LASD Sergeant Rosa Gonzalez wanted to be a cop ever since she was a kid.
“I grew up in a bad environment,” she said when we talked about her childhood ambitions.
“My dad was a heroin addict. My mom had to work two jobs to make ends meet. She worked in the strawberry fields and cleaned houses for a living,” said Gonzalez.
“Growing up in that environment I grew up with a lot of shame—like I was a second class citizen,” she said.
“So for me law enforcement represented the good in society. They represented justice.”
She resolved that she would become one of these badge-wearing icons.
Gonzalez graduated from high school in 1996, then got an associates degree from Cerritos college, got married, and had the first of her two kids, a daughter.
Then in 1999, three years later, she took the first concrete steps toward following her childhood dreams.. She applied for the entry level job of custody assistant in the LA County jail system, which meant she was an employee of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, but was not a sworn officer.
Still Gonzalez saw it as a meaningful step. At the jail, she worked the “morning shift,” which was basically an overnight shift in which she came on duty at 10 p.m. and finished at six in the morning.
After coming home from work, Gonzalez juggled caring for her kids, and attending classes at Long Beach State. By 2004, she had graduated with a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice.
Two years later, in 2006, Gonzalez finally got her dream job when she was sworn in as a deputy sheriff in the nation’s largest sheriff’s department.
She was initially assigned to the Century Regional Detention Center or CRDF, which is LA County’s women’s jail.
Then in 2011, Gonzalez realized an additional childhood dream when she joined the department’s East LA Station, which meant she would be working in the communities she knew from her childhood, and still loved. She also felt she had a depth of understanding of the area’s joys, and its challenges.
Initially, everything was “great” at the ELA station, she told us. But then Gonzalez began to notice that the station’s captain was not actually running the place.
Instead the station was being run by a group of deputies who had matching tattoos and called themselves the Banditos. It was a group that frightened community members and would soon become infamous.
“I’d worked with criminal street gangs,” Gonzalez told WitnessLA. And that’s how this particular group among her East LA colleagues carried themselves. Plus they were calling the shots at the station.
Gangsters with badges
For the first three years at the East LA station, Gonzalez adopted the philosophy that if she left them alone, they would leave her alone. For a while that worked.
But in 2014, things changed after she got an assignment that Bandito members felt should have gone to one of their number. They began withholding back-up when she was on patrol.
In August of 2014, then Chief Bobby Denham decided her life was in danger. With this concern in mind, Denham force-transferred Gonzalez overnight to the department’s Cerritos Station. This meant she was removed against her will from continuing to serve the Eastside communities she loved and understood.
In subsequent chapters of this series we’ll have more on Gonzalez’s Bandito encounters in her East LA years. For now, suffice it to say that, in 2015, she filed a whistleblower lawsuit with the aid of attorney Greg Smith, and won a large settlement.
But the LA County Sheriff’s Department notoriously dislikes whistleblowers. In Gonzalez’s case, her whistleblower actions would bring her a series of very high costs.
In any case, for the next six years, Gonzalez worked in various stations and units of the department, including a position as field training officer at Norwalk Station, a job that she treasured. In each position she received the highest of ratings. But promotions were slow to come.
Personnel affairs
Finally, in the summer of 2021, Gonzalez, who was by then Sgt. Gonzalez, was assigned as Operations Sergeant at the LA Sheriff’s Department’s Personnel Administration Bureau—or PAB. It seemed like an ideal transfer.
Many of her upbeat feelings were based on the fact that, among the reasons she was requested to transfer to the PAB was the fact she was known as a skilled writer. And so it was that, during the early weeks of Gonzalez’s time at personnel, in addition to her other jobs, she was frequently asked to write, or rewrite the work of acting captain, Yvonne O’Brien. She also wrote the or rewrote work of another woman named Carmen Arballo, who, like Gonzalez, was a sergeant, hoping to promote to lieutenant. Gonzalez loves writing and is good at it, so she found helping the other women to be enjoyable.
The PAB is responsible for all hiring, promotions, and personnel movement at the LASD. So, it is understandably considered extremely important that those who work within the bureau are capable and scrupulously honest—especially since, in the LASD’s bad old days, during the reign of former Sheriff Lee Baca and his notorious undersheriff Paul Tanaka, that had demonstrably not been the case. (In the past WitnessLA wrote a great deal about how Tanaka had a pay-to-play promotional system.)
Things started to get strange at the PAB during the months of July, and early August, 2021, when, seemingly out of nowhere Sgt. Arballo confided in Gonzalez that she had been getting paid for long hours working in the bureau. But to get the pay, the sergeant had been falsifying her time cards.
(Later when Gonzalez checked Arballo’s timecard it indicated that the woman had worked on a string of days when she was not at work at all.)
The truth was, Arballo told Gonzalez, on the days for which she got wrongly paid for working, she was in Arizona, preparing for the upcoming lieutenant’s exam. After the time card confession, the woman had another confession. She had cheated on the lieutenant’s test, she said. According to Arballo, her cheating had been made possible by acting captain, O’Brien, who had slipped all the test questions and the answers to Arballo, so that she and a few others could memorize everything well before the test.
Gonzalez learned later that Captain O’Brien had knowingly approved of the timecard fraud. And obviously she knew about the cheating-on-the-lieutenant’s-exam issue
“Just so we’re clear,” said Civil Rights Attorney Vincent Miller, of the exam cheating problem, “such cheating is not just a violation of LASD policies, it is also a criminal act of fraud.”
As further weeks passed, Gonzalez learned that the test cheating and time-card scamming was not the only unethical and illegal activity going on in the department’s PAB during the summer of 2021.
Most particularly, Gonzalez repeatedly witnessed cases of illegal discrimination against people applying for jobs or promotions. Some of the alleged discrimination was based on age, some on disabilities, and other issues. Some people were passed over, said Gonzalez, because then-Captain O-Brian preferred someone who was male, or whom she thought was better looking, or was a friend of a friend, or ideally all three.
After months of witnessing this sort of discrimination, finally, in October 2021, Rosa Gonzalez again became a department whistleblower. In this case, she blew the whistle in the form of 46-page “Grievance,” detailing the string of illegal actions she had witnessed and documented. (Along with the grievance, Gonzalez included a pile of attachments to back up her allegations.)
Sgt. Gonzalez filed the pile of documents with the Office of the Undersheriff, and assumed she would be interviewed about the contents of the grievance. But an interview, and/or any other kind of request for further information, never came.
Instead, on December 6, 2021, LASD Captain Dana Chemnitzer called Gonzalez on the phone to notify her that she was now subject in an “administrative Investigation.” This IAB investigation, Gonzalez was told, was related to the grievance she’d filed. But Chemnitzer had no further information.
Later Gonzalez would learn that she was being investigated for “gossip,” because she had provided a copy of her grievance to those who had been harmed by the illegal discrimination. She did so after consulting with union representative, Kevin Thomson, who informed Gonzalez that there was no policy against sharing her grievance with the victims.
Later still, she would find herself inexplicably charged by Internal Affairs with the same allegations of discrimination that she’d described in her grievance.
Now, two years and nine months later there appears to have been no effort to investigate Gonzalez’s grievance, or the “administrative investigation,” of which she has been the subject since December 2021.
Instead, on Thursday, June 20, 2024, Captain Bryan Aguilera and Lt. Anna Carillo came to Gonzalez’s office and informed her they were relieving her of duty. After this announcement, they took her badge and her gun, and escorted her out of what is known as the S.T.A.R.S Center, in Whittier, CA, which is where Gonzalez was supervising a team of background investigators, who examined the backgrounds of potential LA County Sheriff’s Department employees.
Four days later, on Monday, June 24, 2024, the same twosome came to her home and served her with a letter of intent to demote her to the rank of deputy.
There’s much more to the story, which we’ll explore in later chapters of this series, so stay tuned.
In the meantime, tomorrow, Thursday, August 15, Rosa Gonzalez will attend what is known as a Skelly hearing, where she will present stacks of evidence showing why she should have her rank reinstated.
Assistant Sheriff Holly Francisco will preside over the Skelly hearing for Rosa Gonzalez.
We’ll let you know what happens.
You are very brave Rosa. LASD will always be the good old boy club covering up for the bad. Good luck tomorrow.
Unless new information is presented at the Skelly, the requested reinstatement will be denied and will have to advance to the Civil Service level. Greg Smith will know what to do. Her union will be useless at the Skelly level.
This is what happens when corruption meets incompetence. The investigation against Rosa Gonzalez was baseless and a clear sign of desperation to silence her. Whistleblowers are the guardians of accountability. They must be protected and supported. Keep pushing Rosa.
Wow. Very brave indeed. No wonder employees are so afraid to speak up. This story tells me nothing has changed at LASD. It does not matter whom the sheriff is, it just goes on and on. So much for blaming Villaneuva for everything. This retaliation against whistleblowers was going on before he became sheriff and continues on after he stopped being sheriff. It’s an LASD problem not a particular sheriff problem. Looks like we need the Feds to step in and fix this. You will never have transparency and a clean house at LASD if employees can’t report and speak up without having their necks putting on the chopping block.
Thank you, Celeste, for putting this into the public spotlight.
Evil flourishes when good people fail to act–Unknown.
Anyone involved in this, from executives to iab investigators, should be submitted for sb2 decertification as peace officers
If LASD leadership can do these crimes against fellow deputies, whistleblowers like Gonzalez, it sends a message to residents of “imagine what they can and will do to you”
Pleading for Assistant Sheriff Holly Francisco to do the right thing. She needs to set herself apart from the relentless corruption that has plagued the Sheriff’s Department, and give hope to sergeants like Rosa Gonzalez and all other department members who strive to live up to the oaths they took when they earned that badge.
Free my Homegirl Rosa!Holly do the right thing.
Rosa Gonzalez is EXACTLY the type of person LASD needs. LASD is weeding out the great ones for their own corrupt and selfish schemes.
Rosa Gonzalez is EXACTLY the type of person LASD should be promoting NOT demoting.
The LASD is a horrible organization to work for. It’s all about who you know blind leading the blind. The LASD and Union couldn’t care less. They revel when they destroy a good persons career. No accountability for their actions. She was told by ALADS she could. Now it’s a problem…gossip! Give me a break. Spineless cowards.
The spineless leadership of Aguilera and Carillo to PAB IAB and The Sheriffs Office. The one that should have gotten the demotion is Yvonne O’Brien along with everyone mentioned in her complaint. Civil service and lawsuit for discrimination down the road. Our prayers are with you Rosa.
