LASD Sheriff Lee Baca

Don’t run again, Sheriff Baca…Says the LA Times

On Sunday, the LA Times editorial board called for Sheriff Lee Baca not to run again.

They made their collective opinion crystal clear.

What is the point? they asked. With four terms and nearly sixteen years in office, does Baca really need a fifth term considering the staggering line-up of scandals that has occurred under his watch?

Here’s a clip:

Lee Baca has been Los Angeles County sheriff for nearly 16 years, and the last five have brought an extraordinary cascade of scandals that have exposed the dismal state of the department and the jails he runs. As a new election season begins, Baca should make the best of a bad situation and announce that he will not seek reelection in 2014. Instead, he should focus his attention on reforming the department while clearing the field so that candidates will step forward to run for his job.

What possible argument is there for a fifth term for Baca? Evidence that sheriff’s deputies regularly beat inmates in the jails is mounting, and a wide-ranging federal investigation has been launched, including an FBI probe into criminal wrongdoing.

Give somebody else a chance the Times argued, pointing out that it is nearly unheard of for an incumbent sheriff not to carry the day.

It is extremely difficult for an outside candidate to raise the money or build the campaign organization necessary to unseat an incumbent. In fact, at least since 1932, no incumbent L.A. County sheriff has ever been unseated. If Baca were to announce that he would not run again, it would open up the field and make a credible race by a credible candidate much more likely.

Thus far, however, the sheriff has indicated that he has every intention of running, and he is reportedly already busily fundraising.

Thus the editorial adds:

Even if Baca remains in the race, we hope that a competent, experienced challenger will step forward to run a serious campaign against him.

Of course, as luck would have it, it appears that just such a serious dark horse candidate is on the verge of declaring.

(Likely by the end of this week, or early next, to be precise.)

And, while it’s true that no one has unseated an uncumbent sheriff since 1932, these are not usual times in the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department.

As the Times points out in another story, U.S. Attorney Andre Birotte met with the editorial board last week, at which time he said he expected that the federal investigation into alleged brutality in the jails would be wrapped up by the end of the year.

Moreover, according to our sources (and the Times sources, as well), the investigation into the jails is only one part of what the feds are aggressively probing. The FBI also has a string of still-expanding investigations into corruption elsewhere in the department.

As to what indictments might result, and how high those indictments could go…? All this remains to be seen.

But, while he has declined to be specific, Birotte has implied in recent press interviews that he doesn’t expect to do all this investigating without it leading to some meaningful indicting.

Again, these are not usual times.

So how about it, sheriff? If you stopped after four terms, you’d have the time needed to really promote your model program EBI Education Based Incarceration) on a state level. Heaven knows the CDCR could use some firm nudging toward a real committment to rehabilitation. Heck, why not become the national advocate for important programs like EBI that could help reform America’s incarceration strategy? That seems, after all, to be where your heart is, right?

Give somebody else a chance to run the LASD.

It’s time.

Original, pre-Photoshopped photo from Zev Yaroslavsky’s blog.


  • Baca, the writing is on the wall….the L.A. Times, Witness L.A. and the unknown dark horse (Todd Rogers) are doing what you have done to the only real Sheriff, they are giving you a hint to finesse you out. You are truly not of sound mind to lead this organization. You have shown your true colors that you can care less about police work and care more about social work. You have managed to be fiscally irresponsible and continuously waste taxpayers monies. Don’t embarrass yourself or the department, just leave.

    Tanaka for Sheriff 2014….

  • The “Pay to Play” system was perfected by Baca and unfortunately, Olmstead, Tanaka and Rodgers were active participants. Mr. Enough, you trying to shift the blame solely on Tanaka is very suspect and more than likely self serving. Lets not shift blame. BACA is the person who cultivated this problem, not the three mentioned above.

    By the way, I want to commend Bob Olmstead for not accepting the Sheriff’s open “Pay to Play” invitation when this Jail Scandal broke. You know, the one where the Sheriff invited him back out of retirement to be a “Consultant”. This was done to lure Bob back to possibly have a shot in becoming the Custody Division Chief in exchange for keeping quiet.

