Elections '08 Presidential Race

And Crown Thy Good With Brotherhood. Please.


Yes, there are robo-calls" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> of the vilest nature going out in such battleground states
as Colorado, Nevada, Wisconsin, New Mexico, Virginia, Florida, Missouri, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Maine. (Audio here)

And, yes, just in case we were at all unclear on what the McCain/RNC folks meant to imply with the calls, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann stared at the camera last night on Hardball, with an expression that called to mind a smiling female Chucky doll and, in a swoon of McCarthyesque delirium, said of Barack Obama that she was “…very concerned that he may have anti-American views.” (She also opined that the press ought to investigate to find out who else might be hiding out in the halls of Congress harboring similar anti-American views.)

And, yes, earlier this week, the official Web site of the Sacramento County Republican Party featured such fun-loving political material as the exhortation to “Waterboard Barack Obama” together with an image of Obama in a turban next to bin Laden and a caption: “The difference between Osama and Obama is just a little B.S.”

(Fortunately cooler heads in the California Republican Party told the Sacramento repubs to take the material down and, by Wednesday, it disappeared.)

And, yes, on Thursday Sarah Palin told the audience at a North Carolina fundraiser that she really liked campaigning in small towns, which she characterized chipperly as the “pro-America areas of this great nation.”

(Okay, Sarah, so….I guess that means that the non-small town, urban-ish areas of this great nation would be….? Okay, quick: what’s the opposite of pro-America? Help me out here.)

And yet…..and yet…

Although this election is not even close to a done deal (speaking personally, my nails are bitten down to my armpits), when 100,000 Americans are willing to stand for hours underneath the Gateway Arch in St. Louis—as they were today—-in order to hear a candidate who makes a better American future sound genuinely possible….it is a good omen.

As some of you may remember, about fifteen months ago, I drove through the small towns of the American west on my way from Los Angeles to Montana, interviewing whomever I could corral along the way. I often think back to that experience during these accusation-scarred days we inhabit now, and I hold tight to the memory as a talisman. Although I drove through blue states and red (mostly red, Idaho, Utah, Montana, in particular) I repeatedly saw the good sense and the decency of ordinary working Americans shining brightly as diamonds—along with their bewilderment and growing anger at the fact that their needs always seemed to be low on the list when it came to Washington’s political priorities.

In the end, I believe that it will be this decency that shows up in greater numbers at the polls on November 4, not the lies, hatred and fear.

I have to believe it.

The Los Angeles Times put it well in its first-ever endorsement of a Democratic candidate for president in its 120-year history (and it’s first endorsement of any presidential candidate since 1972 when it endorsed Richard Nixon):

We may one day look back on this presidential campaign in wonder. We may marvel that Obama’s critics called him an elitist, as if an Ivy League education were a source of embarrassment, and belittled his eloquence, as if a gift with words were suddenly a defect. In fact, Obama is educated and eloquent, sober and exciting, steady and mature. He represents the nation as it is, and as it aspires to be.

The Chicago Tribune was equally eloquent with its first ever endorsement of a Democrat for president:

Obama is deeply grounded in the best aspirations of this country, and we need to return to those aspirations. He has had the character and the will to achieve great things despite the obstacles that he faced as an unprivileged black man in the U.S.

He has risen with his honor, grace and civility intact. He has the intelligence to understand the grave economic and national security risks that face us, to listen to good advice and make careful decisions.

When Obama said at the 2004 Democratic Convention that we weren’t a nation of red states and blue states, he spoke of union the way Abraham Lincoln did.

It may have seemed audacious for Obama to start his campaign in Springfield, invoking Lincoln. We think, given the opportunity to hold this nation’s most powerful office, he will prove it wasn’t so audacious after all….


*By the way, if you still need a fact check about the whole Bill Ayers thing, here it is.


  • As I also noted on Marc C’s blog, 44 years ago I stood with a couple dozen other members of St. Louis CORE on almost exactly the spot where Obama spoke today and we shut down the construction of the Gateway Arch in a job discrimination action. (A couple of guys, most notably Percy Green, a legendary St. Louis civil rights activist – and I think Bill Clay, now congressman was there as well – took over the construction worker’s elevator to the topmost point of the “built” arch – at that moment about midway.) The old Courthouse building in the background of that picture is where the Dred Scott decision was decided in favor of slaveholders in the Missouri and regional Federal courts. St. Louis is a Democratic city, but the city itself is less than 400,000 people and the Metro area is about 2.8 million, so that is an incredible crowd. I last visited the riverfront about a year ago, and that Old Courthouse is a terrific museum, with a major area devoted to Dredd Scott. Speaking very personally, the picture of that rally is incredible to me.

  • Great posts Celeste and Reg, we shouldn’t yet let down our guards but I too have the overwhelming feeling that we as a nation are exiting the Dark Age and are due for a Renaissance.

    Go Obama!

  • reg: 44 years ago I stood with a couple dozen other members of St. Louis CORE on almost exactly the spot where Obama spoke today

    In 1966 CORE endorsed the term Black Power, and by 1967 the word multiracial was no longer in the CORE constitution. Finally, in 1968, Roy Innis replaced Farmer as the national director, and Innis soon denied whites active membership in CORE and advocated black separatism.

    Makes me as suspicious as Obama’s association with Bill Ayers.

  • You know Woody, when CORE got wacky, they endorsed Nixon in 1968 and 1972…I would think you would support them for that.