@“Anonymous” comment at 0948-
The state-level investigation launched during the AV era is complete. The county has the report, yet they managed to keep the findings sealed. This should speak volumes as to the results of their investigation. A federal-level investigation would go over like a fart in church with the Good Ol’ Boys club still running this place behind the scenes.
LASD whistleblowers. 99.9999% of them are frauds and use their inflated grievances to get them outta work that most hard working deputies signed up for.
[WLA Edit}
If you worked with them. Then you know.
But you clowns with your stupid traditions and clique mentality made it easy for these other clowns to get to the media with a narrative that serves their purpose. They will retire fat and get outta police work.
Thank you LASD and all you idiots from back in the day (station shot callers and their minions) who made it possible for these lazy AH’s.
Folks, this “problem” can be traced back to the Baca administration when people were promoted to positions of power based on their loyalties to the “the boss” (meaning Baca and then Tanaka) instead of loyalty to the LASD. Nothing changed after that. McBuckles was clueless and ended up being guided by the worthless left-overs from the Baca/Tanaka administration and the practice continued. Then Villaneuva brought the fidelity standard to unprecedented heights with his choices and placement of people to rolls to which they had no business being in. But they were loyal to “the boss” (or unbelievably his wife!) and were/are simply incompetent. That brings us to the present Sheriff, Luna. OMG speaking of clueless. He has no idea what is going on or who is making the kinds of decisions that are involved in the Rosa Gonzalez case, who’s case reads, as it is presented, reads like it is being handled by a bunch of incompetent fools (and I say this as a former (pre-Baca) Exec).
The graffiti has been on the wall for over 25 years. The LASD’s administration has sucked, still sucks and will continue to suck until they have a Sheriff who has high standards, knows the Department inside and out, and has the balls to flush the toilet of that foul mess that sat in the bowl for too damn long.
Under Sheriff Robert Luna’s leadership, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department has continued to retaliate against whistleblowers, exemplified by this case. Gonzalez, exposed corruption and misconduct within the department, only to face:
– Harassment and intimidation
– Bogus internal affairs investigations
– Unjustified discipline and reprisals
Sheriff Luna’s failure to protect Gonzalez and other whistleblowers has sent a chilling message: speak out against corruption and face the consequences. This culture of retaliation undermines accountability and perpetuates corruption. It’s time for Sheriff Luna to take responsibility and effect change.
Haven’t we learned from Bowman. What is he waiting for? The Gonzalez Decree
Its hard too believe all these whistleblowers. If u know some of them then you will know how rotten many of them were. liars fakes frauds. I hope Rosa is telling the truth. If she goes on a podcast run by a fired two year lying little con man with lots of stupid tattoos who plays video games all day then she lost me.
As someone who worked hundreds upon hundreds of administrative investigations over the years, I have a question that needs to be answered. If I’m reading the facts right, Gonzalez filed the grievance in 2021. By December of 2021, she was advised that she was the Subject of an administrative investigation. This means that the Department’s “date of notification” was no later than December of 2021. IF the case was always in the administrative realm (not a “criminal monitor”), the 1-year statute kicked in, and the case had to be completed by December of 2022. There is no way on earth that ANY administrative consequences can come her way after the one-year drop-dead date. This makes absolutely NO sense in that regard. If the Department took longer than that, actually around 18 months AFTER the December 2022 date, the case is Dead on Arrival. I’m hoping that Holly Francisco knows the Peace Officer’s Bill of Rights (POBAR) well enough to make that determination at the upcoming Skelly hearing. IF not, and this goes to Civil Service, I predict that the Department will have this entire episode shoved up their collective pantaloons.
This gets at the anti cop mentality out there.
Of course they are punishing Gonzalez long past the one year legal limit under pobr which is a state statute
So Luna and Skeen and McDonald and koperud and the investigators all know they are intentionally breaking state law to punish her
This is nothing new. LASD violates state law on a regular basis. Alads and ppoa have to go to court all the time to get this stuff reversed. By stuff I mean criminal acts by LASD executives and employees.
Imagine that, law enforcement officials intentionally breaking state law
And no one above LASD in county leadership seems to care one bit
If this was about LASD execs framing residents, County leaders might care a bit, if for no other reason it’s bad pr to get caught framing residents
But let’s just screw the cops !
@Sick Of it
Rosa is the real deal. She is far from a “fired two year lying little con man with lots of stupid tattoos who plays video games all day”. She is sharp, professional and she has her ducks in order.
Anyone who posts that whistleblowers are frauds is obviously a dirty dishonest cop
You tell on yourself
Vincent Miller for L.A.D.A.
Vincent Miller has the deputy gangs actually scared for once.
IAB Investigators are fact finders, not decision makers. So are we saying that all three County Equity Oversight Panel attorneys got this one wrong, hmm. Like to hear their reasoning for dropping the hammer on Rosa.
@Mike: there is a term you forgot. Cases “Toll” for various reasons which stop the clock on admin cases. Are you sure on those hundreds and hundreds of cases?
Heartbreaking to see her being retaliated for being a whistle-blower. You hear about all these rights yet they can still retaliate. I’m currently a whistle-blower for a contractor for LA Metro. I filed felony wage grand theft charges for 250 Metro Ambassadors. Over a million dollars in wages. But now I’m suspended without cause. We need transparency. I hope she doesn’t get fired.
@Anonymous 1253
“fact finders” are they?
Investigators are influenced by personal relationships, biases, or pressure from supervisors to protect the department’s image.
Investigations are conducted with a predetermined outcome in mind, ignoring evidence that contradicts the desired result.
Investigators selectively present or omit evidence to support the pre-determined outcome, rather than objectively following the facts.
The point is this –
Whistleblowers subjected to retaliatory investigations, focus on discrediting them rather than uncovering truth.
These factors undermine the integrity of internal affairs investigations, making it clear that they are not always objective fact finders. Instead, likened to a tool for retaliation, maintain the status quo, and protect the department’s corrupt interest.
The facts are
1. Rosa Gonzalez was placed under investigation for forwarding a grievance to people whom she filed a grievance on behalf of; An action that is protected by law. That fact is not debatable.
2. Rosa Gonzalez shared that grievance in October of 2021. She was available for interview and not facing criminal charges. It is now August of 2024.
Now consider the players. Namely the notorious Captain Obrien.
Rosa was proven right about ELA. I have a feeling she is going to be 2 for 2 with this one.
Lasd =Same poo-poo different toilet bowl!
Equity oversight attorneys are not in position to make fair assessments based on evidence as they act based on what “facts” they are fed them by what you hope to be unbiased fact finders
The Iab investigators in the Gonzalez case had blatant conflicts of interest
More importantly, all of them were ethically compromised by knowing there was no basis for there even being an investigation and allegations in the first place
I know one of the witnesses in this case who told me the investigators had no interest in hearing evidence supporting what Gonzalez alleged and instead tried to get witnesses for Gonzalez to say bad things about her
Question: if Luna had told the truth in 2022 about he’d handle this case and other whistleblower cases, would he have won the election?
Rosa Gonzalez is on Band 3 of the current lieutenant promotion list.
@ Remi Ruckus, you are absolutely on point. This has been a sham from the start to “protect the image” of the Department. Facts don’t matter. Capt Obrien needs to go. Heard there is a certain Chief protecting her.
@Wendy Byrde
Lets see if I can connect the dots
IA / ICIB Chief Professional Standards Division
Laura Lecrivain
and who is Rosa Gonzalez’ Commander in charge of discipline at personal command, Pat MacDonald
Any connections with each other or with Capt. O’brien?
Ill let you be the judge of that
Fun fact, Captain O’brien was Chief Laura Lecrivain’s lieutenant aide.
Don’t forget sgt Brian Mann is buddies with O’Brien
Don’t forget that the allegations of cheating on lt exam implicated numerous iab investigators, suspiciously so many of those in iab and pab, connected to arballo and O’Brien, scored high scores. First investigator into Gonzalez, amber mullings (now lieutenant) knew they were under suspicion and had a conflict of interest and still pursued the fake investigation
Ditto you guys connected the dots quickly lmao!
I see a big train wreck approaching soon. Let me go get some popcorn.
You mean the same O’Brien who witnesses have again and again reported for fraud only to see her be exonerated without investigation and the witnesses then put under investigation ?
This has carried across multiple sheriff administrations and Luna will soon promote her to commander.
Responding to one of the anonymous folks, yes, it’s possible that her case was placed on hold (“tolled”), but absent that information it’s hard to tell if that was the case. Still seems like an inordinate length of time, even if it was. Like I noted in my original comment, the thoughts I provided were only relevant IF the story presented contained all pertinent info.
@Mike Borman
Luna was on the news advocating for the statute of limitations under the Peace Officer Bill of Rights. On one end he is publicly advocating for deputies rights but behind the scenes he routinely allows Departmental cowardice pawns to ignore the statute and target employees when it suits them.
I don’t think people are getting the absurdity of all this
She writes a whistleblower report as a
Almost 3 years later they still haven’t heard her grievance
They lied and called her grievance gossip
Even if it were gossip it would not violate the gossip policy as it’s not sexual
LASD leadership also knows it’s illegal to punish her as it went far past one year, it was not tolled all this time
Yet they are demoting her
I posted that last comment and did a typo
I meant almost 3 YEARS later they still haven’t heard the grievance
Editor’s note:
Got it. It’s now “3 years.”
About the IA fact finders. Chief Lecrivain’s sister being one of them… connect the dots…
It has become evident that Sgt. Rosa Gonzalez has been wrongfully retaliated against, in direct violation of Federal/State/County policy on whistleblower retaliation. This policy, as outlined in the department’s manual, strictly prohibits any adverse actions taken against an employee who reports misconduct or corruption within the department. Yet, despite these protections, Sgt. Gonzalez has faced unjust repercussions for her courage in standing up against the corruption that, unfortunately, continues to permeate the upper ranks of the LASD.
This is not an isolated incident. The culture within the upper echelons of the department has long been one where conformity is rewarded, and those who challenge the status quo are targeted. I recently received a forwarded email from a current department member that THEY got from a concerned citizen, who meticulously detailed complaints against the acting captain of Century Station and the Captain of Aero Bureau. These concerns were well-articulated and sent to county executives, LASD command staff, and even news outlets. However, rather than addressing the serious issues raised in the complaint, the department’s command staff appears more interested in uncovering the identity of the complainant.
