of working as a television writer, I made a radical life decision: to teach English at an L.A. public high school. I felt it was time for me to make a difference, to share my passion for language and literature with the next generation. Sure, I knew that the pay would be abysmal and that the teaching conditions in gang-infested, impoverished communities might be tough. But I really wanted to try, so I braced myself to keep going even if there were times of struggle, of heartbreak, of feeling inadequate and humiliated, even if there were times when I wanted to weep from frustration, even if I sweated through dark nights of the soul overwhelmed by the futility of it all.

And indeed, I have experienced all that. But what’s crazy is that I haven’t even set foot in a classroom yet.
By state law, I cannot teach in a California public school without a credential from the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. On the face of it, this requirement makes sense. Schools can’t go around hiring any slob who professes a love of children and a burning desire to make $39,788 a year (the LAUSD starting pay scale for interns).


As mandated by the No Child Left Behind Act and interpreted by the Legislature, all teachers in public schools must be deemed “highly qualified.” Again, fair enough. One of the notorious disgraces of our public school system is the way the best teachers are funneled into schools serving high-income students, while children from low-income families are often stuck with far less-qualified teachers.

I have a bachelor of arts degree in English from Bryn Mawr and have spent my entire adult life as a working writer — and all I want is to sign up to take the education classes I need before I walk into a classroom. Won’t my degree and my life’s work qualify me at least to sign up for those classes? Not even close. First, I had to take the CBEST, a four-hour exam on reading, writing and math.


After taking the CBEST, I still had not proved “subject matter competence.” For that, I would have to fill the apparent gaps in my transcript with five courses in linguistics, expository writing, adolescent literature and American literature — or pass something called the CSET, an Orwellian, five-hour sequence of four exams with some questions so obscure I would defy most PhDs to answer them. What is a modal verb? What’s an embedded appositional phrase? A grapheme? Can you pick the meaning of a poem from a list of answers a, b, c and d, none of which in any way capture the ineffable beauty of the poem itself?


And I had to pass an 80-question, unbelievably arcane and ambiguously worded test on the U.S. Constitution. I have wracked my highly qualified brain, and I cannot imagine any possible rationale for this test. Because if I hadn’t memorized the Bill of Rights I might march into the classroom and try my students twice for the same crime? Or force them to quarter soldiers in their homes? What is being tested here? My patriotism? My sanity? My level of desperation? What’s next … eating centipedes?

Remember: This is not to finish my teacher education. This is to be allowed to enroll in it.

Meanwhile, a new study shows that 33% of California high school students drop out before graduating; Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has speculated that in particularly underserved Los Angeles communities, the dropout rate might be as high as 70%.

Anyway, read on. It’s funny, but it ain’t pretty.


  • The problem with Dowd’s column – and with her in general – is that she repeats a bullshit meme (“Obama is arrogant !”) which – aside from the fact that Obama, certainly compared to the arrogant bastards who led and populated the Bush administration, is a warm, down-to-earth guy who comes from somewhat unique-but-humble circumstances and eschewed actual elite careers for the down&dirty of politics – makes zero sense in the context of a presidential race. As Jon Stewart noted, the guy merely aspires to lead the most powerful nation on the planet BUT HE DEMONSTRATES AN EXCESS OF SELF-CONFIDENCE ? HOW DARE HE ? So, yeah, Obama isn’t just a “regular guy” in the general sense and thank god. (Bush was hardly a “regular guy” either, but he was a much better match for Maureen Dowd’s peculiar “talents” than Obama – who, frankly, probably rankles Dowd the most because he’s the kind of guy who she wishes would call her for a date, but probably won’t. There ! I’ve Dowdalyzed Dowd !)

    But to return to my actual point, Dowd may have the occasional insight like her last line that seems to elevate her drivel, but her column comparing Barack to some twit in a Jane Austen novel will be another bit of ammo in the “Uppity Negro” narrative being constructed (Joe Scarborough: “He did ya see that Dowd column Sundayh where she agrees with Karl Rove’s view that Obama thinks he’s better than normal people like us – who make millions of dollars babbling senselessly on cable news shows ? Spawn of Zbigniew rolls her eyes…) Nobody – but a handful of smart, forgiving folks such as yourself – will pick up that last “nuanced” line as the point of the column. And, frankly, since it hinges on the hyped issue of Obama’s “supposed conceit” – which I would contend is not even close to being the essence of the man, beyond the obvious self-confidence and ambition that anyone who aspires to the presidency MUST HAVE coming out of the gate – she’s still feeding, despite as much of a maternal veneer as Dowd could possibly muster, a crap narrative that’s aimed at chipping away at the liklihood of Obama’s election.

