George, Mr. President, sir….and Scooter (may I call you Scooter?)… Victor Rita. ...
Prosecutors Gone Wild
Okay, where did we last leave off? Oh, right. Earlier this week, David McDade, the Georgia...
You, Me, Paris and SCOOTER, Part 2 – The Legal Blowback – UPDATED
Actions have consequences. And for the last 24 plus hours, defense attorneys and sentencing mavens...
You, Me, Paris and SCOOTER
“Equal justice under law is not merely a caption on the facade of the Supreme Court building...
Friday Wrap-Up – Some of the Week’s GOTTA READ ‘EM Stories – UPDATED
1. WWJKD? It’s been a big week for the Supremes. On Tuesday, the court handed down four...
Uneven Justice
Durham County D.A. Mike Nifong and Cardinal Roger Mahony Oh God, why is it so much easier to...