This disturbing focus on the source of the complaint rather than the substance of the allegations only serves to highlight the department’s inability to remain neutral and objective when faced with serious concerns. The LASD’s response, or lack thereof, is a clear indication of a deep-seated problem within the organization—an unwillingness to hold those in power accountable and a tendency to shield those who conform to a corrupt system.
Sgt. Rosa Gonzalez’s case, along with the handling of these complaints, underscores the urgent need for reform within the LASD. The department must prioritize integrity and transparency over the protection of its ranks if it is to regain the trust of the public it serves.
Worse than that, Commander Edmundo Torres was promoted and he has been explicitly listed as a horrible unit commander and also a bandito! Well, I guess he and Pat McDonald had their ink covered up now so that’s changed. It is sad to hear how much Arballo had changed, but what do you expect? She was friends with AV’s Sweet Pea which is how she got the aide job in the Sheriff’s Office.
The LASD will never stop promoting their friends from within.
Sheriff Robert Luna’s promotion of deputy gang members to upper executive levels suggests a lack of awareness to address the systemic issues plaguing LASD. By elevating individuals with ties to deputy gangs, Luna’s administration is perpetuating a culture of corruption and cronyism. This move undermines any potential for meaningful reform and raises serious questions about the department’s commitment to shift gears.
These promotions undermine trust and raise concerns about the department’s commitment to addressing corruption and misconduct. By elevating those connected to deputy gangs, Luna’s administration may be perpetuating a culture of cronyism and loyalty over accountability and integrity. Genuine reform requires a clear break from the past and a commitment to appointing real leaders.
Have you heard Edmundo Torres speak? He still carries himself like an ELA ese vato loco BANDITO.
Pat MacDonald the Regulator in charge of Personnel Command.
Come on Sheriff Luna you can so better than that.
The Department might have met their match with Rosa Gonzalez. It’s my understanding she is clean and is a meticulous record keeper. Holly Francisco give her back her stripes. Here is a better one, take Edmundo’s bars away and give them to her.
How is it that Luna got elected on an anti corruption campaign, then when he got into office kept all the corrupt players in place, did no investigation at all into their conduct, continued all the ongoing corruption including this investigation into Gonzalez, and has even been promoting the corrupt players, rewarding them?
Does anyone see anything wrong with this picture? We don’t need politicians as sheriff.
We need a real cop as sheriff, a no nonsense tough as nails cop with integrity who doesn’t tolerate criminals in the streets and in his ranks
I feel so badly for this woman. By all appearances a dedicated member of LASD and another employee victimized by internal bull*&%#. I hope she eventually prevails legally and is promoted.
The people that did this to her – and to others – need to be gone.
Torres and McDonald are dirty and they got promoted. You can cover up the tattoos but not the dirt.
Barragan and koperud also got promoted and it’s expected that O’Brien will be promoted soon. Most corrupt person in the department and Luna will soon reward that.
Now what ? Can Luna be removed from office by the board of supervisors ?
I was told that when Rosa filed the grievance she contacted the Department of Justice who at the time was auditing LASD. She requested they track her case, by tracking her complaint she asserted it would show how retaliation was facilitated on the Department. LASD conducted a search and destroy of her emails to DOJ.
The answer to your question can be Googled: California Sheriff removal procedure.
Not likely, though. My take is that the Board of Supervisors searched long & hard for a Villanueva replacement & Luna was the best they could find.
Nobody better.
@Rakkasan Sheriff Alex Villanueva took the blame for the past 50 years of disservice to Los Angeles residents. OIG, COC and the Board of Supervisors blamed him for tolerating and promoting deputy gangs, corruption, retaliation and cronyism these criticisms led to calls for his resignation and ultimately contributed to his defeat in the 2022 election. Robert Luna steps in promotes more deputy gang members to the highest ranks, surpassing anything Villanueva did. Now we have the likes of Edmundo Torres leaning like a cholo in the halls of HOJ. Sergeant Gonzalez whistle blower report on corruption was submitted in 2021 under Sheriff Alex Villanueva. She gets retaliated with demotion in 2024 under Luna. Have you heard anything from the Board of Supervisors? OIG? COC? anyone out there? Crickets. Alex tried to tell us, they weren’t interested in reform, they were only interested in getting him out of office. Looks to me Sergeant Gonzalez has done more for reform than the last three sheriff’s combined.
Yes where is the coc and oig and bos on this ? Clearly, police bias is at work here.
That as much as anything is what is going on. They don’t care what Luna and skeen do to their cops
If Gonzalez was a resident this would be blown up as it should be
Any chance holly Francisco will take an honest look at this and dismiss it, going against her own bosses retaliating against Sgt Gonzalez ?
@Anonymous 919
The investigation of Rosa Gonzalez should of never been initiated in the first place. The internal affairs investigation reads like a primary school hit job. The statute of limitations is wildly past due. The discipline was imposed by tattoo less deputy gang Regulator Pat MacDonald. We already connected the dots in previous comments. As custom the discipline imposed went through several layers of high rank approval, including the under sheriff.
Holly Francisco would have to go against her superiors and be ethically sound in order to reverse the discipline imposed. Rosa will end up fighting this in civil litigation and in civil service costing the county tax payers hundreds of thousands in attorney fees and more when Rosa prevails in court. Pat Macdonald and Holly Francisco don’t care because they don’t pay out of pocket. In the meantime Laura Lecrivain will be promoted to assistant sheriff, Yvonne O’Brien will be promoted to Commander and Bryan Aguilera will still be playing fetch for Pat MacDonald.
I agree that it’s the anti police mentality that allows for a sgt Gonzalez to get set up like this. I find this very depressing. The lack of respect and appreciation for police is very demoralizing.
Yup sucks to be a deputy right now. I wish I could say I’m surprised by what they are doing to Gonzalez.
It starts in custody…
It starts with the mind set of ” just figure it out.”
It starts with the mindset that you are always the new guy, regardless of how much time you have on.
It starts with people becoming cliquish, and the “us against them” attitude.
It continues in patrol…
with more of the “just figure it out,” when you need help…
with more of the mindset of you are always the new guy…
with more of the cliquish mindset….
Our training is awful.
Our support base is lacking.
Our equipment is dated.
We are understaffed…
We are stretched thin with no relief in sight. It is no wonder there are so many emails with stations offering overtime.
Maybe if people didn’t crush trainees and start training and mentoring them, we would not be in the situation we are in.
I mean, seriously. Do we really need to run phase 1 patrol trainees for 24 plus hours just to see if they can hack it?
Some people learn by seeing…
Some people learn by doing…
And some people learn by FAILING. There’s a lot to be learned by failing. I did some of my best work when I had to figure new ways to get things done.
We need a new mindset. The old one went out with the leather football helmet.
I still would not want to work anywhere else. I remember deps in my neighborhood when I was growing up. We always looked up to them. My father loved seeing them drive by our house. Pops said they reminded him of his time in the military. They were always respected. Always.
There are still a lot of good people here…we just lack the leadership.
Leaders lead.
Sergeant Gonzalez is an asset to the Department, the commenter who said 99 percent of whistle blowers are lazy have never worked with Gonzalez in the field. Hell that’s MAMA G! She ran circles around the guys.
Proud of you Rosa
(why are you not posting my comments? Did I break some rules?)
Editor’s note:
Dear “Oh, Please,”
For the answer to your question, please read WitnessLA’s 10 Rules of Commenting.
To put it more precisely, out of more than 55 comments submitted relating to the above story, and to what Sgt. Gonzalez is going through, you are the only commenter that felt the need to talk smack about her.
Both of your comments—the second of which was more than 400 words long—pretty much define term “ad hominem attacks.” (See Rule #1 of the 10 Rules of commenting.)
Such comments don’t belong here.
Thank you in advance for understanding.
(Fair enough, however you have allowed several attacks of words on Commander Torres, Commander Macdonald, Captain O’Brien, Chief Lecrivain. Sheriff Luna and others. I assumed since those were ok, my input on Rosa was fair game. My 400 words were not all about complaining about Rosa either and you know that. It’s your page, not mine, so your rules, but you obviously are only getting one side of the story.)
Editor’s note:
Dear “Oh Please,”
Thanks for your response. And as for, “My 400 words were not all about complaining about Rosa either and you know that.”
I agree. My apologies for overgeneralizing about your second comment.
Now onward to Monday.
Unrelated and before Rosa Gonzalez reported Yvonne O’Brien, another civilian employee named Cynthia Maluto reported Yvonne Obrien for fraud and similar discriminatory conduct. The investigator assigned to investigate Yvonne O’Brien was Carmen Arballo (who at the time was living with Carmen Arballo). Of course the investigation exonerated Yvonne O’Brien.
What happened to Cynthia Maluto? She was promptly placed under investigation and relieved of duty. Who investigated Cynthia Maluto? Glad you asked, it was Yvonne O’Brien’s room mate Carmen Arballo.
There are more similar incidents all involving Yvonne O’Brien with the same outcome.
In 2017, unrelated and before Rosa Gonzalez reported Yvonne O’Brien, Lucy Auner, a sergeant employed by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, reported Yvonne O’Brien on suspicion of time card fraud in the Department.
That same year, plaintiff Kristen Aufdemberg, then a deputy sheriff with the Department, claimed that she and others had been subjected by Yvonne O’Brien to sexual harassment and a hostile work environment.
Both Auner and Aufdemberg claimed that after filing their complaints with the department, they were both subjected to adverse employment actions, including adverse write-ups and involuntary transfers.
Vanessa Chow then sergeant, claimed she was repeatedly harmed by retaliation from the Sheriff’s wife, Captain Yvonne O’Brien and Lieutenant Carmen Arballo.
The lawsuit alleges that the sheriff and his wife run LASD like their “own personal fiefdom and business by placing individuals whom they consider as allies in key positions within the department,” despite the individuals’ lack of qualifications and ethics.
An example of this included in the claim was the appointment of (then Lieutenant) Yvonne O’Brien as acting Captain of Personnel Administration Bureau despite her lack of qualifications, the lawsuit alleged.
Many can deeply relate to the corruption and retaliation within LASD, as many innocent people have been harmed by the department’s lack of accountability and oversight. More specifically many can relate to being harmed by Yvonne O’Brien.
