FBI LASD Sheriff Lee Baca

Deputy Says He Wore FBI Wire to Probe LASD Political $$ Raising Scheme

This weekend brought yet another account of reportedly questionable actions by higher-ups
in the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department.

In this newest case, an LASD deputy named Edwin Tamayo wore a wire for the FBI last month in a reported attempt to get the goods on a department captain, who—according to Tamayo—was strong-arming subordinates to sell tickets to a 2011 fundraiser for Carmen Trutanich’s failed campaign to become LA’s district attorney. All this, said Tamayo, was done at the behest of those far higher on the department food chain, going ultimately up to Sheriff Baca.

To bolster his novel-esque tale of double-agentry (complete with a clandestine meet-up with the feds at the local iHop), Tamayo provided the LA Times with texts from his fed handlers who apparently coached him in real time through his wire-wearing outing.

Here’s a clip from the story by Robert Faturechi, Jack Leonard and Andrew Blankstein:

Tamayo said he told federal agents that the captain instructed about a dozen sheriff’s employees to sell 10 fundraiser tickets each, saying the order came down through the chain of command from Sheriff Lee Baca — an allegation his spokesman denied. It is unclear what specific law such conduct might violate.

Tamayo provided The Times with a text message exchange he said he had with an FBI agent during the secret recording. The messages show Tamayo being coached on how to use his recording equipment and what to say.

In one text, Tamayo is instructed to mention Trutanich and to bring up “the difference between the truth and staying loyal.” Do so “at your own pace,” he was advised.

“You’re doing fine…. End well so you can stay in touch,” the messages continue. “OK when you have a chance turn everything off, we’ll meet you at ihop.”

In addition to Tamayo’s wearing-a-wire story (parts of which the reporters were unable to verify), the LA Times article contains other accounts of possible questionable donations that certainly deserve further investigation.

For instance, they said Tamayo told them that his captain ordered him to “routinely pick up donations for the agency — sometimes in what appeared to be envelopes full of cash — from wealthy residents in the area.”

What exactly is meant by “donations for the agency.” And cash? In what dollar amounts? And how was it reportedly accounted for?

And then there is this:

Paul Tanaka, whom Baca recently ousted as the department’s second in command, contends that the sheriff has engaged in improper campaigning in the past. He said that in about 2004, when Baca was campaigning for a sales tax increase to fund law enforcement, he ordered former Undersheriff Larry Waldie to go to tow companies that had sheriff’s contracts and pressure them to donate.

“I don’t remember the exact words but something to the effect of ‘We make them a lot of money because of the tow contracts with us so they should contribute to this campaign,'” said Tanaka, who is considering running against Baca next year. Tanaka, who has himself been criticized for accepting political donations from sheriff’s employees, called Baca’s request improper: “The tow companies are not obligated to part with their hard-earned money.”

Steve Whitmore denied that Baca gave the order for the fundraising that Tamayo describes.. Whitmore also told the Times that “any claim that Baca ordered sheriff’s employees to raise money for the Trutanich event was ‘absurd.'”

We too have heard reports of those at the highest level of the department allegedly leaning on a person or persons, whose company has a lucrative contract with the LASD, to donate money to pet political campaigns.

(We’ll likely have more on this to come.)

In the meantime, we can tell you that those who talked to us about such matters, have also talked extensively to the FBI.


  • FYI:
    here is an excerpt from the FBI’S webpage regarding wiretaps:

    “Are FBI special agents permitted to install wiretaps at their own discretion?

    No. Wiretapping is one of the FBI’s most sensitive techniques and is strictly controlled by federal statutes. It is used infrequently and only to combat terrorism and the most serious crimes. Title 18, U.S. Code, Section 2516, contains the protocol requiring all law enforcement officers to establish probable cause that the wiretaps may provide evidence of a felony violation of federal law. After determining if a sufficient showing of probable cause has been made, impartial federal judges approve or disapprove wiretaps. The approving judge then must continue to monitor how the wiretap is being conducted. Wiretapping without meeting these stringent requirements and obtaining the necessary court orders is a serious felony under the law.”