    Pay – I’ll make you Chief
    Play – Give me your loyalty and keep quiet

    Bob, knowing the sand of Huntington Beach was alot more lucrative, harshly declined. A complete SLAP in the face to Baca! OUTSTANDING! I will always respect Bob for that, even though he was retired when it happened. But, guess what? Now several of those “retired guys” are after Baca’s job and one of them will be sitting in his office on Ramona Boulevard in 2014. So, please, stop deflecting blame and tell it like it really is.

    Baca, take the LA Times advice and step down, or else you will be stepped on next year!

  • Sorry, my post referenced another commenter on another blog subject. I’m sure he’ll comment again.

    Anyways, yes LA TIMES:

    The Sheriff must Go!!!!!!!!!!

  • Can’t wait for Tanaka to finally speak out and answer
    All the lies that have been said about him. The man has ALOT of support and he will be our next Sheriff.

    Deal with it!

  • “Lee Baca has been Los Angeles County sheriff for nearly 16 years, and the last five have brought an extraordinary cascade of scandals that have exposed the dismal state of the department and the jails he runs. As a new election season begins, Baca should make the best of a bad situation and announce that he will not seek reelection in 2014. Instead, he should focus his attention on reforming the department while clearing the field so that candidates will step forward to run for his job.”

    So true. Keep reforming the department and clean your office out while your at it. We’ve had enough. I can’t wait till this campaign gets going and the mud underneath Baca’s Boot is exposed.

    Also, Mr. James Carter, I see you are a Tanaka supporter, as I may be soon. But remember, Social Work is a critical element of Police Work. Please don’t lose sight of that.

    Tanaka or Gomez for Sheriff in 2014!

    By the way, I hear a certain union president is now entering the Pay to Play scheme. Is it true?

  • Tanaka was also mentioned in the editorial and he(Tanaka) also must go! Many of the wits have already been interviewed and all put Baca and Tanaka in the same place and time. The jail scandal has placed nearly all the responsibility on Tanaka. I don’t see how Tanaka won’t be indicted. Ask yourself; if the FBI came to you and offered you your freedom from prosecution in exchange for pointing the finger at the real culprit (Tanaka) would you risk your family and security for Tanaka? Of course you wouldn’t! There are just too many wits and verifiable evidence not to prosecute! Remember also that Baca has been interviewed and does anyone believe that Baca took any responsibility? Baca couldn’t wait to throw up all over Tanaka! Use your experience; this is what gangsters do!
    We as a Department of dedicated men and women can not endure this chaos much longer. Everywhere we go there is a sense that if we don’t get a true leader soon that our beloved LASD will only sink lower. For generations our critics have rightfully complained that Law Enforcement, in general, must get cleaned up! Agree or not the King incident forced us to look at the way we treat our communities. What we didn’t foresee was Block’s stubbornness to run while near death, Baca’s ruthless ambition to allow Stonich, Waldie and Tanaka ruin LASD all under the nose of the BOS!
    The ‘Dark Horse’ is a strong candidate and can unseat Baca! I sense that either the ‘Dark Horse’ or Pat Gomez will win. I don’t see a maniacal ego, like Baca, to do what is right and resign!
    Todd Rogers is not the ‘Dark Horse.’


  • I hear that Law Suits are piling up against the Sheriff like a stack of pan cakes. Word has it they had to cut a hole in the ceiling at Risk Management in order to accommodate the pile. How much money will it cost to settle them? I hear the Sheriff has ordered NOT to settle any law suit until after the election. Is that true? Smart move. We wouldn’t want the Tax Payers to know the TRUTH about wasteful government.

    Celeste, can you look into that?

    Kudos to the LA Times!

  • J. London :

    You have lost all credibility with me. You are a 4th Floor deflector who is trying to shift the blame of this mess on A subordinate.. No one knows what the grand jury holds in their hands, but if I were a betting man Id place my bet on Baca. Who is the LEADER of this debacle? Who continues to make unethical, self serving, unjust, and criminal decisions? Yes…you got it: Baca.

    By the way, who do you think is the equivelant to Federal Inmate Sheriff Michael Carona in OC?

    Hmmm? Time will tell.

    Get Baca out!!

