Elections '08 Presidential Race


For one incautious millisecond this morning in an interview with St. Louis KTRS Radio,
prominent McCain/Palin surrogate and former HP CEO, Carly Fiorina said what she really thought.

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No, Carly, she’s running for Vice President of the United States with the very real possibility that she could become the President of the United States, which—-correct me if I’m wrong, girlfriend—-is a teensy bit more complicated, more problem fraught, and MORE FREAKING IMPORTANT than running Hewlett-Packard!

Fiorina tries to recover in a later interview with MNBC. Newsflash, babe, it ain’t working.


  • Carly Fiorina, who left Hewlett Packard with a $42 million package after the board and shareholders forced her out for screwing the company up, knows of what she speaks when she talks about people not being equipped to be CEO of a Fortune 500 company.

    Fiorina cares about capital gains and upper-income taxes being cut – that’s it. And de-regulation. Core Republican values…she’d defend a blow-up doll for President if it was running on that agenda.

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