    I think that Dowd is one of the worst people in journalism, because her POV is identical to the morons who banter on cable news, but with the pretense of a BA in, depending on the day, Lit, Psych…whatever. AND she’s got a perch at the most prestigious paper in the USofA. She was a dreadful, destructive voice during the Clinton era. Some of her columns against Hillary reflected that (I was sick of Hillary during the primaries, but there WERE some bizarrely unprofessional and stupid things said about her by major journalists.) And the fact that she’s a “liberal” doesn’t mean, as you suggest, that she’s not some combo of crackpot and embarrassment to her profession. Let’s face it – Nora Ephron writes funnier “crazy lady tells it like it is” columns when she zeroes in on politics than Dowd ever will, but god forbid that The New York Times give her a column next to Krugman, et. al.

  • One more thing – anyone who’s seen Obama in “as-close-to-private-moments-as-we’re-gonna-get” with his daughters and his impressive, loving, no-bullshit wife – like that silly but charming “Access Hollywood” interview – yet contends that he comes off like some dandy in a Jane Austen novel (admittedly never read one, and never will, but I saw ten minutes of a BBC rendition some years back) has their head far enough up their ass to check for polyps.

  • Latest verdict from the “little people” against the uppity, aloof Mr. Darcy:

    Washington Post, this morning: “Democratic Sen. Barack Obama holds a 2 to 1 edge over Republican Sen. John McCain among the nation’s low-wage workers…according to a new national poll.

    “Obama’s advantage is attributable largely to overwhelming support from two traditional Democratic constituencies: African Americans and Hispanics. But even among white workers — a group of voters that has been targeted by both parties as a key to victory in November — Obama leads McCain by 10 percentage points, 47 percent to 37 percent, and has the advantage as the more empathetic candidate.”

  • One more thing, which I found amusing and which shows just what a crock these MSM narratives about who’s who and what’s what tend to be. According to “J-Street”, a Jewish policy org’s polling, American Jews like Barack Obama much more than they like…get this…JOE LIEBERMAN. But if you listen to the News Jabber Elite, Obama has a “Jewish problem”, yadda, yadda and Holy Joe Lieberman can speak for the Jewish community, etc. etc., blah, blah…

  • reg: The problem with Dowd’s column – and with her in general – is that she repeats a bulls**t meme (”Obama is arrogant !”) which…makes zero sense in the context of a presidential race.

    Don’t be so quick to dismiss that. View this video link: The One

    – – –

    reg: As Jon Stewart noted…

    I knew that reg formed his opinions with information from The Comedy Channel, just as Randy gets his from Mad Magazine.

    – – –

    reg: So, yeah, Obama isn’t just a “regular guy” in the general sense and thank god. …Obama’s “supposed conceit”

    You’re suggesting that Obama isn’t a regular guy because he is god? (Return to video.) Figures.

    Supposed conceit? John Kerry was viewed as an elitist who considered himself above the “common man.” Look where that got him.

    – – –

    reg: …anyone who’s seen Obama in “as-close-to-private-moments-as-we’re-gonna-get” with his daughters and his impressive, loving, no-bullsh**t wife – like that silly but charming “Access Hollywood” interview….

    Yeah, no more staged than Bill and Hillary Clinton dancing in the sand before the “hidden cameras.” Too bad that we don’t have the “private moments” with Rev. Wright.

    – – –

    What’s funny is that Obama is an elitist, but he has no track record, just words, to back it up. He may dupe others, but he won’t dupe the majority of Americans.

    Since reg has compared Obama to Lincoln (besides God and a huge joke in itself) consider this Lincoln quote:

    “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”

    …then, this from the Bible:

    Various forms of “pride”…Self-sufficiency – “I can do it!”, Self-aspiration – “Let me win!”, Self-exaltation – “Praise me!”

    Results of “pride”….
    Prov. 16:18 – “pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before stumbling” (Prov. 18:12)

    Our country deserves a wise and proven leader–not Obama.

  • One more thing, and I apologize for the serial posts, but what these folks are trying to get at about Obama, in their overweening lack of analytical competence, is really 2 things: One is that Obama doesn’t parade false humility as a tactic to suck up to either the press or his audiences but deals with his obvious self-confidence with just enough forethright humor and self-deprecation to make it clear he’s aware that “pride cometh before a fall.” But he doesn’t engage in “just folks” minstrelsy – like downing shots with truckers or acting like he can’t wait to scarf another cheese dog. The second is that, frankly, Obama has the elan and seemingly-effortless “style” that makes many accomplished black men such attractive figures in our culture, and which many men of varied persuasions use as their point of reference for some combination of “grace” or “cool.” (Sidney Poitier was probably the first of this manner of man to gain public prominence. And, of course, “Heat of the Night” captured the context in which some folks find such self-confidence and obvious competence unacceptable. )

  • Woody posted while I was writing. I’ll let others deal with his blather…haven’t read it because I know his only intent is to bait people and waste their time.