    Whatever they are investigating is considered a “serious crime”. I wonder how many times the Feds have used this technique on the department? The Times referred to it as
    “a new thread in the FBI’s investigation”. This might be the first evidence of this technique but I am sure it’s been used plenty of times.

  • Justin, I think a body-wire is different than a “wiretap”. So before you assign the use of a body-wire as proof positive of a Federal Judge’s supervision, look into the likely difference.

  • “Wiretapping” and wearing a “Wire” to record a conversation are two completely different things.
    This clearly was not “wiretapping”.

  • FYI: A person wearing a “wire” is not a wiretap. The above reference is for tapping phone lines or other electronic communication.
    To wear a wire to record conversation is not as intrusive and does not rise to the same requirement.
    Wearing a wire for most agencies does not require any special judicial request.

  • Sheriff Mike Carona of OCSD was taken in part by Assistant Sheriff Donald Haidl wearing a wire. By By Mike

  • Regardless of it was a wiretap or wearing a wire the S is serious! FBI isn’t going to have a guy wear a wire because of a bad burrito at King Taco! I was there yesterday LOL But, it begs the question: how long have the Feds being having guys wear a wire? I doubt that this incident was the first! And this is not to say they they have not wiretapped Baca and/or Tanaka. Waldie has once again surfaced with more allegations of criminal misconduct. Now Waldie is a guy that needs to be wiretapped!! All of us have a strong suspicion that Waldie is deeply involved in Baca’s criminality and because of Waldie’s character (or lack thereof) is the reason why Baca chose Waldie in the first place!

    I don’t know how much more the Department can take!

    I wonder if at the next EPC Baca will order everyone to strip down? LOL

  • The Feds are going deep, really deep regarding allegations of “corruption” against major executives and middle managers. It has been alleged that dirty money has switched hands, envelopes have been delivered, shakedowns for contracts have occurred, Play for Play and then all of the allegations of campaign finance violations. The Feds know all of it and have for a while. Each time I have to visit the 4th floor for a meeting, I hold my nose because the stench is worse than a 30 day old 927D in the summer. All the while they have shoved “Core Values” down our throats. It is my understanding the Custody Division Civil Rights Violations related criminal investigations have been completed long ago, the indictments have been handed down by the Federal Grand Jury and are on the AUSA’s desk. The “corruption” investigations are still on-going and they are leaving no stone unturned. Of great interest are the number of people who are fed up and making calls to the FBI and giving up the ghost. In the end, don’t be surprised who was wearing wires and how long they were wearing them. The FBI might even have a few Cigar Club meetings recorded and in the can. As some one mentioned, remember who was wired for sound against Corona……… His Assistant Sheriff.

  • Reflection: I stand corrected. Legal standards are different between the two and I didn’t think to draw a distinction. Nevertheless, the fact that the feds have gone this far is still very serious.

  • Am I the only person who thinks this whole story “stinks?” Why did this Deputy decided to “out” the FBI after “supposedly” having worked for them? What’s his motivation? And, why is it a lot of these people talk only “after” they are in trouble, just like criminals. Could it be the department told him to “out” the FBI in an effort to discredit and portray them as “fishing in a dry pond,” in exchange for his investigation to go away! Just offering something to think about because the story really seemed to lack facts, other than the Deputy’s name. I think some people are really strategizing and a story like this would go a long way if you could discredit the FBI. I am not an advocate for the FBI, but we all know some of the stuff they are “supposedly” investigating is true. “Use the press to help you with your battle,” there’s a novel idea.

  • Finally, this is great news. After what happened to Corona regarding the U/S wearing a wire, some departments members never thought it would happen to LASD. I have personally witnessed some brass recently changing their disrespectful attitude toward other department members for the better. Probably because they know they will NEVER be promoted now that Tanaka is out.

    Just looking at JDIC and viewing who has been promoted since I believe March should have been a big RED FLAG. I guess things are turning for the better.

  • Correction on the above. I meant to type Corona’s Assistant Sheriff, NOT U/S.

