Elections '08 Presidential Race

Shivering….and Chatting… in DC


Last day in Washington DC
before I leave for Bennington. It’s been a good (if very cold) day meeting with several political insider-ish pals in order to gather gossip, rumor, innuendo and the occasional fact. More on the fruits of the gossiping later, but in the meantime…


In the last few days, a group of bloggers, WitnessLA included
, have gotten two nearly identical emails from some organization called Revelation Press urging us to attend a press conference in D.C. on Monday, January 7, at the National Press Club where some scandal or other about one of the presidential candidates will be “revealed.” Clearly somebody is trying to get a burst of publicity for some sleazy book without giving reporters a chance to investigate the validity of the charges, or the candidate a change to refute them, before the the New Hampshire primary on January 8. (I tried to weasel from the PR guy whether the candidate in question was a republican or democrat. No luck.)

Some people are speculating that the “revelations,” such as they are, will be about McCain. Other people say maybe Giuliani or possibly Obama, although the latter seems the least likely, as he’s already been op researched to-the-max and I doubt if there’s any lurking dirt to speak of.

Most people I know are not attending the conference but, like me, they’re keeping an eye on it. Here’s what the press release said.

Four years ago, “swift boating” became a new term in the Presidential campaign lexicon, when John Kerry’s candidacy was torpedoed by widely-disputed accusations from men who’d served in Vietnam with the candidate.

For Kerry in 2004, this Swift Boating was an action based
on “iffy” information – but for one leading 2008 presidential candidate, this experience is about to be repeated prior to the New Hampshire primary – but this time with rock-solid, well-sourced and absolutely accurate information.

One of this year’s leading candidates will be “Swift-Boated” in a new book to be announced next Monday, January 7th at 1:30 p.m. in the Murrow Room at the National Press Club in Washington.

One candidate is about to be challenged – with hard and cold facts, presented cogently by an author and former political activist and decorated military veteran who shares this candidate’s party affiliation – and who has known the candidate personally since their college days.

Next Monday, the truth will be revealed when a book
that literally gives “chapter and verse” about this candidate’s less-than-candid candor with the American people will tear aside the curtain, just as Toto exposed the Wizard of Oz.

This book is supported by 10 pages of meticulously-researched end-notes supporting every factual assertion about the candidate’s failure to shoot straight with the American people, and this breach-of-faith’s implications for the Presidency.

Yeah, whatever. I’ll report back to you if there’s anything to report.


  • Don’t tell anybody else, a friend of mine smoked pot with John McCain back in the Vietnam days. And John McCain did inhale, very deeply.

    I remember a joke by a comic many years ago who said “I could never run for president, they would only have to look back one week, to find a skeleton in my closet”

  • The season of the witch is upon us. Dirty tricks, et al.

    fyi, Bartleby.com advises:
    Phony is the usual American spelling (the plural is phonies), phoney a fading variant (and the usual British spelling).

    God forbid we should use a ‘fading’ variant.

    Happy New Year, Mizz Fremon. Thanks for keeping a weather eye on the rascals.

  • “Widely-disputed accusations from men who’d served in Vietnam with the candidate.” It’s one thing to dispute a charge, but it’s another thing to debate and disprove it, which Kerry wouldn’t and couldn’t do and he still refuses to completely open his military files.

    It sounds to me that Larry Flynt might be giving the press conference on Monday. There’s a reason that he supports Democrats.

  • The charges against Kerrey were disputed by every – save one – man who actually served with him in the incident. Woody, take your head out of your ass. There’s this thing called “daylight” that you might actually find you’d enjoy once you keep staring into that dark tunnel of murder charges against Hillary, cowardice against Kerrey, etc. etc. It also smells better once you’ve got your cranium out of your colon – out here with the normal people..

  • There’s also ther little matter of Kerry’s 201 file and DD214. But then BUPERS was a well known den of Liberals. Probably explians why Woody is a civilian!

  • I am convinced that Kerry’s COMPLETE military medical records would reveal the phoniness of his three purple hearts to get out of Vietnam in less than three months and that his COMPLETE military records would show that he received a dishonorable discharge until he was granted amnesty. If claims against Kerry are wrong, it seems that he would want to clear them up immediately by opening his COMPLETE records to EVERYONE.

  • I’m convinced that a psychiatric examination of Woody would prove him to be batshit insane. Unless he clears this up, the assumption stands.

  • And I bet there’s a file on Woody with the GA agency for CPA showing he embezzeled. Just as likely as Kerry having a DD. And just as much proof!

  • Open the files. If it’s not there, it’s not there. The State records for CPAs are open, and I’m clean. If Kerry is clean, then we’ll see nothing if he would only open his files.

  • To get back on topic, maybe McCain is not the target.


    To clear up a definition:

    “Swiftboating” New American Political Jargon Term Meaning “Outing” the Fraudulent.

    Several commenters on this and other threads have complained that by using the term “swiftboating,” the author of the upcoming smear against the presidential candidate is adopting the definition used by liberals; i.e., lies and distortions against a candidate.

  • One last one:

    LINK: We need more Swiftboating, not less

    Swiftboating is exposing the lies, deceit and fraud of self-glorifying public officials or candidates for office who exaggerate their military service by lying about their feats of heroism and combat wounds.

    Those who are exposed have other definitions, of course.

    If you wish to see how mass media played the disinformation game in 2004, “To Set The Record Straight” will give you hours of fascinating reading. It is a step-by step recounting of how ordinary people can mobilize to reach out to the public and publicize their side of history when it has been deliberately suppressed.

  • That site you linked is..uh…a rightwing nuthouse. It’s amazing how totally wrong most of their predictions (wishes) turn out to be !

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