  • reg: Obama has the elan and seemingly-effortless “style” that makes many accomplished black men….

    There’s reg, introducing race into the election.

  • Woody, I’ve proven that you have absolutely no intellectual or ethical standards in the course of your ravings so many times, it’s just too goddam boring to even consider engaging your “Hey Look At Me!” childishness anymore.

  • Fine, reg, blow me off rather than admit that you are wrong on almost everything…plus, you haven’t proved anything as it is you who lacks intellectual and ethical standards. You, yourself, make serial posts with references from lying, left-wing sources, but you expect us to take you

  • “references from lying, left-wing sources”

    Woody, you sad little thing. In our last exchange at Marc Cooper’s I used the data that YOUR wingnut source cited to show that they were distorting it by a mere, uh, 100%. You refused to even acknowledge there was any problem with the accuracy or credibility of your source, You are a little child – really just demanding attention with junk commentary that has all of the intellectual and ethical integrity of a spoiled brat throwing at the table, forcing the adults to tussle with you and clean up the messes you make.

  • Also, at 10:49 am you wrote at Coopers, “I have real work to do.” 11:16 you show up here making more noise. You’re truly desperate for attention.

  • Randy, you would be surprised at the vast information in that library, which surpasses everything that you find.

    I have little doubt that you find what your full of that way. Quantity over quality to be sure.

  • reg: …I used the data that YOUR wingnut source cited to show that they were distorting it by a mere, uh, 100%. You refused to even acknowledge there was any problem with the accuracy or credibility of your source.

    Uh, huh. And, exactly how did you disprove my source…with your own undisclosed calculations and opinion, perhaps? I didn’t answer because your response was so pathetic–not my source. I’ll go with “Investor’s Business Daily” anytime over “reg’s daily distortion” and “Obama’s elementary economics for Marxists.”

    But, go right along accepting Obama’s plan to buy votes for $1,000 with taxes from oil companies. That’ll work..and with no repercussions! Righhhhhhttt. Maybe you need to listen to a college graduate.

    You’re pathetic. No wonder you want and need government supporting you.

  • Woody – I finally understand the problem. You are pathetically stupid and sloppy – really no standards, no intellectual curiousity, don’t pay attention or comprehend what you read.

    I took your link to IDB , saw that they used Congressional Research Service as the source of their data, found and read the report on the Windfall profits tax done for Congressional Research Service and discovered – surprise! – that their numbers weren’t substantiated by the source they used to make their claims. In fact, they doubled the numbers.

    In other words, you are a fool and a tool. So shut the fuck up until you can utter something other than mindless, deceitful and/or delusional drivel. You’re a moron and, increasingly, showing yourself to be a poor excuse for a human being. Really – you’re a creep who is incapable of anything even approaching rational discourse.

  • Clarification — “their (IDB’s) numbers weren’t substantiated by the source (CRS) used to make their claims”

  • Sorry folks, for repeating mind-numbing details of a “conversation” that took place somewhere else with an obviously crazy person.

  • reg, you’re a bigger idiot than even I thought. Am I supposed to discount the analysis of a business publication (IBD) whose role is to analyze investments and economic factors just because you don’t understand their data and can’t identify their specific results from the source, you can’t explain your own calculations or specific source results or even their sources, and because you simply say they are wrong??? STUPID! You are just plain stupid!

    Further, you ignore multiple links on other items that I provide just to stupidly attack one nit-picky point that you don’t understand and can’t explain yourself and which is not all that critical. What about those others sources you ignore?! I guess that you concede them. You should.

    Can you at least understand that Carter’s, and now Obama’s, “windfall profit tax” reduced domestic oil production and increased imports? Some big help for energy independence! Do you want that? Probably so, knowing you.

    But, let’s look at the information again.

    Jimmy Carter’s windfall profits tax led to a 6% drop in domestic oil output and as much as a 15% surge in oil imports, according to the Congressional Research Service.

    Is it possible, just possible, that these numbers are within the acceptable range of the Congressional estimates and that their time frame might not coincide with yours? Yes.

    Well, for one thing, your time reference for your data as stated in the summary includes the years 1986-1988, when the tax and its effect were not in place.

    From the report: “From 1980 to 1988, the WPT may have reduced domestic oil production anywhere from 1.2% to 8.0% (320 to 1,269 million barrels). Dependence on imported oil grew from between 3% and 13%.

    But, to go further: Estimates were prepared for the period 1980-1986. From 1986-1988 there are no output effects because the WPT liability was zero in those years.

