It seems that rather than teach prosecutors about the unique circumstances in cases involving...
Columns, Op-Eds, & Interviews
Dispatches From San Quentin: Is San Quentin State Prison the Future of Prison Reform?
One thing prisons can’t address are the socioeconomic factors that make crime more likely in...
Op-Ed: L.A. District Attorney Jackie Lacey Failed the Victims of Ed Buck
"Because of her inactions, Timothy Dean died and multiple other young Black gay men continued to be...
Op-Ed: California Gang Laws Are Normalized Racism
"CalGang gives police increased authority to approach and harass people for virtually no reason at...
Op-Ed: When Is a Shooting “Necessary”? Legal Questions Remain After the Passage of CA Bill to Restrict Deadly Police Uses-of-Force
California is known for its progressive policies. However, in the area of civil rights, California...
Dispatch From San Quentin: Anticipation
Editor’s Note: As most readers know, WitnessLA has been publishing a series of essays written...