  • The Dark Horse candidate that WLA is speaking about in this is NOT Todd Rogers. Keep the faith folks. The candidate is a man of exceptional integrity and you will be proud and honored to support him. His number one priority will be to restore the honor and dignity of LASD. Timing is everything and it is time for real change. If you want to support Baca and Tanaka, that is your prerogative. But you are supporting four more years of the last sixteen years. A culture of corruption, evilness, incompetence, pay for play, Cigar Club mentality, scandals and FBI investigations.

    Are we not better than this? Are you not tired of all this? It will be your choice. There will be an opportunity for you to help and support a sheriff you will be proud to work with and for. That is not the scenario we have now. It’s your choice, it’s our LASD. As Celeste stated, the announcement will be late this week or early next.

  • Tombstone Courage applies to careers as well. Baca truly thinks he has made this a better department and a great place to work. All that said, there is a lot of work left to do folks. It is going to get political and nasty and guess what? Some of us are going to have to surface for our candidates.

    Keep your hands and feet inside th vehicle because its about to get intense. Lets keep in perspective that the Cubs may win a World Series before we unseat our incumbent. They get a crack at it every year as opposed to our four year ride…

    To everyone doing the lords work, regardless of politics, keep coming home safe. I don’t think we say that enough in here. At the end of the day, it’s about getting this family back together.

    Now back the regularly scheduled ABB 2014.

  • The dark horse isn’t Rodgers. He thinks lawsuits are a spineless solution while ranking up for silence is appropriate. An election would require him to get dirty and take a few punches. He is not a scuffed up boots kind of guy.

  • Hey #9 – Didn’t Obama run on Change???

    So8unds like you like change and I can assume that you voted for Obama!

    Tanaka is the next SHERIFF ion 2014.

    We don’t need change we need a leader who’s going to fight crime and fight the ACLU!!!

  • Kudos to the LA Times regarding the editorial. It was truly REFRESHING to see them take the stance they did. When the leader of the largest Sheriff’s Department in the world says he cares more about the people of LA County than HIS people on the Department, there is a leadership disconnect that needs some attention. 

    In NO WAY do I mean any negativity to the people of LA County.  I was born and raised here and absolutely love LA!. I have gladly dedicated my life to serving the people of this fine County. But like parents with children, Baca should not have said that. It is similar to choosing one child over another. A leader who realizes his duty to both would never pit the two against each other!  Although I also did hear him say he would rather fire the whole lot of us (sworn personnel) and build up the Department all over again. Sure “boss,”  Go ahead Let’s see how that works for you.
    JD — you are absolutely right. We need to keep positive and realize the value of all personnel; every last person needs to stay safe, do the best they can each day and make it home. And you are right, too, the Dark Horse is not Rogers.  He did give that option away upon promotion to A/S.  I wonder if he ever thought “it” was going to hit the fan like it has most recently? 

  • The caption at the caption written on Baca’s picture at the top of this thread is somewhat intriguing.
    “After four terms is it time to give someone else a chance”?
    The question would lead one to believe that WLA hasn’t decided whether or not it’s time for a new sheriff.
    Is that the case Celeste?

  • If you are at The Federal Detention Center awaiting trial can you still be sworn in as sheriff?

  • Reform: Good question and you need not change your sign in name. Do you truly believe that Baca didn’t roll over on Tanaka? Why would so many Department people risk their careers and livelihoods and give untrue statements to the jail commission? Of course Baca is going to blame Tanaka. What else would you expect from two suspects? Baca and Tanaka are two hoodlums that got caught and not there’s no more love between them anymore. If you were Tanaka wouldn’t you blame Baca? And if you were Baca wouldn’t you blame Tanaka? That’s my point! Baca and Tanaka lied and how can either one get out of their lies other than to blame each other? What would you do if you were Baca or Tanaka?

  • J.London, I actually think Reform is right on the money. I appreciate your twist but I’m sure they want the “Head Guy” rather than a subordinate. I’ll tell ya, the Micheal Carona and Leroy Baca correlation is so true. They want Baca and I’m sure they will get him.

  • #19

    You sound a little disparate for Tanaka. Please do us all a favor and focus on the problem…Baca.