  • Lets everybody pause for just a moment. This deputy is a very very small little man seriously as in short and small. The captain in question is 6′ 5″ and influential character, therefore when he gave this very insecure, follower, non-leader deputy attention and power, he said “yes, sir whatever you want, sir”. Then when it was all said and done he cries, “he made me do it”. This helpless little man would have done anything and I mean anything to get his captains approval. He’s weak and does not deserve his badge. The captain is a criminal and deserves his fate. Read between the lines and look hard at the players here people. Tamayo is a yes man. Because he can’t stand on his own.

  • does anybody know the extension number at Sheriff’s Headquarters of the department which handles requests for keying in the wrong code at Central Jail so that a gangmember facing murder charges can get out for a little fresh air?

    Do they accept checks, money orders and american express – or just straight cash?

  • I find it highly unlikely that this is the only wire that has been worn during the last few, dark years at the LASD. I can only imagine what else is going to come out behind the other wires the FBI had on the 4th floor, the Captain’s office at Carson, Greg Thompson’s office, the 8th floor of TTCF, or any other juicy hot spots.

    Will the feds just DO something already!?

  • Attn FBI, if you are not already aware the link between Slippery Leroy and Just-as-Slippery Trutanich is likely retired LASD Commander John Franklin, boy-hood friend of Trutanich who retired to work for Trutranich as a consultant. Franklin was a Baca/Stonich/Waldie insider and doubtless is Trutanich’s LASD bag-man.

    This his is the same John Franklin who, as the Captain at Twin Towers, contrary to Dept policy, disbanded the Employee Fund Committee and then proceeded to raid the fund, buying himself and his hand-picked staff lap tops. Then, after his brief stay as Capt, he (and his “select” staff)transferred out, taking “their” lap tops with them. Pretty slick use of an off-the-books fund which is not county money and therefore no subject having a county equipment number, therefore being very easy to “accidentally” end up as personal property of the possessor. When he left TT the employee fund was broke.

    After retiring Franklin returned to the Department after being appointed by Baca to the Inmate Welfare Commission – which disperses the millions of dollars in the Inmate Welfare Fund. The IWF has served as one of Baca’s favorite off-the-books sources of money for his many whacky projects, many of which were well outside the legal scope of how the funds are to be spent, and it has served as a provider of lucrative contracts to Baca insiders. At least one of these contracts resulted in a civil suit by Canteen Corp after they were screwed out of their long-time contract by Waldie and Baca in favor of their own cronie.

    Baca’s slippery (We all felt for your agents who had to interview him in an attempt to get a straight answer!) but there are plenty of leads that will put him and his pals in Lompoc. Keep up the good work!!

  • #15: if what Capt. Franklin did to the Employee Fund is true, than shame on their division HQ who is supposed to inspect once a year and catch thievery like that. Of course, the lap tops should have been accounted for as equipment and stayed at Twin Towers when he left. This is one of the reasons that the department needs an Inspectional Services Bureau because the fox can’t guard the hen house. The golf tournaments and all the monies garnered at the stations by volunteers is illegal and against County policy too, but no one pays attention.

  • The rumors are flying today that sealed indictments are flying around, and some are about to be opened….

  • @Eyes…… With this corrupt LASD administration, what good would it do to have and Inspectional Services? They find something that should not be, who are they going to report it to? Stonich, Cavanaugh, Tanaka, Waldie? Are they going to Ault, Mannis or Abner (you will be hearing more about them soon, it’s pathetic) from IAB? Who in the Baca administration can you trust? Joey Finnel? Hellmold? Who, who can you trust? That’s right, none of them.

  • I am inclined to agree with # 20 Blue Bag. It’s too late to reform this department from within… far too late. I never in my life thought I’d say this… but we need a consent decree.

    Ideally, Baca would be indicted for the corruption on his watch, which he bears either direct or indirect responsibility for, but indicting Baca will ultimately be the decision of Eric Holder and no one else. It will be a political decision. If he isn’t indicted, Baca’s hand must be forced to reform, and someone must be looking over his shoulder who is NOT part of the LASD…

    It’s time for a consent decree.

