Four men who lost nearly 80 years to imprisonment combined after being wrongfully convicted of...
District Attorney Gascón Announces Exoneration of Man Wrongfully Convicted 27-years ago with a false confession: Here’s the story
Nearly three decades after his faulty conviction, it was DNA that changed everything for Gerardo...
New LA Innocence Project, Funded by Exoneree, Will Partner With Forensic Scientists to Uncover Wrongful Convictions
Andrew Wilson spent 32 years in prison for a crime he did not commit. Now, with a founding...
The troubling relationship between prosecutorial misconduct & death penalty exonerations
[W]hile [a prosecutor] may strike hard blows, he is not at liberty to strike foul ones...
9th Circuit rules it’s mostly okay for LAPD Detectives to have “psychologically tortured” a 13-year-old to get him to confess to a murder he didn’t commit
Did three Los Angeles police detectives violate the law, along with the Fourteenth Amendment of the...
New Lawsuit Claims Wrongful Conviction Costing LA Man 32 Years of His Life Represents Pattern of Behavior by LAPD & DA’s Office
On March 16, 2017, Andrew Wilson was released from the Los Angeles County jail after a team...