Elections '08 Presidential Race

Inconclusive Tuesday


Vote-Zilla has come and gone. Clinton took New York and California
including delegate-rich Los Angeles. and the majority of the Latino vote. In addition to his other wins, Obama snatched the majority in the whitebread states of Idaho, Utah, Idaho, Kansas, and Minnesota.

Everybody claimed that they’ve got the Big Mo
— including Mike Huckabee.

Mitt Romney mostly claimed that nothing should be claimed.

CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin claimed that, “If you’re Mit Romney the best you can say is that you’ve got great hair.”

It’s going to be a very long election season.

PS: One of my students wrote me that, according to her reporting,
most of the college-age Republicans she interviewed wouldn’t mind seeing a Democrat in the White House, as long as that Democrat was Barack Obama. Is that a sign? Oh, who knows. But I’d like to think so.

PPS: Blogfather Marc Cooper points to upbeat-on-Obama takes by Mark Kleiman and Andrew Sullivan. For my money, Klieiman in particular has it right.


Photo from the AP


  • Jeeez…LA…whats up ? Your Dems are more backward-looking than Missouri’s ? I’m not too pleased with California overall – despite his pulling up ten points in a few weeks, but at least we won our CD and our county.

  • …most of the college-age Republicans she interviewed wouldn’t mind seeing a Democrat in the White House, as long as that Democrat was Barack Obama. Is that a sign?

    …a sign of indoctrination or stupidity or that Republican means something else in California. Obama is much more liberal and radical than is Hillary Rodham. His redeeming value at this time is that he may make it possible for us to dispose of her early.

  • Actually Woody he isn’t. Which you’d know if you used your so-called brain and looked at their positions. Only place where that would be true would be on Iraq and he and Hil have both voted to fund the war without conditions since serving in the Senate together.

    But Obama does fufill the conditions that Drew Weston writes about in his book “The Political Brain.” which posits the theory that people don’t choose leaders based on their stands on the “Issues” but on a gut-level feeling about their “Character.” And here he is in a class by himself which is why Frank Luntz told Bill Maher that the GOP knows how to beat Hillary but has no clue and would be beaten by Barack.

    As to the GOP it sure looks like McCain – thanks to Winner-takeall. And he will secure the nomination and lose the general in one fell swoop by basing his campign on Iraq and obeissence to the hard right. See what he does this week at NCPAC. Unless the Dems are brain-dead (always a possibility) they will wrap Bush, Iraq, and the Wingers around his neck like the albatross around the Ancient Mariner. Obama can obviously do this better. But Clinton could as well.

    Difference could be winning 51 – 49 and winning in a landslide with coattails.

  • Evidence of same. He drew 14,000 plus in Boise (see below). I doubt if there are 14,000 Dems in Idaho!

  • Evidence of same. He drew 14,000 plus in Boise (see below). I doubt if there are 14,000 Dems in Idaho! Also the Dems are outdrawing the GOP this year in the primaries by 2 -1. So their is a definite enthusiasm gap which Obama can exploit.

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