    LA Times, you are spot on!

  • Nope! They are tied together! One will need to give up the other. Baca was smart and ran to the Feds first. But too much has happened and it won´t save Baca either. This show by Baca and Tanaka is already too late as this is the classic ´Prisoner´s Dilemma´ which is as old as crime itself. Please note that the Feds are now looking into deputy cliques which is only a natural progression for the investigation. Experience has taught us that when cops go bad they will not sacrifice their families and very lives for a cartoon character tattooed on an ankle. I don´t mean to be harsh but the Feds already know about the cliques, crimes and misconduct. Just pray that you are not one of them, for your family´s sake! I´m not looking for a fight just using my knowledge and experience base to show what happens when cops go bad!I truly feel bad for those who are involved! Take care

  • Lesser evil, clearly from your posts you are a Tanaka fan. That’s fine and your right. Stop trying to convince those of us, and there are many, who believe that Tanaka is every bit as culpable, and in many cases more so, than Baca. Well-reasoned and articulate posts on other threads on this blog have laid out his many sins and shortcomings. You keep trying to present a false premise, i.e., if you criticize Tanaka, you must be a fan of Baca. Another writer and myself already took you to task for this illogical conclusion on a previous thread, when you equated our criticisms of Tanaka to praise for Baca. Everyone who is familiar with Tanaka and his abuse of power while working as the number two sees right through this smokescreen you keep trying to throw out there. You hate Baca, love Tanaka, that’s great. It’s possible to believe they have both done a great disservice to our Department, and indeed, many believe Baca’s primary sin (primary, not only) was inattention while Tanaka ran amok. Those of us who feel that way are praying for a viable third choice.

  • Is it time to give someone else a chance? uh let’s see…

    1) Moral is at an ALL time low
    2) The Executives, especially the Sheriff play by their own rules
    3) We are the laughing stocks of Law Enforcement
    4) Our Sheriff cares more about politics than people
    5) The waste that goes on both fiscally and ethically is OUT of control.

    Most of all, none of us respect the Sheriff, including the public. How can he be an effective leader?


    Paul Tanaka for Los Angeles County Sheriff 2014

  • Time to take out the trash. Goodbye Baca, Tanaka and the rest of you dirty Tanaka groupies. The gravy train is over and you just can’t accept it. The Tanaka revolution will be crushed by the voters of L.A. County. Tanaka will be Sheriff when they build a dome over Wrigley Field. This garbage needs to be flushed all the way to the Chicago River along with the stooge in the White House.

  • Fact is:

    Sheriff Baca is going DOWN as the leader of this debacle. He set the tone and his legacy. I can’t wait to see the BIG FACTS start detonating in the near future.

    “Pay to Play was his game, being incarcerated will be his fame.” Sheriff Baca will fall!

    Tanaka, Gomez or the Mystery Candidate for Sheriff 2014!

  • Fact is:

    I see the Feds parading LA Sheriff Lee Baca away in handcuffs, similar to the way they did it with OC Sheriff Mike Carona.

    The ultimate case closure.

  • #20

    J.London, I will not Change my sign in name because I truly believe LASD needs reform. The agency has been laying stagnant for 16 plus years and needs true leadership. Leadership that is accountable and progressive. You obviously have a personal vendetta against Paul Tanaka. I do not. Your Cigar Club membership, tattoo cliques and pay to play accusations are old and played out. What I’m concerned about are the issues like true jail reform, low morale, poor promotional process, poor human resource management, poor financial management, limited resources and of course fighting crime. These are just a few. The rumors I can do without.

    By the way, your comment about tattoos and “little characters” on deputies ankles is very short sighted and very self serving. You see, the tattoos or station mascots IS NOT the problem. It’s the gangster mentality that has developed within the Sheriffs office amongst young people who probably should have been never been hired or worked in LE. What you described is an epidemic brought on by poor and limited personnel resources. The Sheriff should have made this a priority and poured UNLIMITED resources into the problem (Especially when he had the unreasonable goal of hiring 1000 deputies in a year). He did not. Instead, he made sure subordinates worked under his PAY To PLAY system and said, ” If you could do the job with less, I will reward you.”

