The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department has arrested the boyfriend of the mother of...
Will the Death of This Little Boy Drive Up Foster Care Removals In LA County?
EDITOR’S NOTE: The death late last week of Anthony Avalos, a ten-year-old Lancaster boy, is...
Why Do LA’s Foster Care Facilities Keep Calling the Cops on Traumatized Kids?
On March 21, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors passed an important motion that...
Preventing Unplanned Pregnancies Among LA County’s Foster Youth
Teen girls in foster care in Los Angeles County are 2.5 times more likely to become pregnant by age...
As Supes Approve Motion to Help County’s “Crossover Kids,” Those Who’ve Been Through the Nightmare of “Dual Status” Tell Their Stories
On Tuesday, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors unanimously passed a motion that seeks to...
2 Supes Issue Call to Help “Crossover Kids,” Young People Failed—Not Once, But Twice—By LA County’s Juvenile Systems
We know that, statistically speaking, kids who spend time in LA County’s foster care...