Elections '08 Presidential Race

As We Wait for New Hampshire…..


(We made a short pilgrimage to see Robert Frost’s grave yesterday, and here’s the photo to prove it. In case you can’t read the epitaph, it’s “I had a lover’s quarrel with the world.”)


In the days since Iowa, everyone
—both Republicans and Democrats—are fighting over the “C” word—“change.”

Yet, Obama is the one
who seems most to embody it.

I’m still cold ridden (I’ve lost my voice) and it’s late here, so I’ll blog more after the New Hampshire returns start to come in.

It looks like it’s going to be quite a ride.

By the way, here’s what Robert Frost had to say on the subject of change: “Most of the change we think we see in life is due to truths being in and out of favor.”

Let’s hope Obama wins and some modicum of truth comes back into fashion.


  • Let’s not make Obama’s candidacy too much of an emotional or cathartic investment. I enjoy the symbolism, but not in a “kumbaya” way. I simply think he’s got the strategic smarts and leadership qualities to be more effective in pursuing a moderately progressive agenda than either Edwards or Hillary. One of the things that first drew me to Obama is that he doesn’t “overpromise.” This summer I heard him speak in a “non-rally” situation and he was very clear about the limitations of the Oval Office. He invoked the story of A. Phillip Randolph and FDR meeting on the issue of desegregating the defense industries just prior to WWII and FDR agreeing with Randolph on the merits but telling him, “Make me!” i.e. a challenge to engage the public pressure needed politically to be able to do it. Obama made it clear that he’d be FDR, not our Messiah, and that people at the grassroots would have to build movements to make any broad change politically possible. That honesty and realism – not promising more than he knew he could deliver – drew me to him as much as the inspirational stuff. I don’t have any illusions about an Obama presidency. Well – maybe I’m banking on him being inspirational to a lot of kids who are currently cynical and disengaged. While I think he’ll have some impact on the margins of that one, it will probably be much less than I hope.

  • Reg, I was probably trying wa-a-a-ay too hard to pull the Frost quote into some relationship with the New Hampshire primary. Chalk it up to mental wooziness caused by my stuffed nose. (Either that or I’m going to have to take personal responsibility for the fuzzy thinking.) Yet, I’m with RG, I’m still a bit giddy. And not as sorry about it as no doubt I should be.

    Okay, back to the literary life….or whatever.

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