  • I wonder why someone is called Sr. BesaCulo? Maybe somebody in the big crowd in St. Louis knows the answer.

  • We hold some facts to be self evident that BesaCulo needs no further explanation, and shall persist forever. The roots of condescension and ineptitude run deep.

  • LA Witness has become a mutual admiration arena for mental masturbators like Woody, who love to hear themselves talk. And not just your garden variety of mental masturbators, but full-on narcissistic mental masturbators. And if you’ve ever had any experience with narcissists you know that there’s absolutely no use in debating with them because they already know everything.

    There’s a proverb in the Christian Bible that says “The sluggard (narcissistic mental masturbator) is wiser in his own conceit than seven men who can render a reason.” Proverbs 26:16. And Benjamin Franklin made the observation “People who won’t take advice can’t be helped.” The one thing all the narcissists I know have in common is that they’re afraid on the inside, and their narcissism is a sort of an upside down and backwards defense mechanism to protect themselves from the fear.

  • And as it seems we “ordinary people” of the USA try to allay our economic fears, move ahead with change and hope, even throwing 700 Billion or so into the pot to keep ourselves out of further financial meltdown, even with all this the Robber Barons of Wall St. still don’t seem to get it.

    Great column in the NY Times by Maureen Dowd,

    “In this season of darkness, as Charles Dickens described an earlier mob scene, I’m feeling as vengeful and bloodthirsty as Madame Defarge sharpening her knitting needles at the guillotine

    Just when we thought executives of A.I.G., the insurance giant bailed out by taxpayers for $123 billion, had been shamed into stopping their post-bailout Marie Antoinette spa treatments, luxury sports suites, Vegas and California posh resort retreats, we were dumbfounded to learn that some A.I.G. execs were cavorting at a lavish shooting party at a British country manor.
    London’s News of the World sent undercover reporters to hunt down the feckless financiers on their $86,000 partridge hunt as they tromped through the countryside in tweed knickers, and then later as they “slurped fine wine” and feasted on pigeon breast and halibut.

    In an astonishing let-them-eat-cake moment, the A.I.G. big shot Sebastian Preil held court at the bar and told an undercover reporter, “The recession will go on until about 2011, but the shooting was great today and we are relaxing fine.”

    Off with their heads!

  • It’s clear now that Palin will be doing Dancing With The Stars by this time next year. When all is said and done, Palin will go back to Alaska, lose the next bid in reelection as governor, be shunned by Alaskans and end up on dancing with the stars.

  • John McCain’s “political hand” twitches like a poisoned rat. It’s a thin branch he’s hanging onto. He will hit the November floor like a sack of bricks. Swing all you wish, John McCain, Obama can take it and give it back in spade.

  • Roy Innis endorsed and appeared with Rudy Giuliani at fundraisers when Giulianiran for mayor in 1993. He was also Alan Keyes’ NY State campaign chair when Keyes ran for President in 2000.

    I could do this in my sleep.

  • Diploma: Di man who fixes di pipes.

    Fact: Joe the Plumber has given more press conferences than Sarah Palin has, anyone else taken note of this? Why does the McCain campaign keep her mic closed and away from press conferences?

  • Randy, et al, I know about Roy Innis. Even EXXON loves him today. But, CORE in the mid-60’s turned militant and excluded whites, which accounts for reg being blacklisted. Heck, reg probably helped toss himself out, as he must feel guilty for his color and hate his parents for his being born white.

    Oh, what a joke whenever you think that you “have me” and say, “I could do this in my sleep.” You are a waste of time.

  • James Farmer – a pioneer of nonviolent action, veteran of the Freedom Rides and a genuine hero of the Civil Rights movement was the head of CORE when I was a member in 63-64. Our chapter was inter-racial and very welcoming to whites. That was one of the best educational experiences I ever had in my life as a young person. CORE was effectively destroyed by a guy who was as Republican as you can get, the GOP-pimp Roy Innis, and he turned it into a family hustle. Go fuck yourself Woody, with a ten-foot 2×4. You disgust me – and most others here. You’re a childish, narcissistic little shit.

  • reg: That was one of the best educational experiences I ever had in my life

    Which doesn’t say much since you had so few of them.

    I find it interesting that a guy who can’t complete a comment without including several filthy words thinks that he is competent to analyze anyone else.

  • Good point, Woody.

    Could we please bring it back to quarrelling about content, and dial it back from the straight out personal attacks—a la “Jane, you ignorant slut.”

    It starts to descend into very repetitive verbiage. And that gets a bit, you know, boring.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Thanks, Celeste. I guess the title of your post didn’t register with many people: “And Crown Thy Good With Brotherhood. Please.” (I hope that doesn’t refer only to brothers from the hood.)

  • I’m sorry – but Woody’s crap hypocrisy, after his rank comments in response to my recollections of the St. Louis civil rights movement, deserve nothing short of a resounding “Woody, you ignorant shit.” I”d advise him not to make utterly crap, dishonest remarks in response to a comment that was noting something that was personally vivid and meaningful to me – and which I actually know something about – and then run for moderation when he gets called out as the unpleasant, childish bastard he happens to be. He’s a loathesome, dishonorable, totally disingenuous creep. And a dinosaur. Dead man walkiing…

  • “he must feel guilty for his color and hate his parents for his being born white” – obscenities are letting you off easy after that despicable reference to my parents and “attempt to analyze.”

  • Thanks, Celeste. I guess the title of your post didn’t register with many people:


    Bet you didn’t know you had your very own Eddie Haskell.

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