  • A consent decree? I don’t think that is what we need. We need to revamp the department. Has the decree changed the LAPD? I am not so sure. It appears it did create a bureaucratic nightmare. But from my understanding the Command staff still has questionable actions and relations with politicians.
    The Department could use two things that would clear a lot of the issues up, an independent “Inspector General Office” appointed by the Board of Supervisors and an audit of all monies received, Inmate fund, ALL 503(c) accounts, Asset Forfeiture fund, Contract law accounts,Grants and any other stream of income. Each audit would be independent and of the other. The Department would need to establish an Inspection Services, that actually worked. It would need to be independent and its finding published for review by the Department (including Deputies). This gives every person who works in the Department clarity in how the department works, and by reviewing the inspection process what is expected of each unit, bureau and division.
    The military and some major corporation have done this for years. It is not a fix all, but it is a start. Our department has to remove the image of the executives being held to a lower standard than the line deputy. Sadly that image is held by the people you would least expect,, the Line Deputy. Mr. T used to say a persons perception is their reality, well fourth floor you have created one heck of a reality for the line folks. Instead of catching a plane for that trip take a ride-a-long, Carp as a module dep, work on the rails, try lock up in a court, we have some of the most dedicated people working with us. They give and give but so few notice, because it has become the norm. The beatings have continued and moral has not improved. Try something new. It is sad when your own people are wearing wires.

  • Speaking of Corona and shakedowns….where has former U/S Waldie been in all of this? Weren’t the Feds looking at him for some misdeeds associated with Heidel’s car dealership in Diamond Bar and then they stumbled upon Corona? Waldie has been very quiet and reclusive. Out of sight and out of mind ey Larry?

  • #22 Left at the Ball, Outstanding post. Outsiders would be amazed regarding how much money is going through Asset Forfeiture, grants, etc. Probably one of the dirtiest operations around and usually it is the deputy/civilian who takes the fall while supervisors claim they don’t know anything corrupt is going on. SCARY TIMES!!!

    I don’t see morale improving for a very long time. Such a shame when law enforcement officers don’t trust one another. Who could blame them…

  • I was told by a former Admin Division Chief that he had to make regular visits to Baca’s office telling him he could not legally spend certain funds for some of Baca’s “projects” (you know what I mean!). He often took the in-house County Counsel with him as back-up. He says the two of them were able convince Leroy to stand-down when he realized they they would not relent.

    That Chief went to the land of LACERA as soon as he could. Heavens knows what happened before and after his stint watching the Dept’s purse strings.

    BTW, Waldie was the point man in the center of the skulduggery involving the Canteen Corp. caper.

  • Fed Fan, I bet his blood pressure went down and he is relieved to be retired right now.

  • Affirm, in the land of LACERA the only blood pressure issues are those generated by reading what has happened to the LASD under the Baca regime. Don’t need to read it, but it is like watching a train wreck. Sad.

  • Fed Fan, You left out the question, with lots of rumors, of the who paid for the Vegas trip & all the extra benies surrounding the food services jail contract. Anyone look at the Johnson Control’s fleet contract with LASD? What was the relationship of the U/S with Kerkorian, Pelecano? Did anyone look at the true value of the “gifts” given to Baca, i.e. the $750 Persian rug? The list of influence peddling is very, very long.

  • Off the topic, but LASD is in the middle of this with WHD Station. With regards to the gay parade, no one objects to their mission or statement. Now we have the national guard in +the middle of it. Again, I don’t care, but working there, it really negates their cause when people ride on trailers wearing underwear stuffed with socks, transgender dressed like something out of Dracula, etc. [Editor’s clip]

    We can all be tolerant, but why does it have to be a freak show? I guess that’s what the city of west hollyweird wants. Go figure

  • Maybe the next interview can be with an executive about how the Dept IA deputies twist witnesses to go with their view of the situation. IE SGT you no your name from the Christmas party investigation.

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