    Unfortunately, many under his command, including but not limited to Tanaka,Rodgers, Cavaugh and many others, worked under this system. Should they have been leaders and speak up about the problem? Yes. And they ALL did. But the Sheriff did not listen and kept traveling the world while they were left to deal with a monster that was waiting to show its head. Now it’s too late. The HARVEST that Sheriff Baca sowed is now spreading like the plague.

    I will be one of many that will chronologically break it down for everyone. It has already been explained to the powers that be and they have been enlightened. No rumors, no twists, just factual evidence of mismagement. I can’t wait until Paul Tanaka has ultimate control of the LASD and able to make the POSITIVE changes needed. He has NEVER had that privilege, not even as the Undersheriff. But he will.

    Paul Tanaka, if you are out there and reading this, I hope your smiling and ready for a great ride. We have your back. The truth will trump evil.

    Paul Tanaka for Sheriff!

  • Just read my entry, sorry for the bad grammar. Limited on time. But I’m sure you get the message. Take care and like I said, Tanaka for Sheriff!

  • Enough Already Says:

    Thank you for expressing my thoughts exactly. Although I don’t live in L.A. County, I will give money and volunteer for ANY viable candidate for sheriff except for Baca or Tanaka.

  • Reform
    So you are saying that Tanaka went to the Sheriff and told him of the issues?
    All the while EVERY Chief, Commander and Captain, said “Tanaka” is in charge.
    The “Tanaka” promotion lists, came from Mr. T, the transfers approved by Mr. T, come on, he was a victim like the guy who enters a title fight and loses is a victim, he participated, he controlled, he owned it.
    Famous words,”If there are any problems tell them this is a Mr. T project.”
    If you are going to run for Sheriff, own your record. Deputies are tired of the lies.

  • Baca, LA Times cannot control the voters of LA County.

    You have empowered the LA County voters to vote you out!!!

    Hows that Discipline policy that YOU have handed Discipline decisions over to TWO (2) folks.

    ABNER and Genaco!!!

    More to come BOSS!!!

  • I want to watch him defend the record number of incarcerated deputies. I want to see him account for the record number of civil settlements and personnel lawsuits pending.

    EBI is a joke because these guys are doing low percentages so how are you being effective in the first place? Lipstick on pig boss. You failed us and there are holes in every argument you make.

    Then there is the question why did you pick A/S from the commander rank without firing a Chief? Neither a leader or a manager no matter how you slice it. Can’t wait to see more Whitmore in the absence of our travler and Chief….

  • Reform:

    You hit the nail on the head. The Sheriff has cultivated a system in which executives are forced to play. This drives and fosters a promotional system based on loyalty and not merit. I’m sure all this will be aired out during all the campaigns.

    The problem is fixing it. It is my hope that other candidates can formulate a “Plan of action” to repair the systemic problem. The Sheriff will not do it and will PAY for it at the polls.

  • J. London, I 100% stand by my statement. I’m sure the voters will too. After all, they voted for the Sheriff and hold him responsible. His underlings like Tanaka, Olmstead, Cavanough, Leyva and many others are consequences resulting from politics. It’s a fact that will be proven.

  • Pink Eye, Deform, Peanut Farmer

    Throwing “Rogers” name out as the “dark horse candidate” is right out of the KGB play book. Get Moonbeam and Mr. Rogers to distrust each other (divide and conquer). I’ve got to admit, that’s about as clever as moving Robin Banks to San Dimas Station to hide him from the Feds. That worked out pretty well. All of you Tanaka groupies deal cards from the bottom of the deck.

    Anybody but Banaka 2014

  • Hey “CRACKER JACK”, just putting out the word that you BACA Kool Aid Drinking members arr putting out there. So, NO Hoss, you ain’t solved this one.

    The voters will for sure!

    When Tanaka is the next Sheriff, you and all the Baca Kool Aid Drinkers will run back into the cracks when the lights come on just like like a Roach!!!

    Can’t wait to hear who your Secret Candidate is with all the perfect credentials to:

    1. Raise the money, $2.5 million cap. The additional (approximate) $7,500,000.00 from the IE’s.
    2. Provide the answers and the plan’s on how he’s going to resolve the issues the department currently faces.
    3. Be able to beat BAca after 16 years as the incumbant.

