International Politics

Keep Reading…..In Solidarity


The LA Times reports that eight hundred of Benazir Bhutto’s supporters were arrested
outside the Pakistani parliament, with more demonstrations, more violence, and more arrests expected.

Yet, another check in with Pakistani bloggers gives you information you won’t find in the U.S. papers.

At Teeth Maestro, you’ll find messages for and from student organizers:

Wear black or yellow arm bands to voice your silent statement which is very effective in rallying for a democratic pakistan and lifting the imposed martial law

– To ensure all police and armed forces’ and brutality against students and demonstrators are documented and publicized, invite the electronic media to all student-organized rallies

– Build a network with students at every univeristy in Pakistan andorganize rallies on campus at same timings across the country

– Make a unified strong statement using placards, wearing arm bands and handing out car stickers for a democratic pakistan without martial law.

And while I was writing this post, Metroblogging Karachi put up their post—and photos—about a protest that was just forming.

And don’t forget to check the others:

Democracy and Freedom

Metroblogging Lahore

All Things Pakistan


  • No, you’re just against government control when being against it helps terrorists, as anything is better than Bush succeeding in his fight against them. That’s not a matter of supporting freedom. It’s a matter of hating our President.

  • “when being against it helps terrorists”

    Also, you forgot to add that liberals are against government control when it prevents them from doing drugs, having adulterous and/or gay sex, and otherwise living like irresponsible hippies who not only hate our President, but also spread AIDS and hate Jesus.

    (Celeste, it’s great to see you’ve inherited this transplanted troll from Marc Cooper’s site–and the corresponding “elevated” level of discourse. Thanks for serving as the new host for Marc’s former parasite.)

  • Dear “not Pat”, I was at Marc Cooper’s long before you, and it is your type that drives off conservatives, just like liberals regularly do, from schools, churches, and blog sites. So, who is really the troll or parasite? Why don’t you stay over there where you took over rather than try to take over yet another site? You now have a mutual admiration society at Marc’s with little disagreement and with little substance–if that’s what you consider “elevated discourse.”

  • “Why are liberals for individual freedom in other lands but for more government control in our own?”

    The ‘discourse’ in this thread started in the gutter, and is now in the storm drain.

    Your comment is more like “flamebait” than a “troll”, really. Designed to start a flame war.

  • To say something more ‘on topic’, Musharraf’s claims about cracking down on Islamic radicals are transparently bogus; the people he’s been silencing and arresting are the really the targets of the Islamic radicals and other nuts.

  • Kevin, you and Pat have taken the attacks to a rather personal level–and put them in the gutter, perhaps. As usual, attack the person rather than defend your positions. How weak.

  • Enough, guys!!!

    Back to a topic, ANY topic.

    “Did too!” “Did not!” “Did too!” “Did not!” etc.—or words to that effect, ad infinitum, does not qualify as discourse.

    And, I don’t give a damn who started it. Please be grown up enough to stop it. Ya BASTA!


  • That game sure doesn’t have the importance it looked like it might have earlier in the season. I bet USC thumps Cal pretty good.

  • What Kevin said.

    Obviously, neither team is having a very cheery season. But the Trojans’ll take this one by a good margin—barring anything truly strange. Not that it matters all that much, sadly. Stanford was bad luck and bad decisions. Pete Carroll has to have convincing win. I believe that’s what will happen.

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