It’s clear we can’t investigate ourselves. The Department prioritization of protecting the bad apples has come at the expense of justice, accountability and public trust. It has fostered a corrupt culture. Thank you Celeste for bringing this incident to light. It’s time for real change and transparency. Yvonne O’Brien has caused enough harm.
Holly Francisco do the right thing.
Wasn’t one of the main players involved in a P/DUI crash in her county car in AZ with her g/f years back?
It’s not just the Good Ole Boys Network anymore – like it says on the cars TOS = A Tradition Of Scandal
We just went through an investigation from an outside entity (Cal-DOJ)… yet the findings of that investigation will never be made known to the public, because the dept/county asked that the record be sealed. Why?
At what point do we expect our own agency to take a real long, hard look at ourselves and not only admit, but believe maybe we don’t do everything right? It’s those in high places that make those pleads to keep stuff under wraps… while they pray they promote just one more rank before pulling the plug and bailing; before the powder keg they avoided for oh so very long ignites.
It’s been this way for generations…. bringing us to a point where the BOS is nearly as culpable. Now they want to add 4 more members to the board? That only makes it that much easier to pass the buck.
This popcorn has gone stale.
I want to know what buffoon thought it was a good idea to call a whistle blower grievance gossip and place Rosa Gonzalez under investigation for it. Then discipline her 3 years later.
There are some positive takeaways. These are some thoughts to consider.
When incompetence meets corruption, it can sometimes be a positive thing for the whistleblower.
Clearer wrongdoing: Incompetence can make corruption more obvious, making it clearer to others that wrongdoing is occurring, and building support for the whistleblower’s claims.
Corruption is easier to expose: Incompetence can lead to sloppy cover-ups, making it easier for whistleblowers to gather evidence and expose corruption.
Increased scrutiny: Incompetence can draw attention to an organization, leading to increased scrutiny from authorities, media, or the public, which can help the whistleblower voice be heard.
Greater accountability: When incompetence and corruption combine, the resulting fallout can ideally lead to greater accountability, with more severe consequences for those responsible, potentially more protection and rewards for the whistleblower. Incompetence can be a catalyst for change.
It seems that the issues the good and hardworking LASD staff face are deeply seeded into the Department’s culture and not improving over time despite multiple serious incidents hitting the fan.
So where do they go now to try and right the wrongs?
Who helps them?
As the Board will apparently do nothing, who has to be contacted to right the ship?
The employees, policing in general and the public all deserve far better.
There is only one guy Luna listens to and that is Chief Skeen, who only cares about himself. He will sit back and not say a word when the other Chiefs promote problem people. He does this so when the chips start falling he can stand back and say “Wasn’t Me Boss”.
How in the world is O’Brien still a captain? This woman has been under investigation numerous times and for some reason nothing sticks. Wonder why that is?? She is grossly incompetent and should have been demoted a long time ago. Alex protected her for unknown reasons. Seems as Luna is doing the same. Wonder who she might have dirt on…As for Arballo, she had taken the Lt. Exam at least three times and never placed above band 3. Then suddenly, once she has access to the test, she passes with flying colors? C’mon people. Franciso will not do the right thing, she just follows orders. Lectuvain is never going to discipline O’Brien. Really sad state of affairs.
@Conerned Citizen Internal Affairs never investigated the allegations made by Gonzalez. They focused the investigation on her. Gonzalez was made the complainant, witness and SUBJECT of the investigation not O’Brien.
In comes Vincent Miller to the rescue, I heard Vincent Miller has been conducting depositions of LASD staff assigned to the examinations unit. There is testimony of Yvonne O’Brien making photo copies of the 2020 lieutenants exam after she signed a disclosure indicating she would not make copies. Her excuse was that it was official business because “Internal Affairs” requested a copy of the exam WTF!!!!! GTFOH!!!!!
Rosa Gonzalez deserves a medal not a demotion.
@See Ya:
Haven’t seen much bad PR re: Skeen. He managed to attain his current position under the previous administration’s circus and managed to keep it during the transition for the current admin. This dept has been beaten and battered so much over the last 15 years, who knows which end is up anymore?
One thing is for sure though; the dept of old mentality held dear by so many current execs needs to be lead to pasture… our undoing will be the misguidance of the belief we do (insert topic re: to law enforcement/corrections here) better than anyone else. The last 15-20 years of bad PR should’ve been more than enough to make this one illustrious dept realize our deficiencies.
Enough of the stupid tattoos, enough of the stupid in-house drama and misogynistic beliefs… we seriously need a fresh start.
@ a tradition of Service I recently watched a clip of documentary on Richard Ramirez ( Night Stalker). The clip showed the Late Sherman Block Lapd chief Daryl Gates & Orange County Sheriff Gates walk into a press conference together In unison. They commanded respect and professionalism from their respected departments. Those were the days all I’m saying we need to get back to basics and be proud of our uniforms we wear doesn’t matter what color it is and treat each other with dignity and respect.
Skeen was close to McDonnell, hence Luna chose him. He has slithered his way up and only cares about himself. I will tell you what the Department needs:
A leader who has integrity, decency and humility; one who recognises that policing has changed but who is also both kind and tough ( both to the Department and the Public we serve ).
We have lost that reservoir of trust and credibility, because current leaders are too busy kissing the ring knowing hardheartedly that our foundation is crumbling. Culture needs to change and we need to talk honestly about the work we do and help the men and women who do the grind. Brass only cares about themselves. [editor’s cut.]
@Gold Star:
Head on over to the other smear website that is frequented by former dept members which is full of gossip… there’s a pretty scathing series on how LASD ran under Block. I’m sure internally little has changed Luna is now the fifth leading this department in my nearly 20 year tenure. The only thing constant within ranks now is change. Execs, mid-level management and lower ranks alike are all retiring in droves… this compounded with the fact you’re reprimanded for being proactive in this line of work nowadays means it’s nearly impossible to provide a good example for the younger generations.
Honesty and hard work are no longer rewarded… and there’s some of us who won’t play the game… because look where it’s gotten our department as a whole. There are still some of us who want to salvage and restore the name of our department, but that’s not possible under the conditions in which LASD continues to operate.
It’s kinda sad really… because the dept always says to be honest during an investigation… yet it can’t even be honest with itself.
Jason Sheen is chameleon who prioritizes personal gain and career advancement. He is setting himself up to be Sheriff but he lacks the balls to be a leader. We need a leader with balls and integrity he has neither.
The glaring mishandling of the Gonzalez case across two administrations is a sign of incompetent leadership and systemic failure.
These comments on this post and several post on this site continuously complain about every Sheriff from Block to Luna, and every Exec for the last 20 years! Who you all want running this organization and assisting them? We need to look into the ones complaining, seems they are always the same ones! Crazy how the same “victims” are always victims.
What happened in last 20 years after Block?
Lee Baca (corrupt sheriff went to prison)
Jim McDonnell (1 term sheriff McBuckles)
Alex Villanueva (1 term corrupt vengeful sheriff)
Let me guess you’re one of these boot licker executive aides?
Word has been that Luna just sees himself as a figurehead spokesperson rather than a nuts and bolts hands- on leader. When Luna came in he did not replace the corrupt players and did not review or investigate any of the corrupt conduct, leaving all in place. Luna didn’t even bother to open an investigation into the killing of spike and the cover up of it even though the fraudulent memo and all the corruption was in everyone’s faces, clearly not just allegations. This failure to get anything accomplished and to do any reform and to have such weak leadership by the sheriff puts way too much control in the hands of skeen thus the rumors that Skeen is running the department. For sure Skeen aspires to replace tardy as undersheriff then Luna as sheriff. Given his power in this administration and his ambitions, skeen must get real scrutiny.
Sources have confirmed the identities of the following IAB sergeants and the origins of their tattoos: Ivan Brenes-Mendez, who was formerly a deputy from Palmdale Station, and is currently an acting IAB team Lieutenant, who has a Palmdale Station tattoo. Brenes-Mendez, is on the current Lieutenant’s promotion list, and is rumored to be promoting soon. Water Arcos, a former deputy from Norwalk Station, who is also A PPOA (Professional Peace Officers Association) Board Member. PPOA is the official LASD bargaining unit for sergeants, lieutenants, captains and commanders. Arcos has been confirmed to have a Norwalk Station tattoo. Chad Vanden Berg, who was formerly assigned to Lakewood Station as a deputy and has a Lakewood Station tattoo.
I was never an aide, actually quite the opposite. A LITTLE background, I have worked or had family on this dept for last 60 years and I did WORK when I was in patrol. I also finished in the top 50 of the sergeant’s exam and promoted, I didn’t need to file a lawsuit! You don’t need the answers, you just need to study.
So YOU answer my question, who do you want running this dept, Sheriff, the undersheriff, and exec staff? I found good and bad in all the the past Sheriff’s and their staff. Such as life!
I suppose, as mentioned by Celeste earlier, we cannot talk negatively about the person this article is about, just others who ‘MIGHT” have jeopardized her career.
@fact finder, who cares about station tattoos!
I find your logic difficult to follow. You mention your 60 year of family employment with LASD, you mentioned you worked in the field and scored in the top 50 of the sergeants exam. What points are you attempting to make?
Are you suggesting you’re somehow better because you have family in law enforcement? The most inspirational leaders came from adversity. Congrats on working in the field. However isn’t that expected? The highlight of your life appears to be scoring in the top 50 of a promotional exam. Way to go buddy, I applaud you. I seriously doubt Rosa has any difficulties passing promotional exams. Isn’t she on Band 3 for lieutenant?
Any who buddy, It is concerning that with your family’s pure LASD pedigree you don’t find a problem with station gang tattoos. I mean we aren’t operating the third reich here, we are in the business of public service.
Therefore let me explain a few reasons why the mere optics of deputy gangs are bad for public service.
1. Contradiction to public service values.
2. Negative impact on community relationships.
3.Erosion of public trust
4.Misuse of power leading to corruption.
5. Intimidation culture of silence.
I could go on buddy but I think I made my point.
@ratas y’all really need to clap back with something else. Gonzalez is a worker. She’s a smart cookie.
The ELA Banditos only pick on folks as a group, women or mentally ill civilian.. then they have cigar nights and brag about how bad ass they are and tattoo their lower backs! What a joke!!
The LASD will never change we all know this. Friends, classmates lining their pockets. Does anyone know the take home pay after taxes of a Captain, Commander, Chief??
Its about the Benjamins. Imagine making $20K a month or more in a pension. Can anyone elaborate what any of the aformentioned have done for the LASD… Its all about who you know.
