LAPD LASD Law Enforcement Sheriff Lee Baca

Long Beach Chief Jim McDonnell Will NOT Run for Sheriff Against Lee Baca

We’d been hearing the rumors for weeks, that after a long exploratory period in which Long Beach Chief of Police Jim McDonnell seriously considered running for Los Angeles Sheriff against Lee Baca, he was now in the process of deciding against the run.

Tuesday night it became official. Chief McDonnell will not be running for Los Angeles Sheriff. The LA Times broke the news early Tuesday evening, and here’s some of what the Times wrote:

Long Beach Police Chief Jim McDonnell announced Tuesday evening that he will not be challenging Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca in next year’s election.

McDonnell, a well respected former top LAPD official, had been considering running for several months. If he had run, he would have been the most formidable challenger to face Baca since he became sheriff some 15 years ago.

In an interview with The Times, McDonnell said he made his decision over the weekend, after considering how much time it would take to raise funds. He said that task would have taken him away from his family and his duties in Long Beach.

“It would have been a year and a half ahead of me of fundraising and politicking,” said McDonnell, who served on the blue ribbon panel that blasted Baca for allowing a culture of abuse to form inside the nation’s largest jail system.

Now, the only definite challengers Baca faces are a little-known LAPD officer, Lou Vince, and a retired sheriff’s lieutenant, Patrick Gomez, who has run two failed campaigns before. Paul Tanaka, the controversial undersheriff who Baca recently pressured to step down, is also considering a run.

I called McDonnell myself right after the news broke. When he called back, he repeated some of what he told the Times, but elaborated a bit.

“Oh, it was a number of things,” he said. “And I was torn for a long time. I’d find myself thinking about it in the middle of the night.” But although he really tempted, he said, he meet with the requisite consultants, “and they outlined for me just how much money I’d have to raise.” What he need for a serious run, McDonnell said, was $2.4 million before the primary, and another $2.4 after. “Basically $5 million.”

McDonnell said he also took a hard look at what this kind of campaign and fundraising necessities would do to his ability to do the job he already has, namely heading the Long Beach Police Department, and also what the combination of present job and election would do to his family life.

“My two kids are coming home for the summer,” he said. (McDonnell has a 21 and a 23 year old, both ages that suggest that the summers during which they are likely hang out at home with mom and dad are fleeting. And McDonnell is an ardent family guy.)

Plus, he said, there are other things: He is the President of the LA County Chiefs and chair of the POST Commission (The statewide Commission on Peace Officers Standards & Training). “And I take those things seriously.” Of course, these positions were in no way deciding factors, but they too helped tilt the scale, at least a little.

Mostly, McDonnell said, it was the spector of a year and a half of non-stop politicking and asking for money that caused him to have a stern conversation with himself, which ultimately led him to reluctantly decide against the run.

So how does Chief McDonnell feel now that he’s decided?

“I’m relieved.” Meaning it was a relief to have it settled, he said. But, McDonnell also admitted that the relief is bitter-sweet, that he would have really enjoyed the challenge of leading the LASD, should the stars have so aligned.

“It helps that I’m working at a great job. Long Beach has been very good to me. And I really enjoy what I’m doing.” Thus he wants to make sure he continues to do right by the folks he serves.

And yet, and yet….as the very well-liked former Assistant Chief of the LAPD, second in command under Bill Bratton, and now the well-liked Chief of the Long Beach PD, McDonnell is nationally known and respected and, as the Times notes, he would have been a formidable challenger. Moreover, the fact that he was twice shortlisted for the job of LAPD chief makes clear that he is a man with an interest in running a big, complicated department. One assumes that interest has not altogether gone away.

The race between McDonnell and Baca would have been extremely interesting.

Sadly that interesting race is not to be.


  • This is heartbreaking as I and many other Departmental management insiders were hoping McDonald would throw his hat in the ring. With just a couple of exceptions, there is not one of my peers or above who I would support for Sheriff. I would gladly support them for retirement. I’m afraid Gomez and the LAPD officer are not “formidable” candidates, no disrespect intended.

    I think McDonald is looking way too much into the money and campaigning issues, not that it will be a cake walk. But this is such a unique opportunity for the right law enforcement candidate. Baca has done everything possible by his demonstrated performance, incompetence, exceptional mismanagement, corruption and absenteeism from the helm of LASD, that a good, solid candidate like McDonald could wipe the floor with Baca. Baca, in his own words and actions could be played over and over in commercials to show the voting public what a loon he is and what a horrible and unethical Sheriff he has been. We all know the story. This really would not be that difficult of a campaign.

    With McDonald out of the picture, I would seriously recommend Bob Olmsted to throw his hat in the ring. Bob is a man of integrity and he has shown the voters of LA County what he is made of. His absolute courage to take on the system and expose to all what an utter failure Baca has been as Sheriff took some serious backbone. “Quit reelecting me,” could be a campaign slogan you could hang your hat on. Without a viable candidate, Baca may very well win by default and that would be a shame. LASD employees, Southern California law enforcement and LA County residents deserve much better.

  • Jim McDonnell is smart not to run and for the right reasons. Perhaps the Feds will take Baca out & the Board of Sups will get to appoint him as Sheriff, it’s his only realistic chance. The electorate is generally uninformed, the executives unfortunately unwilling to stand against their ineffective and tarnished leader and I as a fiercely proud former member of LASD feel real shame and white hot anger.