    Anyone can throw their name in the hat and run.

    No matter who enters, it’s going to be between Baca and Tanaka!!!

  • #40: It would seem, as evidenced in your posts and those of some others, everyone who may not see things is the same light as you is a “groupie” or supposed coin holder. I agree Rodgers is in all probability not the “other” candidate, but it would not be an unlikely conclusion for someone to draw who is not aware of the dynamics of the 4th floor and the 4th A/S promotion. So, to name call and liken an opinion to communist propaganda is distasteful and a possible indication of paranoia.

    I think Socrates said it best…”Once the debate is lost, slander is the tool of the loser.”

  • True North you are so right on and thanks for the smile/laughter. Nothing else we can say to this post.

  • Then again the great military tactician Sun Tzu had a great deal of insight which I find particularly fitting right now:

    “Divide and conquer strategies work on ineffective, corrupt, and fragmented governments. A government which is a strongly democratic and balanced government buttressed by a strong societal moral code will not often fall prey to a new form of government. If, however, such a government loses it moral compass, it falls prey to disarray and eventually collapses.”

    Now that I think about it, maybe you should be paranoid, for that is what we as a department (government) have become.

  • I have heard Rodgers is running for Sheriff, is that true? If so, it would make for an interesting race. Todd Rogers and the Sheriffs ethics are like water and oil. It kind of makes sense.

    Can someone confirm?

  • Sorry, just read the previous posts. Can anyone solify and confirm he’s not the “Mystery Candidate.” I’ve heard his name quite a bit lately in several different circles.

  • When you still advocate for Tanaka after what he’s put the Department through, you are by definition a Tanaka groupie. Despite the “propaganda” to label me a Baca “kool aid” drinker, I’ve said all along that Baca and Tanaka are basically conjoined twins of the same evil Cupie doll.

    I know now that the Todd Rogers red herring was a typical T-tactic, the same name calling, false rumors used against anybody that opposes the Tanaka groupie point of view. Pinkie, were you instructed to throw out the Rogers rumor at one of the midget’s fund raisers?

    Since we’re quoting philosophers, I believe Rene Descartes theory fits this situation best……..”I think, therefore I am”

  • Leave Cracker Jack (aka-BB or Baca Boy) alone.. He’s working on his next promotion on the fourth floor!!

    Souls for sale now at SHB. Buy before June 3rd, 2014 and you’ll receive an extra orange jumpsuit FREE! Get them while supplies last!!

    Order now!

  • I want to know why the sheriff has stopped traveling to the Middle East. According to some who have previously posted on this blog, those Middle East trips were vital to stopping terrorism in LA County. So the sheriff doesn’t care about stopping terrorism is LA County anymore? Such a slippery slope when you try to justify that which is indefensible and make lame excuses for behavior that is obviously irresponsible. I hope whoever runs against the sheriff points out time and again during the campaign how the sheriff was absent while the LASD was in continual state of crisis. I hope they pin the sheriff down and make him account for why he felt it was a higher priority fto travel the world spreading his message than to stay home and do his job. For those of you that despise Tanaka but love Baca, you have some soul searching to do. How is it that you overlook the fact that it was Baca who kept promoting Tanaka and allowed him to take control of the LASD because your beloved sheriff had better things to do than his job? How do you reconcile that in your minds? One has to have some seriously flawed logic to despise Tanaka yet be a supporter of Baca. One has to have the ethics of a political whore to justify that in their mind. They also have to have nothing but disdain for those who they look in the eye and try to justify the sheriff’s irresponsible behavior to, for it is truly an insult to ones intelligence to try and make one believe that the LASD’s problems lay at Tanaka’s feet, or the command staff’s feet, or anybody else’s feet than the guy who is supposed to be in charge. And yet, in spite of all of this, Baca and his supporters still inexplainably try to make us believe the sheriff is a leader. Unbelievable.