While the Gozalez issue is ridiculous…Why ask Alads if it was Ok to share? Wasn’t the past lawsuit evident enough of how the Dept operates?
I believe Gonzalez had ulterior motives…for promotion or compensation. Im not saying what the LASD did was right…Obrien and everyone on LT list that cheated should have been demoted but you know how that goes.
When you see Deputies on band 3 or band 4 and make SGT. 2 yrs later they are Band 1 LT you know its all about the car. Blind leading the blind… box of fuckn rocks with bars and stars. Pat MacDonald is a bafoon an immature prick. LeCrevain his 924 if you didnt know… now you do.
It dont matter how hard you worked or how much education you have. The Dept will pick and choose who to persecute, demote, promote regardless. while you were reciting the core values…drinking the koolaid…look how that turned out.
the LASD is no different than any other government funded organization… Bureaucratic.
Lets see where it ends up. I think Civil Service.
@ eating popcorn it is a sad state when you can’t believe someone can be driven by conviction. Fact is Rosa did not take the lieutenant exam in 2020 -2021. She was not up for promotion.
You are right on Pat MacDonald he followed orders from his 924.
I appreciate your perspective on this complex issue. It’s important to recognize that the experiences of individuals in law enforcement, much like those in the military, can profoundly shape their sense of identity and camaraderie. The existence of tattoos or symbols associated with certain units doesn’t automatically equate to nefarious behavior; rather, they can represent shared experiences and bonds formed in the face of trauma and adversity.
While there are certainly instances of misconduct that must be addressed, we shouldn’t generalize or vilify all officers based on the actions of a few. It’s crucial to differentiate between individual actions and the collective identity fostered by shared experiences, which can sometimes manifest in the form of insignia or tattoos.
The challenges faced by law enforcement personnel are unique and often traumatic, requiring coping mechanisms that might not always be well understood by outsiders. The issue seems to stem more from systemic problems within the department, including leadership failures and a lack of proper training and support for officers dealing with high-stress situations. Accountability is key, but it should be coupled with a better understanding of the psychological toll that this line of work can take. Ultimately, fostering a healthier environment within law enforcement is essential for both the officers and the communities they serve.
@eating popcorn I will only address one of your comments and also say that you are entitled to your opinion and speculations. I will say that no one chooses to witness blatant wrongdoing and as a mandated reporter choosing to turn a blind eye is not an option within policy, we all know that it comes back to bite you where the sun doesn’t shine, as a supervisor. Not reporting is worse than the act even if the allegations turn up to be unfounded. In Sergeant Gonzalez’s position you have two choices, turn a blind eye and the behavior continues and she still gets in trouble for not reporting. Second choice is to report immediately and face the consequences specially when she is reporting the acting Captain who self professed every chance she got that she was close to the Sheriff. It’s a no win-win situation. Regarding the promotion. Sergeant Gonzalez had not yet taken the Lieutenant test at the time. Regarding compensation not sure that she would have a case if when she reported the dept would have done the right thing.
My comment regarding my background was in response to @anonymous who called me a “boot licker executive aide”, it wasn’t to brag! My point to the Sergeant’s score or banding was if you know anything about the banding, usually everyone in Band I and II promotes. There is no more oral and AP, so it’s on the individual to study, know policy, and case law among other things. Have some got the answers in the past? For sure, but if you know your stuff, you should be able to get in the top bands.
The family part of my point was i’ve been around long enough to know whats is up. We (my family) have all been turned down for jobs, got jobs, but earned everything. They (my family) are different races and different sexes, but we NEVER filed a lawsuit when we didn’t get a job whether we believed we were the better person or not. We too didn’t get along with everyone either!
Once again, as stated by Celeste, ANY negative comments about Rosa wont be posted on this site. So I guess I cannot go into facts. I do know I have worked with and for several of the people mentioned in these comments and I WILL NOT defend them all, but some of the comments are just lies and @#$% talking by haters!
When I was talking about WORKING patrol, that is what I meant, WORKING!! I suppose you are right, its expected, but some didn’t know how to work patrol. I will leave it at that by simply saying see above paragraph.
Continuing to answer your comments, yeah band III is passing, but it’s about a D- in the real world.
Your next question or comment, I have no problem with STATION TATTOOS. I see you slid in the gang part, you are ignorant if you think they are gang members. How many deputies have been prosecuted for “station gang tattoos?” ZERO! I know you and many others just can’t comprehend the fact that many people have them and had stellar careers without doing stupid stuff. Some of the finest people on this department, and retired, have a tattoo. The public never knew until a few crybabies were told no and then whined they didn’t get one to the media and civil attorneys.
Your five points to tattoos are ridiculous, the public doesn’t give a @#$% if the deputy repealing down from Air-5 saves their life, the detective from Homicide solves their family’s murder or the deputy with a station tattoo gives their kid mouth to mouth to save the kids life! I’ve seen all those scenarios. The tattoo doesn’t make the deputy bad or good, the person he or she is before they got it, does! If they chance because they got it, shame on them!
I asked this earlier and still no answer, so now that I have your attention, who do you want to be Sheriff, undersheriff, the rest??? No one has came up with an answer, just everyone complaining about all the current and past players!
Sheriff Robert Luna can still turn this around. I want to see how Luna’s administration handles this Rosa Gonzalez demotion. Will they double down with the 924’s incompetent corruption left over from the Alex Villanueva administration? Will the Luna administration investigate the investigation?
As far as you alluding to Rosa Gonzalez not doing “work” pull her arrest record then come up with a better counter.
Psst Ratas you really are a boot licker! Hey by the way are they still cataloging away a certain Lasd employee who have got caught with his pants down at HOJJ? So much for a promotion.
We need a non politician to be sheriff that’s for sure
So let’s start there, make it an appointment
An appointment from outside the department unless it’s a whistle blower, others you have a product of the corrupt status quo
Pull a sheriff who has an established track record reforming another agency. We are bigger and have deport pockets and can outbid from just about anywhere.
Oral and AP were both a joke anyways. Coveted testing is only slightly better, but needs a major tune up as well. The fact the answers still get leaked shows we as a department don’t put the right people in the right places. It really doesn’t matter who’s at the helm, the good old boys club is still alive and well.
Several times before transferring to patrol, I was told I should go to this station, or that station… because I would “fit in”. I never showed any interest in going to any of those stations, but I was constantly told that I would be “OK”. What was that supposed to mean? It wasn’t heresay, I heard it with my own two ears, on more than one occasion.
If a married Chief is having an extramarital affair with a Commander, shouldn’t this be investigated?
Ethical issues? Performance to Standards?
If they lie about the affair during the investigation, isn’t this a fireable offense? Should the OIG or DOJ be involved? Constitutional Policing?
Did you work in a radio car with her, same shift, or even the same station? If not, her stats are irrelevant. Making an arrest and getting a stat at The Fort isn’t hard!
@dishwasher, sorry I have no idea what you are talking about, maybe ODR would be better suited for you!
@tradition, you usually have good comments, but not sure what you are trying to say with the last! You are proving my point in Rosa’s lawsuit I think. She has no one to blame but herself if she wasn’t promoted to Lieutenant. Not sure what the whole “fit in” means. The are and were several females, straight, gay, white and hispanic who worked at the same places Rosa did, and have good spots on the department, some even have stars and bars!
Get a hold of the Rosa Gonzalez investigation and deconstruct it. Expose the so called Internal Affairs “fact finders”.
Due to anti-police sentiment Rosa Gonzalez’s experience dealing with LASD corruption doesn’t allow for greater public interest but there should be, because if LASD can do this to one of their own what are they capable of doing to private citizens.
She was force transferred out of ELA (she didn’t want to leave), because then Chief Bobby Denham thought her physical life was in danger. By who? Her own sworn colleagues. That fact is not debatable it comes from sworn testimony from Bobby Denham.
Approximately 8 years later she reports systemic and discriminatory employment practices she witnessed against other people and now LASD is going to great illegal lengths to destroy her career thanks to the likes of corrupt Laura Lecrivain, Pat Macdonald, Yvonne O’Brien and every coward down the chain of command that just did what they were told to do.
As for the commentators ratas and oh please stick to the facts.
Los Angeles County we have a problem.
Rosa’s 2021 grievance had nothing to do with her promoting or not promoting. Many comments already made that clarification. The facts are with Rosa she has the receipts, you have your nonsensical opinions.
“Los Angeles County we have a problem”.
The BOS recognized a problem ‘way back in 1991 or thereabouts when legal judgements for LASD misconduct lawsuits exceeded any other county expenditure–roads, parks, schools, whatever.
It commissioned The Kolts Commission to investigate & its report can be Googled for perusal.
Thereafter Merrick Bobb, a lawyer from a DTLA law firm, reported on the LASD to the BOS twice a year for something like ten years generating 34 Semi-Annual reports all of which, like the original Kolts Commission report, are retrievable via Google for perusal. The final report was in August, 2014.
In addition to all that Michael Gennaco, a former U.S. Attorney, reported to the Sheriff himself once a year. These reports went from 2002 to 2013. Like the other reports these, too, are retrievable via Google for perusal.
All of this to no avail
Roundabout 2016 the entire command structure of the LASD, from the Sheriff (Lee Baca) on down went to Federal Prison–something like 22 LASD personnel altogether.
And still LASD is having problems.
First you implied that Rosa Gonzalez didn’t “work” in the field. Then you discover her arrest record reflects the opposite.
Now you say
“her stats are irrelevant. Making an arrest and getting a stat at The Fort isn’t hard!”
You are a fool.
Truth in its purest form. Sad, but true. While there are plenty of comments from those clinging onto memories of the tainted department of days gone past; we are not judged by our partners, but the people.
Doing right when nobody is looking… doing the right thing always, even if it’s much more difficult; theses types of things seem so foreign nowadays within the ranks… it’s more than disappointing, nearly at a loss for words.
After long consideration and reading all your comments, I have answered my own question.
Have Luna ask Undersheriff Tardy to step down, 30 year career and lives outside the county, so she probably won’t run for Sheriff. Give Rosa the spot, then Luna can retire mid term, Rosa can be Sheriff and she can bring in Guadalupe Lopez in to be her undersheriff. Give the victims of the Kennedy Hall incident Chief jobs and fill the rest of the spots with other ELA alumins suing the department that didn’t get their way. If it works, great, if it doesn’t, you can blame it on station gang tattoos again!