  • Consarnit!

    Straight Skinny, I agree! Draft Olmstead! The few times I’ve had the pleasure to talk with him at length about the issues facing the department have left me feeling inspired.

    Please, Lord, don’t let this be a Baca and Tanaka race. That’s like picking between Stalin and Khrushchev.

    Can the US Attorney DO something already???

  • Let NOT your heart be troubled as I read in my Bible! We have a long way to go and a lot can happen between now and election day! Baca can be beat! I recall a pol that showed that Baca only had 11% of the vote in the race against Block.

    I’m no longer a ALADS member but wouldn’t it be a great idea for ALADS to have a ‘Confidence Vote’ on dear ol’ Baca?

  • I was looking forward to voting for McDonald, but apparently he does not have “ganas,” call it will, ambition or whatever, too bad. Bob Olmstead would be a wonderful choice, but I don’t believe he would run.

  • The entire latest ALADS Dispatcher (which arrived in my mailbox yesterday) dealt with contract issues and the usual discipline dodging and political musings. I didn’t (and haven’t) seen any leadership from them on these issues, with pretty much any acknowledgment of this massive elephant in the room of absent department leadership being of the usual ‘don’t blame the deputies’ and ‘everyone’s a critic’ variety. I wouldn’t hold your breath for ALADS showing us the way.

  • Chief McDonnell is a great man. When the LAPD fiasco of naming a new chief was let’s say thwarted the rank and file were furious. I’ve never ever heard anyone say anything negative about Chief McDonnell. He truly is a family man, commuity oriented and cares so much about those less fortunate. He has the biggest heart and the highest morals and ethics. Its a great loss to LASD however, I think we will be seeing a lot more of Chief McDonnell. Who knows maybe he can come now that Villar is out and be LAPD Chief.

  • ALADS and PPOA are SO politically motivated, they are in the bag with Tanaka and Baca at levels the average member cannot even comprehend. ALADS did support Masse when he ran, but that decision was made at the Director’s level with a much different board makeup.

    If ALADS and PPOA truly had “their membership” in their hearts, and not their wallets, they would do two things. As suggested above, have an honest and open “Vote of Confidence,” presented to all of their membership. Secondly, they, as union organizations, should come out loud, boldly and very publicly, regarding the long term unethical conduct of Baca’s administration, his executive command staff, management and supervisors who have subscribed to the Tanaka Cigar Club mentality, the Baca Philosophical Moonbeam Club and the overall State of the Department. Tainted investigations because the Subject’s were “in the club,” or cases simply overlooked, the overall morale and heartbreaking divides between the overwhelming employees who are hard working, ethical and just want an opportunity to promote or land great assignments based on their work ethic (and these folks are the Have-not’s) versus the minority slugs, bullies and suck asses who dominate every unit and are encroaching into the supervisory, management and middle management ranks because they sold their soul, payed to play and rolled cigars for the little man (they are unfortunately the Have’s).

    Sunlight will expose all of this, if the unions come out of the closet and truly “represent” their membership, novel concept, eh? The membership of both unions need to drive this train and remember, their board members are “elected,” and can be recalled at anytime. I am no longer represented by either group as they do not represent my classification so there is not much I can do but carefully suggest things to my people. ALADS and PPOA, you folks should take a hard look at LAPD’s PPL. they would not put up with this crap for a minute. Full page LA Times adds and media events is their style for such situations. This is not political, it is ethical and the future of LASD.

  • With all the undeserved and illegal firings going on, one would think ALADS would be on the offensive to make change. They’re too busy patting themselves on the back for the 6% that everyone and their mothers got. That took ZERO work by the way!!! Alads is truly worthless!!!

  • #11. Remember that MONEY is the #1 priority to the Top Brass/ALADS/PPOA. I attended a fundraiser today at STARS and saw many of my former co-workers participating and donating for a very important cause. I don’t think I have seen so much camaraderie since being deployed over seas in the U.S. Military back in the mid 90’s.

    It was very refreshing to see this as opposed to the low morale these past few years among deputies. Difficult to believe these were law enforcement officers, I remember being around years ago. I am really going to miss that part of LASD.

  • I don’t share J London’s optimism, but that doesn’t mean I don’t admire it (and him). I feel like unless Baca and Tanaka are indicted by the feds, they both will run and Baca will win again.

  • Minus the Feds indicting him, Leroy D. Baca will be reelected. Sad but true. Get used to the idea.
    I would love nothing more than to be wrong. I just don’t see it happening.

  • We have heard it many times, “Bob Olmsted for Sheriff”.. if he runs he is going to need lots of support, and that means not just votes…many fundraisers etc etc. If those of you who have blogged and read the blogs for the past two years are serious about change, then we really need to let Bob know we support him in every way.

  • If it’s Bob Olmsted, Ron Williams, Ray Leyva or Pat Gomez any of them will have my support. For now Pat Gomez is the only one with the ‘ganas’ to step up! I got to give it to Pat, he’s got a pair!

    As for campaigning Baca will have his butt boys out snitching on anything and everyone who opposes him (Baca.) Good! I’m ready!!

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