  • In the Sheriff’s response to the L.A. Times editorial asking him not to run, he takes credit for decline in crime, the department budget and improved forensic capabilities. He was out of the country! Tanaka has been the Sheriff’s budget go to person. I haven’t seen on any of these sites any mention of Tanaka being the person who pulled Gardena off the fiscal cliff. How many times has that city re-elected him? This last time he was on the ballot but didn’t campaign and even offered to help another candidate and he still won handily. I realize Gardena is a small piece of L.A. County but in small towns people talk and they must talk well of him.

  • The majority of the deputies who are giving us grief now were hired between 05-08. If you took the time to talk to some of us who were in backgrounds during that time you’ll find it was another executive who was responsible for those problem children not Tanaka.

  • Anyone know the cost to LA COUNTY Tax Payer’s for Baca’s order to Hazmat to roll to his millionaire buddy, Mat Woman’ home in Pacific Palisades?

    I heard they found out that the odor was not a major hazard, it was the varnish on the millionaires new cabinets!!!

    LA Times, you reading all this???

  • Wow….Wasn’t Tanaka’s secretary’s son one of these flawed hirings. I’m sure anybody with previous drug and prostitution arrests could have passed the background like Bissman. Tanaka had nothing to do with inspiring the GET tattoos and code of conduct… know, executing unarmed minorities….after all, the Lynwood Viking tattoo stuff took place in the 80’s, way before these new deputies were born… about the special overtime for all of Tanaka’s pet projects while the rest of the Dept. got nothing…..he had nothing to do with any budget problems

    As far as my fourth floor promotion, I must have went to the wrong 4th floor…I should have gone to the 4th floor of the Commerce Casino…..maybe that’t why I didn;t get the answers to the last Lt’s exam…..I thought only dummies made Band 3.

    I’d like to join all of you in your blinding praise of King Paul, but his legs aren’t long enough for me to hang on.

    Banaka 2014………NOT!

  • Don’t forget about  the hiring of Baca’s nephew. He is now part of a  civil federal lawsuit filed a few weeks ago.  Interesting to see how many employees have been arrested and convicted of  serious crimes from theft  to  murder. This is  embarrassing for a law enforcement agency. We have continued to hire some questionable candidates disqualified from other agencies in very recent academies.  It’s all about Leroy having the largest department in the world, sadly at any cost.  

  • I am curious to know how many civil lawsuits have been filed against department so far. If it is true there are to be no settlements until after 2014 election, I am wondering how bad this could really be for the general public, civilian and sworn employees of L.A. County???

    Despite loss of tax payer money, integrity of department, lack of trust from the public, low morale among employees, health issues (burn out) and who knows what else. Just a thought.

  • Ayone know why Baca ordered a new interior in his plane at the tune of $100,000+ when it didn’t need to be redone and the department has budget issues???

  • 57, we have a large number of suits pending.  So many that the BOS  weekly updates from the auditor. We are currently paying out settlements and judgements. Google  “County of Los Angeles Claims Board Statement of Proceedings.”  

  • Todays LA Times Editorial. The first LA County Supe to actually ask the Sheriff to step down. I think the other 4 will follow soon. A must read-

    Gloria Molina: I can’t fire Sheriff Baca, but you can..

    I’m extremely troubled that despite copious evidence of a county Sheriff’s Department in serious managerial disarray, not one challenger has stepped forward to rescue it.

    As a Los Angeles County supervisor, I can’t fire Sheriff Lee Baca. Only the voters can. But I do oversee lawsuit payouts — most against his department. Each time I approve a legal settlement arising from misuse of force by sheriff’s deputies, another arises. Details vary, but what stay the same are bad management and zero accountability.

    For years, Baca has circled the globe attending events while apparently neglecting certain duties at home. Serious responsibilities — like curbing jail violence and ensuring consistent deputy patrol in unincorporated neighborhoods — fell by the wayside. His lack of responsiveness indicates that not only has he failed at his mission, but he feels he never had a problem to begin with. For years, he’s paid lip service to the Board of Supervisors about “reform” while we’ve paid for lawsuits originating from his mismanagement.

    So many law enforcement personnel serve professionally and honorably, and it’s a disgrace that their heroism is tarnished by poor management. Now is the time for the right challenger to step up and run against Baca in 2014. What’s required is integrity and courage.

    Gloria Molina

    Los Angeles

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