Just to shed a little light about Rosa short time at East LA. Initially everything was great according to her. As a coworker and talking to her she was doing fine. She was proactive and a hard worker. Sometimes trying too hard and putting herself in danger.Problems started when she was given a trainee and started handling calls. First call , 417A which she stopped the bus on her own and disarmed the 417A with no back up. Sgt’s counseled her but she believed she was in the right. Second incident that night, 245 call she rolls out with other trainees in her hoop. She obs suspects , gets on the patch but refuses to approach with trainees. Claims she didn’t want to get involved with brand new trainees. She was counseled again but believes she did the right thing. Seasoned Sgt’s tried to explaining to h er role as a mentor TO. She claims she was overwhelmed. They suggest maybe she is not ready to be a FTO. They make the decision to not give her a trainee the next day. When she shows up next day, she is upset with the Sgt’s decision , cries, and decides she can’t work. Sgt’s at the direction of Capt Biagini don’t write her up for both calls. And so it begins. She writes a 3 page memo to upper brass saying she is being picked on because she is a female. I like Rosa but her lawyer used the Bandido BS against the county to get her the settlement. I know for a fact the claims she made or her lawyer made up were all bs. When all the females at ElA held a press conference speaking in reference to G Lopez stating that females at ELA had to sleep with FTOs, Rosa in fact wrote the statement presented to the press stating that everything G Lopez was stating was false. Not many people know this. She actually got along with many Bandidos and looked up to them. She jumped in Zaredeni’s bandwagon lawsuit because I personally know she was upset how she was treated. She is the type not to back down and does not like to be corrected. Zarendini is for another post. I have a lot to say about that. These are facts!
Your comment was half true, fair enough but you failed to tell the audience, Rosa was asked to be an FTO at ELA because of her work ethic and performance. At the time, ELA Captain Wolack referred to her as a “Shinning Star”.
Now consider that all the incidents you described occurred in one night (Her first night with a new trainee). A comprehensive analysis of the incidents was conducted and it was determined Rosa’s tactics were sound and within policy. After she was forced transferred out of ELA Rosa continued her time in patrol, both as a patrol deputy and a field training officer. Her tactics in the field were never questioned again. To the contrary her employee record shows commendations for sound tactics and noteworthy arrests.
So lets recap. She was a “shinning star” at ELA, up until the one night she was assigned a trainee. Suddenly her tactics in one night were so egregious that an ELA Bandito Sergeant who wasn’t on duty when the incidents occurred had to remove her status as an FTO. Then after that one night she becomes a stellar deputy once more, with no tactical concerns to name but plenty commendations to come. Based on my training and experience I call what you said about that one night with poor tactics bullshit and apparently the county thought it was too and that’s partly why she obtained a large settlement.
Have you spoken to Rosa since her time at ELA? She speaks highly of her years there and the people who mentored her. She never agreed with Guadalupe Lopez claim that females had to submit to sexual favors to get off training. She adamantly denies it, but does describe a meeting that was held with all ELA female deputies where some female deps admitted they weren’t forced but willingly submitted to sexual favors with their FTO’s voluntarily. Ill let the audience judge the impropriety in that.
You got one thing absolutely right. Rosa is not the type of person to back down especially if she is in the right.
Lastly, Rosa is not a claimant in the recent Zerendini (Kennedy Hall) Bandito lawsuit. Rosa is factual about her experience at ELA. It is also a fact Chief Bobby Denham forced her out of ELA because he felt her life was in danger with the Banditos in control at ELA.
@ratas sit down. You lost me with the Fort arrest comment. @facts Rosa left ELA 10 years ago. She talks about the good and bad of ELA nothing we already don’t know. Small female with big balls.
A better title for you would be BS
Everything in your post is a complete fabrication by you
I’m guessing you are bandito associate Liz Aguilera with your 4 Banditos tattoos but no number because the Banditos don’t allow females to be members
The county settled with Gonzales because it knew she was right. Your protector, sheriff Villaneuva. Admitted Gonzales was right and said the department “should have listened to her.”
So even if your own sheriff admitted Gonzalez was right and you’re just making stuff up.
You sink so low to even blame Gonzalez’ attorney Greg smith for calling out the Banditos. Again, Greg Snith, was and is your sheriffs close adviser. Greg is very smart and very competent and got Gonzalez the settlement she deserved based on the Facts.
Your Facts are simply lies your own associates admit are lies
@anonymous Were you there? Probably not! You don’t know shit ! Only a few know the truth. All these attorneys use the same old lies to get paid.. Everyone knows that ! If you don’t , you obviously are not a deputy. So they find out someone is inked and bam , case is settled. Try asking her and not going by what her attorney says. You probably don’t even know her !
Keep up with the fake Banditos story line. Your lies are obvious. Keep attacking Greg Smith, a brilliant attorney, who won Rosa’s case by using actual facts.
You call Joel Flores a tenured sergeant who counseled Gonzalez when you know full well he admitted to being Bandito number 40, and couldn’t back up any of his lies.
As you know, you made up the story about Gonzalez’ tactics to cover up for you trying to get her killed through withholding of back up on her calls.
The Chief and Captain both admitted Gonzalez’ tactics were sound…. and Villaneuva later spoke out about your retaliation and emphatically stated Gonzalez was right
To be clear, Fact and Facts do not represent all members of the Banditos. In fact quite a large percentage of Banditos want nothing to do with you all, they are horrified by you and Muñoz and silverio and the rest of you for your over the top antics that brought a bad name to all of east la station not just the Banditos Muñoz is crying about how most east la deputies wanting nothing to do with him. You all pushed his way too far and you don’t learn as you keep at it.
Your audience is very small at this point, just as small as your petty and pathetic attacks on good cops like Gonzalez. Your anti police attitude is a not a good look.
@ Facts
You have your facts wrong. The “seasoned” sergeant, you mean Joel Flores Bandito #43 who threatened her?
Another example of when sloppy incompetence meets corruption. They couldn’t write her up. Radio traffic was pulled from the bus incident. Dispatch relayed the suspect ran away on foot and the victim would be waiting in front of the bus. It was a set up.
The field sergeant who was on duty at the time testified he found no tactical concerns to address.
The facts in her case were already established, confirmed and settled. The Bandidos behavior in years to follow validated Rosa’s allegations and has been an embarrassment to the Department nation wide.
Facts sounds like a hang around at Ela station and that’s a fact. By the way any person that throws names around freely needs to retire.
What @Facts said IS the truth! The county settled because a Bandito was involved in the first lawsuit and the county didn’t want to fight it! It is like when a deputy shoots someone the family (attorney) sues, they are given some hush money. There are a lot of details left out from the first lawsuit, and if you believe Rosa was removed from having a trainee over one incident you would be wrong too.
If Rosa and others wanted to sue for other reasons, maybe I could support it, but the FACT she’s suing with her attorney using Bandito references is 100% wrong. The actions of a few idiots are not a reflection of a whole group nor did people with a station tattoo single Rosa out because of their station tattoo and she knows it.
@vested party, your statement:
Have you spoken to Rosa since her time at ELA? She speaks highly of her years there and the people who mentored her. She never agreed with Guadalupe Lopez claim that females had to submit to sexual favors to get off training. She adamantly denies it, but does describe a meeting that was held with all ELA female deputies where some female deps admitted they weren’t forced but willingly submitted to sexual favors with their FTO’s voluntarily. Ill let the audience judge the impropriety in that.
You got one thing absolutely right. Rosa is not the type of person to back down especially if she is in the right.
You almost got this right, good to hear Rosa feels that way, she was treated good. This forced “sexual favors” was rumored to have happened with ONE T.O., not all of them, and that guy no longer works for the department and I will leave it there.
To your second statement, this is what started the problems for Rosa. When YOU THINK you are right all the time and argue with supervisors sometimes it does not go well for you.
How can we as an organization talk to subordinates??? Every critical incident SHOULD be debriefed. SEB does it all the time. When you have people who cannot admit they are wrong, when they are, it becomes a problem.
@vested party, supervisors who make decisions on deputy’s actions are rarely at the incident. The second Sergeant was brought in because that’s what supervisors do!
@anonymous, Small female with big balls huh? Grow up! Females don’t have balls! You have been an ELA hater on every story Celeste post.
Rosa Gonzalez has integrity. The other players are dirty. The end.
@vested check again, she was not a FTO at the time when those two incidents occurred. She was on the list and acting as a mentor and was not entitled to have a trainee. So with this point made, any validity to your claims get thrown out the window. Get your facts right before coming back with any more b/o info. So is it 40 or 43 ? You and that other clown remi rukas need to 911B and get your shit together ! Get your facts straight ! Nobody ever said Rosa was a bad cop period. She just didn’t like being corrected that night which resulted in her using they picked on me because I am a female. She also didn’t like the fact that a trainee was not assigned to her the next night, period. Oh yeah the other Sgt involved was not a Bandido so this has nothing to do with ink. Don’t see you clowns throwing his name out there.
@vested check again, she was not a FTO at the time when those two incidents occurred. She was on the list and acting as a mentor . So with this point made, any validity to your claims get thrown out the window. Get your facts right before coming back with any more b/o info. So is it 40 or 43 ? You and that other clown remi rukas need to 911B and get your shit together ! Get your facts straight ! Nobody ever said Rosa was a bad cop period. She just didn’t like being corrected that night which resulted in her using they picked on me because I am a female. She also didn’t like the fact that a trainee was not assigned to her the next night, period. Oh yeah the other Sgt involved was not a Bandido so this has nothing to do with ink. Don’t see you clowns throwing his name out there.
@ex Gold Star dishwasher you mean like the way they are throwing the Sgt’s name around. You are right !
@anonymous many Bandidos and it’s not Banditos …did not care for Munoz and his little minions that came after him He was a cancer along with Zarendin to East La Station. They both should have been transferred out and to blame for all the nonsense. Period. So you got it wrong partner. You obviously don’t get it. I never said she was a bad cop. She was a hard worker, trying to prove herself as a good cop, and sometimes was in over her head. We all have been there. That’s if you were a street cop. Did we make t stops with multiple occupants while working a single person car. Sure, was it the smartest thing , probably not. Scary when you are working in the southend when a detainee grabs you by the vests and tosses you and gets away. If you know , you know
Here is what I think happened. Rosa Gonzalez has been around bad players long enough to know the ins and outs of politics. She’s smart with a street cops intuition. Those broads at personnel were running a muck. They intended to make Rosa the fall guy. Rosa saw the writing on the wall, she wanted no part and files the grievance. Alex gets upset because it’s close to election and calls her grievance gossip. In comes the new administration who doesn’t know what’s going on promotes the regulator and the 924 who are in bed with Yvonne and they finish the hit job.