    If you add years with zeros to a cumulative study, you’re bound to make the results look better. But, that is dishonest and misleading–right up your alley.

    In addition, there are other limitations of the available data, which the report discloses but doesn’t quantify.

    In summary, from the report: The WPT had the effect of reducing the domestic supply of crude oil below what the supply would have been without the tax. This increased the demand for imported oil and made the United States more dependent upon foreign oil as compared with dependence without a WPT.

    Isn’t that what is really important–not your minutia?


  • The average during the period the WPT was in effect was 3%. If you DON’T add the years when the impact was zero, you are deliberately cooking the data.

    I can’t believe you’re supposed to be an accountant. Your incompetence, even with simple data, is remarkable.

    Now go play with the kiddies…

  • Also, your claim that the tax was not in effect in 1986-88 is false. It didn’t have a negative impact during those years, so you want to scrub them in order to generate cooked cumulative data. Of course, the author of the report did what any person who wasn’t a fool would do and took all of the years the tax was in effect, averaged them and came up with 3%.

  • “Prove it”

    Look at chart 5 on the report, where the author of the report averages the cumulative impact. And then go fuck yourself…

  • reg, why are you wasting time on this? For one thing, the tables don’t readily lend themselves to calculating the results over selected periods. Why don’t you show me EXACTLY how you came up with your numbers? Idiot.


    If I had even addressed this issue of the windfall profits tax at all your comment might make sense, but as I didn’t, it doesn’t. Indeed, I only entered this discuss when you made this comment:

    “I knew that reg formed his opinions with information from The Comedy Channel, just as Randy gets his from Mad Magazine.”

  • “you can’t even read chart five correctly”

    So if I could read it correctly I’d come up with 6%? Yeah, math genius. This would be funny if it hadn’t been dragged beyond the bounds of decency.

    I have to give you credit for one thing – you are shameless and beyond any sort of embarrassment. Must be a real joy to hang out with you…

  • “Why don’t you show me EXACTLY how you came up with your numbers?”

    I don’t know shit about the derivation of these numbers nor do I pretend to SO I QUOTED THE NUMBERS AS PRESENTED BY THE AUTHOR OF THE REPORT. There is no way in hell anyone could use this research to baldly state what your linked “Investors Business Daily” stated, using the report as their data reference. My only point is that IBD is to economic analysis as WorldNet Daily, another of your favored sources, is to news and political analysis – a rabidly partisan wingnut concoction that no serious person would use to prove anything. Since this CRS report is based on a range of estimates, one can isolate different numbers if you’re not disposed to simply note that there are a range of estimates. But NO estimates in this report support the assertions of the guys you linked to. It’s pretty goddam simple but you’re too much of a baby to deal with reality or admit any complexity. You’re a nutcase. And a pretty advanced, pathetic one at that.

  • Since Jane Austen is one of the greatgest novelists in english the term “chick lit” is offensive but typical. And Dows doesn’t understand the work. Mr Farcy is an aristocrat – his prided comes from his position, nephew of a grand lady and all. Funny but Obama is the son of a goatherder who was largely raised by his Kansas gandparents. That’s more Dorothy Gale that Darcy. Would that the US was Liz Bennet. I think dowd sees elmer fudd.
    But I think the McCainiacs better be careful since Wickham is a dirst class shit and cad!

    Reg, forget the BBC and Merchant/Ivory – see the 1940 version (written – partly – by Aldous Huxley) starring Greer Garson as Elizabeth Bennet and Lawrence Olivier as Mr Darcy. A funny and compelling work that actually entertains you rather than forces you to “eat your Spinach!”

  • Hmmmm. Haven’t see the 1940 version. I once burned my VCR out (when we had VCRs) watching tapes of the BBC version until…very, very, VERY late at night (or early in the morning to be more accurate). It was worth it.

    Tod, and RLC….See, now, for once MoDo didn’t offend me. I figured she was being arch in that it seemed (at least to me) obvious from her commentary that she knows the book well and views it with affection. But maybe I’m cutting her more slack than she deserves.

  • Celeste, I agree with Digby that today 11th grade English Teachers are rending their garments over the possibility that their students will submit essays on “Pride” using the Dowd piece as a hook. I’ve mentioned this to several of my English major (and graduate degree) friends and, to a person, they’re appalled.

    MGM’s “Pride and Prejudice” is often shown on TCM:

    Also has Dame May Whitty as Lady deBurghe and Edmond Gwinn (Santa from “Miracle on 34th St”) as Mr. Bennett and Mary Boland as Mrs Bennett. This was an “A” picture from the days of the lion’s high style.

  • reg: I don’t know s**t about the derivation of these numbers nor do I pretend to…

    The first part of that statement is true. The second part is not.

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