Alameda County is allowing Leaders in Community Alternatives (LCA), a private company providing the...
LA County Probation Planning to Shut Down Controversial “Probation Lite” Youth Program….So Now What Lies Ahead for LA’s “At Risk” Kids?
The highly controversial Los Angeles County Probation youth program known colloquially by critics...
Supes Move Forward with Probation Oversight and Reform Efforts
On Tuesday, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to consider establishing...
Supes Consider How Best to Coordinate and Follow Through With LA County Probation Reform
Over the past decade or so, there has been a plethora of piecemeal efforts to reform the Los...
Report: How to Slash U.S. Probation Rolls by 50% Within 10 Years
Probation Was Meant As An Alternative to Prison. So What Went Wrong & How Can We Fix It? (A...
Criminalizing California’s Foster Kids
State and local officials are responding to the excessive arrests of children in California’s...