@facts Rosa’s ELA lawsuit is a done deal. That was 10 years ago. You can’t defend those clowns how many bandidos have been fired since Rosa left ELA?
The county doesn’t fork out millions on employment lawsuits. It is rare. Rosa got a million because she proved her case.
Joel Flores is #40.
@Ratas sit down you don’t know shit.
This right here:
“The facts in her case were already established, confirmed and settled. The Bandidos behavior in years to follow validated Rosa’s allegations and has been an embarrassment to the Department nation wide.”
@Facts that was a good question one of the folks had. Since the time Rosa left ELA 10 years ago, how many Bandidos have been terminated for unrelated incidents? My tally has the number at 16-20 members.
You can’t argue with the documented facts. She was right about ELA bro.
And of course this bandito stuff is all a distraction from a decade ago
What’s going on now happened at pab not ela and is not a Banditos thing
So why are we talking about Banditos now ?
The poor tactics in one night is bullshit. You are ignoring the results of the comprehensive analysis of the incidents. Her tactics were sound it was all documented there is nothing left to argue about. It was settled 10 YEARS AGO. Rosa is not a part of the Kennedy Hall lawsuit. Stick to the documented facts.
Rosa is a good person, she was a hard worker in the field and carries herself as a professional. She deserves respect for her courage and she should not be demoted. Again, look at the other players.
@Facts I was a trainee during the Zerendini vs Munoz beef. I did not make it off training and have since left the department. I remember seeing them go back and forth. Zerendini also told me one time don’t be like this punk while pointing at Munoz. It seemed like Zerendini would often call out Munoz too who wanted no part of it. I also overheard a few lieutenants at the time pull Zerendini aside while I set up briefing and it seemed as though they were cheering him on. I minded my business and tried to get off training so I didn’t get an opportunity to choose a side. I did however end up participating in that Christmas toy drive Zerendini put on in Cudahy. I got to meet Sheriff Villanueva. I ended up losing all interest in the job because I am older with a family and the workload at East La was too much.
I’ll just keep it short, some of you need to go back and read the current lawsuit! There are several pages and paragraphs talking about Bandidos, the history, etc. This is why we are commenting on here. If Rosa’s issue is with people at her unit, then keep it there. When her or the attorney put the Bandido info in 2nd lawsuit, well, this is why we are having the discussion.
@anoy and others, if you guys think Bandidos and those of us commenting are condoning Munoz’ actions, you are wrong! Zerendini WAS a good guy at one time, unfortunately he changed because of a few things.
@civilian now, sorry to hear about your outcome. It is sad it actually got to a point you feel you had to take a side. Most didn’t care about either side!
The problem with the Banditos bringing up the Banditos here with the same tired excuses and lies is you already lost that case on Gonzalez. Not that you have a better chance winning on the current case on O’Brien either. But just be aware the captain and the chief and the department and Villaneuva and the county already admitted the Banditos lost the case against Gonzalez.
@Ratas thank you. I got a great paying job and spend plenty of time with my family. I still back the badge and am proud I once wore it. For the record I was not Zerendinis trainee he treated me well and was helpful. I rarely interacted with Munoz and tried my best to avoid him lol
What do you mean by ” There are several pages and paragraphs talking about Bandidos, the history, etc. This is why we are commenting on here” the “We” you mean we Bandidos.
Why are we giving Zaredini so much attention. You know he thrives on it. . Dude will punk you if he could If he’s nice to you it’s because you have something he wants Could be anything.
@intheknow I was going off of his name being previously mentioned. Not sure what I had to offer him but like I mentioned he treated me well even through my struggles. Sounds to me like your issues with him are personal.
Bandidos are the type who grew up in the Barrio, levas who wanted to get jumped in but couldn’t hack it.
Those pussies couldn’t recognize and respect someone who rejected that lifestyle and beat the odds to be in a radio car. Keep your head up Rosa!
@anonymous obviously you didn’t read the current lawsuit. Her attorney starts off with something that happened 10 years ago at a different division and all about Bandido crap. Why not just stick to the facts of what happened at PAB. She probably has a good case. That’s why it was brought up. Did the county settle or did they actually take it all the way to trial ? Good question ..if they did settle, doesn’t always mean they were in the wrong. How many good shootings get settled ? Plenty .. if you have been there.
You are misinformed employment lawsuits are entirely different from civil rights lawsuits as they pertain to civilians. Gonzalez obtaining a substantial settlement in an employment lawsuit means the facts were heavily in her favor. It’s not uncommon for attorneys to provide a backstory especially as significant as Gonzalez previous settlement. She has become a whistle blower x2. The fact that she is a good employee gives her credibility. Not to mention the negative notoriety ELA Bandidos have brought upon themselves since she settled her claim.
It appears that you are displacing your anger and frustration at Gonzalez when it should be towards the Bandidos and the brazen corruption that has plagued the Department for too many years. We need to restore the name of the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department with the good self sacrificing deputies who make up the ranks. Re focus your mentality to support reform.
@Maverick Mitchell:
The problem is, the Banditos, Bandidos or whatever they want to call themselves aren’t the only issue here. This is bigger than “gangs”, “cliques”, “clubs” or whatever the current term LASD prefers to avoid ruffling feathers.
Both members of these groups and some who don’t associate with them climb the departmental rungs of executive rank…. but there are equally as significant or greater of issues that continue to plague the walls of LASD.
Issues continue to fester; while execs continue to promote in haste and retire as soon as they feel heat coming… it’s the departmental way. I literally cannot remember the last proactive executive within our ranks. Sure, a select few might’ve honored the merits of line staff who took initiative to address concerns on the front end…. but why is being proactive and honest so taboo now? Instead we promote yes men and people who lack common sense, but hey, they went 10-8 and have a degree…….. that must mean something……… right? (Insert eye roll here).
The ROD is sheer retaliation and if proven in court she will get another payout. I do believe she was in a damned if I do or dont situation from a reporting stand point but she decided to take on this battle. I believe she knew full and well the consequences of doing so. She had been there and done it already.
ELA was like Lennox, Century and Compton. You dont go there unless you are invited to train there or are willing to put up with the BS to fit in or be accepted by the clique.
While I don’t agree with the way the investigation was handled the LASD is gonna do what they want.
I have seen Deputies on Band 1 and Band 2 get passed over…
My point is, the LASD will do what they please when they please.
Gonzalez while she may think she was doing what was right, since when has the Dept operated in doing the right thing? And what made her think that she was gonna change things?
54 million in lawsuits speaks volumes about the LASD leadership and as an organization.
She is not the 1st nor the last that will deal with the LASD way of handeling problem employees or Whistleblowers.
The Banditos posting here are too obsessed with the Banditos
@maverick what’s upsets the hard working deputies is when lawyers fabricate and exaggerate in court and those suing, allow it. They know this creative writing sounds great in front of jurors and will make there case sound credible. You can read it in all the lawsuits. Same verbiage. A small group of bandidos got caught up in thinking the ink gave them power. Yes they made the station and department look bad. In other words, many of the hard working Deputies at East LA know a lot of the information is these lawsuits is exaggerated and some false. Talk to many deputies who are not inked and proud to have worked ELA. And not those who are suing ,got rolled up or trained by those mentioned.
Facts, you go girl, staying loyal to your Banditos.
You got to love all your criminal friends. Should we rattle off how many of your Banditos have been fired, indicted, suspended, etc for false police reports, excessive force, recklessly killing two kids, prohibited association with felons, stealing from suspects and residents, assaulting other deputies, etc.? Over ten in just 3 years. Good job!
What I find more upsetting is when a law enforcement agency “fabricates and exaggerates” the internal and judicial process to retaliate against an ethical employee who is just trying to do her job. What I find upsetting is that a group of deputies brought a bad name to the entire Department.
You continue to press the issue on Gonzalez. She proved her case in court 10 years ago. The bad tactics on one night excuse, did not pan out. Gonzalez justified her actions and showed she was railroad. Had the Department done something about the Bandidos in 2014 perhaps they would not of brought nation wide shame to LASD.
@Eating pop corn.
From speaking to people who know her, she sticks to her guns, to her convictions and doesn’t back down. She knew what she would face. In 2011 she made the mistake of thinking if she went to ELA worked hard and earned her place she would be respected and left alone.
Here is the truth! Dates and actions by the LASD Villanaka Administration.
Villan nueva was vile and a liar he ruined many careers. Luna inherited this bullshit but he is just another puppet for the BOS.
And you wonder why people are jumping off the sinking burning ship and swimming to Lacera. Nobody wants to put up with this BS anymore.
@Anonymous, I know that the former Mrs Sheriff & the VILLAN were very close to the ELA Bandidos. The Female Deputies called Vivian “Mommy” and did we forget the “reserved” seating at ELAC during the VILLAN’s swearing in ceremony. You can’t make this sh*t up!!!
The Vato’s and Chola’s … ola America que pasa chica
Eating Popcorn: This case is going to rock LASD and many people on command staff. Word has it other county and state agencies are gonna move forward with something, and are looking at other cases of retaliation. What exactly, who knows. But it doesn’t look good when millions of tax payer dollars are being wasted on pattern/practice retaliaion complaints. 10-23, this will be a distinct win for Gonzalez.
I was one of the people who applied for a job at personnel and received a copy of the grievance Sgt Gonzalez wrote. The grievance wasn’t gossip I appreciated Sgt Gonzalez reporting Capt O’Brien, many people appreciated Sgt Gonzalez. The investigators wanted us to call the grievance gossip but how could it be if Sgt Gonzalez reported it in writing. I told this to investigators.
Anyone see Creepy Cee lately?
