The first time Cat Brooks sought help from the police to deal with her violent husband was also the...
Community Health & Safety
Non-Law Enforcement Crisis Response on the Way for Residents in LA, SF, Sacramento, and Other CA Cities and Counties
At the end of September, California Governor Gavin Newsom shut down AB 2054, a bill that would have...
A Blueprint for Reimagining Alameda County’s Youth Justice System to Prioritize Healing Over Incarceration
With an overall juvenile justice budget of $156 million, Alameda County spends approximately...
Under Our Skin: How racism leaves an unmistakable mark on Black Americans
I’m only now coming to grips with what it has meant to my soul – and my body – to have been...
LA County Moves Closer to Redirecting Some Emergency Response Away From Law Enforcement
On Tuesday, September 29, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors took the next step toward...
Police ‘Pretext’ Traffic Stops Need to End, Some Lawmakers Say
In a pretext stop, an officer pulls over a motorist for a minor traffic or equipment violation and...