"Using subpoena power doesn't necessitate a divisive standoff," Loyola Law Professor and COC...
LA Probation Oversight Commission
Supervisors Vote Unanimously to Trigger a Civilian Oversight Commission With Teeth for the Nation’s Largest Probation Department
On Tuesday, October 1, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously—and...
5 Essential Takeaways From the New Oversight Plan for LA County’s Still-Troubled Probation Department
After 14 public listening sessions held all around Los Angeles County—some of the meetings...
Should LA County Keep Using Pepper Spray On Its Kids? A New Report From LA County Inspector General Paints A Very Alarming Picture
In a 28-page report presented to the Los Angeles County Supervisors on Tuesday, February 5, the...
LA Supervisors Point to Soaring Use of Pepper Spray As Symptom that County’s Juvenile Halls Are Not Safe
On December 11, last Tuesday, Los Angeles County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas read an urgent new...
Does the Proposed New LA Probation Oversight Commission Have the Legal Right to Subpoena Power? A Group of Experts Say….YES
What kind of power does a civilian commission need if it is to effectively oversee a large, complex...