@Anonymous. There you go with your bs lies. Remember females are not allowed to get inked but you are making a reference to a female for those two kids. Another female got ROD for supposedly stealing, yet you classify her as a Bandido. I guess everyone who worked ELA is a Bandido. You sound like a LA Times reporter or KnockLA . GTFOH
Since you are bringing Knock LA into the discussion we should all see what it is saying about Los Banditos
I stand corrected. Joel Flores is #40
When the Banditos are able to seize control of a station it means the problem is much deeper than the gang it self. There is complicity through silence. Corruption thrives due to the passivity of those who witness it but fail to act against it. Corruption becomes ingrained in the systems and that is why you have so much garbage associated with one station. Every deputy at the station wants to be accepted so they rally behind the Banditos whether they are a numbered member or not. It is crowd sheep psychology 101. Again Rosa Gonzalez has nothing to do with the Kennedy Hall incident, other than warning the Department about them 10 years ago. She has earned my respect, so there is only one question left to ask. Which one are you, a Bandito or just a sheep?
@Rakkasan ok Cereste Castle keeping classifying deps with tattoos as gang members. …@remi rukus sounds like you are one of those who didn’t get accepted at a station and probably couldn’t get off training.
I was interviewed by IAB investigators too. I was interviewed about a year after Sgt. Gonzalez made the grievance report. The same thing happened to me. All the questions were about Sgt Gonzalez. The investigators wanted me to call her report gossip. I also told them it wasn’t gossip. The investigators defended Capt. O’Brien and said she could hire who ever she wanted and Sgt. Gonzalez report was gossip. It is not true, Capt. O’Brien can not hire anyone she wants otherwise there would not be a hiring process and fair employment laws.
Facts, yes, girl, we all know females are not allowed to get official Banditos ink with a number. But we also know you personally have 4 Banditos tattoos but without the number and you hosted Banditos inking parties. As a Banditos associate you are aware that you while you are not an official member you are a Banditos associate. You mention a female associate getting indicted for stealing but also leave out the Banditos member who was caught stealing casino chips from a resident and lying about it. You also neglect to mention that a male member of the Banditos was fired for the decapitation and killing of the two kids in that reckless driving incident.
Don’t know what your point is but the facts are that over ten members and associates of the Banditos were caught engaging in illegal and other wrongful conduct.
So bs is called on your claims of bs lies.
And more importantly, your comments are irrelevant.
Let’s talk about your ela lady O’Brien. Over and over again for several years witnesses saw O’Brien commit fraud and reported her for fraud and every time there is no investigation into her and the witnesses are retaliated against.
We can all see there are many things wrong with this current business against Gonzalez. But let’s hear your story on how O’Brien is innocent this time around ?
Yes I suspect if the da or doj fully investigated this investigation, you’d have some of the players involved prosecuted and decertified through SB2.
Some of you still don’t understand the collective buffoonery it took to investigate and discipline Rosa Gonzalez.
It is a violation of the rights, pursuant to the California Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) to demand confidentiality to a Grievance.
She is protected by Government Code sections 3500-3511 which allows her the right to reach out to witnesses, and gather those who have suffered similarly to protect their rights
She is protected by the California Whistle Blower Protection Act. It is a state law that protects employees who report illegal activity.
She is protected by the first amendment right to free speech and association.
She is protected by the Peace Officers Bill of Rights Statute of Limitations
She is protected by LASD anti-retaliation policy
Then keep in mind the on going California Department of Justice investigation into unconstitutional discipline.
Yet the biggest blunder of all might be who LASD executives have chosen to protect Yvonne O’Brien
This is how legends are made. Hear me out. Karla Carranza ran for Sheriff without funds, she didn’t campaign but did good in the polls. Los Angeles County is ready for the first home grown female Hispanic Sheriff. Is Rosa Gonzalez interested in politics? Just sayin. She’s made a name for her self and has my attention. Board of sups hear me out.
Code-4 for sure we need to move on from the politician sheriffs
Do need someone who is pro cop like Gonzalez
@anonymous funny how much hate you have for ELA … you were probably one of the weak one who couldn’t get off training or wish they had gone to ELA but didn’t. Keep up with your made up bs …who cares about O’Brien. She was assigned there back in the late 90’s … who cares
@Anonymous from 8/30:
I think there is some flaw with the “pro cop” ideology. We have had leaders who were “pro cop”… and it didn’t turn out well. We don’t need “pro cop” or “pro this or that”. We need someone who is goal oriented at the helm that can recognize what’s not working within our ranks and how we do things nowadays.
We don’t need a pro or anti anything…. We need to learn from all the crap we’ve been and are currently going through… but the political elbow-rubbing allegiance tan and green continues to operate under will be our undoing.
I’m tired of hearing about cliques and tattoos; or how “good it used to be”. I’m tired of hearing about sleazy stories of infidelity within our department… we just need to change, and become the department we’re supposed to be.
The worthless Banditos will always be the worthless Banditos!! But what is crakn with the Chauffeured celebrity troll Vivian “Lopez” Villanada?? And that soup sandwich Murakami!!! What a joke
Facts, you have no credibility on the Banditos with your 4 Banditos tattoos and hosting the inking parties
We get your loyalty to the Banditos. But it’s time to let it go.
Let it go. You say you don’t care about O’Brien ? You’re okay with the years of fraud?
@anonymous more credibility than you think. And this is not who you think it is. She would say if it was her and it’s not. Let the department handle O’Brien that is why Luna is there now that Villanueva is gone. Bandidos is an old news but people like you continue to bring it up and tarnish our dept by claiming deputies are gang members. So let it go girl.
Deputies are not gang members. The Banditos adopted the chicano street gang culture and brought a bad name to themselves and the Department. Because of the Banditos other non-nefarious station groups on the Department are paying the consequences.
You lost credibility when you decided to bring up the failed excuse of one night of bad tactics. Rosa Gonzalez proved her case. The county and Alex Villanueva already admitted Rosa was right. Banditos should just admit they fucked up. What the Banditos did in the years that followed the Rosa Gonzalez case is on them. Banditos have no one to blame for the bad press but themselves.
Now back to the present topic and Luna’s failed leadership. Rosa should of never been placed under investigation for forwarding a grievance to employees who had the right to read it. Everything about this investigation and discipline indicates a cesspool of cowards and corruption. The Department is trying to destroy a good hard working woman’s career.
Nice try anonymous.
Facts is exactly the person identified, Banditos associate, female so she can’t get a tattoo with a number, but she got 4 tattoos without the numbers. She hosted Banditos inking Parties. Right after av promoted her to sergeant she went iod to work on his campaign and was by Vivian’s side.
Two Banditos are currently under indictment by the da as is one associate. One Bandito is about to be disciplined for stealing casino chips and lying. Another Bandito was recently Fired for his role in killing 2 kids. Another Bandito was recently suspended for prohibited association with a felon. So hardly old news on the Banditos. This is not old news. What’s old news is Facts trying to revive are lies by Banditos from several years ago.
From what I understand it is O’Brien and her associates who are front and center in this retaliation against Gonzalez, not Banditos.
So here are the facts: She is the woman who rolled O’Brien because she got a little too close to the VILLAN. We can all pin the dots together !!!
@ruckus Way off. Bandidos had nothing to do the night of her bad tactics as you referred to as. As I stated, her first lawsuit began with two Sgt’s and one who is inked. Plain and simple and she ran with the Bandido issue. I guess you forgot about the Executioners , 3000 boys , just to name a few all over the news as well. Yeah there a few Bandidos that screwed it up but I’m sure if you are a deputy you know a handful and probably work with them.
@anonyomous your fascination with Liz is obvious. Let it go, She must have really hurt your feelings.
@facts Rosa was given the heads by a Bandito that she would be set up. After that one night another Bandito in the top 10 told her they fucked up and they would “fix it”. Rosa felt betrayed, pissed, she gave them the finger and stuck to her guns. The Banditos were behind it. Those are the real facts.
@facts Joel Flores accused Rosa of hazing the trainee and of bad tactics on one night. The actual sergeant on duty testified Rosa’s tactics were good he found no issues. The only one who thought there was a problem with bad tactics and hazing was #40 Joel Flores. All of a sudden Joel is concerned with hazing GTFOH!
[…] tiene un caso causó controversia dentro de la fila. Aunque el departamento intenta disciplinar a decenas de agentes cada trimestre, […]
[…] case has sparked controversy within the ranks. Though the department seeks to discipline dozens of deputies each quarter, a […]
[…] case has sparked controversy within the ranks. Though the department seeks to discipline dozens of deputies each quarter, a […]
The LA Times misses the depth of fuckery it took to call whistle blowing gossip.
@ela2 ok Ben …by the way are you referring to Munoz as top 10. GTFOH with your BS. You probably weren’t even there. I was. So there.
A Sergeant drags his wife by the hair down Beverly Hills public sidewalk which is captured on camera and gets arrested but gets promoted to lieutenant not demoted. Rosa is accused of spreading rumors which is not a policy violation in itself and is facing demotion.
Facts keep to your fantasy that over ten Banditos caught in crimes and other wrongdoing in last few years is “just a few”
Again, the Banditos obsession here is odd. Are you trying to distract from misdeeds of O’Brien?
So funny reading all these posts from Banditos who lost the case to Rosa Gonzalez. You lost long ago. And now you want to resurrect it by giving the same arguments that failed the first time
Meanwhile O’Brien, widely known as the most corrupt in the department, happily focuses on her future promotion to commander, while once again ducking any scrutiny
Hilarious that arballo told la times that she’s “frustrated” and that Gonzalez’ allegations were proven false. Uh, no. You can’t prove something is false if you don’t investigate it.
Gonzalez grievance still not heard 3 years later. Iab investigators were given orders to intentionally not investigate the cheating on the lts exam and not a single witness to the cheating was ever interviewed about the cheating scandal. Any claim by LASD they investigated it is a lie.
For those who don’t exactly know what a Skelly hearing is
From the Law Firm of Simas & Associates
Bill Handle joined the conversation on the intent to demote Rosa Gonzalez.
Any update, it’s headed to one month since the Skelly. It doesn’t appear to be typical for a Skelly decision.
Sergeant Gonzalez said I’ll raise you your gossip bullshit and double down with the media.
I believe her! NO CAP!!!! BAH ha ha ha ha!!!!!
Celeste, any update on what they are doing to Rosa Gonzalez? From what I’ve read here it seems they are boxed in on the department breaking the law under the peace officers bill of rights, going way past the deadline. 3 years ? How do they get out from under that, never mind the issue of them pretending that all whistle blowing is gossip ! I can’t wait to see if they double down on their corruption or if they retract it and apologize!
Editor’s note,
Thanks for the question, Anonymous. I’m presently in West Glacier, Montana, BUT I plan to have an update at the end of the week. So, stay tuned.
@anonymous keep up with your bs on all these Bandidos getting arrested…you must have been a roll up from ela….